If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

Well, perhaps blacks might lose their romantic sentimental notions of Africa, or of Islam: Africans and Muslims were the major contributors to slavery. Step back and think that through. Blacks hunted down and sold their brothers into slavery, Muslims 800 years ago up till now don't have a problem with slavery. Why didn't Malcolm X or Mohamed Ali or other black converts to Islam know that basic fact?

I wouldn't guess that blacks embrace the most damning aspects of their heritage ... No more than anyone of another race would embrace theirs.

There isn't and ethnic group on the face of the Earth that hasn't had its share of slavery or misdeeds.
No race is free from guilt ... We all share that common bond.

So what if someone wants to celebrate the more noteworthy accomplishments of their culture?
So what if they do so without getting mired in the atrocities we all share (collectively not personally)?

Who and what constitutes the collective history, that's a dicey subject. I don't want to be be lumped into a group of people that used to own slaves because I have a something in common with them because of something as random and superficial like skin color. It's tantamount to racial profiling or original sin . It's absurd .
The Brits moved away from it voluntarily without a civil war decades before we did via a bloody and utterly stupid civil war, and we have still yet to come to our senses over it. It is not that no one else engaged in it, it is rather that america touts itself as "exceptional" when it reality it is anything but. As you have rightly pointed out here.

As you know, or should know the UNITED STATES is just that, a group of states which voluntary joined together as SOVEREIGN states. The Constitution lays out the specific responsibilities of the Federal Government leaving ALL OTHER responsibilities to the individual states.

The Civil War started because the South was declaring that they, as sovereign states, had the right to make their own laws. They considered themselves sovereign states. The Emancipation Proclamation was not signed until Sept. 22, 1862. The Civil War began in 1861.
You are responsible for your own way in this life. And again, color has nothing to do with it. Intestinal fortitude has everything to do with it:

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Intestinal fortitude is not why whites have what they do. Laws depriving others of opportunity is.

Bullshit. What law prevents you from excelling that my daughters are privy to and you are not?

I'm probably much older than your daughters.

Laws kinda have to be followed. I know you understand that concept don't you? Other than that they are words on a piece of paper. So I am to presume none of you racists never held a job, or a position of responsibility as you live your lives thinking we are inferior and naturally dumber. And I guess that although you think we are inferior, dumber, criminal and fuck everything up wherever we go, that you are able to practice fair employment and equal opportunity.

Sure, yeah.

You said there were laws. Where are they?
Who and what constitutes the collective history, that's a dicey subject. I don't want to be be lumped into a group of people that used to own slaves because I have a something in common with them because of something a random and superficial like skin color. It's tantamount to racial profiling or original sin . It's absurd .

A collective's history would be one associated with the race or ethnic group.
That is why I made the exception towards "personally" ... Not everyone is responsible for the actions of the collective ... Some people choose not to participate.

Your comments express your desire to understand why Malcom X and Ali embraced their African roots ... But didn't embrace the atrocities associated with that collective history.

My point is that we cannot nitpick one race or another about what they choose to embrace about their culture.
No ethnic group is free from atrocities ... Nor should a member of that group be expected to be held accountable for actions they had no part in.

If you want to suggest that African Americans should not embrace their African culture due to its ties to slavery ... Well it would be kind of hard to expect them to embrace American (or any other) culture ... Due to their ties to slavery or atrocities.

Oh ... And if the only reasonable response would be to not embrace any culture ... Screw that, I like Mardi Gras.

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Who and what constitutes the collective history, that's a dicey subject. I don't want to be be lumped into a group of people that used to own slaves because I have a something in common with them because of something a random and superficial like skin color. It's tantamount to racial profiling or original sin . It's absurd .

A collective's history would be one associated with the race or ethnic group.
That is why I made the exception towards "personally" ... Not everyone is responsible for the actions of the collective ... Some people choose not to participate.

Your comments express your desire to understand why Malcom X and Ali embraced their African roots ... But didn't embrace the atrocities associated with that collective history.

My point is that we cannot nitpick one race or another about what they choose to embrace about their culture.
No ethnic group is free from atrocities ... Nor should a member of that group be expected to be held accountable for actions they had no part in.

If you want to suggest that African Americans should not embrace their African culture due to its ties to slavery ... Well it would be kind of hard to expect them to embrace American (or any other) culture ... Due to their ties to slavery or atrocities.

Nope, not saying that, I think we need to step back here and look at the way blacks contributed to slavery and stop this racial profiling of all whites as gaining from slavery. I can assure you that is a stereotype and I am poor and being white isn't some kind of saving grace. I resent being painted with such a stereotyped broad brush.
Nope, not saying that, I think we need to step back here and look at the way blacks contributed to slavery and stop this racial profiling of all whites as gaining from slavery. I can assure you that is a stereotype and I am poor and being white isn't some kind of saving grace. I resent being painted with such a stereotyped broad brush.

I never suggested you should be painted with any brush.
I only suggested you shouldn't be whipping out a brush and trying to paint Ali or Malcom X.

Nope, not saying that, I think we need to step back here and look at the way blacks contributed to slavery and stop this racial profiling of all whites as gaining from slavery. I can assure you that is a stereotype and I am poor and being white isn't some kind of saving grace. I resent being painted with such a stereotyped broad brush.

I never suggested you should be painted with any brush.
I only suggested you shouldn't be whipping out a brush and trying to paint Ali or Malcom X.

You only suggest...could you be any more condescending?
Then how is this possible?

The range of scores has been adjusted so all of the "white" scores are 100. Then the results for the other races are comparable on an equal basis, above or below.


Those damn Asians ... The test is racially biased towards them.

Just kidding ... I have no idea where your data comes from.
I really don't see how it solves any problems ... And I don't use race as a qualifier for anything important.


Happy to oblige.

IQs of Races in the United States
April 15, 2016 RyanFaulk

Here I’m going to go over the median IQs of the main races in the United States. There are 4 sources for this.
  1. The IQ Studies
  2. SAT scores
  3. ACT scores
  4. NAEP scores
  5. TIMMS and PISA scores
And in this we will be looking at the scores for these racial categories – whites, blacks, hispanics, asians – and pacific islanders and american indians where available.

IQs of Races in the United States
Not if you ask Africans who live above and below the Sahara desert. Secondly there were tremendous civilizations that existed south of the Sahara.

So what happened?
What happened to whites when they regressed back to cave man status and Blacks had to come save them?
Provide your links that support your claim...

No, that's not going be done. You are a proven racist. It is a waste of time even trying to discuss anything positive that has been accomplished by backs to you.
Not if you ask Africans who live above and below the Sahara desert. Secondly there were tremendous civilizations that existed south of the Sahara.

So what happened?
What happened to whites when they regressed back to cave man status and Blacks had to come save them?
Provide your links that support your claim...

No, that's not going be done. You are a proven racist. It is a waste of time even trying to discuss anything positive that has been accomplished by backs to you.
Offer up the links to support your claim, or STFU. No one... And I do mean absolutely no one is obligated to just take your word for it. We both know why you are unwilling to try and substantiate your claim. And the board knows why, as well.
Not if you ask Africans who live above and below the Sahara desert. Secondly there were tremendous civilizations that existed south of the Sahara.

So what happened?
What happened to whites when they regressed back to cave man status and Blacks had to come save them?
Provide your links that support your claim...

No, that's not going be done. You are a proven racist. It is a waste of time even trying to discuss anything positive that has been accomplished by backs to you.
Offer up the links to support your claim, or STFU. No one... And I do mean absolutely no one is obligated to just take your word for it. We both know why you are unwilling to try and substantiate your claim. And the board knows why, as well.

You will not be getting any links from me. . You cannot show any lack of civilization below the Sahara but that's what you claim. We all know that too.
nothing EUROCENTRIC about it-------races are determined---by guidelines involving various physical
features---generally GROSS ANATOMY-----
Human beans is ALL ONE SPECIES------and ALL VERY GENETICALLY MIXED-------sorta like dogs----and in botany---capsicum. "race" is a very very blurry issue. There are ABSOLUTELY no variations by group or race of the HUMAN BEAN BRAIN

Then how is this possible?

The range of scores has been adjusted so all of the "white" scores are 100. Then the results for the other races are comparable on an equal basis, above or below.


ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS------NOT structural or functional differences of the brain. <<<< fact. The
environmental factors are PROTEAN ranging from
CULTURAL, to nutritional and even including level of
intellectual stimulation in early life
Not sure anyone said they were "white"...
Whites have always claimed the ancient Egyptians were white even when that was impossible due to the lack of sun screen.. You guys yearn for relevance.

Egyptians were not Black, or White, but rather Mediterranean.
Thats not what Ramases DNA test says or even the white historians that saw the Egyptians in person.

You are babbling again. The "white historians"? What "white historian"?
You must be drinking again if you think I am babbling. Herodotus for starters. You know. The Father of Western Civilization?

Herodotus was a GREEK-----for whom "pretty people" had blue eyes and blond hair-----like VENUS (actually Aphrodite---for the greeks) Herodotus lived in the fifth
century BC ---and based his impressions on traveling here and there---nothing close to a "scientific" study------he was no biologist. By the fifth Century BC----Nubians has already invaded Egypt and MIXED-----and the arab slave trade was already based in SUDAN----and had supplied sub-Saharan slaves to Egypt, Greece and even to Persia. Your insistence that there was anything close to a clear delineation of "RACES" by 500 BC is ludicrous-------it makes you seem insane
Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
You only suggest...could you be any more condescending?

Well ... I am not trying to establish myself as an intellectual of moral authority of any kind.
If my simple suggestion makes you question any hierarchy issues ... I guess all I can say is you are free to be offended if that somehow suits your purpose.

Happy to oblige.

IQs of Races in the United States
April 15, 2016 RyanFaulk

Here I’m going to go over the median IQs of the main races in the United States. There are 4 sources for this.
  1. The IQ Studies
  2. SAT scores
  3. ACT scores
  4. NAEP scores
  5. TIMMS and PISA scores
And in this we will be looking at the scores for these racial categories – whites, blacks, hispanics, asians – and pacific islanders and american indians where available.

IQs of Races in the United States

Thanks for the information ... Although I don't see where it could be much use to me.
As far as I can tell ... I have known some pretty stupid Asians and some pretty smart African Americans.

An IQ chart establish on racial demographics isn't a tool I use in deciding who I may hire, do business with or trust.
I am not big fan of external or government controls ... So I don't really see where racial demographics could possibly benefit my endeavors.
If you have some kind of insight on how the information provided can lead to any kind of tangible benefit ... I would be willing to listen.

Then how is this possible?

The range of scores has been adjusted so all of the "white" scores are 100. Then the results for the other races are comparable on an equal basis, above or below.


Those damn Asians ... The test is racially biased towards them.

Just kidding ... I have no idea where your data comes from.
I really don't see how it solves any problems ... And I don't use race as a qualifier for anything important.


Happy to oblige.

IQs of Races in the United States
April 15, 2016 RyanFaulk

Here I’m going to go over the median IQs of the main races in the United States. There are 4 sources for this.
  1. The IQ Studies
  2. SAT scores
  3. ACT scores
  4. NAEP scores
  5. TIMMS and PISA scores
And in this we will be looking at the scores for these racial categories – whites, blacks, hispanics, asians – and pacific islanders and american indians where available.

IQs of Races in the United States
None of those measure raw intelligence but they sure do offer hope to desperate racists.
The Brits moved away from it voluntarily without a civil war decades before we did via a bloody and utterly stupid civil war, and we have still yet to come to our senses over it. It is not that no one else engaged in it, it is rather that america touts itself as "exceptional" when it reality it is anything but. As you have rightly pointed out here.

As you know, or should know the UNITED STATES is just that, a group of states which voluntary joined together as SOVEREIGN states. The Constitution lays out the specific responsibilities of the Federal Government leaving ALL OTHER responsibilities to the individual states.

The Civil War started because the South was declaring that they, as sovereign states, had the right to make their own laws. They considered themselves sovereign states. The Emancipation Proclamation was not signed until Sept. 22, 1862. The Civil War began in 1861.
The civil war started over slavery as the defining issue and has been white wasted by the losers ever since.
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