If liberals support free speech, why was an army needed...

Still you can't' be a liberal and do illiberal things.

Just because some pseudo-conservative calls them liberals certainly doesn't make it so.

But it will sell well in pseudo-connned circles.

For Ben and Ann and Milo, it's all about the money.

Oh, yeah, one DEFINITELY decides to espouse conservative views just to make the bucks. Because the way to make some cash as a polemicist is to be blackballed and censored for most of your professional life.
The problem is conflating "liberals" with Antifa wackjobs, and the reverse conflating conservatives with the alt-right white supremacists.

If you want to have an honest conversation between the two sides, those on the left would acknowledge that the "progressive" arm has gone off the deep end with identity politics and bully tactics to severely damage the legitimacy of their message. In response, the alt-right has basically used that as justification to do the same exact identity politics thing and promote white supremacy which severely undermines the conservative point of view.

It's crazy because the two sides of extreme are pushing reasonable conservatives and liberals ever closer together. Together they make up the vast majority of the electorate.
The problem is conflating "liberals" with Antifa wackjobs, and the reverse conflating conservatives with the alt-right white supremacists.

If you want to have an honest conversation between the two sides, those on the left would acknowledge that the "progressive" arm has gone off the deep end with identity politics and bully tactics to severely damage the legitimacy of their message. In response, the alt-right has basically used that as justification to do the same exact identity politics thing and promote white supremacy which severely undermines the conservative point of view.

It's crazy because the two sides of extreme are pushing reasonable conservatives and liberals ever closer together. Together they make up the vast majority of the electorate.

Well, one big difference that needs to be acknowledged is that conservatives are among the first to denounce alt-right types, while leftists rarely denounce Antifa, and often make excuses for them or outright approve of them.
Nobody, but that's not the subject of the thread, is it? Furthermore, I don't see conservatives out there starting riots and committing acts of vandalism in order to stop a left wing speaker from having an assembly on a college campus. That is strictly within your realm, but I'm sure you'll come up with some convoluted way to justify it.

You won't find me condoning violence. Conservatives are hardly innocent in that regard.

We won't find you condemning it either. The loving-left has a virtual monopoly on attacking its political opponents.

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