If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

IQ tests are for the cognitively challenged...you can't make it on our own....point to IQ tests to validate your racial inadequacies by presenting them in a nice sounding smorgasboard of scientific sounding words. Wait...did I just say white trash?
Nah... You just admitted that you are too insecure to have your actual intelligence measured. Thus sparing you the discomfort of comparative analysis... Seeing as you managed to get a specific colored, piece of rubbish out of that... You should probably skip on the testing and carry on, sans knowing...
No. 385: African Steel Making

"Today, ancient African ingenuity gives us steel. The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them."

Yeah... Like to believe this. Even tho it wouldn't be uniquely a 1st in the world by any means of making steel.

BUT -- if it's such a well known "fact" -- you'd expect there'd be a PILE of ancient artifacts to demonstrate this.

Quick search ---- all I could find is a 20th century Haya "trinket" bull.. So me the artifacts dude and I have no problem with this...

Haya Iron Bull, Haya People
Not my fault the white owned media doesnt trumpet things that Blacks did that were positive. Thats why Iresearch instead of depending on whites to tell me what my ancestors did.
Africa is making steel "today?" Wasn't steel made over a hundred years ago? Blacks are a little late, aren't they?
No the europeans were about 300 years too late.

So, what about the other 1,000 things Europeans did before Africans, but I guess because there's one thing Africans did before Europeans, you like to point, and laugh at inferior Whitey.
Name even 1 thing europeans did before Africans taught them how to read and write?
Human brains take much longer to develop than those of Animals in general.
I know you look more like a monkey than Blacks do but I never called you an animal. Youre just recessive.

Maxillary Prognathism anyone?

Like this guy? The Sphinx?


The Sphinx isn't even supposed to be a Human, now is it?
The head is. Do you have something different that says the head is not human?

Even if the "Mythological Sphinx" is some how a representation of a Human?

There's some Negroid looking people even in Europe, look at Rita Ora an Albanian who looks kind of Mulatto.
I know you look more like a monkey than Blacks do but I never called you an animal. Youre just recessive.

Maxillary Prognathism anyone?

Like this guy? The Sphinx?


The Sphinx isn't even supposed to be a Human, now is it?
The head is. Do you have something different that says the head is not human?

Even if the "Mythological Sphinx" is some how a representation of a Human?

There's some Negroid looking people even in Europe, look at Rita Ora an Albanian who looks kind of Mulatto.
Thats nice but the Sphinx doesnt look like a mulatto. You do realize that lots of mulattos are part Black right? Frederick Douglass was a mulatto and that didnt stop him from being Black.
Name even 1 thing europeans did before Africans taught them how to read and write?

Made more Europeans ... Which contrary to some people's belief can be fun.
Maybe that is how they got used to a life of luxury and relaxation ... Thanks for the alphabet anyways.

And the amazing FACT is...we all came out of Africa!

Yes...Europeans are Africans.

Let's Celebrate our Share Heritage! :)
Blacks are born earlier, walk earlier, and just in general develop earlier, but it seems their brains also develop earlier, which would explain why much more Blacks than Whites are mentally like children.
Your logic is childlike. Do you realize you just contradicted yourself?

Human brains take much longer to develop than those of Animals in general.
I know you look more like a monkey than Blacks do but I never called you an animal. Youre just recessive.

Maxillary Prognathism anyone?

Like this guy? The Sphinx?

The sphinx has been recarved a number of times since it was first made.
The original head of The Sphinx was Anubis
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Obviously they do because it would be in the news and the history books if whites had been the first. :cuckoo:

But it is available ... You linked it.

Now I understand you may want a footnote in the history books to kind of clear all that mess up.
You might want to talk the pointy headed professors in the liberal institutions that write those things.
I am pretty sure Main Stream Media would rather not let black people know they are worth way more than what the Democrats are willing to sell them up the river for.

And the amazing FACT is...we all came out of Africa!

Yes...Europeans are Africans.

Let's Celebrate our Share Heritage! :)

As long as it doesn't mean we have to pay more inheritance tax ... I am good with that idea ... :thup:

Name even 1 thing europeans did before Africans taught them how to read and write?

Made more Europeans ... Which contrary to some people's belief can be fun.
Maybe that is how they got used to a life of luxury and relaxation ... Thanks for the alphabet anyways.

Muslim slave traders introduced writing to the Negros.
Yeah... Like to believe this. Even tho it wouldn't be uniquely a 1st in the world by any means of making steel.

BUT -- if it's such a well known "fact" -- you'd expect there'd be a PILE of ancient artifacts to demonstrate this.

Quick search ---- all I could find is a 20th century Haya "trinket" bull.. So me the artifacts dude and I have no problem with this...

Haya Iron Bull, Haya People
Not my fault the white owned media doesnt trumpet things that Blacks did that were positive. Thats why Iresearch instead of depending on whites to tell me what my ancestors did.
Africa is making steel "today?" Wasn't steel made over a hundred years ago? Blacks are a little late, aren't they?
No the europeans were about 300 years too late.

So, what about the other 1,000 things Europeans did before Africans, but I guess because there's one thing Africans did before Europeans, you like to point, and laugh at inferior Whitey.
Name even 1 thing europeans did before Africans taught them how to read and write?

- Gravettian fabrics, and ceramics at Dolni Vestonice.
- Gravettian ovens for cooking food.

- Vinca - Tordos script
- Vinca first ever metal smelting, and Copper Age.

- Cucenti-Trypillian villages earlier, and larger than Sumer.
- Cucenti-Trypillian salt mines.

- Pontic Steppe Kurgan Horse domestication.
- Sintashta Culture Chariots.

Then well railways, cars, trucks, motorcycles,, computers, space going rockets, radio , alternate current, cell phones, walkie talkies, remote controls, unmanned aerial vehicles, diesel power, nuclear power, and a whole bunch more.
Name even 1 thing europeans did before Africans taught them how to read and write?

Made more Europeans ... Which contrary to some people's belief can be fun.
Maybe that is how they got used to a life of luxury and relaxation ... Thanks for the alphabet anyways.

Muslim slave traders introduced writing to the Negros.

Were the Muslims Europeans ... I think the question was about what did the Europeans do before the Africans taught them ... blah-blah-blah.
If you want to argue about the Muslims ... Who may or may not be Europeans ... Because we are all Africans ... Ah fuck it, it really doesn't make a difference to me ... :dunno:

Yeah... Like to believe this. Even tho it wouldn't be uniquely a 1st in the world by any means of making steel.

BUT -- if it's such a well known "fact" -- you'd expect there'd be a PILE of ancient artifacts to demonstrate this.

Quick search ---- all I could find is a 20th century Haya "trinket" bull.. So me the artifacts dude and I have no problem with this...

Haya Iron Bull, Haya People
Not my fault the white owned media doesnt trumpet things that Blacks did that were positive. Thats why Iresearch instead of depending on whites to tell me what my ancestors did.
Africa is making steel "today?" Wasn't steel made over a hundred years ago? Blacks are a little late, aren't they?
No the europeans were about 300 years too late.

So, what about the other 1,000 things Europeans did before Africans, but I guess because there's one thing Africans did before Europeans, you like to point, and laugh at inferior Whitey.
Name even 1 thing europeans did before Africans taught them how to read and write?
Where your whole afrocentric religion falls apart is your absurd, inability to comprehend the fact that subsaharan Africans, or "Negros" are not only an entirely different haplogroup; they we're also entirely different, and distinct cultures separated by a very real barrier called the Sahara. Even that was only conquered by Arab slave traders, which is the entire genesis of the Negros entrance into the civilized world. Anything that came after that contact is owed to that external introduction.
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The civil war started over slavery as the defining issue and has been white wasted by the losers ever since.

What is the meaning of "white wasted"?

I won't argue with you about the reason for the Civil War. We both know the date the Civil War began and when the Emancipation Proclamation was signed.

We also know that Progressives on FEELINGS only and hate it when FACTS and never, ever compare the results of a program. After all, if a Progressive program is measured and found to be failing it's because not enough money was spent.
Name even 1 thing europeans did before Africans taught them how to read and write?

Made more Europeans ... Which contrary to some people's belief can be fun.
Maybe that is how they got used to a life of luxury and relaxation ... Thanks for the alphabet anyways.

Muslim slave traders introduced writing to the Negros.

Were the Muslims Europeans ... I think the question was about what did the Europeans do before the Africans taught them ... blah-blah-blah.
If you want to argue about the Muslims ... Who may or may not be Europeans ... Because we are all Africans ... Ah fuck it, it really doesn't make a difference to me ... :dunno:

The point is that Muslims and Europeans had been in contact for well over a century, prior to the subsaharan continent receiving much in the way of out side influence. So the premise that Negros "taught" the Europeans how to read and write is patently absurd. His entire claim is predicted on the fallacy that the north African haplogroup were Negros. They weren't.
And the amazing FACT is...we all came out of Africa!

Yes...Europeans are Africans.

Let's Celebrate our Share Heritage! :)

Africans had enormous cranial capacities back then.

Look at Boskop man, perhaps the largest cranium group in existence in Hominids, now Africans have much smaller craniums.

Yet they became extinct....not the progenerators of modern microcephalic man, European or African...

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