If Jefferson founded Republican Party in 1793, liberalism has no place in our history

. It is a simple fact. The history of the 20th century alone, proves this fact conclusively.

yes, the 20th Century was the most recent, most liberal, and bloodiest in human history yet liberals are not detered. It demonstrates perfectly how utterly brainless and worthy of the disrespect they get they are. Is any other conclusion possible?
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Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.

George Washington

and that makes liberals anti-American which explains why they spied for Stalin when he was slowing starving 60 million to death and why they elected Obama.

First of all, Liberalism IS America. It's what we're made of. It's what the whole Constitution is about.

Second, got a source for that Washington quote?

No? Didn't think so. Here, try this. James Fenimore Cooper says hey.

That'll be another $10,000. I take PayPal.
First, by the time the Republican Party was founded, Jefferson had been dead 28 years.

If Jefferson and Madison didn't found the Republican party in 1793 or so I'll pay you $10,000. Bet? What party do you think they founded?

The "Democratic-Republican" Party, which, like the Whigs and the Federalists, no longer exists and is unrelated to the current Republican Party, founded in 1854.

Pay up.

Dear, what makes you think he founded the Democratic-Republican Party rather than the Republican Party?
No, Eddy, you have tell us, not the other way around.

Why do you think it so when it is not and you have admitted that before?
First of all, Liberalism IS America.

of course you are a typical liberal liar!! if that was true the Constitution would not have limited the govt to a few enumerated powers!!

Liberals judges could intrepret in literally rather than any way they want and its writer would not have said:

James Madison: "The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specific objectives. It is not like state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government."

James Madison in Federalist paper NO. 45: "The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce

How does he feel to be a liar?Are you proud of yourself?
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If Jefferson and Madison didn't found the Republican party in 1793 or so I'll pay you $10,000. Bet? What party do you think they founded?

The "Democratic-Republican" Party, which, like the Whigs and the Federalists, no longer exists and is unrelated to the current Republican Party, founded in 1854.

Pay up.

Dear, what makes you think he founded the Democratic-Republican Party rather than the Republican Party?

Uh-- all the history books in the world. And the fact that the actual Republican Party that exists now, would not be formed until over sixty years after the date in your idiotic OP. Which, again, we refuted a year ago when the history books all said the same thing then too. Dumbass.

Postal money order will be OK too.
First of all, Liberalism IS America.

of course you are a typical liberal liar!! if that was true the Constitution would not have limited the govt to a few enumerated powers!!

Of course it would. That was the whole point of Liberalism.

>> Liberalism rejected the notions, common at the time, of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property[7] and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.

The revolutionaries of the Glorious Revolution, American Revolution, segments of the French Revolution, and other liberal revolutionaries from that time used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of what they saw as tyrannical rule. The 19th century saw liberal governments established in nations across Europe, Spanish America, and North America. << (Wiki - I kept it basic for your simplistic reading level)​

You've got one fuck of a nerve making up bullshit threads based on nothing and then calling other people liars. Eat a hot red neg. After that, go fuck yourself.
Jefferson wanted the territory so everyone could be an independent framer farther away from the, in effect, smaller central govt...

No, and no:

so you feel in your liberal heart that Jefferson wanted the purchase to draw people closer to a more powerful central govt? Why?

There were a number of reasons Jefferson wanted Louisiana besides the 3 cents an acre part; the Mississippi River meant, commerce and trade on that river and it meant, New Orleans. Three eighths of our trade went through that port. It was the highlight of Jefferson's presidency.
Dear, what makes you think he founded the Democratic-Republican Party rather than the Republican Party?

Uh-- all the history books in the world. .

well its worth $10,000 if you have one good history book that says that. Is it a bet?

Better than that DUMBASS --

>> Grand New Party

It began in a little schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, in 1854. A small group of dedicated abolitionists gathered to fight the expansion of slavery, and they gave birth to a Party dedicated to freedom and equal opportunity.
The name “Republican” was chosen, alluding to Thomas Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican Party and conveying a commitment to the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Party was formally organized in July 1854 by thousands of anti-slavery activists at a convention in Jackson, Michigan. And it was no accident that two years later, in 1856, the first Republican National Convention took place in Philadelphia, where the Constitution was written. << Source: gop.com <<​

Now pay the fuck up.
Uh-- all the history books in the world. .

well its worth $10,000 if you have one good history book that says that. Is it a bet?

Better than that DUMBASS --

>> Grand New Party

It began in a little schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, in 1854. A small group of dedicated abolitionists gathered to fight the expansion of slavery, and they gave birth to a Party dedicated to freedom and equal opportunity.
The name “Republican” was chosen, alluding to Thomas Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican Party and conveying a commitment to the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Party was formally organized in July 1854 by thousands of anti-slavery activists at a convention in Jackson, Michigan. And it was no accident that two years later, in 1856, the first Republican National Convention took place in Philadelphia, where the Constitution was written. << Source: gop.com <<​

Now pay the fuck up.

But this does not account for Jefferson's party does it? Do you accept the bet as legally binding?
well its worth $10,000 if you have one good history book that says that. Is it a bet?

Better than that DUMBASS --

>> Grand New Party

It began in a little schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, in 1854. A small group of dedicated abolitionists gathered to fight the expansion of slavery, and they gave birth to a Party dedicated to freedom and equal opportunity.
The name &#8220;Republican&#8221; was chosen, alluding to Thomas Jefferson&#8217;s Democratic-Republican Party and conveying a commitment to the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Party was formally organized in July 1854 by thousands of anti-slavery activists at a convention in Jackson, Michigan. And it was no accident that two years later, in 1856, the first Republican National Convention took place in Philadelphia, where the Constitution was written. << Source: gop.com <<​

Now pay the fuck up.

But this does not account for Jefferson's party does it? Do you accept the bet as legally binding?

It doesn't NEED to account for Jefferson's party any more than September needs to account for April. They're not connected. In 1854 the Democratic Party already existed, so they took the other half of Jefferson's party's name.

The party Jefferson founded, which opposed the Federalists, split into two parties, one of which was called the National Republican Party -- which lasted all of nine years (1824-1833) and evolved with some other factions into the Whig Party (which no longer exists) --- the other party formed in the 1824 split was the Democratic Party, which still exists today as the oldest political party in the world.

The Democratic-Republican Party -- the one Jefferson and Madison actually DID invent, was dissolved in 1825. A hundred and eighy-nine years ago. Its only living descendant is the Democratic Party.

NONE of these were ancestors of the Republican Party which exists now. As for Thomas Jefferson, if anything one side of the party he founded became the modern Democratic Party, not the modern Republican Party. The latter still didn't exist.

The First Party System (1791 to about 1820) included the Federalists (the "big government" advocates) and the Democratic-Republican Party of Jefferson who opposed the Federalists.

The Second Party System (1820s to 1850s) featured the Democratic Party (which we still have today), the Whigs, and several minor parties such as the Free Soilers.

The Third Party System began with the collapse of the Whigs in 1852 and the formation of the Republican Party in 1854 (noted above). THIS is where your Republican Party comes from. Not Jefferson.

For Chissake, lift a mental finger and crack a history book instead of looking like an idiot on a message board, getting yourself schooled, and then coming back a year later to dig yourself into the same hole all over again expecting different results.
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It's a moot point. Jefferson was the poster child for liberalism in his day. Republicans were the party of liberalism during the revolution and it's aftermath. The problem is that today's version of liberalism would be unrecognizable to the FF. JFK was the last liberal democrat. Today's liberals are some sort of hybrid cross between Joe Stalin and Al Capone.
Dear, what makes you think he founded the Democratic-Republican Party rather than the Republican Party?

Uh-- all the history books in the world. .

well its worth $10,000 if you have one good history book that says that. Is it a bet?

What's a "good" history book, does that mean you have to approve of the book as being good? How about a government book, would that qualify? And how long would it be before you paid the money?
Sad but true, our liberals spied for Stalin's big liberal govt and never had any respect or understanding of Jeffersonian/Madisonian freedom from big liberal govt. In fact, our Constitution was little more than an attempt to make liberalism illegal in America.

You're incredibly ignorant.

Having now read other posts on this thread, don't feel too bad - you're not alone.
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It's a moot point. Jefferson was the poster child for liberalism in his day. Republicans were the party of liberalism during the revolution and it's aftermath. The problem is that today's version of liberalism would be unrecognizable to the FF. JFK was the last liberal democrat. Today's liberals are some sort of hybrid cross between Joe Stalin and Al Capone.

Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong and unspeakably ignorant.

As already spelled out, above, in the same thread a year ago, and in every history book in the last century and a half, the Republican Party didn't even exist at the time of the Revolution. In fact no parties existed.

Gotta wonder where the fuck some people pull their history from. This one thinks the Revolution was a party platform that was voted in.
well its worth $10,000 if you have one good history book that says that. Is it a bet?

Better than that DUMBASS --
>> Grand New Party

It began in a little schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, in 1854. A small group of dedicated abolitionists gathered to fight the expansion of slavery, and they gave birth to a Party dedicated to freedom and equal opportunity.
The name &#8220;Republican&#8221; was chosen, alluding to Thomas Jefferson&#8217;s Democratic-Republican Party and conveying a commitment to the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Party was formally organized in July 1854 by thousands of anti-slavery activists at a convention in Jackson, Michigan. And it was no accident that two years later, in 1856, the first Republican National Convention took place in Philadelphia, where the Constitution was written. << Source: gop.com <<​
Now pay the fuck up.

But this does not account for Jefferson's party does it? Do you accept the bet as legally binding?

Edwena is gonna keep dodging, ducking and denying that the tip of the foil ever made contact. Something akin to Monty Python's black knight.
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