If it's OK to murder babies, then really, it's OK to do anything...

Well, cheer up, FL. It is really a non issue. First, even if Roe is overturned, the issue then goes to the sates. Two. At least 15 states will never put radical restrictions on abortion. Three. One way or the other in spite of the Pro-life people insisting otherwise, there is no federal statute against, even regarding murder, much less abortion, Finally, There are now drugs available over the counter in Europe, that can be bought through the mail, that are used for abortion, at home, which means that nobody even has to know that the woman was ever pregnant.

In short, Pro-choice won this fight, but it seems to make the pro-life people even more strident. So what?.

What did they win, the right to justify murder in their minds so they can sleep good at night?

That's not winning.

If that floats your boat, bear...

View attachment 263619

I am so overwhelmed by my emotions that I am speechless.....or maybe a little tired. It has been a long day.

We know thats why society doesn't value life and we have all these meaningless killings in the streets.


I am sure that you are right. Some rich guy goes to Vegas, and decides to kill 50 or 60 people, because abortion is legal, but forgets to mention anything in a suicide note about it. Probably due to stress from suppressed rage.
What did they win, the right to justify murder in their minds so they can sleep good at night?

That's not winning.

If that floats your boat, bear...

View attachment 263619

I am so overwhelmed by my emotions that I am speechless.....or maybe a little tired. It has been a long day.

We know thats why society doesn't value life and we have all these meaningless killings in the streets.


I am sure that you are right. Some rich guy goes to Vegas, and decides to kill 50 or 60 people, because abortion is legal, but forgets to mention anything in a suicide note about it. Probably due to stress from suppressed rage.

Why are you back peddeling again, you just realized I set you up for another trap?

Lol, you're so easy.


I am so overwhelmed by my emotions that I am speechless.....or maybe a little tired. It has been a long day.

We know thats why society doesn't value life and we have all these meaningless killings in the streets.


I am sure that you are right. Some rich guy goes to Vegas, and decides to kill 50 or 60 people, because abortion is legal, but forgets to mention anything in a suicide note about it. Probably due to stress from suppressed rage.

Why are you back peddeling again, you just realized I set you up for another trap?

Lol, you're so easy.


You are, indeed, a legend in your own mind.
...and that's why we're having all these random shootings, people think human life is cheap.

Funny... Most European Countries have more liberal abortions laws than we do.... and the government pays for them...

And funny enough... they don't have shootings... because they don't let people have guns.
If those 6 week old fetuses were armed, this would never happen.

This message brought to you by the NRA.

Speaking of crazies another shows up

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If an unborn baby had a gun, it would be legal for him to shoot the abortionist in self defense...
Unwatch Thread
  1. Thursday at 10:03 PM

    BlackrookGold Member
    ...just sayin'.
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  2. Thursday at 10:13 PM

My bad. I thought that my post was so off the wall that nobody would have posted it before me. I might have guessed.

This is what I'm saying.. There's no difference in the depths of depravity on the fringes of this issue..
When those fringes control your government, it becomes the theater of the absurd...

Well, cheer up, FL. It is really a non issue. First, even if Roe is overturned, the issue then goes to the sates. Two. At least 15 states will never put radical restrictions on abortion. Three. One way or the other in spite of the Pro-life people insisting otherwise, there is no federal statute against, even regarding murder, much less abortion, Finally, There are now drugs available over the counter in Europe, that can be bought through the mail, that are used for abortion, at home, which means that nobody even has to know that the woman was ever pregnant.

In short, Pro-choice won this fight, but it seems to make the pro-life people even more strident. So what?.

It doesn't cheer me up to see dead-ender wingers try to out-outrage each other.. All this is CLEARLY in your face --- because we hate you --- sour grapes...

Who suffers? Folks like me who had to watch an ultrasound of my baby at 3 months and find out there WAS a heartbeat and no brain development. It's not rare.. It's 3 in 10,000... And some of these hysterical ninnies would have forced US to carry it to term and watch it die within hours of birth...

This is corrupt and immoral.. And they are hijacking the power of the state to have this showdown...
If those 6 week old fetuses were armed, this would never happen.

This message brought to you by the NRA.

Speaking of crazies another shows up

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If an unborn baby had a gun, it would be legal for him to shoot the abortionist in self defense...
Unwatch Thread
  1. Thursday at 10:03 PM

    BlackrookGold Member
    ...just sayin'.
    • funny-agree.png
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      Funny x 1
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  2. Thursday at 10:13 PM

My bad. I thought that my post was so off the wall that nobody would have posted it before me. I might have guessed.

This is what I'm saying.. There's no difference in the depths of depravity on the fringes of this issue..
When those fringes control your government, it becomes the theater of the absurd...

Well, cheer up, FL. It is really a non issue. First, even if Roe is overturned, the issue then goes to the sates. Two. At least 15 states will never put radical restrictions on abortion. Three. One way or the other in spite of the Pro-life people insisting otherwise, there is no federal statute against, even regarding murder, much less abortion, Finally, There are now drugs available over the counter in Europe, that can be bought through the mail, that are used for abortion, at home, which means that nobody even has to know that the woman was ever pregnant.

In short, Pro-choice won this fight, but it seems to make the pro-life people even more strident. So what?.

What did they win, the right to justify murder in their minds so they can sleep good at night?

That's not winning.

NOBODY is winning when you VOTE for "winners"... Just because you HELP a party gain power doesn't insure great leadership or government. You have almost 535 examples of that on Capitol Hill... You got to vote for competence, humility, and principles.

The 2 parties are offering WORSE and WORSER choices and they are GETTING ELECTED... Do I have to post their pictures? Because it doesn't matter if they are smart or principled.. They just have to be outrageous and tribal warriors...
Man has always thought that life was cheap from the beginning of time

Holy wars in the name of God, burning witches, lynching black people, Nazi death camps, dropping a nuclear bomb on a city, My Lai massacre, 9/11, The list goes on

yet obviously humans are like rabbits and they can procreate like crazy

It is best to leave judgment to the being who gave his only son
A woman should be able to make her own reproductive choices, even if you meatheads don't like those choices. It's not your body, it's not your decision to make whether or not that person spends the rest of their lives committed to a child they may never want to raise in the first place. Nutbag southern states who are outlawing abortion are exactly the kind of places where gun violence is rampant, drug use is epidemic, the stratification of the classes is the most extreme, and the penalties for breaking their laws is the most draconian.

Exactly the kind of places thinking people avoid.
I could give a shit less about the woman's body.
What I do care about is snuffing out a human being that cannot speak for itself.
Please tell me just exactly what the human being in a woman's womb did to be punished by death?

"I could give a shit less about the woman's body".......the pro-forced birth movement in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen.
A woman should be able to make her own reproductive choices, even if you meatheads don't like those choices. It's not your body, it's not your decision to make whether or not that person spends the rest of their lives committed to a child they may never want to raise in the first place. Nutbag southern states who are outlawing abortion are exactly the kind of places where gun violence is rampant, drug use is epidemic, the stratification of the classes is the most extreme, and the penalties for breaking their laws is the most draconian.

Exactly the kind of places thinking people avoid.
I could give a shit less about the woman's body.
What I do care about is snuffing out a human being that cannot speak for itself.
Please tell me just exactly what the human being in a woman's womb did to be punished by death?

"I could give a shit less about the woman's body".......the pro-forced birth movement in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen.
And, in the next nutshell we have those who choose to ignore the elephant in the room. those self-deprecating, selfish, rationalizing fools. who deny justice for those who cannot speak for themselves.
A woman should be able to make her own reproductive choices, even if you meatheads don't like those choices. It's not your body, it's not your decision to make whether or not that person spends the rest of their lives committed to a child they may never want to raise in the first place. Nutbag southern states who are outlawing abortion are exactly the kind of places where gun violence is rampant, drug use is epidemic, the stratification of the classes is the most extreme, and the penalties for breaking their laws is the most draconian.

Exactly the kind of places thinking people avoid.
I could give a shit less about the woman's body.
What I do care about is snuffing out a human being that cannot speak for itself.
Please tell me just exactly what the human being in a woman's womb did to be punished by death?

"I could give a shit less about the woman's body".......the pro-forced birth movement in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen.
A woman should be able to make her own reproductive choices, even if you meatheads don't like those choices. It's not your body, it's not your decision to make whether or not that person spends the rest of their lives committed to a child they may never want to raise in the first place. Nutbag southern states who are outlawing abortion are exactly the kind of places where gun violence is rampant, drug use is epidemic, the stratification of the classes is the most extreme, and the penalties for breaking their laws is the most draconian.

Exactly the kind of places thinking people avoid.
I could give a shit less about the woman's body.
What I do care about is snuffing out a human being that cannot speak for itself.
Please tell me just exactly what the human being in a woman's womb did to be punished by death?

"I could give a shit less about the woman's body".......the pro-forced birth movement in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen.
And, in the next nutshell we have those who choose to ignore the elephant in the room. those self-deprecating, selfish, rationalizing fools. who deny justice for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Oh...we know the elephant in the room....trying to become the Elephant in the womb.

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