If Nancy Pelosi could write an anonymous check to Heritage Action, she would.



Stephen Moore: The 31-Year-Old Strategist Behind the Shutdown - WSJ.com

Mr Needham told the Wall Street Journal that the government shutdown, which has furloughed tens of thousands of federal employees, closed national parks and cut off services to millions of Americans, is unfortunate collateral damage.
But, he says, it was a necessary tool to get the American people's attention - and refocus Congressional Republicans on fighting the Affordable Care Act.

Michael Needham: The 31-year-old Stanford grad who planned the government shutdown

The concern of many Republicans, including strategist Karl Rove, is that Heritage Action's take-no-prisoners approach is hurting the party. The latest Gallup poll shows the GOP is viewed favorably by only 28% of Americans, down 10 points since September.

Mr. Needham blames the GOP for not focusing enough on ObamaCare, adding that "there is nothing in my mission statement that says anything about the Republican Party. Our mission is to advance the conservative agenda. We are nonpartisan and we really mean it." He's confident that Republicans will do fine in the 2014 elections if they stand firm in the fight, and he blames Mr. Rove and others for criticizing Ted Cruz.

Heritage Foundation's Michael Needham Tears Apart Right Wing

Sorting through the wreckage, Washington conservatives can barely contain their anger at Needham for his ideological inflexibility and aggressive, zero-sum tactics. “Their strategic sense isn’t very strong,” griped a prominent Republican lobbyist. “They’ve repeatedly been wrong about how to handle this.” Says a senior House Republican aide, “Mike Needham played a large role in defeating ideas that would have worked out better.”

But the wrath is not solely reserved for Needham; his employer now inspires plenty of disgust among conservatives, too. Increasingly in Washington, “Heritage” has come to denote not the foundation or the think tank, but Heritage Action, Needham’s sharp-elbowed operation. Instead of fleshing out conservative positions, says one Republican Senate staffer, “now they’re running around trying to get Republicans voted out of office. It’s a purely ideological crusade that’s utterly divorced from the research side

Mike all good revolutionaries, Michael Needham had a sterling upbringing, the kind that allows a young man to pursue ideological purity free from worry about consequence or reality. Needham’s mother is a former Saks Fifth Avenue executive; his father runs a boutique investment bank. The future Tea Party rabble-rouser grew up on the Upper East Side. He attended Collegiate, a prestigious New York prep school, then Williams. As a political science major and, eventually, the editor of the college newspaper, Needham loved to provoke his liberal classmates, arguing that Social Security was unnecessary and that the minimum wage hurt the working poor. “It’s amazing how little reflection he’s given to his privilege,” says a classmate. "It was all kind of a game to him. It was an experiment in winning.”


This pretty much lays rest to the idea that the government shut down was the Democrats doing. It was planned out months ago. And the people hurt and the 24 billion are merely "collateral damage".

The Heritage Foundation was a right wing "think" tank. Now, they skipped over the "think".

Imagine a rich Republican right winger who never has to worry about health care talking people out of the need. The very people who need it the most. Tragic, terrible and distressing.
I would be happy if Pelosi just stopped getting face lifts she stretches that skin much more and her eyes will be on her forehead.
Where does Nancy fit in.

It's a quote from a Republican Aide.

The "action arm" of the Heritage Foundation, which was behind the money losing government shutdown is so destructive to the GOP, they were simply saying if she could, Nancy would send them an anonymous check to support their effort to ruin the GOP.
I would be happy if Pelosi just stopped getting face lifts she stretches that skin much more and her eyes will be on her forehead.


She's just getting old. What is she? In her 70's? I would say it might happen to me, but oops, too late, but I'm already there.
Mr. Needham blames the GOP for not focusing enough on ObamaCare...

What's there to focus on? The fuckers that wrote and passed this piece of shit legislation (in order to find out what's in it) had their thumbs up the ass.

Y'all are lovely.

No, truly. Misogyny is a lovely look.

Your right were sorry we should have been more respectful and suggested taking a piss or dump in her mouth like Martin Bashir did with Sarah Palin.
I would be happy if Pelosi just stopped getting face lifts she stretches that skin much more and her eyes will be on her forehead.


She's just getting old. What is she? In her 70's? I would say it might happen to me, but oops, too late, but I'm already there.

you are in your 70's?......no wonder you are like you are.....you are just a cantankerous old fucker....im surprised you know how to use a computer.....
I would be happy if Pelosi just stopped getting face lifts she stretches that skin much more and her eyes will be on her forehead.


She's just getting old. What is she? In her 70's? I would say it might happen to me, but oops, too late, but I'm already there.

you are in your 70's?......no wonder you are like you are.....you are just a cantankerous old fucker....im surprised you know how to use a computer.....


And I'm not cantankerous. I just like to speak the truth about the GOP's ruinous policies and how they have damaged the country. Surely you know about the Bush tax cuts for the rich that didn't create jobs and redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%. Or the millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008. Or the block to keep the Obama administration from investigating BP after the oil spill. Or the GOP holding millions of unemployed hostage to extend the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. Or the GOP block to keep first responders from health care for 10 years. Or the trillions foolishly spent on Iraq. Or the tens of thousands killed and maimed in Iraq and the trillions more it will take to give them health care. Or the......well......you get the picture. Can you really deny all of this when Republicans used reconciliation THREE TIMES under Bush. What did they use it on? Hint, it wasn't health care.
He's fine. If I had to go by most of the posts on this board, I'd be believing the lot of you hadn't seen a woman since 2003 or so.

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