If Masks Work, Why Not Reopen, and If They Don’t, Why Are We Forced to Wear Them?

I've been working hard on my ol sewing machine making and selling masks. I remember back a million years ago (last January) The CDC said masks weren't effective. Now, in some places they are MANDATORY. Who's running this place? Anybody KNOW what the heck is going on here?
I've been working hard on my ol sewing machine making and selling masks. I remember back a million years ago (last January) The CDC said masks weren't effective. Now, in some places they are MANDATORY. Who's running this place? Anybody KNOW what the heck is going on here?
The morons of government. Lock cruise ship people up in ships, but let felons out of prisons folks.
Inquiring minds wish to know.

Contradiction and hypocrisy are synonymous with COVID-19. Why is it that I can enter a Royal Farms or Wawa, purchase food at the "restaurant" counter, and then sit down inside said establishment and eat it, but I can not order and sit down and eat inside a local Ma and Pa Italian food joint? Why are Pharmaceutical companies considered necessary businesses but so are fucking liquor stores? Why has the media not shown piles of bodies in the streets, overflowing emergency rooms, ambulances running around the clock . . . you know, proof of the plague apocalypse? I know why . . . can you guess?

We've been had. Ha, ha . . . ain't it a real kick in the teeth? Now, back to my regularly scheduled day of apocalyptic reverence . . .
-pregnant pause-
(a liberal like unokatre usually chimes in about now about racism or grammar or it's our fault for noticing bad things).
You didn't capitalize the A beginning your sentence, MaryL . Pogo will crucify you for that mistake.
If there is no immunity why are we waiting on a vaccine?

True. I think it’s known that there is immunity, but the scientists are always as cautious as it gets when making important declarations like that. Also being that COVID is new it makes sense that they don’t know how long immunity lasts
If there is no immunity why are we waiting on a vaccine?
Most contaigents don’t have a vaccine. We are waiting on complete destruction of something that has caused far far far less than complete destruction of us in any way shape or form.
This is where catering to comfort, conformity and appeasement will get you. A bunch of health wack jobs who demand all of you to be locked down to cater to their obsession.
I am protected, I have my halo turned on to maximum power. I will keep cranking out the masks, some are in pink, some of them have unicorns. I should reserve those for pogo and unokatre.
If there is no immunity why are we waiting on a vaccine?

True. I think it’s known that there is immunity, but the scientists are always as cautious as it gets when making important declarations like that. Also being that COVID is new it makes sense that they don’t know how long immunity lasts

Yep, I'm down with that. Fauci says there's a likelihood that this will act like other viruses and coronaviruses with respect to immunity. Most epidemiologists agree. Just no data yet to prove that, as it's new.

I was being facetious about it, as that's the latest reason being spun out for continuing with these intensive mitigation efforts.

"We cannot reopen because we don't know if those previously infected have immunity"

Same people: "We need a vaccine before reopening"
I am protected, I have my halo turned on to maximum power. I will keep cranking out the masks, some are in pink, some of them have unicorns. I should reserve those for pogo and unokatre.
I have amended several beenie caps so the cloth covers my face and the propellers whirl and disburse the Covid particles swirling around me.

You lib loons should play Wierd Als “Germs ” 24/7.
I am protected, I have my halo turned on to maximum power. I will keep cranking out the masks, some are in pink, some of them have unicorns. I should reserve those for pogo and unokatre.

My wife would love a unicorn mask. I wanted to run to Walmart in full MOPP gear, but she wouldn't let me, said some dog would confuse me for a tree . . .
Inquiring minds wish to know.

Contradiction and hypocrisy are synonymous with COVID-19. Why is it that I can enter a Royal Farms or Wawa, purchase food at the "restaurant" counter, and then sit down inside said establishment and eat it, but I can not order and sit down and eat inside a local Ma and Pa Italian food joint? Why are Pharmaceutical companies considered necessary businesses but so are fucking liquor stores? Why has the media not shown piles of bodies in the streets, overflowing emergency rooms, ambulances running around the clock . . . you know, proof of the plague apocalypse? I know why . . . can you guess?

We've been had. Ha, ha . . . ain't it a real kick in the teeth? Now, back to my regularly scheduled day of apocalyptic reverence . . .
The Tennessee/Virginia border runs right thru the town of Bristol, right down the middle of the Main Street. One side of street is thriving businesses, the other shuttered doors.
If there is no immunity why are we waiting on a vaccine?
Most contaigents don’t have a vaccine. We are waiting on complete destruction of something that has caused far far far less than complete destruction of us in any way shape or form.
This is where catering to comfort, conformity and appeasement will get you. A bunch of health wack jobs who demand all of you to be locked down to cater to their obsession.
Over four decades and no vaccine for HIV.
I am protected, I have my halo turned on to maximum power. I will keep cranking out the masks, some are in pink, some of them have unicorns. I should reserve those for pogo and unokatre.

I don't want anything that's been designed for dripping poo, thanks anyway.

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