If man evolved from monkeys, where are the monkeys that half-evolved into men?

We are talking about a few genes going to 20,000 naturally. Laws of nature say it's impossible. Not improbable. Impossible.

Which law, be specific? Certainly not the laws of thermodynamics.
You find me the one that says chaos
We are talking about a few genes going to 20,000 naturally. Laws of nature say it's impossible. Not improbable. Impossible.

Which law, be specific? Certainly not the laws of thermodynamics.
You find me the law that says choas evolves into order.

Nucleosynthesis. The laws of physics that account for the existence of heavy elements from the hydrogen and helium that makes up the composition of stars. Most the elements we know to exist on Earth were created in the stars and expelled during the violent deaths of those stars billions of years ago.

Molecular biology. The laws of biology that account for the creation of complex chromosomes and mutational sequences of nucleotides. Read about the Miller-Urey experiment which was able to reproduce complex organic molecules from inorganic precursors using electric sparks simulating lighting.
Certainly, there ought to be a species of monkey that had half-evolved into a man, maybe half as smart as men, maybe able to read and write simple sentences, or able to drive a car or ride a horse?

But there is no such species as a half-man, half-monkey.

True, they have been able to teach sign language to apes, but it takes a great deal of human effort to do this, and you must feed apes constantly to keep them interested.

A human baby does not need treats to motivate it to learn, it is motivated by the learning process itself.

If you want to see those creatures between monkey and man, look in the mirror.
Apparently, people on this forum lack the intelligence and education necessary to defend the theory of evolution.
The demand that I get an education is strange. I have 19 years of formal education, and during but in all that time, I never heard of a species of animal that was half-way between a monkey and a man. Seems to me that some creature like that should exist, or should have existed, sometime in history if the theory of evolution is true. When I say, where's the proof of evolution? I am treated like some sort of heretic at an Inquisition. I am condemned for my lack of faith.
Sad to hear that in all those years, you never learned what the theory of evolution was about.....
I am very sure I know more about evolution than you do.

1. Evolution is a theory that has an abundance of evidence to support it, which is why every reputable scientist in any field of study related to evolution and biology believes it to be true. To demand proof of evolution is an impossibility, and if you know as much about science and evolution as you claim then you would certainly know that. Which means either you are a creationist or you are trying to rile people up. Which begs the question: do you believe in creationism?

2. Anthropologists have been looking for the so-called missing link between man and apes for a long time. The fact that they have not found it does not invalidate the possibility that such exists, they have found hominids that are fairly close though. Are you proposing that homo sapiens could not have evolved from apes and monkeys? If you want to say that it didn't happen that way, God did it, you're entitled to that opinion or theory. However, there's no proof of that either and far less evidence than there is for the theory of evolution.

3. If you know as much about the idea of evolution as you say, then you know that some animals have adapted and evolved more than others, for a number of reasons. At some point in time, some hominids came down out of the trees and started walking around on 2 feet and some stayed in the trees but still managed to avoid extinction. They didn't have to evolve any further than what they pretty much already were to survive. Early humans did, as evidenced by so many earlier species of homo that died out. We adapted into who and what we are today. So maybe there never was a half monkey, half man, or if there was it didn't offer any survival benefits. Which means there may not have been many half monkey, half-man individuals for us to find remains for.
When you say I have to believe in evolution because "every reputable scientist" believes it, then I grow suspicious that you are imposing an orthodoxy.
Well what is your alternate theory? We don't have another theory as good as evolution. Not even close. Can you name one other theory?
The demand that I get an education is strange. I have 19 years of formal education, and during but in all that time, I never heard of a species of animal that was half-way between a monkey and a man. Seems to me that some creature like that should exist, or should have existed, sometime in history if the theory of evolution is true. When I say, where's the proof of evolution? I am treated like some sort of heretic at an Inquisition. I am condemned for my lack of faith.
Sad to hear that in all those years, you never learned what the theory of evolution was about.....
I am very sure I know more about evolution than you do.

1. Evolution is a theory that has an abundance of evidence to support it, which is why every reputable scientist in any field of study related to evolution and biology believes it to be true. To demand proof of evolution is an impossibility, and if you know as much about science and evolution as you claim then you would certainly know that. Which means either you are a creationist or you are trying to rile people up. Which begs the question: do you believe in creationism?

2. Anthropologists have been looking for the so-called missing link between man and apes for a long time. The fact that they have not found it does not invalidate the possibility that such exists, they have found hominids that are fairly close though. Are you proposing that homo sapiens could not have evolved from apes and monkeys? If you want to say that it didn't happen that way, God did it, you're entitled to that opinion or theory. However, there's no proof of that either and far less evidence than there is for the theory of evolution.

3. If you know as much about the idea of evolution as you say, then you know that some animals have adapted and evolved more than others, for a number of reasons. At some point in time, some hominids came down out of the trees and started walking around on 2 feet and some stayed in the trees but still managed to avoid extinction. They didn't have to evolve any further than what they pretty much already were to survive. Early humans did, as evidenced by so many earlier species of homo that died out. We adapted into who and what we are today. So maybe there never was a half monkey, half man, or if there was it didn't offer any survival benefits. Which means there may not have been many half monkey, half-man individuals for us to find remains for.
When you say I have to believe in evolution because "every reputable scientist" believes it, then I grow suspicious that you are imposing an orthodoxy.
Well what is your alternate theory? We don't have another theory as good as evolution. Not even close. Can you name one other theory?
I believe in an evolution that is guided by an intelligence.

I do not believe that evolution, without guidance, would have ever evolved a human being.
Sad to hear that in all those years, you never learned what the theory of evolution was about.....
I am very sure I know more about evolution than you do.

1. Evolution is a theory that has an abundance of evidence to support it, which is why every reputable scientist in any field of study related to evolution and biology believes it to be true. To demand proof of evolution is an impossibility, and if you know as much about science and evolution as you claim then you would certainly know that. Which means either you are a creationist or you are trying to rile people up. Which begs the question: do you believe in creationism?

2. Anthropologists have been looking for the so-called missing link between man and apes for a long time. The fact that they have not found it does not invalidate the possibility that such exists, they have found hominids that are fairly close though. Are you proposing that homo sapiens could not have evolved from apes and monkeys? If you want to say that it didn't happen that way, God did it, you're entitled to that opinion or theory. However, there's no proof of that either and far less evidence than there is for the theory of evolution.

3. If you know as much about the idea of evolution as you say, then you know that some animals have adapted and evolved more than others, for a number of reasons. At some point in time, some hominids came down out of the trees and started walking around on 2 feet and some stayed in the trees but still managed to avoid extinction. They didn't have to evolve any further than what they pretty much already were to survive. Early humans did, as evidenced by so many earlier species of homo that died out. We adapted into who and what we are today. So maybe there never was a half monkey, half man, or if there was it didn't offer any survival benefits. Which means there may not have been many half monkey, half-man individuals for us to find remains for.
When you say I have to believe in evolution because "every reputable scientist" believes it, then I grow suspicious that you are imposing an orthodoxy.
Well what is your alternate theory? We don't have another theory as good as evolution. Not even close. Can you name one other theory?
I believe in an evolution that is guided by an intelligence.

I do not believe that evolution, without guidance, would have ever evolved a human being.

I can't believe that evolution, with guidance, would have guided development of a platypus.
The demand that I get an education is strange. I have 19 years of formal education, and during but in all that time, I never heard of a species of animal that was half-way between a monkey and a man. Seems to me that some creature like that should exist, or should have existed, sometime in history if the theory of evolution is true. When I say, where's the proof of evolution? I am treated like some sort of heretic at an Inquisition. I am condemned for my lack of faith.
Sad to hear that in all those years, you never learned what the theory of evolution was about.....
I am very sure I know more about evolution than you do.

1. Evolution is a theory that has an abundance of evidence to support it, which is why every reputable scientist in any field of study related to evolution and biology believes it to be true. To demand proof of evolution is an impossibility, and if you know as much about science and evolution as you claim then you would certainly know that. Which means either you are a creationist or you are trying to rile people up. Which begs the question: do you believe in creationism?

2. Anthropologists have been looking for the so-called missing link between man and apes for a long time. The fact that they have not found it does not invalidate the possibility that such exists, they have found hominids that are fairly close though. Are you proposing that homo sapiens could not have evolved from apes and monkeys? If you want to say that it didn't happen that way, God did it, you're entitled to that opinion or theory. However, there's no proof of that either and far less evidence than there is for the theory of evolution.

3. If you know as much about the idea of evolution as you say, then you know that some animals have adapted and evolved more than others, for a number of reasons. At some point in time, some hominids came down out of the trees and started walking around on 2 feet and some stayed in the trees but still managed to avoid extinction. They didn't have to evolve any further than what they pretty much already were to survive. Early humans did, as evidenced by so many earlier species of homo that died out. We adapted into who and what we are today. So maybe there never was a half monkey, half man, or if there was it didn't offer any survival benefits. Which means there may not have been many half monkey, half-man individuals for us to find remains for.
When you say I have to believe in evolution because "every reputable scientist" believes it, then I grow suspicious that you are imposing an orthodoxy.

I didn't say you have to believe in anything, and I have no power at all to impose anything on anybody.

And evolution with or without a guiding intelligence is still evolution. So, yes or no, do you believe mankind evolved from apes/monkeys?
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The demand that I get an education is strange. I have 19 years of formal education, and during but in all that time, I never heard of a species of animal that was half-way between a monkey and a man. Seems to me that some creature like that should exist, or should have existed, sometime in history if the theory of evolution is true. When I say, where's the proof of evolution? I am treated like some sort of heretic at an Inquisition. I am condemned for my lack of faith.
Sad to hear that in all those years, you never learned what the theory of evolution was about.....
I am very sure I know more about evolution than you do.

1. Evolution is a theory that has an abundance of evidence to support it, which is why every reputable scientist in any field of study related to evolution and biology believes it to be true. To demand proof of evolution is an impossibility, and if you know as much about science and evolution as you claim then you would certainly know that. Which means either you are a creationist or you are trying to rile people up. Which begs the question: do you believe in creationism?

2. Anthropologists have been looking for the so-called missing link between man and apes for a long time. The fact that they have not found it does not invalidate the possibility that such exists, they have found hominids that are fairly close though. Are you proposing that homo sapiens could not have evolved from apes and monkeys? If you want to say that it didn't happen that way, God did it, you're entitled to that opinion or theory. However, there's no proof of that either and far less evidence than there is for the theory of evolution.

3. If you know as much about the idea of evolution as you say, then you know that some animals have adapted and evolved more than others, for a number of reasons. At some point in time, some hominids came down out of the trees and started walking around on 2 feet and some stayed in the trees but still managed to avoid extinction. They didn't have to evolve any further than what they pretty much already were to survive. Early humans did, as evidenced by so many earlier species of homo that died out. We adapted into who and what we are today. So maybe there never was a half monkey, half man, or if there was it didn't offer any survival benefits. Which means there may not have been many half monkey, half-man individuals for us to find remains for.
When you say I have to believe in evolution because "every reputable scientist" believes it, then I grow suspicious that you are imposing an orthodoxy.

I didn't say you have to believe in anything, and I have no power at all to impose anything on anybody.

And evolution with or without a guiding intelligence is still evolution. So, yes or no, do you believe mankind evolved from apes/monkeys?
The human body is a product of evolution, yes. The human soul is not.
Wrong. A tool, is an object used to perform a task. Didn't you just claim to have an education?

True. It doesn't matter where the tool came from. You can pick a tool up off the ground, use it as a hammer or you can go to Ace hardware.

But, the apes have invented tools as well.

Really fascinating are the tools that crows and ravens have made. I've rehabbed both and their intelligence is nothing short of wonderfully astounding. All corvids are very intelligent. Fun critters.

I don't want to derail this thread but in case anyone is interested -

The Unexpected Genius of Corvids


Meet the Bird Brainiacs: American Crow
Indeed corvids are very smart. When I've shot crows, the rest remember the incident and avoid the area. They even recognize an armed person versus an unarmed person. And don't even get me started on the blue ones that harrass the song birds at my feeder... I make no distintion between them and crows. They both get the same "hospitality".

Its illegal to shoot them.

And a lot more fun to find a way to coexist with them.

Non-human animals do what non-human animals do.
Humans have choices other animals do not.
So I've heard...
Interestingly... They are miscategorized as migratory "songbirds". That's just horseshit. They are nothing more than crows with fancy paint jobs as far as I'm concerned. While I can admire their intelligence; the presence of corvids on my property is not tolerated. Most people don't even know that they are corvids. If they did, silly laws wouldn't exist that prevent people from securing their bird feeders.


There are only two species not covered/protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and neither are crows.

I'm sure you know we're well into our planet's 6th extinction. Like all animals, they have their niche and should not be recklessly destroyed.

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True. It doesn't matter where the tool came from. You can pick a tool up off the ground, use it as a hammer or you can go to Ace hardware.

But, the apes have invented tools as well.

Really fascinating are the tools that crows and ravens have made. I've rehabbed both and their intelligence is nothing short of wonderfully astounding. All corvids are very intelligent. Fun critters.

I don't want to derail this thread but in case anyone is interested -

The Unexpected Genius of Corvids


Meet the Bird Brainiacs: American Crow
Indeed corvids are very smart. When I've shot crows, the rest remember the incident and avoid the area. They even recognize an armed person versus an unarmed person. And don't even get me started on the blue ones that harrass the song birds at my feeder... I make no distintion between them and crows. They both get the same "hospitality".

Its illegal to shoot them.

And a lot more fun to find a way to coexist with them.

Non-human animals do what non-human animals do.
Humans have choices other animals do not.
So I've heard...
Interestingly... They are miscategorized as migratory "songbirds". That's just horseshit. They are nothing more than crows with fancy paint jobs as far as I'm concerned. While I can admire their intelligence; the presence of corvids on my property is not tolerated. Most people don't even know that they are corvids. If they did, silly laws wouldn't exist that prevent people from securing their bird feeders.

If they are very intelligent that should be why we protect them. Same reason we leave whales and dolphins alone.

I love crow now that I know they are one of the smartest animals. Crazy. Why them not the eagle?


Eagles are protected.

Unless you're licensed, as I am, it's illegal to possess even a feather of any raptor. Native Americans and others must apply to the repository in Denver to legal get feathers. I am required by federal law to notify the federal govt of any dead raptors, such as if a raptor in my care dies or I have him put down. And I'm required to turn over the carcass of any eagle to the feds.

Also see my post just above.^^

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Sad to hear that in all those years, you never learned what the theory of evolution was about.....
I am very sure I know more about evolution than you do.

1. Evolution is a theory that has an abundance of evidence to support it, which is why every reputable scientist in any field of study related to evolution and biology believes it to be true. To demand proof of evolution is an impossibility, and if you know as much about science and evolution as you claim then you would certainly know that. Which means either you are a creationist or you are trying to rile people up. Which begs the question: do you believe in creationism?

2. Anthropologists have been looking for the so-called missing link between man and apes for a long time. The fact that they have not found it does not invalidate the possibility that such exists, they have found hominids that are fairly close though. Are you proposing that homo sapiens could not have evolved from apes and monkeys? If you want to say that it didn't happen that way, God did it, you're entitled to that opinion or theory. However, there's no proof of that either and far less evidence than there is for the theory of evolution.

3. If you know as much about the idea of evolution as you say, then you know that some animals have adapted and evolved more than others, for a number of reasons. At some point in time, some hominids came down out of the trees and started walking around on 2 feet and some stayed in the trees but still managed to avoid extinction. They didn't have to evolve any further than what they pretty much already were to survive. Early humans did, as evidenced by so many earlier species of homo that died out. We adapted into who and what we are today. So maybe there never was a half monkey, half man, or if there was it didn't offer any survival benefits. Which means there may not have been many half monkey, half-man individuals for us to find remains for.
When you say I have to believe in evolution because "every reputable scientist" believes it, then I grow suspicious that you are imposing an orthodoxy.
Well what is your alternate theory? We don't have another theory as good as evolution. Not even close. Can you name one other theory?
I believe in an evolution that is guided by an intelligence.

I do not believe that evolution, without guidance, would have ever evolved a human being.

This belief that our world is proof of the existence of a super being really doesn't make sense at all.

When I lived in the Sonora desert, I would people say 'it's amazing the giant saguaro can survive in such a harsh environment".

The truth is that it could not exist, and flourish any place else. And it doesn't.

IOW, given the givens - the heat, sunlight, water, the soil of that desert, etc - Those conditions made it possible for the saguro to evolve into the giant that it is.

Given the atmosphere, the gases that occur in our atmosphere as well the amount of sunlight, water, temperature, and so on is what made this particular planet possible.

Change even one natural,element of our planet and life, we know it, would not survive. Needless to say, that's why climate change is the important issue it is.

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Certainly, there ought to be a species of monkey that had half-evolved into a man, maybe half as smart as men, maybe able to read and write simple sentences, or able to drive a car or ride a horse?

But there is no such species as a half-man, half-monkey.

True, they have been able to teach sign language to apes, but it takes a great deal of human effort to do this, and you must feed apes constantly to keep them interested.

A human baby does not need treats to motivate it to learn, it is motivated by the learning process itself.
Do you have a link to a source claiming men evolved from monkeys? I've never heard a serious claim made to that point. If you could post a source stating such, debate would prove more fruitful.
That's what they used to teach in "science" class.

It was ridiculous.
The ability to jam a stick down an ant hole is not proof of great intelligence, any more than the ability of a dog to fetch a ball. A tool is something that is invented, it is not just picked off the ground.
Which is why YOU lack the intelligence if an ape!
First you have to visualize what kind of stick will do the job, not too thick or thin. Then you have to strip all the branches and leaves so the stick now matches the tool you imagined and visualized in your mind. Then you put the tool to work.
YOU would be dependent on the smarter apes to feed you!!!
Very few people believe the Earth is 6000 years old dumb ass. And they re all pretty much ignored by serious religions.
Christians call them "Young Earth Creationists" and a Gallup poll says 42% of Americans are YECs. About the same number that support Don THE Con.

4 in 10 Americans Believe God Created Earth 10,000 Years Ago
Four in 10 Americans believe God created the Earth and anatomically modern humans, less than 10,000 years ago, according to a new Gallup poll.
If you're referring to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics which states that, "The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of any isolated system always increases."
That is NOT what the SLoT says!!!!!
It says entropy NEVER DECREASES, and the difference between what you said and what the actual SLoT says is the difference between matter existing or not!!!!!!!!!!!

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