If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump

Is impeaching Trump a good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 29.1%
  • No

    Votes: 36 65.5%
  • I'm a lemming

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Potato

    Votes: 4 7.3%

  • Total voters
Oh Gawd, how many Communists/Progressives used to enjoy insulting me over believing in 'Conspiracy Theories.' Now, Conspiracy Theories is all they have in trying to destroy Donald Trump. What a convenient Flip-Flop. These folks have no credibility.

Sorry......Birtherism and 9-11 Truth are conspiracy theories

Investigating Russia's interference in our election is a criminal investigation

Russia's interference in our election is a criminal investigation....no kidding. And what is the plan, you'll go over and arrest Putin. Dang, do you guys ever think these things through.
We've thought it through but yor scenario is so flawed it staggers the immagination. No sane person would entertain the notion of arresting Putin .But, placing sanctions on Russia, as Obama did including kicking 35 operatives out of the USA. That had an impact, not to mention the confiscation of prime real estate used by those Russian agents.
Trump's almost giddy eagerness to lift the sanctions , return the confiscated property and reinstall the dismissed Russian operatives only added fuel to the fires of allegations about collusion.
But suspicions of an earlier nexus between Trump or his surrogates with Russia came into focus when he publicly invited the hackers to reveal all e-mails that might damage Crooked Hillary.
Note the first word in Trump's live televised request is "Russia."
Trump Asks Russia to Dig Up Hillary’s Emails in Unprecedented Remarks
"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you'll be rewarded mightily by our press,"
so is impeachment going to bring about civil unrest?
Not when it's based on evidence and basically treason. Depends on the investigation, not Fox or Rush like your demented TP...or bs like Clinton's...
who is my demented TP?

tea party, genius.
why would I know that?
Ive never been a tea partier
I'm a Kalashnikov Partier
A dupe like all the rest of the GOP...fear mongered nutter. Who are you going to attack?
so is impeachment going to bring about civil unrest?
Not when it's based on evidence and basically treason. Depends on the investigation, not Fox or Rush like your demented TP...or bs like Clinton's...
who is my demented TP?

tea party, genius.
why would I know that?
Ive never been a tea partier
I'm a Kalashnikov Partier
A dupe like all the rest of the GOP...fear mongered nutter. Who are you going to attack?
never been a member of the GOP
try again
Clinton wasn't impeached for a blowjob. He was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice.

"The Trial of Queen Caroline and the Impeachment of President Clinton: " by Daniel H. Erskine
President Clinton’s wrongdoing actually involved his alleged obstruction of justice and perjury in judicial proceedings.
HE was impeached/charged by the house, but Clinton was acquitted of those impeachment charges, Clinton was found NOT GUILTY....in the Senate trial for his impeachment....that's why he got to stay on as president.
Correct. How does that disprove my point?
:) Oh no, agree, it doesn't disprove it!

It just triggered something in my head and I was thinking out loud when I answered your post...Even if President Trump were to be impeached for Obstruction of Justice by the House which only takes 51 votes, or perjury if he ever had to testify before a grand jury....

just because the House might impeach him kinda means naught...unless he was convicted in the impeachment trial in the Senate....which I believe that it takes 2/3's of the Senators voting 'yea' to convict him, in order to get an impeachment conviction and he be removed from office....It's not just 51 Senators or a simple majority...

So I was just thinking that if any of this were to take place with impeachment, the Phoenix (Trump) may rise from the ashes, and still be president if 2/3rds don't vote to convict him on the charges against him.... I was just putting in to perspective the situation ...2/3rds of the Senators, is an awful lot...

So even if Trump were impeached, like Clinton, he may very well still be our President if the senate by 2/3's vote, do not convict him and find him guilty...
Thank you for the very eloquent and well written response. Although I doubt Trump will be impeached (I think he'll resign first), obviously you are 100% correct on your explanation of the process. Kudos!
All depends on the findings of of the investigation....I bet they're 17 "Rinos" (non-chump) GOPers if there's evidence...Who knows?
I think there is a lot better shot at getting 2/3's of Senators than there would be in getting 2/3's of the House members to agree to impeachment....

the house only needs a majority to Impeach....Democrats are thanking goodness for that....because it would not take too too many R's added to the Dems to start impeachment...

and Dems are also thanking goodness that it is the Senate that needs the 2/3's because more R Senators are not such big fans of Trump, and they do not represent a single district like the R's in the House, the Senators represent their whole state, filled with R's and D's and cuz the senate make up is closer to the 50/50 right now...well 52/48

the leftists would not stop at trump

they already have pence in their sights
What leftists? Every investigation currently underway into the Trump administration is being done by people in power.They're not leftists , they are Republican conservatives.
When will you Trumpbots stop starring into the kool- aid canister longingly hoping for more? lift thine eyes
Up and roll them to and fro to observe the world around you. The leftists have been evicted.

dont play stupid stupid
Where have you been in the last year or so, hiding in the closet or stranded in the desert with your head in the sand?
Who on the left has any power to do anything about Trump's alleged Russian conspiracy. Go down the list and name just one.
If they railroad Trump the Congress will have done more to harm our election system than the Russians ever hoped to accomplish.
HE was impeached/charged by the house, but Clinton was acquitted of those impeachment charges, Clinton was found NOT GUILTY....in the Senate trial for his impeachment....that's why he got to stay on as president.
Correct. How does that disprove my point?
:) Oh no, agree, it doesn't disprove it!

It just triggered something in my head and I was thinking out loud when I answered your post...Even if President Trump were to be impeached for Obstruction of Justice by the House which only takes 51 votes, or perjury if he ever had to testify before a grand jury....

just because the House might impeach him kinda means naught...unless he was convicted in the impeachment trial in the Senate....which I believe that it takes 2/3's of the Senators voting 'yea' to convict him, in order to get an impeachment conviction and he be removed from office....It's not just 51 Senators or a simple majority...

So I was just thinking that if any of this were to take place with impeachment, the Phoenix (Trump) may rise from the ashes, and still be president if 2/3rds don't vote to convict him on the charges against him.... I was just putting in to perspective the situation ...2/3rds of the Senators, is an awful lot...

So even if Trump were impeached, like Clinton, he may very well still be our President if the senate by 2/3's vote, do not convict him and find him guilty...
Thank you for the very eloquent and well written response. Although I doubt Trump will be impeached (I think he'll resign first), obviously you are 100% correct on your explanation of the process. Kudos!
All depends on the findings of of the investigation....I bet they're 17 "Rinos" (non-chump) GOPers if there's evidence...Who knows?
Republicans only side with Trump because he's the President on a Republican ticket, but anyone who thinks he was the RNC's first, or even 6th, choice, is deluded.
I don't think Trump was ever the choice for establishment conservatives at all. He came into vogue by choosing to run on the Repub-lie-con ticket with a populist agenda. The populist appeal of his revolting bigotted and misogynistic worldview attracted kindred Spirits like flies. In effect he showed us just the ugly underside of the konservative cabal.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.
It's not about impeaching Trump. It's about saving the country from someone who has no morals and is insane. A terrible combination.
I will gladly join an army to defend Trump from a NWO Globalist Coup d'etat. As usual, Democrats are underestimating their adversaries' willingness to fight back. Getting rid of Trump won't be a cakewalk for em.
So when you storm Congress with your Militia pals only to discover the people you want to"kill" in defense of Trump are Republicans...what then?

the leftists would not stop at trump

they already have pence in their sights

Yeah, they're hoping & praying the get a chance at destroying Pence. They truly fear Donald Trump though. That's why many folks are willing to fight till their deaths helping Donald Trump. Democrats are vastly underestimating the willingness to fight for Trump. If they dare to try to 'Impeach' him, there will be a massive aggressive response.
to be honest though, some of the trump dick riding goes a bit far IMO

Maybe? But let them go ahead and try Impeaching him. Just like the Election, the Democrats are vastly underestimating the will to fight to defend Donald Trump. There will be an eruption unlike anything they've ever seen before. They think their 'Ferguson' and OWS protests were 'Big?' They ain't seen nothing yet. They may believe Pence is a pushover, but getting to Pence is gonna be much more of a war than they think.
I guess you will be one of those violent felons adding to the ever increasing number of White prison inmates. Try some shit and pay the price.
If they railroad Trump the Congress will have done more to harm our election system than the Russians ever hoped to accomplish.
agree, if they railroad him...

but if there is real legit facts that supports the high crimes and misdemeanors and they do not impeach, it could hurt us more than either of the other scenarios!
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You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.
It's not about impeaching Trump. It's about saving the country from someone who has no morals and is insane. A terrible combination.
Not when it's based on evidence and basically treason. Depends on the investigation, not Fox or Rush like your demented TP...or bs like Clinton's...
who is my demented TP?

tea party, genius.
why would I know that?
Ive never been a tea partier
I'm a Kalashnikov Partier
A dupe like all the rest of the GOP...fear mongered nutter. Who are you going to attack?
never been a member of the GOP
try again
You believe all their bs/hate propaganda...
who is my demented TP?

tea party, genius.
why would I know that?
Ive never been a tea partier
I'm a Kalashnikov Partier
A dupe like all the rest of the GOP...fear mongered nutter. Who are you going to attack?
never been a member of the GOP
try again
You believe all their bs/hate propaganda...
I believe facts
did a repub sign the brady act?
HE was impeached/charged by the house, but Clinton was acquitted of those impeachment charges, Clinton was found NOT GUILTY....in the Senate trial for his impeachment....that's why he got to stay on as president.
Correct. How does that disprove my point?
:) Oh no, agree, it doesn't disprove it!

It just triggered something in my head and I was thinking out loud when I answered your post...Even if President Trump were to be impeached for Obstruction of Justice by the House which only takes 51 votes, or perjury if he ever had to testify before a grand jury....

just because the House might impeach him kinda means naught...unless he was convicted in the impeachment trial in the Senate....which I believe that it takes 2/3's of the Senators voting 'yea' to convict him, in order to get an impeachment conviction and he be removed from office....It's not just 51 Senators or a simple majority...

So I was just thinking that if any of this were to take place with impeachment, the Phoenix (Trump) may rise from the ashes, and still be president if 2/3rds don't vote to convict him on the charges against him.... I was just putting in to perspective the situation ...2/3rds of the Senators, is an awful lot...

So even if Trump were impeached, like Clinton, he may very well still be our President if the senate by 2/3's vote, do not convict him and find him guilty...
Thank you for the very eloquent and well written response. Although I doubt Trump will be impeached (I think he'll resign first), obviously you are 100% correct on your explanation of the process. Kudos!
All depends on the findings of of the investigation....I bet they're 17 "Rinos" (non-chump) GOPers if there's evidence...Who knows?
I think there is a lot better shot at getting 2/3's of Senators than there would be in getting 2/3's of the House members to agree to impeachment....

the house only needs a majority to Impeach....Democrats are thanking goodness for that....because it would not take too too many R's added to the Dems to start impeachment...

and Dems are also thanking goodness that it is the Senate that needs the 2/3's because more R Senators are not such big fans of Trump, and they do not represent a single district like the R's in the House, the Senators represent their whole state, filled with R's and D's and cuz the senate make up is closer to the 50/50 right now...well 52/48
And they're smarter lol
who is my demented TP?

tea party, genius.
why would I know that?
Ive never been a tea partier
I'm a Kalashnikov Partier
A dupe like all the rest of the GOP...fear mongered nutter. Who are you going to attack?
never been a member of the GOP
try again
You believe all their bs/hate propaganda...
So I doubt you're a Dem. What do you mean, a Kalishnikov Partier. Scary damn RWers lol...
lets get this party started.......to paraphrase my homie jay "young jeezy" Jenkins, I got everything to gain, jack shit to lose and a nice 1911 I'm just dyin to use
tea party, genius.
why would I know that?
Ive never been a tea partier
I'm a Kalashnikov Partier
A dupe like all the rest of the GOP...fear mongered nutter. Who are you going to attack?
never been a member of the GOP
try again
You believe all their bs/hate propaganda...
I believe facts
did a repub sign the brady act?
So you're a one issue guy? Whatever, dude. I don't think it was totalitarian. I must wiki. I really don't think gun owners are in any danger.

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