If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.

"blacks" are neither a "group" or a "people"

Actually we are both.

You see when some of us decide to excuse chattel slavery by saying slavery was done by all, the failure to recognize that the other forms of slavery did not consign slavery upon a person at birth or made it generational by race. Slaves were looked upon as humans in other forms of slavery and not as chattel. So while no slavery is a good thing, the dehumanization of backs created by chattel slavery made it the worst form in human history.

Besides the issue is not even really about slavery here. It is about what happened after that.

So we are here arguing about slavery when the problem is in the OP itself. This fool is citing an opinion from Thomas Dixon apparently some dumb white man during the colonial times. Because the problem with what he was saying is that Europe had nothing, the moors bought them back to life, they had plagues, pestilences and diseases that Africans did not have. They lagged behind on medical knowledge and in technological advancement for those times. Yet we have a stormfront trooper who gets to post an opinion about blacks and its treated like it's a viable opinion t debate? This thread needs to go to the rubber room.
This site often allows these illiterate threads. I typically like responding so other Black people can benefit from what I know as many of them have bought the "white" version of history. Its like I have said many times before...whites have to keep repeating these things to themselves because they suffer from genetic insecurity. Its sad and I pity them for it but I am way more concerned with educating other Black people that have bought into their lies. Can you imagine what would happen if Black people stopped worrying about these white racists and focused on just out working them? No one can stop a Black person. They can only provide obstacles and mental noise to distract them.
Last edited:
This site often allows these illiterate threads. I typically like responding so other Black people can benefit from what I know as many of them have bought the "white" version of history. Its like I have said many times before...whites have to keep repeating these things to themselves because they suffer from genetic insecurity. Its sad and I pity them for it by I am way more concerned with educating other Black people that have bought into their lies. Can you imagine what would happen if Black people stopped worrying about these white racists and focused on just out working them? No one can stop a Black person. They can only provide obstacles and mental noise to distract them.

Amen Brother ... Good Luck in Your Endeavors (not that you really need luck to help you out any) ... :thup:

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.
Slavery is slavery. The fact that you imagine anything other than that reality, shows not only how ignorant you are; but also highlights your desperation for any form of validity. You are openly proposing that you've found the cleaner end, by which one can pick up the turd... You need help...
No dummy. chattel slavery is totally different from traditional slavery. If you are struggling with the concept use a dictionary after getting an adult to explain it to you.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. Slavery is slavery. The particulars are only as unique as the cultures that have practiced it. Which is virtually all of them... Minor details. None of which change the fact that it was slavery. So you go right on ahead and pick that turd up; from the end you’ve deemed the cleanest...
I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.
Slavery is slavery. The fact that you imagine anything other than that reality, shows not only how ignorant you are; but also highlights your desperation for any form of validity. You are openly proposing that you've found the cleaner end, by which one can pick up the turd... You need help...
No dummy. chattel slavery is totally different from traditional slavery. If you are struggling with the concept use a dictionary after getting an adult to explain it to you.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. Slavery is slavery. The particulars are only as unique as the cultures that have practiced it. Minor details. None of which change the fact that it was slavery. So you go right on ahead and pick that turd up; from the end you’ve deemed the cleanest...
Yeah you said that before. Like I said before go read a dictionary before you converse with me on the subject. Let me know when you know the difference silly white boy.
Whites have always claimed the ancient Egyptians were white even when that was impossible due to the lack of sun screen.. You guys yearn for relevance.

Egyptians were not Black, or White, but rather Mediterranean.
Thats not what Ramases DNA test says or even the white historians that saw the Egyptians in person.

You are babbling again. The "white historians"? What "white historian"?
You must be drinking again if you think I am babbling. Herodotus for starters. You know. The Father of Western Civilization?

Herodotus was a GREEK-----for whom "pretty people" had blue eyes and blond hair-----like VENUS (actually Aphrodite---for the greeks) Herodotus lived in the fifth
century BC ---and based his impressions on traveling here and there---nothing close to a "scientific" study------he was no biologist. By the fifth Century BC----Nubians has already invaded Egypt and MIXED-----and the arab slave trade was already based in SUDAN----and had supplied sub-Saharan slaves to Egypt, Greece and even to Persia. Your insistence that there was anything close to a clear delineation of "RACES" by 500 BC is ludicrous-------it makes you seem insane

The entire quote is:
Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion, as you may see from women. So the hue that makes for courage must be intermediate between these extremes. A tawny colour indicates a bold spirit, as in lions; but too ruddy a hue marks a rogue, as in the case of the fox. A pale mottled hue signifies cowardice, for that is the colour one turns in terror. The honey-pale are cold, and coldness means immobility, and an immobile body means slowness. A red hue indicates hastiness, for all parts of the body on being heated by movement turn red. A flaming skin, however, indicates madness, for it results from an overheated body, and extreme bodily heat is likely to mean madness.

Only a moron like Asclepias would consider that a reliable source of the general racial makeup of Egypt, especially compared to modern DNA evidence suggesting the opposite. The retarded shitskin thinks he can make blacks look good by going back thousands of years to when they were supposedly civilized and intelligent, but whenever he tries someone finds evidence contrary to his delusions. Maybe next time he'll go back 100,000,000 years and talk about space-traveling blacks. The further back, the less evidence, the "stronger" his argument.
there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.
Slavery is slavery. The fact that you imagine anything other than that reality, shows not only how ignorant you are; but also highlights your desperation for any form of validity. You are openly proposing that you've found the cleaner end, by which one can pick up the turd... You need help...
No dummy. chattel slavery is totally different from traditional slavery. If you are struggling with the concept use a dictionary after getting an adult to explain it to you.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. Slavery is slavery. The particulars are only as unique as the cultures that have practiced it. Minor details. None of which change the fact that it was slavery. So you go right on ahead and pick that turd up; from the end you’ve deemed the cleanest...
Yeah you said that before. Like I said before go read a dictionary before you converse with me on the subject. Let me know when you know the difference silly white boy.
You’ve been told. Twice now. If your 80 IQ has failed to process it thus far... Its time to move on. The world needs ditch diggers too. Ya dig?
American slavery was the best thing to ever happen to Afro Americans. Not so good for Whitey though since Blacks are 200 times more likely to commit violent crime than Whitey making many parts of America no-go zones!
Egyptians were not Black, or White, but rather Mediterranean.
Thats not what Ramases DNA test says or even the white historians that saw the Egyptians in person.

You are babbling again. The "white historians"? What "white historian"?
You must be drinking again if you think I am babbling. Herodotus for starters. You know. The Father of Western Civilization?

Herodotus was a GREEK-----for whom "pretty people" had blue eyes and blond hair-----like VENUS (actually Aphrodite---for the greeks) Herodotus lived in the fifth
century BC ---and based his impressions on traveling here and there---nothing close to a "scientific" study------he was no biologist. By the fifth Century BC----Nubians has already invaded Egypt and MIXED-----and the arab slave trade was already based in SUDAN----and had supplied sub-Saharan slaves to Egypt, Greece and even to Persia. Your insistence that there was anything close to a clear delineation of "RACES" by 500 BC is ludicrous-------it makes you seem insane

The entire quote is:
Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion, as you may see from women. So the hue that makes for courage must be intermediate between these extremes. A tawny colour indicates a bold spirit, as in lions; but too ruddy a hue marks a rogue, as in the case of the fox. A pale mottled hue signifies cowardice, for that is the colour one turns in terror. The honey-pale are cold, and coldness means immobility, and an immobile body means slowness. A red hue indicates hastiness, for all parts of the body on being heated by movement turn red. A flaming skin, however, indicates madness, for it results from an overheated body, and extreme bodily heat is likely to mean madness.

Only a moron like Asclepias would consider that a reliable source of the general racial makeup of Egypt, especially compared to modern DNA evidence suggesting the opposite. The retarded shitskin thinks he can make blacks look good by going back thousands of years to when they were supposedly civilized and intelligent, but whenever he tries someone finds evidence contrary to his delusions. Maybe next time he'll go back 100,000,000 years and talk about space-traveling blacks. The further back, the less evidence, the "stronger" his argument.
His estimation of victory, in debate or argument; is getting the last word. One of his favorites is claiming you said something you didn’t; and then claiming to have refuted that very thing you never said. He does it to look good in front of other negros; knowing they’ll never go back and fact check him. He’s a sad, scared, self loathing negro whose only sense of pride issues forth from the fantasy world he’s trying to convince others, is reality. I hope he never changes...
American slavery was the best thing to ever happen to Afro Americans. Not so good for Whitey though since Blacks are 200 times more likely to commit violent crime than Whitey making many parts of America no-go zones!
Slavery was the best thing to happen to whites. The US would still be penal colony for white criminals and trash like you.
Egyptians were not Black, or White, but rather Mediterranean.
Thats not what Ramases DNA test says or even the white historians that saw the Egyptians in person.

You are babbling again. The "white historians"? What "white historian"?
You must be drinking again if you think I am babbling. Herodotus for starters. You know. The Father of Western Civilization?

Herodotus was a GREEK-----for whom "pretty people" had blue eyes and blond hair-----like VENUS (actually Aphrodite---for the greeks) Herodotus lived in the fifth
century BC ---and based his impressions on traveling here and there---nothing close to a "scientific" study------he was no biologist. By the fifth Century BC----Nubians has already invaded Egypt and MIXED-----and the arab slave trade was already based in SUDAN----and had supplied sub-Saharan slaves to Egypt, Greece and even to Persia. Your insistence that there was anything close to a clear delineation of "RACES" by 500 BC is ludicrous-------it makes you seem insane

The entire quote is:
Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion, as you may see from women. So the hue that makes for courage must be intermediate between these extremes. A tawny colour indicates a bold spirit, as in lions; but too ruddy a hue marks a rogue, as in the case of the fox. A pale mottled hue signifies cowardice, for that is the colour one turns in terror. The honey-pale are cold, and coldness means immobility, and an immobile body means slowness. A red hue indicates hastiness, for all parts of the body on being heated by movement turn red. A flaming skin, however, indicates madness, for it results from an overheated body, and extreme bodily heat is likely to mean madness.

Only a moron like Asclepias would consider that a reliable source of the general racial makeup of Egypt, especially compared to modern DNA evidence suggesting the opposite. The retarded shitskin thinks he can make blacks look good by going back thousands of years to when they were supposedly civilized and intelligent, but whenever he tries someone finds evidence contrary to his delusions. Maybe next time he'll go back 100,000,000 years and talk about space-traveling blacks. The further back, the less evidence, the "stronger" his argument.
Its a reliable source because they saw them. Just like Herodotus Try harder silly white boy. Must hurt huh? :laugh:

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

If you want to suggest slavery is an adequate sign of advanced civilization ... Then you are truly past any help I can offer ... No matter your insults, nor excuses.
But hey ... I am comfortable with your response ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.

"blacks" are neither a "group" or a "people"

Actually we are both.

You see when some of us decide to excuse chattel slavery by saying slavery was done by all, the failure to recognize that the other forms of slavery did not consign slavery upon a person at birth or made it generational by race. Slaves were looked upon as humans in other forms of slavery and not as chattel. So while no slavery is a good thing, the dehumanization of backs created by chattel slavery made it the worst form in human history.

Besides the issue is not even really about slavery here. It is about what happened after that.

So we are here arguing about slavery when the problem is in the OP itself. This fool is citing an opinion from Thomas Dixon apparently some dumb white man during the colonial times. Because the problem with what he was saying is that Europe had nothing, the moors bought them back to life, they had plagues, pestilences and diseases that Africans did not have. They lagged behind on medical knowledge and in technological advancement for those times. Yet we have a stormfront trooper who gets to post an opinion about blacks and its treated like it's a viable opinion t debate? This thread needs to go to the rubber room.

Arabs castrated Black slaves so they wouldn't reproduce, I guess that's so much better, huh?
there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.

"blacks" are neither a "group" or a "people"

Actually we are both.

You see when some of us decide to excuse chattel slavery by saying slavery was done by all, the failure to recognize that the other forms of slavery did not consign slavery upon a person at birth or made it generational by race. Slaves were looked upon as humans in other forms of slavery and not as chattel. So while no slavery is a good thing, the dehumanization of backs created by chattel slavery made it the worst form in human history.

Besides the issue is not even really about slavery here. It is about what happened after that.

So we are here arguing about slavery when the problem is in the OP itself. This fool is citing an opinion from Thomas Dixon apparently some dumb white man during the colonial times. Because the problem with what he was saying is that Europe had nothing, the moors bought them back to life, they had plagues, pestilences and diseases that Africans did not have. They lagged behind on medical knowledge and in technological advancement for those times. Yet we have a stormfront trooper who gets to post an opinion about blacks and its treated like it's a viable opinion t debate? This thread needs to go to the rubber room.

actually---YOU are on the same level as all other "race" bullshit artists------you argue about the ESSENCE of variable levels of melanin -------MELANIN being the ABSOLUTE ISSUE
we did not determine that because we have more melanin we are inferior.

I don't think it's melanin, but rather that Africans on average have not just smaller brains, but more Dolichocephalic brains too.
2 traits linked to lower levels of intelligence, and 2 traits more characteristic of Primates.
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.

"blacks" are neither a "group" or a "people"

Actually we are both.

You see when some of us decide to excuse chattel slavery by saying slavery was done by all, the failure to recognize that the other forms of slavery did not consign slavery upon a person at birth or made it generational by race. Slaves were looked upon as humans in other forms of slavery and not as chattel. So while no slavery is a good thing, the dehumanization of backs created by chattel slavery made it the worst form in human history.

Besides the issue is not even really about slavery here. It is about what happened after that.

So we are here arguing about slavery when the problem is in the OP itself. This fool is citing an opinion from Thomas Dixon apparently some dumb white man during the colonial times. Because the problem with what he was saying is that Europe had nothing, the moors bought them back to life, they had plagues, pestilences and diseases that Africans did not have. They lagged behind on medical knowledge and in technological advancement for those times. Yet we have a stormfront trooper who gets to post an opinion about blacks and its treated like it's a viable opinion t debate? This thread needs to go to the rubber room.

actually---YOU are on the same level as all other "race" bullshit artists------you argue about the ESSENCE of variable levels of melanin -------MELANIN being the ABSOLUTE ISSUE
we did not determine that because we have more melanin we are inferior.

I don't think it's melanin, but rather that Africans on average have not just smaller brains, but more Dolichocephalic brains too.
2 traits linked to lower levels of intelligence, and 2 traits more characteristic of Primates.
Our melanin makes us more intelligent than whites. Its a natural bio conductor.

Melanin considered for bio-friendly electronics
Thats not what Ramases DNA test says or even the white historians that saw the Egyptians in person.

You are babbling again. The "white historians"? What "white historian"?
You must be drinking again if you think I am babbling. Herodotus for starters. You know. The Father of Western Civilization?

Herodotus was a GREEK-----for whom "pretty people" had blue eyes and blond hair-----like VENUS (actually Aphrodite---for the greeks) Herodotus lived in the fifth
century BC ---and based his impressions on traveling here and there---nothing close to a "scientific" study------he was no biologist. By the fifth Century BC----Nubians has already invaded Egypt and MIXED-----and the arab slave trade was already based in SUDAN----and had supplied sub-Saharan slaves to Egypt, Greece and even to Persia. Your insistence that there was anything close to a clear delineation of "RACES" by 500 BC is ludicrous-------it makes you seem insane

The entire quote is:
Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion, as you may see from women. So the hue that makes for courage must be intermediate between these extremes. A tawny colour indicates a bold spirit, as in lions; but too ruddy a hue marks a rogue, as in the case of the fox. A pale mottled hue signifies cowardice, for that is the colour one turns in terror. The honey-pale are cold, and coldness means immobility, and an immobile body means slowness. A red hue indicates hastiness, for all parts of the body on being heated by movement turn red. A flaming skin, however, indicates madness, for it results from an overheated body, and extreme bodily heat is likely to mean madness.

Only a moron like Asclepias would consider that a reliable source of the general racial makeup of Egypt, especially compared to modern DNA evidence suggesting the opposite. The retarded shitskin thinks he can make blacks look good by going back thousands of years to when they were supposedly civilized and intelligent, but whenever he tries someone finds evidence contrary to his delusions. Maybe next time he'll go back 100,000,000 years and talk about space-traveling blacks. The further back, the less evidence, the "stronger" his argument.
Its a reliable source because they saw them. Just like Herodotus Try harder silly white boy. Must hurt huh? :laugh:

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

So you think people with flaming skin are mad because of increased body temperature? Or that all women are white?

What about a ruddy hue? Is that for rogues? :laugh:

Yes, it does hurt to read your retarded posts. They're so stupid, it hurts.
"blacks" are neither a "group" or a "people"

Actually we are both.

You see when some of us decide to excuse chattel slavery by saying slavery was done by all, the failure to recognize that the other forms of slavery did not consign slavery upon a person at birth or made it generational by race. Slaves were looked upon as humans in other forms of slavery and not as chattel. So while no slavery is a good thing, the dehumanization of backs created by chattel slavery made it the worst form in human history.

Besides the issue is not even really about slavery here. It is about what happened after that.

So we are here arguing about slavery when the problem is in the OP itself. This fool is citing an opinion from Thomas Dixon apparently some dumb white man during the colonial times. Because the problem with what he was saying is that Europe had nothing, the moors bought them back to life, they had plagues, pestilences and diseases that Africans did not have. They lagged behind on medical knowledge and in technological advancement for those times. Yet we have a stormfront trooper who gets to post an opinion about blacks and its treated like it's a viable opinion t debate? This thread needs to go to the rubber room.

actually---YOU are on the same level as all other "race" bullshit artists------you argue about the ESSENCE of variable levels of melanin -------MELANIN being the ABSOLUTE ISSUE
we did not determine that because we have more melanin we are inferior.

I don't think it's melanin, but rather that Africans on average have not just smaller brains, but more Dolichocephalic brains too.
2 traits linked to lower levels of intelligence, and 2 traits more characteristic of Primates.
Our melanin makes us more intelligent than whites. Its a natural bio conductor.

Melanin considered for bio-friendly electronics

You certainly come up with interesting science...so...how does that work with freckles? Spotty reception? Electrical spazzing? Unpredictable and unreliable melanin bio-electronics? Creative?
"blacks" are neither a "group" or a "people"

Actually we are both.

You see when some of us decide to excuse chattel slavery by saying slavery was done by all, the failure to recognize that the other forms of slavery did not consign slavery upon a person at birth or made it generational by race. Slaves were looked upon as humans in other forms of slavery and not as chattel. So while no slavery is a good thing, the dehumanization of backs created by chattel slavery made it the worst form in human history.

Besides the issue is not even really about slavery here. It is about what happened after that.

So we are here arguing about slavery when the problem is in the OP itself. This fool is citing an opinion from Thomas Dixon apparently some dumb white man during the colonial times. Because the problem with what he was saying is that Europe had nothing, the moors bought them back to life, they had plagues, pestilences and diseases that Africans did not have. They lagged behind on medical knowledge and in technological advancement for those times. Yet we have a stormfront trooper who gets to post an opinion about blacks and its treated like it's a viable opinion t debate? This thread needs to go to the rubber room.

actually---YOU are on the same level as all other "race" bullshit artists------you argue about the ESSENCE of variable levels of melanin -------MELANIN being the ABSOLUTE ISSUE
we did not determine that because we have more melanin we are inferior.

I don't think it's melanin, but rather that Africans on average have not just smaller brains, but more Dolichocephalic brains too.
2 traits linked to lower levels of intelligence, and 2 traits more characteristic of Primates.
Our melanin makes us more intelligent than whites. Its a natural bio conductor.

Melanin considered for bio-friendly electronics
So where do negroes leave their melanin when they take tests or commit violent crime?
Actually we are both.

You see when some of us decide to excuse chattel slavery by saying slavery was done by all, the failure to recognize that the other forms of slavery did not consign slavery upon a person at birth or made it generational by race. Slaves were looked upon as humans in other forms of slavery and not as chattel. So while no slavery is a good thing, the dehumanization of backs created by chattel slavery made it the worst form in human history.

Besides the issue is not even really about slavery here. It is about what happened after that.

So we are here arguing about slavery when the problem is in the OP itself. This fool is citing an opinion from Thomas Dixon apparently some dumb white man during the colonial times. Because the problem with what he was saying is that Europe had nothing, the moors bought them back to life, they had plagues, pestilences and diseases that Africans did not have. They lagged behind on medical knowledge and in technological advancement for those times. Yet we have a stormfront trooper who gets to post an opinion about blacks and its treated like it's a viable opinion t debate? This thread needs to go to the rubber room.

actually---YOU are on the same level as all other "race" bullshit artists------you argue about the ESSENCE of variable levels of melanin -------MELANIN being the ABSOLUTE ISSUE
we did not determine that because we have more melanin we are inferior.

I don't think it's melanin, but rather that Africans on average have not just smaller brains, but more Dolichocephalic brains too.
2 traits linked to lower levels of intelligence, and 2 traits more characteristic of Primates.
Our melanin makes us more intelligent than whites. Its a natural bio conductor.

Melanin considered for bio-friendly electronics
So where do negroes leave their melanin when they take tests or commit violent crime?
Same place the Melanin deficient leave their vestigial melanin.
You certainly come up with interesting science...so...how does that work with freckles? Spotty reception? Electrical spazzing? Unpredictable and unreliable melanin bio-electronics? Creative?

A new dance routine and overnight YouTube stardom ... :thup:

I only taught you that chattel slavery and indentured servitude was not the same as you whites seem to think it is. Its not my fault you guys are too dumb to get the difference. :dunno:

there are many forms of slavery--------those YOU call "whites" and "blacks" employed just about all of them
Nope. Try again. Blacks as a group never employed chattel slavery. Its not in our nature as a people.

"blacks" are neither a "group" or a "people"

Actually we are both.

You see when some of us decide to excuse chattel slavery by saying slavery was done by all, the failure to recognize that the other forms of slavery did not consign slavery upon a person at birth or made it generational by race. Slaves were looked upon as humans in other forms of slavery and not as chattel. So while no slavery is a good thing, the dehumanization of backs created by chattel slavery made it the worst form in human history.

Besides the issue is not even really about slavery here. It is about what happened after that.

So we are here arguing about slavery when the problem is in the OP itself. This fool is citing an opinion from Thomas Dixon apparently some dumb white man during the colonial times. Because the problem with what he was saying is that Europe had nothing, the moors bought them back to life, they had plagues, pestilences and diseases that Africans did not have. They lagged behind on medical knowledge and in technological advancement for those times. Yet we have a stormfront trooper who gets to post an opinion about blacks and its treated like it's a viable opinion t debate? This thread needs to go to the rubber room.

Arabs castrated Black slaves so they wouldn't reproduce, I guess that's so much better, huh?

Ephesians 6

Slaves and Masters

5Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. 6Try to please them all the time, not just when they are watching you. As slaves of Christ, do the will of God with all your heart. 7Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. 8Remember that the Lord will reward each one of us for the good we do, whether we are slaves or free.

9Masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Don’t threaten them; remember, you both have the same Master in heaven, and he has no favorites.

The Whole Armor of God
Actually we are both.

You see when some of us decide to excuse chattel slavery by saying slavery was done by all, the failure to recognize that the other forms of slavery did not consign slavery upon a person at birth or made it generational by race. Slaves were looked upon as humans in other forms of slavery and not as chattel. So while no slavery is a good thing, the dehumanization of backs created by chattel slavery made it the worst form in human history.

Besides the issue is not even really about slavery here. It is about what happened after that.

So we are here arguing about slavery when the problem is in the OP itself. This fool is citing an opinion from Thomas Dixon apparently some dumb white man during the colonial times. Because the problem with what he was saying is that Europe had nothing, the moors bought them back to life, they had plagues, pestilences and diseases that Africans did not have. They lagged behind on medical knowledge and in technological advancement for those times. Yet we have a stormfront trooper who gets to post an opinion about blacks and its treated like it's a viable opinion t debate? This thread needs to go to the rubber room.

actually---YOU are on the same level as all other "race" bullshit artists------you argue about the ESSENCE of variable levels of melanin -------MELANIN being the ABSOLUTE ISSUE
we did not determine that because we have more melanin we are inferior.

I don't think it's melanin, but rather that Africans on average have not just smaller brains, but more Dolichocephalic brains too.
2 traits linked to lower levels of intelligence, and 2 traits more characteristic of Primates.
Our melanin makes us more intelligent than whites. Its a natural bio conductor.

Melanin considered for bio-friendly electronics
So where do negroes leave their melanin when they take tests or commit violent crime?
The leave it in their skin like this kid did.

Is this Britain's smartest schoolboy? 11-year-old boy with higher IQ than Einstein


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