If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

Incorrect. But the mesopotamians weren't white ether. My point is that there was no Nubian component to Egypt. Egypt was the Nubian component.

Egypt was not NUBIA------two different places----sometimes
getting more or less TOGETHER. Texans are not Texans-----but they do seem to share drinking habits with each other

Egypt was not white. It's really not even debateable. They were a mixture of various shades of brown. It was pretty much a racially diverse place if we want to look at race relative to those times when they did not.
Not sure anyone said they were "white"...
Whites have always claimed the ancient Egyptians were white even when that was impossible due to the lack of sun screen.. You guys yearn for relevance.

Egyptians were not Black, or White, but rather Mediterranean.
Thats not what Ramases DNA test says or even the white historians that saw the Egyptians in person.
Egypt was not NUBIA------two different places----sometimes
getting more or less TOGETHER. Texans are not Texans-----but they do seem to share drinking habits with each other

Egypt was not white. It's really not even debateable. They were a mixture of various shades of brown. It was pretty much a racially diverse place if we want to look at race relative to those times when they did not.
Not sure anyone said they were "white"...
Whites have always claimed the ancient Egyptians were white even when that was impossible due to the lack of sun screen.. You guys yearn for relevance.

Egyptians were not Black, or White, but rather Mediterranean.
Thats not what Ramases DNA test says or even the white historians that saw the Egyptians in person.

You are babbling again. The "white historians"? What "white historian"?
Egypt was not white. It's really not even debateable. They were a mixture of various shades of brown. It was pretty much a racially diverse place if we want to look at race relative to those times when they did not.
Not sure anyone said they were "white"...
Whites have always claimed the ancient Egyptians were white even when that was impossible due to the lack of sun screen.. You guys yearn for relevance.

Egyptians were not Black, or White, but rather Mediterranean.
Thats not what Ramases DNA test says or even the white historians that saw the Egyptians in person.

You are babbling again. The "white historians"? What "white historian"?
You must be drinking again if you think I am babbling. Herodotus for starters. You know. The Father of Western Civilization?
Thats not what Ramases DNA test says or even the white historians that saw the Egyptians in person.

But who were their slaves ... :dunno:

They didnt define slavery in the terms of white people did. To them slavery was more like indentured servitude. Whites are too dumb to understand the difference in their chattel slavery and the slavery ancient Egypt employed. Pretty sure they enslaved many of their captured enemies which included the Nubians as well as whites.
Getting back to the OP. The question isnt what Blacks would have done if left to their own devices. We have a track record of beginning civilizations and teaching other people what we know. The question is what would whites have done if Black people had not educated them not once but twice?
They didnt define slavery in the terms of white people did. To them slavery was more like indentured servitude. Whites are too dumb to understand the difference in their chattel slavery and the slavery ancient Egypt employed. Pretty sure they enslaved many of their captured enemies which included the Nubians as well as whites.

I know the answer to the question I asked ... I just asked it to see what excuse you would attempt to come up with.
All in all ... The Egyptians set a wonderful example of using slave labor as means to reach what they (and you) deem to be the pinnacle of civilization.

Justify it any way you are comfortable with ... It is of no consequence to me ... :thup:

They didnt define slavery in the terms of white people did. To them slavery was more like indentured servitude. Whites are too dumb to understand the difference in their chattel slavery and the slavery ancient Egypt employed. Pretty sure they enslaved many of their captured enemies which included the Nubians as well as whites.

I know the answer to the question I asked ... I just asked it to see what excuse you would attempt to come up with.
All in all ... The Egyptians set a wonderful example of using slave labor as means to reach what they (and you) deem to be the pinnacle of civilization.

Justify it any way you are comfortable with ... It is of no consequence to me ... :thup:

Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.
Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:
I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

So now you are suggesting slavery isn't slavery ... Okay, I got that ... :thup:
Is there any other stipulation you want to add ... Perhaps another excuse you would like express ... :dunno:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

So now you are suggesting slavery isn't slavery ... Okay, I got that ... :thup:
Is there any other stipulation you want to add ... Perhaps another excuse you would like express ... :dunno:

I know youre white but at least try to comprehend. Chattel slavery is dehumanizing. Indentured servitude never took away your humanity. Thats why they are called 2 different things.
They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

No they would have done just fine. Nigerians had street lights in their great capitol before they had them in Europe. They collected gold in Ghana, they had an advanced system of steel casting for centuries. Their problem was for over 1500 years about a 100 million of them were stolen out of africa and then sent to the ME.
no doubt the enemies of the enslaved who handed them over to slavers would have picked on their rivals which would have included leaders. therefore keeping much of Africa in turmoil for many centuries.
I know youre white but at least try to comprehend. Chattel slavery is dehumanizing. Indentured servitude never took away your humanity. Thats why they are called 2 different things.

Look ... I have no idea why you are reacting the way you are ... :dunno:
I asked you a simple question ... You provided your answer ... How you deal with your answer is your business ... I don't care what you have to tell yourself.

I know youre white but at least try to comprehend. Chattel slavery is dehumanizing. Indentured servitude never took away your humanity. Thats why they are called 2 different things.

Look ... I have no idea why you are reacting the way you are ... :dunno:
I asked you a simple question ... You provided your answer ... How you deal with your answer is your business ... I don't care what you have to tell yourself.

I'm reacting that way because you white people lack intelligence. Why would you ask me who their slaves were in response to my fact that the Egyptians were Black people? :cuckoo:
I'm reacting that way because you white people lack intelligence. Why would you ask me who their slaves were in response to my fact that the Egyptians were Black people? :cuckoo:

I didn't put any stipulations on your answer ... Nor did I say anything about race.
If you think your continued objections are any sign of intelligence ... All I can say is that is par with what I have come to expect from you.

If you think it is in the least bit civilized ... Pfft, whatever ... :thup:

I'm reacting that way because you white people lack intelligence. Why would you ask me who their slaves were in response to my fact that the Egyptians were Black people? :cuckoo:

I didn't put any stipulations on your answer ... Nor did I say anything about race.
If you think your continued objections are any sign of intelligence ... All I can say is that is par with what I have come to expect from you.

If you think it is in the least bit civilized ... Pfft, whatever ... :thup:

You shouldnt ask dumb questions that had nothing to do with my facts. I said the Egyptians were Black. Using logic one would then ask a question pertaining to that statement. Dont blame me because you werent taught how to carry on a conversation. :laugh:
They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

No they would have done just fine. Nigerians had street lights in their great capitol before they had them in Europe. They collected gold in Ghana, they had an advanced system of steel casting for centuries. Their problem was for over 1500 years about a 100 million of them were stolen out of africa and then sent to the ME.
no doubt the enemies of the enslaved who handed them over to slavers would have picked on their rivals which would have included leaders. therefore keeping much of Africa in turmoil for many centuries.
Thank you. I've been thinking the same thing. To have many of their best and brightest stolen from their tribes would first of all devastate the families that were left behind. Then while they mourned their losses they would need to regroup and try to rebuild. The ones who were strong, able-bodied and skilled were taken away to build another country. Such a violent, vicious change had to have an impact on the entire continent.
You shouldnt ask dumb questions that had nothing to do with my facts. I said the Egyptians were Black. Using logic one would then ask a question pertaining to that statement. Dont blame me because you werent taught how to carry on a conversation. :laugh:

I know what you posted ... I quoted it.
What you care to assume I might have meant ... Is simply your mistake ... I certainly didn't lead you anywhere with my question, and you answered freely.
I haven't blamed you for anything ... I have repeatedly suggested that your answer satisfied my question ... As well as what it pertained to in my asking.

Furthermore ... If you think I would ever look to you for guidance in how to carry on a civilized conversation ... I can only suggest that it is possible you have a somewhat inflated view of your own disposition in the matter.

But ... Who am I to criticize ... Your thoughts on the matter are, again, no consequence to me ... :dunno:



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