If it's OK to murder babies, then really, it's OK to do anything...

A woman should be able to make her own reproductive choices, even if you meatheads don't like those choices. It's not your body, it's not your decision to make whether or not that person spends the rest of their lives committed to a child they may never want to raise in the first place. Nutbag southern states who are outlawing abortion are exactly the kind of places where gun violence is rampant, drug use is epidemic, the stratification of the classes is the most extreme, and the penalties for breaking their laws is the most draconian.

Exactly the kind of places thinking people avoid.
I could give a shit less about the woman's body.

That's your problem right there. What is woman does with her body is not YOUR business, it is HER business, and you don't have the right to tell her what she can do with it.

In short, mind your own fucking business. If you don't like abortions, then don't have one.
If a woman doesn't want an abortion, THEN DON'T SCREW!


If a woman doesn't want an abortion, she should not have one. But it should be up to her, and not a bunch of do-gooder zealots.
As a kid-hater myself, give me one logical reason why I should care about someone else's crotch-fruit. And as a black-hater myself, give me one reason it's wrong for black women to abort their human larvae, thereby preventing more black thugs from terrorizing America. Margaret Sanger was absolutely 100% correct about controlling the black population.

I may vote Republican (as the lesser of two evils) but I think their abortion obsession is ridiculous, childish, trivial and self-righteous - much like the Democrats' obsession with WAAAAYYYYCISM. There are far more important things to worry about in our society than fetal tissue. No, I don't care about "babies."

That there is some funny shit.
I may vote Republican (as the lesser of two evils) but I think their abortion obsession is ridiculous, childish, trivial and self-righteous - much like the Democrats' obsession with WAAAAYYYYCISM. There are far more important things to worry about in our society than fetal tissue. No, I don't care about "babies."

Yep. The anti-abortion zealots have pretty much adopted the liberal, social engineer's playbook page for page. And, like the liberal, social engineers, they are willing to pursue their ends regardless of the damage it does, regardless of the rights that are trampled, regardless of the kind of overbearing, intrusive government they create in the process.
...and that's why we're having all these random shootings, people think human life is cheap.

Self-righteous hard ons aside, I have to agree that a culture where abortions are "OK" likely has a diminished reverence for life in general. But the political question of the day isn't whether we think abortions are good or bad - it's whether they should be illegal, which is a different question.
Name another situation where murder is made legal because we can't figure out whether murder should be illegal.

Abortion is not "murder."
Says you.

Shall I post a photo of a murdered unborn baby to prove you wrong?

Can I ask you a hypothetical question that proves you don't consider an embryo has the same value as a baby?
...and that's why we're having all these random shootings, people think human life is cheap.

Self-righteous hard ons aside, I have to agree that a culture where abortions are "OK" likely has a diminished reverence for life in general. But the political question of the day isn't whether we think abortions are good or bad - it's whether they should be illegal, which is a different question.
Name another situation where murder is made legal because we can't figure out whether murder should be illegal.
How many babies have you given birth to?
...and that's why we're having all these random shootings, people think human life is cheap.

Abortion is not "murdering babies."

No one believes human life is cheep.

The thread premise fails as a false comparison fallacy.
Let us remember that there is a real problem with the Catholic Hierarchy thinking that children's sexual well-being is cheap.
...and that's why we're having all these random shootings, people think human life is cheap.

Self-righteous hard ons aside, I have to agree that a culture where abortions are "OK" likely has a diminished reverence for life in general. But the political question of the day isn't whether we think abortions are good or bad - it's whether they should be illegal, which is a different question.
Name another situation where murder is made legal because we can't figure out whether murder should be illegal.

Abortion is not "murder."
Says you.

Shall I post a photo of a murdered unborn baby to prove you wrong?
Go right ahead...and then someone can post a picture of a child of Sandy Hook murdered and nothing done about it.
A woman should be able to make her own reproductive choices, even if you meatheads don't like those choices. It's not your body, it's not your decision to make whether or not that person spends the rest of their lives committed to a child they may never want to raise in the first place. Nutbag southern states who are outlawing abortion are exactly the kind of places where gun violence is rampant, drug use is epidemic, the stratification of the classes is the most extreme, and the penalties for breaking their laws is the most draconian.

Exactly the kind of places thinking people avoid.
Some people "think" murder is wrong.
Some people think locking children in cages is wrong.
A woman should be able to make her own reproductive choices, even if you meatheads don't like those choices. It's not your body, it's not your decision to make whether or not that person spends the rest of their lives committed to a child they may never want to raise in the first place. Nutbag southern states who are outlawing abortion are exactly the kind of places where gun violence is rampant, drug use is epidemic, the stratification of the classes is the most extreme, and the penalties for breaking their laws is the most draconian.

Exactly the kind of places thinking people avoid.
Some people "think" murder is wrong.
Some people think meat is murder.
That's why you need God, so you know the difference between human life and animal life.
And here we have it....christian sharia.
...and that's why we're having all these random shootings, people think human life is cheap.

Yes, this is the essence of the abortion ethos hidden in plain sight, yet few who champion the pro-death cause will admit to seeing it for what it is or perhaps fully embracing that horror in all its gruesome physical aspects is too much for them. Let's talk moral relativism for a moment, shall we? Moral Relativism holds that no universal concepts of human right or wrong exist. Thus, any act can be morally good so long as there is justification of the id to suit the action. For instance, moral relativism allows for the democide of millions of citizens under communist governments. Now, in such a case is democide morally "good" for the people mass murdered by such official government policies? Moral Relativism says, "no, not really" but it also says that as long as justification existed for such mass murder of a populace, then doing that was sort of okay.

Fast forward to the modern day American abortion on demand "debate". Moral Relativism enters the picture again, for without it, no one could support or champion or protest for or approve of morally its practice. Therein lies the old axiom, truly, that the devil is in the details. Sadly, human beings aren't much different than dogs when it comes to an innate ability to be trained or indoctrinated into believing or doing anything, no matter how vile or obviously against the preservation of life it might be. But here's the truly ingenious part of the abortion "debate" . . . while no one can argue that fetuses become entirely unique and alive and independent human beings, they're also completely fucking defenseless while in the womb. Wait for it, wait for it . . . here it comes. So fetuses are completely incapable of defending themselves, right? So who's supposed to defend them then, from a human biological standpoint? The mother, that's who. The expectant mother.

Now, if--using moral relativism--human mothers can be conditioned/trained/indoctrinated to believe there's sufficient justification for not only not protecting their developing children but also voluntarily having them murdered, such as the whole ownership of their own bodies B.S. well then truly my friends, moral relativism will allow a woman to justify away any personal atrocity and even perhaps participate in any crime against humanity or at least stand idly by while such horrors become commonplace and are regularly practiced. Thus the immediate and ultimate danger the philosophy of moral relativism presents to our civilization.

For what could be more human than carrying a developing child to birth and protecting it while doing so? Abortion is against the survival of the human race, for it removes from the planet one more potential full and healthy human mind and body. Got to hand it to old moral relativism, eh?
This is the single issue that proves which group as the real harmers of America

The democrats and the deep state

The men are waking up to stop this harm
I don't have the statistics but kids probably witness (and virtually experience) more realistic gory killings by the time they are teenagers than the Greatest Generation did in their whole lives. The democrat governor of Va. is a M.D. and he crossed the sacred line between abortion and infanticide by calmly explaining how a newborn infant would be "kept comfortable" while the parents and the doctor discussed how to put it down like a freaking unwanted puppy.
Look at what murdering us citizens have done with abortion!!

This has brought the death sentence for a nation with a monster imbalance of young to old

And to offset this harm they run in low IQ groups who keeps electing crooks and then destruction comes
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A woman should be able to make her own reproductive choices, even if you meatheads don't like those choices. It's not your body, it's not your decision to make whether or not that person spends the rest of their lives committed to a child they may never want to raise in the first place. Nutbag southern states who are outlawing abortion are exactly the kind of places where gun violence is rampant, drug use is epidemic, the stratification of the classes is the most extreme, and the penalties for breaking their laws is the most draconian.

Exactly the kind of places thinking people avoid.
I could give a shit less about the woman's body.
What I do care about is snuffing out a human being that cannot speak for itself.
Please tell me just exactly what the human being in a woman's womb did to be punished by death?

"I could give a shit less about the woman's body".......the pro-forced birth movement in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen.
Actually, as a grouchy old kid-hater, I support "retroactive abortions" up to and including the kid's 18th year of age! If parents can see that their crotch-fruit is a rather rotten, bug-ridden fruit, who's doomed to be a professional anti-social punk in life, I believe its parents have a civic duty to humanely euthanize their genetic mistake right out of society's misery. To hell with people's brats in general.
Name another situation where murder is made legal because we can't figure out whether murder should be illegal.


mur·der /ˈmərdər/


  1. 1.
    the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

Legal abortion can't be murder by definition of what murder is.
As a kid-hater myself, give me one logical reason why I should care about someone else's crotch-fruit. And as a black-hater myself, give me one reason it's wrong for black women to abort their human larvae, thereby preventing more black thugs from terrorizing America. Margaret Sanger was absolutely 100% correct about controlling the black population.

I may vote Republican (as the lesser of two evils) but I think their abortion obsession is ridiculous, childish, trivial and self-righteous - much like the Democrats' obsession with WAAAAYYYYCISM. There are far more important things to worry about in our society than fetal tissue. No, I don't care about "babies."
You're a very bad person.

And you're a very child-like person who doesn't have the balls to face certain unpleasant facts of life: not every orgasm was meant to be. And you're a person who STILL doesn't have the intelligence to explain WHY I should care about a woman's embryonic tissue when it has ZERO effect on me! All you can do is childish whining that I'm a bad person about your "unborn" stupid little fetish.....ohhh, how intellectually formidable you must be, you 5-year-old.

Let me tell you one loathsome thing conservatives and PC-crazed liberal-traitor-filth have in common: you have the same psychotic obsession with embryonic tissue (about which I DON'T give a fuck) as liberals' psychotic obsession with already-born criminal 3rd-world scum of the earth (ALSO about which I don't give a fuck).
...and that's why we're having all these random shootings

Thats just fucking stupid.

Not only did you fail at establishing reasonable causation, you don't even have any correleation - Murder rate is at historic lows.

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