If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

Egypt was not NUBIA------two different places----sometimes
getting more or less TOGETHER. Texans are not Texans-----but they do seem to share drinking habits with each other

Egypt was not white. It's really not even debateable. They were a mixture of various shades of brown. It was pretty much a racially diverse place if we want to look at race relative to those times when they did not.
Not sure anyone said they were "white"...
Whites have always claimed the ancient Egyptians were white even when that was impossible due to the lack of sun screen.. You guys yearn for relevance.

We are 75% of the population of the Untied States. We are already relevant. If whites stop working, others would starve to death.

Not exactly. And you are not 75 percent of the population either.

Now when we look at the world population I do believe whites are less than 10 percent, so are you really relevant?

I live in the United States. And made it clear I was referring to the United States.
The 2010 Census showed that the U.S. population on April 1, 2010, was 308.7 million. Out of the total population, 223.6 million people, or 72 percent, identified as White. I can break it down for you by state if you like:
State Value
Alabama 69.8
Alaska 67.3
Arizona 84.0
Arkansas 79.9
California 73.5
Colorado 88.0
Connecticut 81.6
Delaware 71.1
District of Columbia 43.4
Florida 78.1
Georgia 62.5
Hawaii 26.6
Idaho 93.7
Illinois 77.7
Indiana 86.3
Iowa 92.5
Kansas 87.1
Kentucky 88.5
Louisiana 63.5
Maine 95.2
Maryland 60.5
Massachusetts 83.2
Michigan 80.1
Minnesota 86.2
Mississippi 59.8
Missouri 83.7
Montana 89.5
Nebraska 89.7
Nevada 76.7
New Hampshire 94.2
New Jersey 73.4
New Mexico 82.9
New York 70.9
North Carolina 71.7
North Dakota 89.6
Ohio 83.2
Oklahoma 75.4
Oregon 88.1
Pennsylvania 83.2
Rhode Island 85.6
South Carolina 68.3
South Dakota 85.9
Tennessee 79.1
Texas 80.3
Utah 91.6
Vermont 95.2
Virginia 70.8
Washington 81.2
West Virginia 93.8
Wisconsin 88.1
Wyoming 92.7
Value for the US (Percent): 77.7%

As for relevance:
: having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand.

So, Would you rather have 77% of a million dollars or 12%?
Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.
Whites have always claimed the ancient Egyptians were white even when that was impossible due to the lack of sun screen.. You guys yearn for relevance.

Egyptians were not Black, or White, but rather Mediterranean.
Thats not what Ramases DNA test says or even the white historians that saw the Egyptians in person.

You are babbling again. The "white historians"? What "white historian"?
You must be drinking again if you think I am babbling. Herodotus for starters. You know. The Father of Western Civilization?

Herodotus was a GREEK-----for whom "pretty people" had blue eyes and blond hair-----like VENUS (actually Aphrodite---for the greeks) Herodotus lived in the fifth
century BC ---and based his impressions on traveling here and there---nothing close to a "scientific" study------he was no biologist. By the fifth Century BC----Nubians has already invaded Egypt and MIXED-----and the arab slave trade was already based in SUDAN----and had supplied sub-Saharan slaves to Egypt, Greece and even to Persia. Your insistence that there was anything close to a clear delineation of "RACES" by 500 BC is ludicrous-------it makes you seem insane
Thats weird. Most Greeks thought people with blond hair and blue eyes were savages. Either way since he saw the Egyptians and knew they were a different people from the Nubians your claim pretty much falls flat on its face. I'll quote Herodotus so there is no mistake. The Egyptians were Black.

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

If they were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes

Just in case you want to make an excuse, here is Aristotle.

"Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion..."
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Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.

"blacks as a group" ??? OH-----ALL BLACKS IS DE SAME----ITS DE COLOR ---MAAN
Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.

The Sokoto Empire saw 50% of it's population enslaved, that's similar to the U.S South.
Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.
Slavery is slavery. The fact that you imagine anything other than that reality, shows not only how ignorant you are; but also highlights your desperation for any form of validity. You are openly proposing that you've found the cleaner end, by which one can pick up the turd... You need help...
Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.
Slavery is slavery. The fact that you imagine anything other than that reality, shows not only how ignorant you are; but also highlights your desperation for any form of validity. You are openly proposing that you've found the cleaner end, by which one can pick up the turd... You need help...

it is desperate to find ANYTHING that suggests it is descended from anything superior to manure
If negros had been left to their own devices the whole continent of Africa would have starved by now.
by inclination, I am into "science"-----my major in college was "undeclared"----but by virtue of the courses I chose----more like
"general science" I have a STATEMENT based on knowledge of "biology"" which came to be something like my "official" major. -----here it is---Color of the skin is LARGELY (but not entirely) determined by the quantity of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a pigment (a substance which APPEARS as a color based on the spectrum of light waves it absorbs and reflects)
The pigment is produced by specific cells which develop in the NEURAL CREST of the embryo. From there they, by differential division of cells-----end up thruout the ectodermal layer of the organism (elsewhere too----but for a discussion of the color of the skin---STICK TO THE ECTODERM) The issue differentiating what we call the "black race" vs the "white race" ----is NOT quantity of the specific cells which elaborate melanin----to wit MELANOCYTES-----it is, simply----
quanity of melanin----ie the melanocytes----a specialized cell which originates in the NEURAL CREST of the embryo----produces MORE melanin in "black" people ---than in 'white"
people---------and that's all there is to it. The pigment has no effect on intelligence or personality
PS---the greeks did not consider any person with blue eyes and blond hair to be a "savage"----- It is important to understand that which one reads
Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.

"blacks" are neither a "group" or a "people"
Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.

"blacks" are neither a "group" or a "people"

Actually we are both.

You see when some of us decide to excuse chattel slavery by saying slavery was done by all, the failure to recognize that the other forms of slavery did not consign slavery upon a person at birth or made it generational by race. Slaves were looked upon as humans in other forms of slavery and not as chattel. So while no slavery is a good thing, the dehumanization of backs created by chattel slavery made it the worst form in human history.

Besides the issue is not even really about slavery here. It is about what happened after that.

So we are here arguing about slavery when the problem is in the OP itself. This fool is citing an opinion from Thomas Dixon apparently some dumb white man during the colonial times. Because the problem with what he was saying is that Europe had nothing, the moors bought them back to life, they had plagues, pestilences and diseases that Africans did not have. They lagged behind on medical knowledge and in technological advancement for those times. Yet we have a stormfront trooper who gets to post an opinion about blacks and its treated like it's a viable opinion t debate? This thread needs to go to the rubber room.
If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.

"blacks" are neither a "group" or a "people"

Actually we are both.

You see when some of us decide to excuse chattel slavery by saying slavery was done by all, the failure to recognize that the other forms of slavery did not consign slavery upon a person at birth or made it generational by race. Slaves were looked upon as humans in other forms of slavery and not as chattel. So while no slavery is a good thing, the dehumanization of backs created by chattel slavery made it the worst form in human history.

Besides the issue is not even really about slavery here. It is about what happened after that.

So we are here arguing about slavery when the problem is in the OP itself. This fool is citing an opinion from Thomas Dixon apparently some dumb white man during the colonial times. Because the problem with what he was saying is that Europe had nothing, the moors bought them back to life, they had plagues, pestilences and diseases that Africans did not have. They lagged behind on medical knowledge and in technological advancement for those times. Yet we have a stormfront trooper who gets to post an opinion about blacks and its treated like it's a viable opinion t debate? This thread needs to go to the rubber room.

actually---YOU are on the same level as all other "race" bullshit artists------you argue about the ESSENCE of variable levels of melanin -------MELANIN being the ABSOLUTE ISSUE
I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.

"blacks" are neither a "group" or a "people"

Actually we are both.

You see when some of us decide to excuse chattel slavery by saying slavery was done by all, the failure to recognize that the other forms of slavery did not consign slavery upon a person at birth or made it generational by race. Slaves were looked upon as humans in other forms of slavery and not as chattel. So while no slavery is a good thing, the dehumanization of backs created by chattel slavery made it the worst form in human history.

Besides the issue is not even really about slavery here. It is about what happened after that.

So we are here arguing about slavery when the problem is in the OP itself. This fool is citing an opinion from Thomas Dixon apparently some dumb white man during the colonial times. Because the problem with what he was saying is that Europe had nothing, the moors bought them back to life, they had plagues, pestilences and diseases that Africans did not have. They lagged behind on medical knowledge and in technological advancement for those times. Yet we have a stormfront trooper who gets to post an opinion about blacks and its treated like it's a viable opinion t debate? This thread needs to go to the rubber room.

actually---YOU are on the same level as all other "race" bullshit artists------you argue about the ESSENCE of variable levels of melanin -------MELANIN being the ABSOLUTE ISSUE

There is no such thing as race bullshit artists. We did not make up race, we did not determine that because we have more melanin we are inferior. We did not make laws to deny those based upon levels pf melanin, We did not decide we could own people because of levels of melanin. We did not decide that people with certain levels of melanin were not civilized or Christian. We did not decide that people with certain levels of melanin had all that wealth and were too lazy to harvest it. We did not decide that people with certain melanin levels were Americans while others were not. We did not decide that people with certain levels of melanin needed to be removed from their homes. We did not decide that we had the right to invade and colonize a continent because e we had a certain level of melanin. We did not decide that if you had a certain level of melanin you had no rights that were to be respected. We did not start an OP about how a people with a certain melanin level would do if left up to their own devices. So then you go holler at those who created the problem instead of those of us wanting to try ending it and creating a place where levels of melanin don't matter .
as documented before, Africa is the shithole of the world
highest poverty/illiteracy/starvation/disease/etc
this can't be denied
they can't even feed themselves
Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.

The Sokoto Empire saw 50% of it's population enslaved, that's similar to the U.S South.
Sorry white boy. No one but whites ever engaged in chattel slavery.
Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.
Slavery is slavery. The fact that you imagine anything other than that reality, shows not only how ignorant you are; but also highlights your desperation for any form of validity. You are openly proposing that you've found the cleaner end, by which one can pick up the turd... You need help...
No dummy. chattel slavery is totally different from traditional slavery. If you are struggling with the concept use a dictionary after getting an adult to explain it to you.
Why dont you tell me who they enslaved? Its obvious you dont have a clue.

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.

"blacks" are neither a "group" or a "people"
Wrong again. You never seem to get anything right.

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