If Lincoln sends slaves home to Africa and Reagan doesn’t sign the Amnesty Bill...

Politically speaking it would be the western version of the Taliban.

I seriously doubt the US would erupt into tribal warfare if not for the presence of blacks and mexicans.

Even assuming that "tribal warfare" is taking place or might, how would that be the fault of "blacks and mexicans," neither of whom seem to be pushing "tribal warfare," rather than other groups? The only people who seem to be pushing for "tribal warfare" are Caucasians from our lowest, least educated, and least civilized ranks. The rest of us get along with our neighbors.

Most American dysfunction is directly related to our "diversity" which speaks truth to the lie that it makes us stronger.

You have no right to an "all-white America." You are not special in any context but your own, personal achievements and the respect that you personally have earned from others.There is no basis for your assertion that "Most American dysfunction is directly related to our "diversity"." You, yourself, are contributing to what you call "American dysfunction."

I live in an extremely diverse community near D.C., with people from all nations, and there is no trouble other than what your own neighborhood might experience. We treat each other politely and with respect.

Just yesterday, I took the bus to do a whole bunch of errands. I first had to go to the metro station to get my pass validated (fluke in the metro pass procedure), and boarded the bus back north. The same bus driver (a black man with an African accent) who had driven me to the station was astonished to see me again and he automatically stopped where I usually get off. He called to me that this was my stop (he knew), and I had to tell him that I wanted to continue on the route to go shopping.

On the way back, the African-American driver and I began to chat about dumb drivers who give you "the finger" when they are the ones at fault and ignore yield signs. But I interrupted him when I saw, through the windshield, the yellow full moon that had just come up to encourage him to have a look. We were just two people enjoying the beauty of nature together. This is how we all get along. We don't march around with tiki torches chanting ridiculous slogans and we don't form "militia" gangs to run around in the woods playing soldier.

Anecdotes about your personal experiences won't change the reality that black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime with Hispanics a runner up. Subtract them from the equation and the crime rate would drop at least 50%, probably more if you factor in the Arabs and others that crime statistics erroneously count as "white".

Those are just the facts. Another fact is that white men are far less likely to rape and abuse women than anyone else in the world. I've never raped or murdered anyone. What on earth have I done to get this horrible reputation that the media, college professors and the political left makes me out to be the villain? Because of that one fat girl who died in Charlottesville? I wasn't there and it wasn't my fault. Sorry, not sorry.

Nothing will change the reality that individuals commit crimes, not demographic groups. If you weren't in Charlottesville and it wasn't your fault that a "fat girl" (this is disgusting by itself) was murdered and more injured and you don't want to be blamed for this solely on the basis of your membership in a certain demographic, then why are you doing the same thing to others?

Just what "horrible reputation" do you have that has been given to you by "the media, college professors and the political left"?

You people are the ones who want to drag down the reputations of my wonderful, ethical, kind, concerned, respectable white, male, European-descended loved ones, relatives, friends, and colleagues.

So you are saying that Alabama is not free now? So you are saying that Alabama can only be free if a large segment of Alabamans vanish along with immigrants? And god only knows what a state consisting only of "free" white rednecks would do to the women in their midst.

Perhaps the original citizens of Alabama should have sent the European immigrants back to where they came from. Perhaps certain now-deceased Alabamans should not have forced people to come to this continent to work as slaves.

The right to freedom applies to everyone.
Alabama is one of the first places on earth because it’s run by Republicans
I seriously doubt the US would erupt into tribal warfare if not for the presence of blacks and mexicans.

Even assuming that "tribal warfare" is taking place or might, how would that be the fault of "blacks and mexicans," neither of whom seem to be pushing "tribal warfare," rather than other groups? The only people who seem to be pushing for "tribal warfare" are Caucasians from our lowest, least educated, and least civilized ranks. The rest of us get along with our neighbors.

Most American dysfunction is directly related to our "diversity" which speaks truth to the lie that it makes us stronger.

You have no right to an "all-white America." You are not special in any context but your own, personal achievements and the respect that you personally have earned from others.There is no basis for your assertion that "Most American dysfunction is directly related to our "diversity"." You, yourself, are contributing to what you call "American dysfunction."

I live in an extremely diverse community near D.C., with people from all nations, and there is no trouble other than what your own neighborhood might experience. We treat each other politely and with respect.

Just yesterday, I took the bus to do a whole bunch of errands. I first had to go to the metro station to get my pass validated (fluke in the metro pass procedure), and boarded the bus back north. The same bus driver (a black man with an African accent) who had driven me to the station was astonished to see me again and he automatically stopped where I usually get off. He called to me that this was my stop (he knew), and I had to tell him that I wanted to continue on the route to go shopping.

On the way back, the African-American driver and I began to chat about dumb drivers who give you "the finger" when they are the ones at fault and ignore yield signs. But I interrupted him when I saw, through the windshield, the yellow full moon that had just come up to encourage him to have a look. We were just two people enjoying the beauty of nature together. This is how we all get along. We don't march around with tiki torches chanting ridiculous slogans and we don't form "militia" gangs to run around in the woods playing soldier.

Anecdotes about your personal experiences won't change the reality that black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime with Hispanics a runner up. Subtract them from the equation and the crime rate would drop at least 50%, probably more if you factor in the Arabs and others that crime statistics erroneously count as "white".

Those are just the facts. Another fact is that white men are far less likely to rape and abuse women than anyone else in the world. I've never raped or murdered anyone. What on earth have I done to get this horrible reputation that the media, college professors and the political left makes me out to be the villain? Because of that one fat girl who died in Charlottesville? I wasn't there and it wasn't my fault. Sorry, not sorry.

Nothing will change the reality that individuals commit crimes, not demographic groups. If you weren't in Charlottesville and it wasn't your fault that a "fat girl" (this is disgusting by itself) was murdered and more injured and you don't want to be blamed for this solely on the basis of your membership in a certain demographic, then why are you doing the same thing to others?

Just what "horrible reputation" do you have that has been given to you by "the media, college professors and the political left"?

You people are the ones who want to drag down the reputations of my wonderful, ethical, kind, concerned, respectable white, male, European-descended loved ones, relatives, friends, and colleagues.
That fat girls in the middle of the street terrorizing people in cars, I hear there’s a young black couple in the car ahead that she was throwing urine at and hitting with a stick
One can only be thankful that they're not going through life this miserable, reduced to tossing out absurd and bigoted what-if questions & fantasies.

What a horrible existence that has to be.

So you are saying that Alabama is not free now? So you are saying that Alabama can only be free if a large segment of Alabamans vanish along with immigrants? And god only knows what a state consisting only of "free" white rednecks would do to the women in their midst.

Perhaps the original citizens of Alabama should have sent the European immigrants back to where they came from. Perhaps certain now-deceased Alabamans should not have forced people to come to this continent to work as slaves.

The right to freedom applies to everyone.
Alabama is one of the first places on earth because it’s run by Republicans

Sure. Alabama republicans. The ones who run candidates who are pedophiles who cruise shopping malls for kids.

So you are saying that Alabama is not free now? So you are saying that Alabama can only be free if a large segment of Alabamans vanish along with immigrants? And god only knows what a state consisting only of "free" white rednecks would do to the women in their midst.

Perhaps the original citizens of Alabama should have sent the European immigrants back to where they came from. Perhaps certain now-deceased Alabamans should not have forced people to come to this continent to work as slaves.

The right to freedom applies to everyone.
Alabama is one of the first places on earth because it’s run by Republicans

Sure. Alabama republicans. The ones who run candidates who are pedophiles who cruise shopping malls for kids.
Back then many parents wanted their daughters married to older men. Just the way it was. Security
I seriously doubt the US would erupt into tribal warfare if not for the presence of blacks and mexicans.

Even assuming that "tribal warfare" is taking place or might, how would that be the fault of "blacks and mexicans," neither of whom seem to be pushing "tribal warfare," rather than other groups? The only people who seem to be pushing for "tribal warfare" are Caucasians from our lowest, least educated, and least civilized ranks. The rest of us get along with our neighbors.

Most American dysfunction is directly related to our "diversity" which speaks truth to the lie that it makes us stronger.

You have no right to an "all-white America." You are not special in any context but your own, personal achievements and the respect that you personally have earned from others.There is no basis for your assertion that "Most American dysfunction is directly related to our "diversity"." You, yourself, are contributing to what you call "American dysfunction."

I live in an extremely diverse community near D.C., with people from all nations, and there is no trouble other than what your own neighborhood might experience. We treat each other politely and with respect.

Just yesterday, I took the bus to do a whole bunch of errands. I first had to go to the metro station to get my pass validated (fluke in the metro pass procedure), and boarded the bus back north. The same bus driver (a black man with an African accent) who had driven me to the station was astonished to see me again and he automatically stopped where I usually get off. He called to me that this was my stop (he knew), and I had to tell him that I wanted to continue on the route to go shopping.

On the way back, the African-American driver and I began to chat about dumb drivers who give you "the finger" when they are the ones at fault and ignore yield signs. But I interrupted him when I saw, through the windshield, the yellow full moon that had just come up to encourage him to have a look. We were just two people enjoying the beauty of nature together. This is how we all get along. We don't march around with tiki torches chanting ridiculous slogans and we don't form "militia" gangs to run around in the woods playing soldier.

Anecdotes about your personal experiences won't change the reality that black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime with Hispanics a runner up. Subtract them from the equation and the crime rate would drop at least 50%, probably more if you factor in the Arabs and others that crime statistics erroneously count as "white".

Those are just the facts. Another fact is that white men are far less likely to rape and abuse women than anyone else in the world. I've never raped or murdered anyone. What on earth have I done to get this horrible reputation that the media, college professors and the political left makes me out to be the villain? Because of that one fat girl who died in Charlottesville? I wasn't there and it wasn't my fault. Sorry, not sorry.

Nothing will change the reality that individuals commit crimes, not demographic groups. If you weren't in Charlottesville and it wasn't your fault that a "fat girl" (this is disgusting by itself) was murdered and more injured and you don't want to be blamed for this solely on the basis of your membership in a certain demographic, then why are you doing the same thing to others?

Just what "horrible reputation" do you have that has been given to you by "the media, college professors and the political left"?

You people are the ones who want to drag down the reputations of my wonderful, ethical, kind, concerned, respectable white, male, European-descended loved ones, relatives, friends, and colleagues.

Demographic behavioral trends do exist. Otherwise, what even is so beneficial about "diversity", if all people are exactly the same? Why is Africa not China? Why is Sweden not Guatemala? Is it just a coincidence that the most violent countries happen to be black or brown? Oh wait, those countries are bad because the evil white man made them that way.
What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?
Like the most of the fly over states. When I see the best surgeons, physicians, scientists, innovators are of immigrant background it is damn sure that without the influx of immigrant this country wouldn't be where it is now. Politically speaking it would be the western version of the Taliban.
Awwwwww... I don't think you like White Straight Christian Middle-Class America very much... :21:

So you are saying that Alabama is not free now? So you are saying that Alabama can only be free if a large segment of Alabamans vanish along with immigrants? And god only knows what a state consisting only of "free" white rednecks would do to the women in their midst.

Perhaps the original citizens of Alabama should have sent the European immigrants back to where they came from. Perhaps certain now-deceased Alabamans should not have forced people to come to this continent to work as slaves.

The right to freedom applies to everyone.
Alabama is one of the first places on earth because it’s run by Republicans

Sure. Alabama republicans. The ones who run candidates who are pedophiles who cruise shopping malls for kids.
Back then many parents wanted their daughters married to older men. Just the way it was. Security

Through pedophilia? Through a system of denying these kids a chance to grow up, develop their own individual talents, get an education, and see the world before deciding to "settle down" and with whom? These "parents" participate in what really is a flesh trade.These are the same morons who would demand the death of any gay guy who did the same thing to their 15-year-old son.
One can only be thankful that they're not going through life this miserable, reduced to tossing out absurd and bigoted what-if questions & fantasies.

What a horrible existence that has to be.

It's a fair question considering that we're lectured daily about the great benefits of diversity which just don't seem to be panning out.

So you are saying that Alabama is not free now? So you are saying that Alabama can only be free if a large segment of Alabamans vanish along with immigrants? And god only knows what a state consisting only of "free" white rednecks would do to the women in their midst.

Perhaps the original citizens of Alabama should have sent the European immigrants back to where they came from. Perhaps certain now-deceased Alabamans should not have forced people to come to this continent to work as slaves.

The right to freedom applies to everyone.
Alabama is one of the first places on earth because it’s run by Republicans

Sure. Alabama republicans. The ones who run candidates who are pedophiles who cruise shopping malls for kids.
Back then many parents wanted their daughters married to older men. Just the way it was. Security

Through pedophilia? Through a system of denying these kids a chance to grow up, develop their own individual talents, get an education, and see the world before deciding to "settle down" and with whom? These "parents" participate in what really is a flesh trade.These are the same morons who would demand the death of any gay guy who did the same thing to their 15-year-old son.
They don’t force them. Who said they were forced, it was encouraged back then.. like you care about the age lol you flood Latinos in America where they do the same thing. Haha
One can only be thankful that they're not going through life this miserable, reduced to tossing out absurd and bigoted what-if questions & fantasies.
What a horrible existence that has to be.
It's a fair question considering that we're lectured daily about the great benefits of diversity which just don't seem to be panning out.
Well, you're certainly free to dream a dream.

Whatever gets you through the day.
If Lincoln sent the slaves back to Africa and if Reagan had not signed the 1986 Shamnesty?

America's cities would not be the $hitholes they are today, and Black Race-Baiter politicians would be running banana dictatorships.
One can only be thankful that they're not going through life this miserable, reduced to tossing out absurd and bigoted what-if questions & fantasies.
What a horrible existence that has to be.
It's a fair question considering that we're lectured daily about the great benefits of diversity which just don't seem to be panning out.
Well, you're certainly free to dream a dream.

Whatever gets you through the day.

Isn't a peaceful, prosperous, truly United States of America a dream worth having?
What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?
Like the most of the fly over states. When I see the best surgeons, physicians, scientists, innovators are of immigrant background it is damn sure that without the influx of immigrant this country wouldn't be where it is now.
Politically speaking it would be the western version of the Taliban.
Imagine a country without Democrats.
You wouldn't have any mass shootings.
You wouldn't have as much corruption in Washington.
You wouldn't have a bunch of murders in Chicago every weekend.
You wouldn't have an opioid crisis.
You wouldn't have people committing suicide all over the place.
You wouldn't have Adam Schiff rigging impeachments.
You wouldn't have Obama.
You wouldn't have Hillary.
Even assuming that "tribal warfare" is taking place or might, how would that be the fault of "blacks and mexicans," neither of whom seem to be pushing "tribal warfare," rather than other groups? The only people who seem to be pushing for "tribal warfare" are Caucasians from our lowest, least educated, and least civilized ranks. The rest of us get along with our neighbors.

Most American dysfunction is directly related to our "diversity" which speaks truth to the lie that it makes us stronger.

You have no right to an "all-white America." You are not special in any context but your own, personal achievements and the respect that you personally have earned from others.There is no basis for your assertion that "Most American dysfunction is directly related to our "diversity"." You, yourself, are contributing to what you call "American dysfunction."

I live in an extremely diverse community near D.C., with people from all nations, and there is no trouble other than what your own neighborhood might experience. We treat each other politely and with respect.

Just yesterday, I took the bus to do a whole bunch of errands. I first had to go to the metro station to get my pass validated (fluke in the metro pass procedure), and boarded the bus back north. The same bus driver (a black man with an African accent) who had driven me to the station was astonished to see me again and he automatically stopped where I usually get off. He called to me that this was my stop (he knew), and I had to tell him that I wanted to continue on the route to go shopping.

On the way back, the African-American driver and I began to chat about dumb drivers who give you "the finger" when they are the ones at fault and ignore yield signs. But I interrupted him when I saw, through the windshield, the yellow full moon that had just come up to encourage him to have a look. We were just two people enjoying the beauty of nature together. This is how we all get along. We don't march around with tiki torches chanting ridiculous slogans and we don't form "militia" gangs to run around in the woods playing soldier.

Anecdotes about your personal experiences won't change the reality that black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime with Hispanics a runner up. Subtract them from the equation and the crime rate would drop at least 50%, probably more if you factor in the Arabs and others that crime statistics erroneously count as "white".

Those are just the facts. Another fact is that white men are far less likely to rape and abuse women than anyone else in the world. I've never raped or murdered anyone. What on earth have I done to get this horrible reputation that the media, college professors and the political left makes me out to be the villain? Because of that one fat girl who died in Charlottesville? I wasn't there and it wasn't my fault. Sorry, not sorry.

Nothing will change the reality that individuals commit crimes, not demographic groups. If you weren't in Charlottesville and it wasn't your fault that a "fat girl" (this is disgusting by itself) was murdered and more injured and you don't want to be blamed for this solely on the basis of your membership in a certain demographic, then why are you doing the same thing to others?

Just what "horrible reputation" do you have that has been given to you by "the media, college professors and the political left"?

You people are the ones who want to drag down the reputations of my wonderful, ethical, kind, concerned, respectable white, male, European-descended loved ones, relatives, friends, and colleagues.

Demographic behavioral trends do exist. Otherwise, what even is so beneficial about "diversity", if all people are exactly the same? Why is Africa not China? Why is Sweden not Guatemala? Is it just a coincidence that the most violent countries happen to be black or brown? Oh wait, those countries are bad because the evil white man made them that way.

A "demographic behavioral trend" does not actually exist, and even if it did, does absolutely nothing to separate good people from bad people.
You are the one who objects to being classified with people of your demographic who commit crimes, but still wants to do the same to others. Do you want to be identified with the like of Chris Watts or Dylan Roof, the tiki-torch morons, Richard Spencer, Stormfront, or thousands of others? Do you want my loved ones to be identified with them by the public? Why tarnish the reputation of all white men?
One can only be thankful that they're not going through life this miserable, reduced to tossing out absurd and bigoted what-if questions & fantasies.
What a horrible existence that has to be.
It's a fair question considering that we're lectured daily about the great benefits of diversity which just don't seem to be panning out.
Well, you're certainly free to dream a dream.

Whatever gets you through the day.

Isn't a peaceful, prosperous, truly United States of America a dream worth having?
Yes! But in reality, I suppose it depends on your definition of "dream".

If you want to "dream" about how nice it would be if the country didn't have brown or black people, that's just a fantasy based on your misery. It will never happen, and it pretty clearly appears to be going in the opposite direction and your fantasies won't be able to stop it. So in that case, a dream is simply impotent rage.

I do understand that there are those (certainly represented here) who think they can reverse what's coming. And that's a dream too, but it's folly. Maybe those people would be better off to examine their own frustration and misery and focus their efforts on dealing with those personal issues.
Most American dysfunction is directly related to our "diversity" which speaks truth to the lie that it makes us stronger.

You have no right to an "all-white America." You are not special in any context but your own, personal achievements and the respect that you personally have earned from others.There is no basis for your assertion that "Most American dysfunction is directly related to our "diversity"." You, yourself, are contributing to what you call "American dysfunction."

I live in an extremely diverse community near D.C., with people from all nations, and there is no trouble other than what your own neighborhood might experience. We treat each other politely and with respect.

Just yesterday, I took the bus to do a whole bunch of errands. I first had to go to the metro station to get my pass validated (fluke in the metro pass procedure), and boarded the bus back north. The same bus driver (a black man with an African accent) who had driven me to the station was astonished to see me again and he automatically stopped where I usually get off. He called to me that this was my stop (he knew), and I had to tell him that I wanted to continue on the route to go shopping.

On the way back, the African-American driver and I began to chat about dumb drivers who give you "the finger" when they are the ones at fault and ignore yield signs. But I interrupted him when I saw, through the windshield, the yellow full moon that had just come up to encourage him to have a look. We were just two people enjoying the beauty of nature together. This is how we all get along. We don't march around with tiki torches chanting ridiculous slogans and we don't form "militia" gangs to run around in the woods playing soldier.

Anecdotes about your personal experiences won't change the reality that black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime with Hispanics a runner up. Subtract them from the equation and the crime rate would drop at least 50%, probably more if you factor in the Arabs and others that crime statistics erroneously count as "white".

Those are just the facts. Another fact is that white men are far less likely to rape and abuse women than anyone else in the world. I've never raped or murdered anyone. What on earth have I done to get this horrible reputation that the media, college professors and the political left makes me out to be the villain? Because of that one fat girl who died in Charlottesville? I wasn't there and it wasn't my fault. Sorry, not sorry.

Nothing will change the reality that individuals commit crimes, not demographic groups. If you weren't in Charlottesville and it wasn't your fault that a "fat girl" (this is disgusting by itself) was murdered and more injured and you don't want to be blamed for this solely on the basis of your membership in a certain demographic, then why are you doing the same thing to others?

Just what "horrible reputation" do you have that has been given to you by "the media, college professors and the political left"?

You people are the ones who want to drag down the reputations of my wonderful, ethical, kind, concerned, respectable white, male, European-descended loved ones, relatives, friends, and colleagues.

Demographic behavioral trends do exist. Otherwise, what even is so beneficial about "diversity", if all people are exactly the same? Why is Africa not China? Why is Sweden not Guatemala? Is it just a coincidence that the most violent countries happen to be black or brown? Oh wait, those countries are bad because the evil white man made them that way.

A "demographic behavioral trend" does not actually exist, and even if it did, does absolutely nothing to separate good people from bad people.
You are the one who objects to being classified with people of your demographic who commit crimes, but still wants to do the same to others. Do you want to be identified with the like of Chris Watts or Dylan Roof, the tiki-torch morons, Richard Spencer, Stormfront, or thousands of others? Do you want my loved ones to be identified with them by the public? Why tarnish the reputation of all white men?

Overall racial differences are objective reality. It's not always reflected negatively. Blacks dominate sports of endurance and strength for a reason. Jews tend to be verbally articulate which might explain why they are over-represented in the media. Asians? Well, they're smart...

2018 U.S. Physics Olympics Team:

Of course there will always be outliers. Not every Jew is a movie producer and not every black guy is good at basketball but the demographic trends are undeniable. What good comes of denying the obvious?
One can only be thankful that they're not going through life this miserable, reduced to tossing out absurd and bigoted what-if questions & fantasies.
What a horrible existence that has to be.
It's a fair question considering that we're lectured daily about the great benefits of diversity which just don't seem to be panning out.
Well, you're certainly free to dream a dream.

Whatever gets you through the day.

Isn't a peaceful, prosperous, truly United States of America a dream worth having?
Yes! But in reality, I suppose it depends on your definition of "dream".

If you want to "dream" about how nice it would be if the country didn't have brown or black people, that's just a fantasy based on your misery. It will never happen, and it pretty clearly appears to be going in the opposite direction and your fantasies won't be able to stop it. So in that case, a dream is simply impotent rage.

I do understand that there are those (certainly represented here) who think they can reverse what's coming. And that's a dream too, but it's folly. Maybe those people would be better off to examine their own frustration and misery and focus their efforts on dealing with those personal issues.

You will never have your fantasy version of the USA either, you know. But that doesn't stop you from pointlessly posting what ifs on this stupid forum. Why do you do that?

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