If man evolved from monkeys, where are the monkeys that half-evolved into men?

If man evolved from monkeys, where are the monkeys that half-evolved into men?

And they all just happened to work perfectly simultaneously to replicate DNA which just happened to naturally form from atoms naturally.

The Miller-Urey experiment conducted in the 1950's showed that natural gases that existed in the early atmosphere combines with water and stimulated by lightning will spontaneously create many different forms of amino acids that are capable of making crude copies of themselves. That process begins an evolutionary chain that in several billion years could easily create more complex self-replicating molecules such as RNA and DNA.
Do you have a link to a source claiming men evolved from monkeys? I've never heard a serious claim made to that point. If you could post a source stating such, debate would prove more fruitful.
That's what they used to teach in "science" class.

It was ridiculous.
Nope....that's not what was taught in science class. What was taught was that today's monkeys, apes, and humans all came from a common ancestor.
Standard indoctrination chart in public schools.
View attachment 138369

Pliopithecus (the far left hominid on the chart) is neither a monkey nor an ape. It's a hominid that resembles a Gibbon that lived in Asia 14 million years ago. It is reasonable to assume that any early hominid resemble a common ancestor that all primates share, both apes and humans.
It's a monkey.
Is it labeled as such? And if so, is it a New World or an Old World monkey? And which species?
And they all just happened to work perfectly simultaneously to replicate DNA which just happened to naturally form from atoms naturally.

The Miller-Urey experiment conducted in the 1950's showed that natural gases that existed in the early atmosphere combines with water and stimulated by lightning will spontaneously create many different forms of amino acids that are capable of making crude copies of themselves. That process begins an evolutionary chain that in several billion years could easily create more complex self-replicating molecules such as RNA and DNA.
Nope. Mutations do not and cannot naturally move to a higher order.
And they all just happened to work perfectly simultaneously to replicate DNA which just happened to naturally form from atoms naturally.

The Miller-Urey experiment conducted in the 1950's showed that natural gases that existed in the early atmosphere combines with water and stimulated by lightning will spontaneously create many different forms of amino acids that are capable of making crude copies of themselves. That process begins an evolutionary chain that in several billion years could easily create more complex self-replicating molecules such as RNA and DNA.
Nope. Mutations do not and cannot naturally move to a higher order.
Sure they can.....heard of anti-biotic resistant bacteria? How'd they evolve to what would be a higher, more successful form?
That's what they used to teach in "science" class.

It was ridiculous.
Nope....that's not what was taught in science class. What was taught was that today's monkeys, apes, and humans all came from a common ancestor.
Standard indoctrination chart in public schools.
View attachment 138369

Pliopithecus (the far left hominid on the chart) is neither a monkey nor an ape. It's a hominid that resembles a Gibbon that lived in Asia 14 million years ago. It is reasonable to assume that any early hominid resemble a common ancestor that all primates share, both apes and humans.
It's a monkey.
Is it labeled as such? And if so, is it a New World or an Old World monkey? And which species?
Is it an unladen New World monkey?
And they all just happened to work perfectly simultaneously to replicate DNA which just happened to naturally form from atoms naturally.

The Miller-Urey experiment conducted in the 1950's showed that natural gases that existed in the early atmosphere combines with water and stimulated by lightning will spontaneously create many different forms of amino acids that are capable of making crude copies of themselves. That process begins an evolutionary chain that in several billion years could easily create more complex self-replicating molecules such as RNA and DNA.
Nope. Mutations do not and cannot naturally move to a higher order.
Sure they can.....heard of anti-biotic resistant bacteria? How'd they evolve to what would be a higher, more successful form?
Bacteria never becomes a higher form. They simply change shape. It is still the same bacteria.
Nope. Mutations do not and cannot naturally move to a higher order.

That is your belief, but it flys in the face of demonstrable evidence that they do just that.
Uh no, it does not.

Do you spend your time worrying that all of the oxygen molecules in the room will all assemble into the upper corner leaving you without air?
No, because nature does not move in the direction of order.
One of the jokes we Evolutionary Biologists love is the missing link hypothesis. No matter how many missing links we find, the religionists always have a comeback.

"You didn't find the missing link, you just made two new gaps! One on either side."
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Bacteria never becomes a higher form.

Because bacteria themselves are a single branch of an evolutionary tree. The branch off of which bacteria spawned, Eukaryota, eventually led to animals, and on that journey branched off into several different evolutionary branches such as fungi and plants.
Bacteria never becomes a higher form.

Because bacteria themselves are a single branch of an evolutionary tree. The branch off of which bacteria spawned, Eukaryota, eventually led to animals, and on that journey branched off into several different evolutionary branches such as fungi and plants.
So DNA mutates in beneficial ways. Name one mutation in the history of mankind.
Do you spend your time worrying that all of the oxygen molecules in the room will all assemble into the upper corner leaving you without air?

No, because of Brownian Motion and convectional circulation. The laws of thermodynamics that you believe negates evolution only apply to theoretical 'closed systems'. Any system that receives energy from the outside (such as ever square inch of planet earth) isn't a closed system. Human evolution does not exist in a closed system. Energy is constantly applied externally.

Name one mutation in the history of mankind.

Skin pigmentation, hair color, eye color, height, body shape, intelligence, disease resistance and susceptibility, and several thousand other permutation. Variation in all of these are due to variations in the human genome.
So DNA mutates in beneficial ways.

Not always, most DNA mutation are nonsense and result in no physical change or are actually detrimental to the recipient. Every so often, a variation occurs that is beneficial to the host. If that benefit results in a longer life-span, more offspring will be produce with the mutation and that mutation will become dominant.
If man evolved from monkeys, where are the monkeys that half-evolved into men?

This is actually a very simple question. Your answer is chimps.

No need to thank me.

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