If more guns makes a country safer

And the Supreme Court agrees with you. Under your roof with reasonable firearms, you should feel reasonably safe. And your should be able to reasonably use them to defend the security of your home as well. Notice the words "Reasonable" and "Home".

Where is "Home" at in the Constitution?

And where does it say you can load up your Saburu Outback with an AA gun and run through the neighborhood either. Our FFs were reasonable people and expected for us to be reasonable. You aren't even close to becoming reasonable. That means you must rely on Society to be reasonable for you. If you don't like it, move to somewhere that has no laws where you can be totally unreasonable. I hear that Yemen has zero gun regulations. And how is that working out for them.
when you show us that someone advocates allowing us to own AA guns then you would have a point but no one has done such a thing so your point is irrelevant and absurd along with the rest of your argument
when you are reduced to using such hyperbole to make your argument you have lost the argument
there is a comma placed after "Militia" for a reason you idiot
To make it subject for the following predicate?
its to separate "Militia" with "the right of the people to keep and bear arms"
which means its is an addition to and separate from
so basically the second amendment has two clauses one for the state to be able to form and maintain a militia hence the national guard and the right for individuals to own fire arms
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OP lives where thugs with guns, dealin dope post videos on social media every day waving automatic wepaons and high cap pistols rappin and braggin about what "MF'er" they gonna cap next"....

Then blames it all on the NRA and Law abiding good men.

Never occurs to OP it could be Democrat policies.....
The NRA is a civil rights organization designed to protect our constitution. Their members rarely if ever shoot anyone. The people who shoot people are a different group of people.

Why do you try to make them the boogyman?
its to separate "Militia" with "the right of the people to keep and bear arms"
which means its is an addition to and separate from
so basically the second amendment has two clauses one for the state to be able to form and maintain a militia hence the national guard and the right for individuals to own fire arms
Oct 17
Sicario in Culiacán shooting at police with a .50 rifle #Mexico

Mexico is lit up check out the vids and have a glimpse of what spicy times fusa may look like in some spots.
Dont think it can't happen here
SCroll down a little you come across the vids
CNW (@ConflictsW) on Twitter
OP lives where thugs with guns, dealin dope post videos on social media every day waving automatic wepaons and high cap pistols rappin and braggin about what "MF'er" they gonna cap next"....

Then blames it all on the NRA and Law abiding good men.

Never occurs to OP it could be Democrat policies.....
The NRA is a civil rights organization designed to protect our constitution. Their members rarely if ever shoot anyone. The people who shoot people are a different group of people.

Why do you try to make them the boogyman?
why the NRA is a democrat boogeyman?
simple democrats have to create a proxy cant demonize gun owners that would be one third of the population so the NRA is a safer bet so not to alienate as many
its to separate "Militia" with "the right of the people to keep and bear arms"
which means its is an addition to and separate from
so basically the second amendment has two clauses one for the state to be able to form and maintain a militia hence the national guard and the right for individuals to own fire arms
How A Comma Gave Americans The Right To Own Guns
How A Comma Gave Americans The Right To Own Guns

get informed no excuse for your ignorance
'Shall not be infringed' is separated by a comma, therefore it must be separate and in addition to. Ffs.

I love how Scalia used a comma to make the subject, 'A well regulated Militia', disappear.
Anyway, the US has the most firearms and the most firearm owners of all the economically advanced nations, how come its citizens are not the safest?
America would be the safest country in the world When will Republicans learn the NRA is FOS ?

Ya got to ask yourself this numbnutz, why has America, out of every other country on earth, never been attacked by anyone but a whacked out mesican on a horse? Personal protection aside, as a country, no nation has ever been fool enough to attack us, just because WE ARE ALL ARMED. It would be suicide.
Anyway, again, Scalia, 'The right to bear arms is not unlimited', when the 2nd says 'shall not be infringed'. What is infringing if not limiting?

edit...Oh, I suppose it was separated by a comma. Right.
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Ya got to ask yourself this numbnutz, why has America, out of every other country on earth, never been attacked by anyone but a whacked out mesican on a horse? Personal protection aside, as a country, no nation has ever been fool enough to attack us, just because WE ARE ALL ARMED. It would be suicide.
Ah, deplorable history. Nothing like it.

You want to go to a bar or movie where everyone is packing??? Or maybe there's a shoot out going on as you walk down the block??
Funny thing is that you would never know who was carrying a concealed weapon in fact I bet you've been ti many movies where someone was carying

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