If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump

Is impeaching Trump a good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 29.1%
  • No

    Votes: 36 65.5%
  • I'm a lemming

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Potato

    Votes: 4 7.3%

  • Total voters
so is impeachment going to bring about civil unrest?
Not when it's based on evidence and basically treason. Depends on the investigation, not Fox or Rush like your demented TP...or bs like Clinton's...
who is my demented TP?

tea party, genius.
why would I know that?
Ive never been a tea partier
I'm a Kalashnikov Partier
Good pick!

Correct. How does that disprove my point?
:) Oh no, agree, it doesn't disprove it!

It just triggered something in my head and I was thinking out loud when I answered your post...Even if President Trump were to be impeached for Obstruction of Justice by the House which only takes 51 votes, or perjury if he ever had to testify before a grand jury....

just because the House might impeach him kinda means naught...unless he was convicted in the impeachment trial in the Senate....which I believe that it takes 2/3's of the Senators voting 'yea' to convict him, in order to get an impeachment conviction and he be removed from office....It's not just 51 Senators or a simple majority...

So I was just thinking that if any of this were to take place with impeachment, the Phoenix (Trump) may rise from the ashes, and still be president if 2/3rds don't vote to convict him on the charges against him.... I was just putting in to perspective the situation ...2/3rds of the Senators, is an awful lot...

So even if Trump were impeached, like Clinton, he may very well still be our President if the senate by 2/3's vote, do not convict him and find him guilty...
Thank you for the very eloquent and well written response. Although I doubt Trump will be impeached (I think he'll resign first), obviously you are 100% correct on your explanation of the process. Kudos!
All depends on the findings of of the investigation....I bet they're 17 "Rinos" (non-chump) GOPers if there's evidence...Who knows?
Republicans only side with Trump because he's the President on a Republican ticket, but anyone who thinks he was the RNC's first, or even 6th, choice, is deluded.
I don't think Trump was ever the choice for establishment conservatives at all. He came into vogue by choosing to run on the Repub-lie-con ticket with a populist agenda. The populist appeal of his revolting bigotted and misogynistic worldview attracted kindred Spirits like flies. In effect he showed us just the ugly underside of the konservative cabal.
No doubt there are people just as you describe just like there are Black racists who favor killing "cracker babies", but that's not the majority. The majority of Americans are unhappy with the direction of the nation and thought both candidates were deplorable which is why both Trump and Hillary had the lowest favorability of any candidates in living history.

Americans voted for Trump because he wasn't the status quo. Let's not forget that on November 8th Americans only had a few choices; Hillary, Trump, Third Party or not voting at all.
:) Oh no, agree, it doesn't disprove it!

It just triggered something in my head and I was thinking out loud when I answered your post...Even if President Trump were to be impeached for Obstruction of Justice by the House which only takes 51 votes, or perjury if he ever had to testify before a grand jury....

just because the House might impeach him kinda means naught...unless he was convicted in the impeachment trial in the Senate....which I believe that it takes 2/3's of the Senators voting 'yea' to convict him, in order to get an impeachment conviction and he be removed from office....It's not just 51 Senators or a simple majority...

So I was just thinking that if any of this were to take place with impeachment, the Phoenix (Trump) may rise from the ashes, and still be president if 2/3rds don't vote to convict him on the charges against him.... I was just putting in to perspective the situation ...2/3rds of the Senators, is an awful lot...

So even if Trump were impeached, like Clinton, he may very well still be our President if the senate by 2/3's vote, do not convict him and find him guilty...
Thank you for the very eloquent and well written response. Although I doubt Trump will be impeached (I think he'll resign first), obviously you are 100% correct on your explanation of the process. Kudos!
All depends on the findings of of the investigation....I bet they're 17 "Rinos" (non-chump) GOPers if there's evidence...Who knows?
Republicans only side with Trump because he's the President on a Republican ticket, but anyone who thinks he was the RNC's first, or even 6th, choice, is deluded.
I don't think Trump was ever the choice for establishment conservatives at all. He came into vogue by choosing to run on the Repub-lie-con ticket with a populist agenda. The populist appeal of his revolting bigotted and misogynistic worldview attracted kindred Spirits like flies. In effect he showed us just the ugly underside of the konservative cabal.
No doubt there are people just as you describe just like there are Black racists who favor killing "cracker babies", but that's not the majority. The majority of Americans are unhappy with the direction of the nation and thought both candidates were deplorable which is why both Trump and Hillary had the lowest favorability of any candidates in living history.

Americans voted for Trump because he wasn't the status quo. Let's not forget that on November 8th Americans only had a few choices; Hillary, Trump, Third Party or not voting at all.

trump was the best choice of any
:) Oh no, agree, it doesn't disprove it!

It just triggered something in my head and I was thinking out loud when I answered your post...Even if President Trump were to be impeached for Obstruction of Justice by the House which only takes 51 votes, or perjury if he ever had to testify before a grand jury....

just because the House might impeach him kinda means naught...unless he was convicted in the impeachment trial in the Senate....which I believe that it takes 2/3's of the Senators voting 'yea' to convict him, in order to get an impeachment conviction and he be removed from office....It's not just 51 Senators or a simple majority...

So I was just thinking that if any of this were to take place with impeachment, the Phoenix (Trump) may rise from the ashes, and still be president if 2/3rds don't vote to convict him on the charges against him.... I was just putting in to perspective the situation ...2/3rds of the Senators, is an awful lot...

So even if Trump were impeached, like Clinton, he may very well still be our President if the senate by 2/3's vote, do not convict him and find him guilty...
Thank you for the very eloquent and well written response. Although I doubt Trump will be impeached (I think he'll resign first), obviously you are 100% correct on your explanation of the process. Kudos!
All depends on the findings of of the investigation....I bet they're 17 "Rinos" (non-chump) GOPers if there's evidence...Who knows?
Republicans only side with Trump because he's the President on a Republican ticket, but anyone who thinks he was the RNC's first, or even 6th, choice, is deluded.
He was the first choice of the Republicans who ran for the nomination. That's 16 other Republicans. He's one of a few who weren't establishment sellouts.
He won the nomination, but wasn't the first choice of all Republicans.

2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
What candidate is ever the first choice of all Republicans?
Thank you for the very eloquent and well written response. Although I doubt Trump will be impeached (I think he'll resign first), obviously you are 100% correct on your explanation of the process. Kudos!
All depends on the findings of of the investigation....I bet they're 17 "Rinos" (non-chump) GOPers if there's evidence...Who knows?
Republicans only side with Trump because he's the President on a Republican ticket, but anyone who thinks he was the RNC's first, or even 6th, choice, is deluded.
I don't think Trump was ever the choice for establishment conservatives at all. He came into vogue by choosing to run on the Repub-lie-con ticket with a populist agenda. The populist appeal of his revolting bigotted and misogynistic worldview attracted kindred Spirits like flies. In effect he showed us just the ugly underside of the konservative cabal.
No doubt there are people just as you describe just like there are Black racists who favor killing "cracker babies", but that's not the majority. The majority of Americans are unhappy with the direction of the nation and thought both candidates were deplorable which is why both Trump and Hillary had the lowest favorability of any candidates in living history.

Americans voted for Trump because he wasn't the status quo. Let's not forget that on November 8th Americans only had a few choices; Hillary, Trump, Third Party or not voting at all.

trump was the best choice of any

Probably the worst choice in history
If they railroad Trump the Congress will have done more to harm our election system than the Russians ever hoped to accomplish.
Trump is railroading himself. Congress would just be obliging him.

I sort of feel that way about Trump, posted numerous times he's way over his head. Part of that might be my personal feeling coming out, can't really stand him.

Still, I hate to think of the millions of voters being disenfranchised by a put-up charge. It would support the notion that we people have no power.
If the Republicans impeach Trump (Democrats can't do it) it would be for an offense so bad that the Republican Party would be brought down for covering up

The result would be catastrophic for Republicans as they would bear the burden of selecting Trump. No,, Tom Pence could not just start over with a clean slate and say....I never liked the guy anyway
Pence would be looked at as Trump Part 2 and bear the burden of any Trump offenses
Yeah, the Obama Administration was allowed a complete free pass. His egregious IRS abuses alone, were Impeachable offenses. But Trump isn't going along with the NWO Globalist agenda. So he's a target for destruction.

Hopefully his supporters will fight till the death to defend him. Because he has been targeted for destruction by the NWO Globalist Elites. He's advocating putting Americans first. And the NWO Globalists despise him for that. I'll continue to pray he survives.
Totally crazy ridiculous bs, conspiracy RWNJ/dupe
How many freaking times are you gonna post that same dang message.........get a new line or change the wording every once in a while..........geesh....
Facts are like that, superdupe. And the #1 problem in the world is the New BS GOP propaganda machine and you jackasses...including the giant orange one. Is he really this dumb?

Sure, libs have been making up facts for the last fricken 8 years.
Name one. And not a prediction- a fact that's just wrong, like your political brain is based on.

You just want one? How about Obamacare.
:) Oh no, agree, it doesn't disprove it!

It just triggered something in my head and I was thinking out loud when I answered your post...Even if President Trump were to be impeached for Obstruction of Justice by the House which only takes 51 votes, or perjury if he ever had to testify before a grand jury....

just because the House might impeach him kinda means naught...unless he was convicted in the impeachment trial in the Senate....which I believe that it takes 2/3's of the Senators voting 'yea' to convict him, in order to get an impeachment conviction and he be removed from office....It's not just 51 Senators or a simple majority...

So I was just thinking that if any of this were to take place with impeachment, the Phoenix (Trump) may rise from the ashes, and still be president if 2/3rds don't vote to convict him on the charges against him.... I was just putting in to perspective the situation ...2/3rds of the Senators, is an awful lot...

So even if Trump were impeached, like Clinton, he may very well still be our President if the senate by 2/3's vote, do not convict him and find him guilty...
Thank you for the very eloquent and well written response. Although I doubt Trump will be impeached (I think he'll resign first), obviously you are 100% correct on your explanation of the process. Kudos!
All depends on the findings of of the investigation....I bet they're 17 "Rinos" (non-chump) GOPers if there's evidence...Who knows?
Republicans only side with Trump because he's the President on a Republican ticket, but anyone who thinks he was the RNC's first, or even 6th, choice, is deluded.
I don't think Trump was ever the choice for establishment conservatives at all. He came into vogue by choosing to run on the Repub-lie-con ticket with a populist agenda. The populist appeal of his revolting bigotted and misogynistic worldview attracted kindred Spirits like flies. In effect he showed us just the ugly underside of the konservative cabal.
No doubt there are people just as you describe just like there are Black racists who favor killing "cracker babies", but that's not the majority. The majority of Americans are unhappy with the direction of the nation and thought both candidates were deplorable which is why both Trump and Hillary had the lowest favorability of any candidates in living history.

Americans voted for Trump because he wasn't the status quo. Let's not forget that on November 8th Americans only had a few choices; Hillary, Trump, Third Party or not voting at all.
I can't think of a time in recent memory where black terrorist have killed "cracker babies" (your words not mine). But I can remember when white ultra RW terrorists killed black babies by bombing churches and, in some instances, as in the Emmett Till case , beating them beyond recognition in the process of killing them or by lynching.. Some black militants have mouthed an opinion consistent with your charges without following through. But as you said, people like that are, hopefully, a minority.
Nevertheless, the Specter of populism brings a dimension to the social hate game that you don't seem to recognize.. We've seen this script before.

Unhappiness with the way the nation is going is a common theme reverberating throughout the right ring white male community. That's a strange outlook considering the economy improved considerably under the democrats.
So if economics is not the issue, what is? Seemingly, the jingoistic fervor so apparent on the right is a phenomenon conjured by the ultra-rich to maintain the status quo. They know that if blacks, whites, Asians and Mexicans all get together for their own economic benefit. The days of the American oligarchy are numbered.
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If they railroad Trump the Congress will have done more to harm our election system than the Russians ever hoped to accomplish.
Trump is railroading himself. Congress would just be obliging him.

I sort of feel that way about Trump, posted numerous times he's way over his head. Part of that might be my personal feeling coming out, can't really stand him.

Still, I hate to think of the millions of voters being disenfranchised by a put-up charge. It would support the notion that we people have no power.
Then you should be outraged by the cross check system. Several million voters were purged from the rolls surreptitiously without due process , ostensibly because they shared the same ethnic names. Yet, only several arrests were made for voter fraud...mostly of TrumpVoters..
Where was your outrage then?
Oh Gawd, how many Communists/Progressives used to enjoy insulting me over believing in 'Conspiracy Theories.' Now, Conspiracy Theories is all they have in trying to destroy Donald Trump. What a convenient Flip-Flop. These folks have no credibility.
Now being investigated, nutjob. And not by the GOP witch hunt tools...

Y'all are all about 'Conspiracy Theories' now. Why the Flip-Flop?
Oh Gawd, how many Communists/Progressives used to enjoy insulting me over believing in 'Conspiracy Theories.' Now, Conspiracy Theories is all they have in trying to destroy Donald Trump. What a convenient Flip-Flop. These folks have no credibility.

Sorry......Birtherism and 9-11 Truth are conspiracy theories

Investigating Russia's interference in our election is a criminal investigation

Ha, loony Conspiracy Theories is all you're about nowadays. Y'all have Flip-Flopped completely on your 'Conspiracy Theory-Shaming' stuff. You're disingenuous hypocrites. Y'all suck.
Please dems do it...impeach Trump. Show the world that all of you are as dumb as Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO IT and turn the lights out at the DNC for 50 years.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

Pence is a pig, but he's not a crazy pig. I wouldn't expect him to drop a nuke on California just because their governor sent him an insulting tweet. I'm not so sure if Trump would.

If you truly believe this, you're an abject rtard.
Oh Gawd, how many Communists/Progressives used to enjoy insulting me over believing in 'Conspiracy Theories.' Now, Conspiracy Theories is all they have in trying to destroy Donald Trump. What a convenient Flip-Flop. These folks have no credibility.

Sorry......Birtherism and 9-11 Truth are conspiracy theories

Investigating Russia's interference in our election is a criminal investigation

Russia's interference in our election is a criminal investigation....no kidding. And what is the plan, you'll go over and arrest Putin. Dang, do you guys ever think these things through.

They're stuck in a loony fantasy that they're gonna Impeach Trump. They're goin all-in on every Conspiracy Theory out there. For me, it's very entertaining observing their unhinging. Communists/Progressives have been among the most vicious in attacking those who've subscribed to 'Conspiracy Theories' in the past. It's hilarious watching them pull an extreme Flip-Flop on it. Now their whole lives revolve around desperate Trump Conspiracy Theories. They're such disingenuous hypocrites.
I will gladly join an army to defend Trump from a NWO Globalist Coup d'etat. As usual, Democrats are underestimating their adversaries' willingness to fight back. Getting rid of Trump won't be a cakewalk for em.
Sorry dude, but that's just crazy conspiracy bullshit. The same type which declared that Bill Clinton was planning to have the "UN army" invade the United States with the proof being spray painted markings on the backs of highway signs.

Like i said, bring it on. I will gladly join an army to defend Trump. Removing Trump ain't gonna be the cakewalk Democrats think it will be. There will be a fight.
Gladly join? You mean you're a follower, not a leader? Why don't you start your own army and march on Washington with your guns shooting anyone who disagrees?

Sorry, dude, but the truth is that, like the LWLs threatening revolt about Trump, you won't do anything if Trump resigns. Good, because that's the smart move. America is a lot more robust than the fanatics would have us believe. We have a lot more patriots, armed patriots, who would fight for our Constitution should the need arise. In the mean time, it's fun to discuss the issues.

BTW, what is your favorite rifle and sidearm? Mine is the AK-47 and a 1911A1. I'm not Geneva Convention, so I use SP's for the 7.62X39 and JHPs for the .45ACP

Well, an unwillingness to fight back is not how this great nation was created. Sometimes you need to fight back. And if they try to Impeach Trump, that will be one of those times.
Oh Gawd, how many Communists/Progressives used to enjoy insulting me over believing in 'Conspiracy Theories.' Now, Conspiracy Theories is all they have in trying to destroy Donald Trump. What a convenient Flip-Flop. These folks have no credibility.

Sorry......Birtherism and 9-11 Truth are conspiracy theories

Investigating Russia's interference in our election is a criminal investigation

Ha, loony Conspiracy Theories is all you're about nowadays. Y'all have Flip-Flopped completely on your 'Conspiracy Theory-Shaming' stuff. You're disingenuous hypocrites. Y'all suck.

Why is it that Trump believes any conspiracy theory that doesn't have his name on it?

When he heard the rumor Obama was born in Kenya, why wasn't he shouting.......Fake News! Fake News!
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Oh Gawd, how many Communists/Progressives used to enjoy insulting me over believing in 'Conspiracy Theories.' Now, Conspiracy Theories is all they have in trying to destroy Donald Trump. What a convenient Flip-Flop. These folks have no credibility.

Sorry......Birtherism and 9-11 Truth are conspiracy theories

Investigating Russia's interference in our election is a criminal investigation

Ha, loony Conspiracy Theories is all you're about nowadays. Y'all have Flip-Flopped completely on your 'Conspiracy Theory-Shaming' stuff. You're disingenuous hypocrites. Y'all suck.

Why is it that Trump believes any conspiracy theory that doesn't have his name on it?

When he heard the rumor Obama was born in Kenya, why wasn't he shouting.......Fake News! Fake News!

I don't know, maybe because of things like this...


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