If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump

Is impeaching Trump a good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 29.1%
  • No

    Votes: 36 65.5%
  • I'm a lemming

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Potato

    Votes: 4 7.3%

  • Total voters
Thank you for the very eloquent and well written response. Although I doubt Trump will be impeached (I think he'll resign first), obviously you are 100% correct on your explanation of the process. Kudos!
All depends on the findings of of the investigation....I bet they're 17 "Rinos" (non-chump) GOPers if there's evidence...Who knows?
Republicans only side with Trump because he's the President on a Republican ticket, but anyone who thinks he was the RNC's first, or even 6th, choice, is deluded.
I don't think Trump was ever the choice for establishment conservatives at all. He came into vogue by choosing to run on the Repub-lie-con ticket with a populist agenda. The populist appeal of his revolting bigotted and misogynistic worldview attracted kindred Spirits like flies. In effect he showed us just the ugly underside of the konservative cabal.
No doubt there are people just as you describe just like there are Black racists who favor killing "cracker babies", but that's not the majority. The majority of Americans are unhappy with the direction of the nation and thought both candidates were deplorable which is why both Trump and Hillary had the lowest favorability of any candidates in living history.

Americans voted for Trump because he wasn't the status quo. Let's not forget that on November 8th Americans only had a few choices; Hillary, Trump, Third Party or not voting at all.
I can't think of a time in recent memory where black terrorist have killed "cracker babies" (your words not mine). But I can remember when white ultra RW terrorists killed black babies by bombing churches and, in some instances, as in the Emmett Till case , beating them beyond recognition in the process of killing them or by lynching.. Some black militants have mouthed an opinion consistent with your charges without following through. But as you said, people like that are, hopefully, a minority.
Nevertheless, the Specter of populism brings a dimension to the social hate game that you don't seem to recognize.. We've seen this script before.

Unhappiness with the way the nation is going is a common theme reverberating throughout the right ring white male community. That's a strange outlook considering the economy improved considerably under the democrats.
So if economics is not the issue, what is? Seemingly, the jingoistic fervor so apparent on the right is a phenomenon conjured by the ultra-rich to maintain the status quo. They know that if blacks, whites, Asians and Mexicans all get together for their own economic benefit. The days of the American oligarchy are numbered.
Emitt Till died in 1955. That's over 60 years ago. Like all snowflakes, you're living in the past. Your glory days are behind you. Now blacks whine when they get shot holding up a gas station.
Please dems do it...impeach Trump. Show the world that all of you are as dumb as Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO IT and turn the lights out at the DNC for 50 years.
Remember when Dims encouraged Trump to run?
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.
If Trump is impeached, and Pence becomes President, we'll finally have a conservative Republican President, and not a New York liberal huckster posing as a pseudocon.

I'm definitely okay with that, even though Pence is a fake evangelical who hitched his wagon to a hellbound horse and sold his soul to the devil for earthly gain.
You'll be attacking Pence every day he's in office, just like you attack every other Republican.
The Brady Act was just background checks, which 80/90%% of the country is for...
So I'm a communist? I submit you are clueless.
My father joined the British Army before Pearl Harbor to fight Nazis...was sent to india.
So you people are a brainwashed disgrace.
How does that conclusion follow from your previous post?
The Brady Act was just background checks, which 80/90%% of the country is for...
So I'm a communist? I submit you are clueless.
My father joined the British Army before Pearl Harbor to fight Nazis...was sent to india.
So you people are a brainwashed disgrace.
How does that conclusion follow from your previous post?
Many of the brainwashed believe only GOPers are patriots...I thought that according to your newest bs theory that Nazis and Communists are the same now?

Here's a hoopoe, the bird dupes are named after....ridiculous and stupid:
I'll go with our armed forces and the police, thanks.

And Dems threatening revolt only exist on Fox etc. The RW hate bs machine is a scary thing...
No doubt from a safe distance.....like another country. :)

In such an eventuality, the military would be engaged in major campaigns, the police would be only defending parts of their cities since they are far too small a force to take on even a platoon of Russian troops. Americans would help through guerrilla warfare by harassing the flanks of the invaders, sniping at their leaders and taking out small, but important targets like ammo bunkers, fuel trucks, etc. Most major wars have involved guerrillas/resistance fighters.

NOBODY is invading the USA fer crying out loud....
All depends on the findings of of the investigation....I bet they're 17 "Rinos" (non-chump) GOPers if there's evidence...Who knows?
Republicans only side with Trump because he's the President on a Republican ticket, but anyone who thinks he was the RNC's first, or even 6th, choice, is deluded.
He was the first choice of the Republicans who ran for the nomination. That's 16 other Republicans. He's one of a few who weren't establishment sellouts.
He won the nomination, but wasn't the first choice of all Republicans.

2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
What candidate is ever the first choice of all Republicans?
None, which is why I disagreed with your comment: "He was the first choice of the Republicans who ran for the nomination. That's 16 other Republicans"
You obviously didn't get the point. Your comment was pointless. You're whining about something that has never happened and never will.
I'll go with our armed forces and the police, thanks.

And Dems threatening revolt only exist on Fox etc. The RW hate bs machine is a scary thing...
No doubt from a safe distance.....like another country. :)

In such an eventuality, the military would be engaged in major campaigns, the police would be only defending parts of their cities since they are far too small a force to take on even a platoon of Russian troops. Americans would help through guerrilla warfare by harassing the flanks of the invaders, sniping at their leaders and taking out small, but important targets like ammo bunkers, fuel trucks, etc. Most major wars have involved guerrillas/resistance fighters.

NOBODY is invading the USA fer crying out loud....
Agreed and I explained why. :D
Republicans only side with Trump because he's the President on a Republican ticket, but anyone who thinks he was the RNC's first, or even 6th, choice, is deluded.
He was the first choice of the Republicans who ran for the nomination. That's 16 other Republicans. He's one of a few who weren't establishment sellouts.
He won the nomination, but wasn't the first choice of all Republicans.

2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
What candidate is ever the first choice of all Republicans?
None, which is why I disagreed with your comment: "He was the first choice of the Republicans who ran for the nomination. That's 16 other Republicans"
You obviously didn't get the point. Your comment was pointless. You're whining about something that has never happened and never will.
What do you think I'm "whining" about, Bri?
Oh Gawd, how many Communists/Progressives used to enjoy insulting me over believing in 'Conspiracy Theories.' Now, Conspiracy Theories is all they have in trying to destroy Donald Trump. What a convenient Flip-Flop. These folks have no credibility.
Now being investigated, nutjob. And not by the GOP witch hunt tools...

Y'all are all about 'Conspiracy Theories' now. Why the Flip-Flop?
Evidence. DUHHHHHH. One conspiracy theory. Waiting for findings. OP is ridiculous RW idiocy.

You're funny. :lmao:
Oh Gawd, how many Communists/Progressives used to enjoy insulting me over believing in 'Conspiracy Theories.' Now, Conspiracy Theories is all they have in trying to destroy Donald Trump. What a convenient Flip-Flop. These folks have no credibility.

Sorry......Birtherism and 9-11 Truth are conspiracy theories

Investigating Russia's interference in our election is a criminal investigation

Russia's interference in our election is a criminal investigation....no kidding. And what is the plan, you'll go over and arrest Putin. Dang, do you guys ever think these things through.

They're stuck in a loony fantasy that they're gonna Impeach Trump. They're goin all-in on every Conspiracy Theory out there. For me, it's very entertaining observing their unhinging. Communists/Progressives have been among the most vicious in attacking those who've subscribed to 'Conspiracy Theories' in the past. It's hilarious watching them pull an extreme Flip-Flop on it. Now their whole lives revolve around desperate Trump Conspiracy Theories. They're such disingenuous hypocrites.
Who, Mueller and the FBI? Brainwashed functional idiot. This is nothing like all those phony Obama/Hillary/lerner/Holder etc scandals.

Oh boy, so delusional. Lay off the Democrat Fake News kid. It's stunting your growth. :cuckoo:
Yes, I thought purging the roles within a year prior to a presidential election was stupid.
It wasn't stupid at all. It was a diabolical strategy that ought to be addressed in a federal court. It is unconstitutional to deny an American citizen the right to vote without due process.

But I'm also keenly aware that the Democrats are eerily silent on this matter. Observing their muted response to cross- check, I am beginning to wonder if the allegations of widespread voter fraud are true. I'm not quite convinced the allegations are true, but I am leaning more in that direction the longer the Democrats delay getting some of those disenfranchised voters to court to file a class action lawsuit..

was also against the GOP not acting on Obama's selection for the Supreme Court and I never voted for Obama either. There's right and wrong, and the judgement shouldn't rest on who has what to gain.

There is right and wrong but what have you done about it? Are you still a Republican?

A lot of the crap Obama put up with during his presidency I looked at as racist. Looking at what they're doing to Trump, if he were black I would consider it racist as well. Would you?
No. Trunp is unlike any president we've ever had. He is a misogynistic ,narcissistic racist ass with no class. As a leader of the birther movement I have no sympathy for Donald Trump. Whatever happened to him he richly deserves based on his past behavior during the campaign, before the campaign, and certainly durng the Obama era. Trump gave too much of himself in the war against Obama to be discounted as one of the racists you mentioned earlier.
And it speaks to the mindset of millions of right wing whites who voted for Trump. You knew what Trump was when you all got together and decided he was your man. I have no sympathy for Donald Trump or anyone who could vote for such a blatant bigot.
...But as you said, people like that are, hopefully, a minority.
Nevertheless, the Specter of populism brings a dimension to the social hate game that you don't seem to recognize.. We've seen this script before.

Unhappiness with the way the nation is going is a common theme reverberating throughout the right ring white male community. That's a strange outlook considering the economy improved considerably under the democrats.
So if economics is not the issue, what is? Seemingly, the jingoistic fervor so apparent on the right is a phenomenon conjured by the ultra-rich to maintain the status quo. They know that if blacks, whites, Asians and Mexicans all get together for their own economic benefit. The days of the American oligarchy are numbered.
Which is my point: extremists are loud, but in a minority.

As for the Democrats and the economy, yes the economy did better but how are Middle Class Americans fairing? Not so well hence the voter angst. The Democrats favor the poor and minorities, the Republicans favor the rich and the Middle Class is left to pick up the tab to cover both. Again, why most Americans are not happy with the direction of our nation.
I would think with the unemployment rate as low as it is middle-class America is faring pretty well. That also means that your premise is a dead end. The real problem is that a lot of white Americans believe the country is being handed over to Muslims, blacks hispanics and others. They feel they're losing the grip on their own country to "others" whom thy do not consider real Americans. That's the problem and nothing else.
He was the first choice of the Republicans who ran for the nomination. That's 16 other Republicans. He's one of a few who weren't establishment sellouts.
He won the nomination, but wasn't the first choice of all Republicans.

2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
What candidate is ever the first choice of all Republicans?
None, which is why I disagreed with your comment: "He was the first choice of the Republicans who ran for the nomination. That's 16 other Republicans"
You obviously didn't get the point. Your comment was pointless. You're whining about something that has never happened and never will.
What do you think I'm "whining" about, Bri?
You're whining that not every Republican wanted Trump as there first choice. Of course they didn't. That's an absurd expectation. Not everyone wanted McCain or Romney. In fact, a lot of Republicans downright despised both of them.
No doubt there are people just as you describe just like there are Black racists who favor killing "cracker babies", but that's not the majority. The majority of Americans are unhappy with the direction of the nation and thought both candidates were deplorable which is why both Trump and Hillary had the lowest favorability of any candidates in living history.

Americans voted for Trump because he wasn't the status quo. Let's not forget that on November 8th Americans only had a few choices; Hillary, Trump, Third Party or not voting at all.

trump was the best choice of any

Probably the worst choice in history
Second worst choice in history. ;)

I agree it is tight between who is worse.......Trump or Bush 43

While there is little doubt that Trump is the least capable President in the last 100 years, Bush managed to give up the worst terror attack in history, invade two countries and trash the economy

But Trump has only been on the job six months.....give him time
A great distortion of reality....which is just one of the many reasons why Hillary lost. :)

Hillary didn't lose.She was robbed.
All depends on the findings of of the investigation....I bet they're 17 "Rinos" (non-chump) GOPers if there's evidence...Who knows?
Republicans only side with Trump because he's the President on a Republican ticket, but anyone who thinks he was the RNC's first, or even 6th, choice, is deluded.
I don't think Trump was ever the choice for establishment conservatives at all. He came into vogue by choosing to run on the Repub-lie-con ticket with a populist agenda. The populist appeal of his revolting bigotted and misogynistic worldview attracted kindred Spirits like flies. In effect he showed us just the ugly underside of the konservative cabal.
No doubt there are people just as you describe just like there are Black racists who favor killing "cracker babies", but that's not the majority. The majority of Americans are unhappy with the direction of the nation and thought both candidates were deplorable which is why both Trump and Hillary had the lowest favorability of any candidates in living history.

Americans voted for Trump because he wasn't the status quo. Let's not forget that on November 8th Americans only had a few choices; Hillary, Trump, Third Party or not voting at all.
I can't think of a time in recent memory where black terrorist have killed "cracker babies" (your words not mine). But I can remember when white ultra RW terrorists killed black babies by bombing churches and, in some instances, as in the Emmett Till case , beating them beyond recognition in the process of killing them or by lynching.. Some black militants have mouthed an opinion consistent with your charges without following through. But as you said, people like that are, hopefully, a minority.
Nevertheless, the Specter of populism brings a dimension to the social hate game that you don't seem to recognize.. We've seen this script before.

Unhappiness with the way the nation is going is a common theme reverberating throughout the right ring white male community. That's a strange outlook considering the economy improved considerably under the democrats.
So if economics is not the issue, what is? Seemingly, the jingoistic fervor so apparent on the right is a phenomenon conjured by the ultra-rich to maintain the status quo. They know that if blacks, whites, Asians and Mexicans all get together for their own economic benefit. The days of the American oligarchy are numbered.
Emitt Till died in 1955. That's over 60 years ago. Like all snowflakes, you're living in the past. Your glory days are behind you. Now blacks whine when they get shot holding up a gas station.
Who is Emitt Till? Dummy...have you no shame. At least spell his name right.
Why does anyone even bother responding to you? You generalize too damn much. . Most Blacks are not criminals, fule, and many Whites are criminals. You aren't interested in that are you. All you want to hear is how bad blacks are. ... Get bent.

the leftists would not stop at trump

they already have pence in their sights
What leftists? Every investigation currently underway into the Trump administration is being done by people in power.They're not leftists , they are Republican conservatives.
When will you Trumpbots stop starring into the kool- aid canister longingly hoping for more? lift thine eyes
Up and roll them to and fro to observe the world around you. The leftists have been evicted.

dont play stupid stupid
Where have you been in the last year or so, hiding in the closet or stranded in the desert with your head in the sand?
Who on the left has any power to do anything about Trump's alleged Russian conspiracy. Go down the list and name just one.
you are still playing stupid as well as projecting
Just as I thought, you haven't a clue as to what you talking about.
...But as you said, people like that are, hopefully, a minority.
Nevertheless, the Specter of populism brings a dimension to the social hate game that you don't seem to recognize.. We've seen this script before.

Unhappiness with the way the nation is going is a common theme reverberating throughout the right ring white male community. That's a strange outlook considering the economy improved considerably under the democrats.
So if economics is not the issue, what is? Seemingly, the jingoistic fervor so apparent on the right is a phenomenon conjured by the ultra-rich to maintain the status quo. They know that if blacks, whites, Asians and Mexicans all get together for their own economic benefit. The days of the American oligarchy are numbered.
Which is my point: extremists are loud, but in a minority.

As for the Democrats and the economy, yes the economy did better but how are Middle Class Americans fairing? Not so well hence the voter angst. The Democrats favor the poor and minorities, the Republicans favor the rich and the Middle Class is left to pick up the tab to cover both. Again, why most Americans are not happy with the direction of our nation.
I would think with the unemployment rate as low as it is middle-class America is faring pretty well. That also means that your premise is a dead end. The real problem is that a lot of white Americans believe the country is being handed over to Muslims, blacks hispanics and others. They feel they're losing the grip on their own country to "others" whom thy do not consider real Americans. That's the problem and nothing else.
I think you're smarter than that. Unemployment rate means little when we trade one middle management white-collar job for two minimum wage jobs.

As for racial hatred, when a group is threatened, it's human nature for them to look for a scapegoat. Leaders often exploit this to turn the group's angst away from themselves. However, aside from a few loud-mouthed assholes, most people are concerned about the jobs available, not whether or not they are in competition with immigrants for a job as MacDonald's.

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