If it's OK to murder babies, then really, it's OK to do anything...

I saw this poster with the preppy kids and their baby , the simple headline, Who here finishes Highschool First? Ya, who has all these babies, uninformed people?
The Jews? The Holocaust? I mean, stop spinning around that false equation. Would it help your thinking if there were a group of people its legal to murder?
It used to be legal to lock up black people in ships and take them to other countries and sell them.

Yet another false comparison fallacy.
I think you confuse the word "fallacy" with "fellatio" because you're pretty obsessed with that word and maybe don't know what it means.
...and that's why we're having all these random shootings, people think human life is cheap.

Self-righteous hard ons aside, I have to agree that a culture where abortions are "OK" likely has a diminished reverence for life in general. But the political question of the day isn't whether we think abortions are good or bad - it's whether they should be illegal, which is a different question.
Name another situation where murder is made legal because we can't figure out whether murder should be illegal.

Abortion is not "murder."

More anti science and anti law? Once again in most jurisdictions if you kill a mother carrying a baby it's double homicide.

A woman should be able to make her own reproductive choices, even if you meatheads don't like those choices. It's not your body, it's not your decision to make whether or not that person spends the rest of their lives committed to a child they may never want to raise in the first place. Nutbag southern states who are outlawing abortion are exactly the kind of places where gun violence is rampant, drug use is epidemic, the stratification of the classes is the most extreme, and the penalties for breaking their laws is the most draconian.

Exactly the kind of places thinking people avoid.
Some people "think" murder is wrong.
Some people think meat is murder.
That's why you need God, so you know the difference between human life and animal life.
That's sort of my point. Various groups have radical notions that don't have a solid consensus in society. They shouldn't be allowed to force their will on the rest of society, even if they manage to get control of the government.
Except in New York, if I shoot a pregnant woman and she dies, I can get the death penalty for murdering two people at the same time.
Except in New York, if I shoot a pregnant woman and she dies, I can get the death penalty for murdering two people at the same time.
Again, that's my point. There's still no broad consensus in New York that abortion should be treated legally as murder. Political activists have pushed these changes through, deliberately, as a legal wedge. It doesn't mean that most people in the state think that abortion should be considered murder. It means they think killing pregnant women should carry extra punishment.
A woman should be able to make her own reproductive choices, even if you meatheads don't like those choices. It's not your body, it's not your decision to make whether or not that person spends the rest of their lives committed to a child they may never want to raise in the first place. Nutbag southern states who are outlawing abortion are exactly the kind of places where gun violence is rampant, drug use is epidemic, the stratification of the classes is the most extreme, and the penalties for breaking their laws is the most draconian.

Exactly the kind of places thinking people avoid.
I could give a shit less about the woman's body.
What I do care about is snuffing out a human being that cannot speak for itself.
Please tell me just exactly what the human being in a woman's womb did to be punished by death?
A woman should be able to make her own reproductive choices, even if you meatheads don't like those choices. It's not your body, it's not your decision to make whether or not that person spends the rest of their lives committed to a child they may never want to raise in the first place. Nutbag southern states who are outlawing abortion are exactly the kind of places where gun violence is rampant, drug use is epidemic, the stratification of the classes is the most extreme, and the penalties for breaking their laws is the most draconian.

Exactly the kind of places thinking people avoid.
I could give a shit less about the woman's body.

That's your problem right there. What is woman does with her body is not YOUR business, it is HER business, and you don't have the right to tell her what she can do with it.

In short, mind your own fucking business. If you don't like abortions, then don't have one.
If I thought that an abortion was the murder of a human being, I'd be derelict in my duty as a man if I allowed a single abortion to take place without me sacrificing myself to stop it.
...and that's why we're having all these random shootings, people think human life is cheap.
How cheap did you think the deaths of our soldiers and civilians were in Iraq when you voted twice for Dubya?
As cheap as when Democrats voted for Lyndon Johnson. He's responsible for a lot more needless American deaths than Dubya.
Cool, bro. That was decades before I was born but go on citing shit from 5+ decades ago to support your bloodlust if you want.
...and that's why we're having all these random shootings, people think human life is cheap.
How cheap did you think the deaths of our soldiers and civilians were in Iraq when you voted twice for Dubya?
As cheap as when Democrats voted for Lyndon Johnson. He's responsible for a lot more needless American deaths than Dubya.
Cool, bro. That was decades before I was born but go on citing shit from 5+ decades ago to support your bloodlust if you want.
I will. Education is good for you. Studying history will make you smarter. Duh!
A woman should be able to make her own reproductive choices, even if you meatheads don't like those choices. It's not your body, it's not your decision to make whether or not that person spends the rest of their lives committed to a child they may never want to raise in the first place. Nutbag southern states who are outlawing abortion are exactly the kind of places where gun violence is rampant, drug use is epidemic, the stratification of the classes is the most extreme, and the penalties for breaking their laws is the most draconian.

Exactly the kind of places thinking people avoid.
I could give a shit less about the woman's body.

That's your problem right there. What is woman does with her body is not YOUR business, it is HER business, and you don't have the right to tell her what she can do with it.

In short, mind your own fucking business. If you don't like abortions, then don't have one.
If a woman doesn't want an abortion, THEN DON'T SCREW!
As a kid-hater myself, give me one logical reason why I should care about someone else's crotch-fruit. And as a black-hater myself, give me one reason it's wrong for black women to abort their human larvae, thereby preventing more black thugs from terrorizing America. Margaret Sanger was absolutely 100% correct about controlling the black population.

I may vote Republican (as the lesser of two evils) but I think their abortion obsession is ridiculous, childish, trivial and self-righteous - much like the Democrats' obsession with WAAAAYYYYCISM. There are far more important things to worry about in our society than fetal tissue. No, I don't care about "babies."
As a kid-hater myself, give me one logical reason why I should care about someone else's crotch-fruit. And as a black-hater myself, give me one reason it's wrong for black women to abort their human larvae, thereby preventing more black thugs from terrorizing America. Margaret Sanger was absolutely 100% correct about controlling the black population.

I may vote Republican (as the lesser of two evils) but I think their abortion obsession is ridiculous, childish, trivial and self-righteous - much like the Democrats' obsession with WAAAAYYYYCISM. There are far more important things to worry about in our society than fetal tissue. No, I don't care about "babies."

You sound like a church goer. Do you believe in God? How about souls? Traditional family values?
As a kid-hater myself, give me one logical reason why I should care about someone else's crotch-fruit. And as a black-hater myself, give me one reason it's wrong for black women to abort their human larvae, thereby preventing more black thugs from terrorizing America. Margaret Sanger was absolutely 100% correct about controlling the black population.

I may vote Republican (as the lesser of two evils) but I think their abortion obsession is ridiculous, childish, trivial and self-righteous - much like the Democrats' obsession with WAAAAYYYYCISM. There are far more important things to worry about in our society than fetal tissue. No, I don't care about "babies."
You're a very bad person.

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