If LGBT can dictate pronouns to use (or else complain of harassment), can Atheists and Christians dictate terms to use to avoid offending them?

Slander and libel.
"Plaintiff" and "Defendant" are the preferred gender neutral pronouns. People don't need to talk shit about other people like that.
If they keep their immoral shit behind closed doors, then they wont have people talking shit about them. Come out of that house, and demand we accept the behavior as normal, no fucking way, queers will be ridiculed for shit packing....
LGBTQ person here. Ex-gays want nothing to do with the LGBTQ political front, for one. They're fundamentally opposed to the things the LGBTQ political front wants, for another.
Ex-gays? I thought that wasn't possible?
Ex-gay definitely exists as it's own movement. Some claim that they no longer experience same sex attraction (doubtful, if you ask me, but I'm not gonna go up to em and tell them they're lying), some kinda leave it vague and just say they "left the lifestyle".
I'm part of what's known as "side B", meaning we follow traditional Biblical teaching on homosexuality, but we don't believe same sex attraction really goes away. We simply live with it and devote ourselves to celibacy.
Ex-gay definitely exists as it's own movement. Some claim that they no longer experience same sex attraction (doubtful, if you ask me, but I'm not gonna go up to em and tell them they're lying), some kinda leave it vague and just say they "left the lifestyle".
I'm part of what's known as "side B", meaning we follow traditional Biblical teaching on homosexuality, but we don't believe same sex attraction really goes away. We simply live with it and devote ourselves to celibacy.
I appreciate the explanation. Thank you.
The case that most recently went to court argued the teacher refusing to call students by their identity pronouns was failing to accommodate by discriminating against Transgender students, while the popular LGBT movement considers this a form of harassment and microaggression
None of that matters because being transgender is still a mental illness in federal court and gun rights are revoked as for a felony or a sex offense no matter what.
So why did he create intersex kids.
Dear Penelope
The most honest discussion I ever had with someone over why would people be born with mixed or gender dysphoria
brought up the concept of generational conditions passed down, even spiritually and not necessarily genetically.

A friend I only met online was arguing that the Bible condemned homosexuality and cross dressing. I argued the message in the Bible was about making peace and overcoming spiritual imbalances between male and female energy we all have. Our roles are different, but the issue is more about our spiritual roles. And after bringing up the idea that past abuses, such as infidelity or other issues or conflicts, not forgiven or resolved in one generation can manifest as conditions in later generations, and the "sin" causing either homosexuality or other conditions to manifest may be from the past, my online friend let go of blaming and came out Transgender after letting go of fear and resentment.

So this explanation was part of a bigger healing process to quit judging or blaming things that may have been caused in the past.

I originally cited a concept from a Chinese Buddhist teaching that karma from committing infidelity could lead to being born a spinster in a future life. So I used that idea to explain the passage in the Bible about some Eunuchs made in the womb by God and some by man.

The Christian term for sins of the father revisited on the sons is called "generational" sins or curses. The Buddhist equivalent is "karma" passed from one generation to the next.

In science, studies have shown that depression can be hereditary, as well as the conditions of "chronic oppression" can correlate with genetic markings that can be passed down.

With homosexuality, studies on twins show there is no correlation or genetic match.

While studies on the brains or neural development might point to "chemical exposure in the womb" to hormonal imbalances that could explain differences in development.

These conditions of INTERNAL orientation or identity are determined in the brain.

While the 6 karyotypes for PHYSICAL/biological gender are based on genetics.



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So I used that idea to explain the passage in the Bible about some Eunuchs made in the womb by God and some by man.
>>> For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.<<<
I'll bet your predujice stems from religion.
Dear Colin norris
Not just religion, but biased based on personal fears and issues or groups we can or cannot forgive.

If you notice, the same biases AFFECT religion and how people express that.

That is why you will see Christian Left, Right, and Anarchist all express their Christian beliefs with different biases.

It isn't coming from Christianity alone, all their denominations claim to believe in.

But each group FEARS or cannot forgive the group abusing govt they blame the most.

So Christians on the Left who "can't stand Trump" project one set of biases.
Those who can forgive Trump but not Clinton and Democrats go to the other extreme. And Christians allergic to all govt and parties are a mixed bag.

The real culprit behind bullying: unforgiveness and fear of other groups.

This affects both Christian and nonchristian, theist or nontheist, atheist or agnostic, left or right.

The difference I find with Constitutionalist Christians is enforcing common standards based on mutual commitment.

Where this fails, like you scoff at the Golden Rule as a joke, is where people refuse to forgive and keep digging themselves into bigger holes.

I see this as tragic. It isn't funny when whole countries suffer war and poverty we cannot address if we waste resources fighting politically in destruction we cannot afford, instead of investing in cost effective solutions we can afford.
So why did he create intersex kids.
No such thing. The only intersex kids are hermaphrodites and they are almost as rare as hen's teeth.
Almost all humans are born with female or male genitalia. Fact.
I don't like people changes the definition of words to suit their agenda.
Don't get me wrong, I support Trans people in terms of their rights. Should be just like everybody else, but when they start this 'pronoun' stuff, nah, I call BS.
You identify as a woman? Get your junk cut off, grow some breasts and go through the whole sex change rigmarole like Caitlyn Jenner? More than happy to call you ma'am rather than sir (although I'd still object to you entering a sporting event as a woman just because from a physiology POV it would be totally unfair on female athletes).
But a chair is not a table. The sky is not land. A car is not a fence. Words have meanings. If you have a penis and testicles, you are by definition a man. If you have breasts and a vagina, you are a woman. End of story.
Where this fails, like you scoff at the Golden Rule as a joke, is where people refuse to forgive and keep digging themselves into bigger holes.
They ruin our lives with permanent records of criminal insanity and adjudicated mental defectiveness.

Rest assured, we will never forgive, we will never forget until our names come off that bloody NICS list and we are compensated for lost wages, pain and suffering, endangerment, and punitive damages with interest for all the time our names remained on that government blacklist.

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