If more guns = safety , then more nukes = safety?

this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

It isn't a talking point...it is a fact.....

In the United States we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million Americans actually carried guns for self defense...legally.........in 2016 we now had 357-400 million guns and over 15 million Americans carrying guns for self defense legall.

According to you, we should have had massive increases in gun crime and gun murder....

What did we actually have?

--our gun crime rate went down 75%....so your belief is wrong.

--our gun murder rate went down 49%....so your belief is wrong.

--our violent crime rate went down 72%.....so your belief is wrong.

And in that time what happened in Britain..where they took guns away from normal British people....the gun crime rate and the gun murder rate went up....then went back to the same place it was before the ban...

And now in London, gun crime went up 42%......last year....20 years after the ban...and violent crime is up 24%....

So you are wrong Timmy...everything you believe about guns is just wrong......and made up in your head.

Timmy....how do you explain the fact that as more Americans...a lot more.....own and carried guns...and our crime rates went down.....how do you explain that? Since you believe that more guns in more hands has to create more gun murder, more gun crime and more violent crime....

How do you explain that?

We're waiting....

You mistake me for someone who wants to ban guns . I don't have issues with gun ownership or even conceal/carry . I'd just like sensible gun control (background checks , gun "titles" to follow sales ) .

There are many reasons that crime has dropped.

What you will find is states wh tougher gun laws have overall less gun crime than gun nut states . And please , no intellectual dishonesty in comparing a New York wh Wyoming.

Well sure, Chicago proves your assertion.

Chicago is a city . Not a state . And they import those guns from loose law gun nut states :

You're an idiot, a blind partisan idiot. There is no debating a mental invalid. They don't "import" them from anywhere dolt. They buy them on the black market.

Yeah. From gun nut states who make it easy to straw purchase.

Every gun is born "legal", so tell me how they end up Illegal ?

They are stolen by criminals or sold to criminals...criminals who already cannot legally buy, own or carry a gun....

And moron....it isn't easy to straw purchase...you have to go through a federal background check at a gun store for every gun bought....

And for private sales.....the people who will sell a gun to a criminal won't do a background check...and the straw buyer who can buy a gun at a gun store will pass a background check for a private sale too....making background checks useless...
this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

Wouldn't that translate to a global scale with nuke weapons ? More countries wh nukes, then less likelyhood of war ! Right?

this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

It isn't a talking point...it is a fact.....

In the United States we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million Americans actually carried guns for self defense...legally.........in 2016 we now had 357-400 million guns and over 15 million Americans carrying guns for self defense legall.

According to you, we should have had massive increases in gun crime and gun murder....

What did we actually have?

--our gun crime rate went down 75%....so your belief is wrong.

--our gun murder rate went down 49%....so your belief is wrong.

--our violent crime rate went down 72%.....so your belief is wrong.

And in that time what happened in Britain..where they took guns away from normal British people....the gun crime rate and the gun murder rate went up....then went back to the same place it was before the ban...

And now in London, gun crime went up 42%......last year....20 years after the ban...and violent crime is up 24%....

So you are wrong Timmy...everything you believe about guns is just wrong......and made up in your head.

Timmy....how do you explain the fact that as more Americans...a lot more.....own and carried guns...and our crime rates went down.....how do you explain that? Since you believe that more guns in more hands has to create more gun murder, more gun crime and more violent crime....

How do you explain that?

We're waiting....

You mistake me for someone who wants to ban guns . I don't have issues with gun ownership or even conceal/carry . I'd just like sensible gun control (background checks , gun "titles" to follow sales ) .

There are many reasons that crime has dropped.

What you will find is states wh tougher gun laws have overall less gun crime than gun nut states . And please , no intellectual dishonesty in comparing a New York wh Wyoming.

Well sure, Chicago proves your assertion.

Chicago is a city . Not a state . And they import those guns from loose law gun nut states :

And you are wrong there too.....

New York and L.A. have the exact same gun laws as Chicago.....they also are located within easy driving distance of states with gun laws that are less extreme....Arizona...Texas......for L.A.....Vermont for New York....yet Chicago still has far more gun murder than both of them...

So access to guns doesn't drive gun murder....the attitude of the criminal towards murder drives the gun murder rate...

Chicago is an outlier because it has a major gang problem.

There are lots of cities in tough gun law states . Who's got the toughest ? Mass , NY , Hawaii , Conn?
If they would stop with the "we'll destroy America" bullshit they might be viewed in a better light.

No, that ship sailed a long time ago. North Korea and Iran refuse to be US/Western Puppets. And that renders them marked for death. Any foreign leader and nation that refuses to be US/Western Puppets, must be removed. Iran and North Korea are well aware of how it works. They'll need Nuclear Weapons to deter the US/West from attacking. You can't blame them for it. It's just the reality.
Sigh... you are pretending like they are independent self sustaining countries. Iran is a puppet of Russia and NK is a puppet of China.

What country is a US puppet? You could make an argument for Israel, but they have free elections, despite the money and other efforts made by Obama to undermine those elections.
Canada is a puppet of the USA.

And what influence does Canada have on the world stage?
There could be quite a bit actually...if they want it...

View attachment 121970

Be a little more specific.
But keep in mind I have a half dozen Canadian family members who I keep in touch with.
In fact I had one in town for over a week last month.
You read my post wrong.....notice where I said..."unlike the left, who insists on giving massive power to a small governing elite...."
So...what will all the rest of the left's ever-expanding government do?

What they always do....take more money, intrude more in our lives.....and pretty much wreck everything they touch.
So, why would you want them in charge of nukes?

Again, you are don't understand...no one with a brain wants the left in charge of anything....
So, why would you want any government in charge of nukes if the object is to keep them small and with limited power?

Because there are left wing governments who have them as well.....who would be more than willing to use them if they could do it without getting nuked back...
No, that ship sailed a long time ago. North Korea and Iran refuse to be US/Western Puppets. And that renders them marked for death. Any foreign leader and nation that refuses to be US/Western Puppets, must be removed. Iran and North Korea are well aware of how it works. They'll need Nuclear Weapons to deter the US/West from attacking. You can't blame them for it. It's just the reality.
Sigh... you are pretending like they are independent self sustaining countries. Iran is a puppet of Russia and NK is a puppet of China.

What country is a US puppet? You could make an argument for Israel, but they have free elections, despite the money and other efforts made by Obama to undermine those elections.
Canada is a puppet of the USA.

And what influence does Canada have on the world stage?
There could be quite a bit actually...if they want it...

View attachment 121970

Be a little more specific.
But keep in mind I have a half dozen Canadian family members who I keep in touch with.
In fact I had one in town for over a week last month.
That's nice.
this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

It isn't a talking point...it is a fact.....

In the United States we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million Americans actually carried guns for self defense...legally.........in 2016 we now had 357-400 million guns and over 15 million Americans carrying guns for self defense legall.

According to you, we should have had massive increases in gun crime and gun murder....

What did we actually have?

--our gun crime rate went down 75%....so your belief is wrong.

--our gun murder rate went down 49%....so your belief is wrong.

--our violent crime rate went down 72%.....so your belief is wrong.

And in that time what happened in Britain..where they took guns away from normal British people....the gun crime rate and the gun murder rate went up....then went back to the same place it was before the ban...

And now in London, gun crime went up 42%......last year....20 years after the ban...and violent crime is up 24%....

So you are wrong Timmy...everything you believe about guns is just wrong......and made up in your head.

Timmy....how do you explain the fact that as more Americans...a lot more.....own and carried guns...and our crime rates went down.....how do you explain that? Since you believe that more guns in more hands has to create more gun murder, more gun crime and more violent crime....

How do you explain that?

We're waiting....

You mistake me for someone who wants to ban guns . I don't have issues with gun ownership or even conceal/carry . I'd just like sensible gun control (background checks , gun "titles" to follow sales ) .

There are many reasons that crime has dropped.

What you will find is states wh tougher gun laws have overall less gun crime than gun nut states . And please , no intellectual dishonesty in comparing a New York wh Wyoming.

Well sure, Chicago proves your assertion.

Chicago is a city . Not a state . And they import those guns from loose law gun nut states :

You're an idiot, a blind partisan idiot. There is no debating a mental invalid. They don't "import" them from anywhere dolt. They buy them on the black market.

Yeah. From gun nut states who make it easy to straw purchase.

Every gun is born "legal", so tell me how they end up Illegal ?

LOL, kid you truly are an imbecile.
Money can buy and anything and everything. Only in a Disney feature does a clean world exist. Anything anyone wants can be had for the right price. From guns to children.
this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

It isn't a talking point...it is a fact.....

In the United States we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million Americans actually carried guns for self defense...legally.........in 2016 we now had 357-400 million guns and over 15 million Americans carrying guns for self defense legall.

According to you, we should have had massive increases in gun crime and gun murder....

What did we actually have?

--our gun crime rate went down 75%....so your belief is wrong.

--our gun murder rate went down 49%....so your belief is wrong.

--our violent crime rate went down 72%.....so your belief is wrong.

And in that time what happened in Britain..where they took guns away from normal British people....the gun crime rate and the gun murder rate went up....then went back to the same place it was before the ban...

And now in London, gun crime went up 42%......last year....20 years after the ban...and violent crime is up 24%....

So you are wrong Timmy...everything you believe about guns is just wrong......and made up in your head.

Timmy....how do you explain the fact that as more Americans...a lot more.....own and carried guns...and our crime rates went down.....how do you explain that? Since you believe that more guns in more hands has to create more gun murder, more gun crime and more violent crime....

How do you explain that?

We're waiting....

You mistake me for someone who wants to ban guns . I don't have issues with gun ownership or even conceal/carry . I'd just like sensible gun control (background checks , gun "titles" to follow sales ) .

There are many reasons that crime has dropped.

What you will find is states wh tougher gun laws have overall less gun crime than gun nut states . And please , no intellectual dishonesty in comparing a New York wh Wyoming.

Well sure, Chicago proves your assertion.

Chicago is a city . Not a state . And they import those guns from loose law gun nut states :

And you are wrong there too.....

New York and L.A. have the exact same gun laws as Chicago.....they also are located within easy driving distance of states with gun laws that are less extreme....Arizona...Texas......for L.A.....Vermont for New York....yet Chicago still has far more gun murder than both of them...

So access to guns doesn't drive gun murder....the attitude of the criminal towards murder drives the gun murder rate...

Chicago is an outlier because it has a major gang problem.

There are lots of cities in tough gun law states . Who's got the toughest ? Mass , NY , Hawaii , Conn?

So now you backtrack when you see that your point is wrong.....

You just ruined your whole point....New York and L.A. also have major gang problems....they also buy guns from out of state since California and New York have extreme gun laws......so why does chicago have more gun murder than they do?

Their gang culture commits murder more often.....it isn't access to guns..since they can all get guns...it is the willingness to actually pull the trigger that causes the problem...

Law abiding people are not shooting other people...
So...what will all the rest of the left's ever-expanding government do?

What they always do....take more money, intrude more in our lives.....and pretty much wreck everything they touch.
So, why would you want them in charge of nukes?

Again, you are don't understand...no one with a brain wants the left in charge of anything....
So, why would you want any government in charge of nukes if the object is to keep them small and with limited power?

Because there are left wing governments who have them as well.....who would be more than willing to use them if they could do it without getting nuked back...
So, only left wing governments are bad?
You'd have no trouble letting Iran have nukes...as an example?
What they always do....take more money, intrude more in our lives.....and pretty much wreck everything they touch.
So, why would you want them in charge of nukes?

Again, you are don't understand...no one with a brain wants the left in charge of anything....
So, why would you want any government in charge of nukes if the object is to keep them small and with limited power?

Because there are left wing governments who have them as well.....who would be more than willing to use them if they could do it without getting nuked back...
So, only left wing governments are bad?
You'd have no trouble letting Iran have nukes...as an example?

iran is a left wing government...the state controls every aspect of life over there...they have centralized government with no checks on it's power....and they have stated as soon as they get the nuke, they are going to use it on Israel...
My prayer is that people wake up. That they would break through the Right/Left paradigm. That paradigm is the Matrix. Both Hillary and Trump are Neo-Con's. The Banks want war and they will get it. Bill, Hillary, all of the Bush's are part of that group. Daddy Bush is one of the most evil men this Nation has ever produced.
So, why would you want them in charge of nukes?

Again, you are don't understand...no one with a brain wants the left in charge of anything....
So, why would you want any government in charge of nukes if the object is to keep them small and with limited power?

Because there are left wing governments who have them as well.....who would be more than willing to use them if they could do it without getting nuked back...
So, only left wing governments are bad?
You'd have no trouble letting Iran have nukes...as an example?

iran is a left wing government...the state controls every aspect of life over there...they have centralized government with no checks on it's power....and they have stated as soon as they get the nuke, they are going to use it on Israel...
It's a theocracy that wants to control every aspect of life according to their religion.
That sounds pretty right wing to me.
Again, you are don't understand...no one with a brain wants the left in charge of anything....
So, why would you want any government in charge of nukes if the object is to keep them small and with limited power?

Because there are left wing governments who have them as well.....who would be more than willing to use them if they could do it without getting nuked back...
So, only left wing governments are bad?
You'd have no trouble letting Iran have nukes...as an example?

iran is a left wing government...the state controls every aspect of life over there...they have centralized government with no checks on it's power....and they have stated as soon as they get the nuke, they are going to use it on Israel...
It's a theocracy that wants to control every aspect of life according to their religion.
That sounds pretty right wing to me.

Nope.....in America, the Right/conservatives believe in limited government....the left believes in a big government...so in our understanding of governments....though religious extremists control the country, it is a left wing government...
Sigh... you are pretending like they are independent self sustaining countries. Iran is a puppet of Russia and NK is a puppet of China.

What country is a US puppet? You could make an argument for Israel, but they have free elections, despite the money and other efforts made by Obama to undermine those elections.
Canada is a puppet of the USA.

And what influence does Canada have on the world stage?
There could be quite a bit actually...if they want it...

View attachment 121970

Be a little more specific.
But keep in mind I have a half dozen Canadian family members who I keep in touch with.
In fact I had one in town for over a week last month.
That's nice.

Yeah it is......considering she's a leftist.
One person with a gun cannot make a 100 square mile of land an "utter wasteland" for a thousand years like a nuke can....so your argument is lamer than watching a three-legged dog trying to take a shit on a frozen pond. I will take my chances of coming across an armed citizen having a bad day before I will EVER be fine with only "da gubermint" having weapons. The 2nd amendment is VERY clear that our right to bear arms is a GOD given right and not a "privilege" bestowed upon us by a benevolent de-facto "gubermint" like what we have. A well armed militia is one that does not serve at the leisure or at the behest of the very governmental body that this amendment declared was needed to protect us should it become tyrannical. Ask the people at Tienanmen Square when they were mowed down with machine gun fire and tanks if they might have stood a better chance had they had something more than their voice and get back to me.
this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

Wouldn't that translate to a global scale with nuke weapons ? More countries wh nukes, then less likelyhood of war ! Right?
How old are you?

I remember the drills in the 60's and 70's during the cold war. MAD, which is what you are talking about, absolutely worked.
this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

Wouldn't that translate to a global scale with nuke weapons ? More countries wh nukes, then less likelyhood of war ! Right?
If only criminals had guns would you be more safe or less safe?

If only Russia and China had nuclear missiles would the US be more safe or less safe?
Yes, North Korea and Iran would be crazy not to develop Nuclear Weapons. They've seen what happened in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Those nations didn't have a Nuclear deterrent. And that's cost em bigtime. Can you really blame North Korea and Iran for seeking Nuclear Weapons?
Who is threatening NK or Iran with invasion? No, one. The reasons they want nuclear weapons is the very reasons they should not.

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