If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

The point is that Muslims and Europeans had been in contact for well over a century, prior to the subsaharan continent receiving much in the way of out side influence. So the premise that Negros "taught" the Europeans how to read and write is patently absurd. His entire claim is predicted on the fallacy that the north African haplogroup were Negros. They weren't.

I guess you really didn't get the part where I said it didn't make a difference to me who was first at anything millennia ago ... :dunno:

I know some of the history (albeit I am not historian).
But ... Even a basic knowledge of the global map would indicate that land based trade routes would have to go through Arab lands to possibly connect Europe to Africa.
If someone wants to argue that their ancestors made steel before the next swing dick down the road ... Well, I hate to say it, but I don't see the benefit in arguing about it.


When people start to argue genetics, race and IQ and who did what first - then you have to wonder what the hidden agenda is.

What's the alternative?
Having the low IQ people out populate, and breed with Whitey until there's no more Whitey, and in Whitey's place is a sort of Third-World swath?

Umh....the alternative is that this isn't a all or nothing scenario. You're assuming "whitey" is somthing better than "low IQ" to start with.

The alternative is to quite viewing issues in terms of race and IQ.

I don't deny non-Whites the right to exist in their own homogeneous societies, like many Liberals, and even some Conservatives have been railing against White rights to exist in their own homogeneous societies.

I'm a separatist, in order to keep diverse, and unique peoples, we must not blend them all together.

But,with that said, Whites (Northern Europeans) White like peoples (Southern Europeans, Jews, Armenians) and East Asians seem to be the only people capable in this World of sustaining a desirable society.

The less desirable can live, just like Animals can live, I don't have a problem with others existing, but creating a desirable society, and keeping it that way is very important in my eyes.
I don't think all races are capable of that.
For those who are hung up on IQ tests - is it possible to have an IQ test that isn't culturally or educationally biased?

So, an IQ test founded by Whites somehow is culturally biased in favor of East Asians over Whites?

That is not what I said. Think it through....

I'll give you an example.

Is it a horse or a pony?

How can something that measures intelligence, not be educationally biased?
For those who are hung up on IQ tests - is it possible to have an IQ test that isn't culturally or educationally biased?

So, an IQ test founded by Whites somehow is culturally biased in favor of East Asians over Whites?

That is not what I said. Think it through....

I'll give you an example.

Is it a horse or a pony?

How can something that measures intelligence, not be educationally biased?

That's the problem.
That is not what I said. Think it through....

I'll give you an example.

Is it a horse or a pony?

:desk: ... I want a Pony!

You know ... I would like to be astute and say I wish I knew not what the agenda was, but why people chose to pursue it in the first place.
But ... For the most part, what I really wonder is that with as smart as Asclepias is, just how goofy funny his ass could be if his panties weren't in a wad 90% of the time.

For those who are hung up on IQ tests - is it possible to have an IQ test that isn't culturally or educationally biased?

So, an IQ test founded by Whites somehow is culturally biased in favor of East Asians over Whites?

That is not what I said. Think it through....

I'll give you an example.

Is it a horse or a pony?

How can something that measures intelligence, not be educationally biased?

That's the problem.

Both IQ, and Education is biased against the mentally challenged.

That's the nature of the beast.
That is not what I said. Think it through....

I'll give you an example.

Is it a horse or a pony?

:desk: ... I want a Pony!

You know ... I would like to be astute and say I wish I knew not what the agenda was, but why people chose to pursue it in the first place.
But ... For the most part, what I really wonder is that with as smart as Asclepias is, just how goofy funny his ass could be if his panties weren't in a wad 90% of the time.

If I had a pony....

For those who are hung up on IQ tests - is it possible to have an IQ test that isn't culturally or educationally biased?

So, an IQ test founded by Whites somehow is culturally biased in favor of East Asians over Whites?

That is not what I said. Think it through....

I'll give you an example.

Is it a horse or a pony?

How can something that measures intelligence, not be educationally biased?

That's the problem.

Both IQ, and Education is biased against the mentally challenged.

That's the nature of the beast.

IQ tests are biased by education and culture.
Even assuming the negroes did teach whites to read (and the other negro pipe dreams regarding the past), why are they so behind these days?
So, an IQ test founded by Whites somehow is culturally biased in favor of East Asians over Whites?

That is not what I said. Think it through....

I'll give you an example.

Is it a horse or a pony?

How can something that measures intelligence, not be educationally biased?

That's the problem.

Both IQ, and Education is biased against the mentally challenged.

That's the nature of the beast.

IQ tests are biased by education and culture.
So what makes negroes not get any education?

And shouldn't they do better on IQ tests then? http://www.theroot.com/black-women-now-the-most-educated-group-in-us-1790855540
So, an IQ test founded by Whites somehow is culturally biased in favor of East Asians over Whites?

That is not what I said. Think it through....

I'll give you an example.

Is it a horse or a pony?

How can something that measures intelligence, not be educationally biased?

That's the problem.

Both IQ, and Education is biased against the mentally challenged.

That's the nature of the beast.

IQ tests are biased by education and culture.

What culture, and education are African Americans belonging to?
The American one, of course.
That is not what I said. Think it through....

I'll give you an example.

Is it a horse or a pony?

How can something that measures intelligence, not be educationally biased?

That's the problem.

Both IQ, and Education is biased against the mentally challenged.

That's the nature of the beast.

IQ tests are biased by education and culture.

What culture, and education are African Americans belonging to?
The American one, of course.
They're too stupid to learn English so they have their ebonics or some other shit.
Even assuming the negroes did teach whites to read (and the other negro pipe dreams regarding the past), why are they so behind these days?

Uh ... Where have you been all this time ... I am pretty sure they are blaming that on the white folks (well at least the ones that want to play the blame game).

Even assuming the negroes did teach whites to read (and the other negro pipe dreams regarding the past), why are they so behind these days?

Uh ... Where have you been all this time ... I am pretty sure they are blaming that on the white folks (well at least the ones that want to play the blame game).

How did this physically and intellectually superior group of people allow dumb old whitey to do that to them?

Maybe the negro WANTS to be in whitey's prison and whitey stupidly plays into the negro's game by smashing the negro's face with a stick and sticking the negro in the cage.
How did this physically and intellectually superior group of people allow dumb old whitey to do that to them?

The more important question would be ... How does answering your question solve any problems ... :dunno:

So, an IQ test founded by Whites somehow is culturally biased in favor of East Asians over Whites?

That is not what I said. Think it through....

I'll give you an example.

Is it a horse or a pony?

How can something that measures intelligence, not be educationally biased?

That's the problem.

Both IQ, and Education is biased against the mentally challenged.

That's the nature of the beast.

IQ tests are biased by education and culture.

It''a well known that in SAT scores poor Whites, and rich Blacks score similar SAT scores.
If anything it probably favors poor Whites a little in SAT scores.

Why is this?
Shouldn't Blacks with higher incomes be scoring much higher like their higher income White counterparts?

Your logic is childlike. Do you realize you just contradicted yourself?

Human brains take much longer to develop than those of Animals in general.
I know you look more like a monkey than Blacks do but I never called you an animal. Youre just recessive.

Maxillary Prognathism anyone?

Like this guy? The Sphinx?

The sphinx has been recarved a number of times since it was first made.
The original head of The Sphinx was Anubis
Too bad your or any other white persons wrong opinion doesnt change any facts right?
Not my fault the white owned media doesnt trumpet things that Blacks did that were positive. Thats why Iresearch instead of depending on whites to tell me what my ancestors did.
Africa is making steel "today?" Wasn't steel made over a hundred years ago? Blacks are a little late, aren't they?
No the europeans were about 300 years too late.

So, what about the other 1,000 things Europeans did before Africans, but I guess because there's one thing Africans did before Europeans, you like to point, and laugh at inferior Whitey.
Name even 1 thing europeans did before Africans taught them how to read and write?
Where your whole afrocentric religion falls apart is your absurd, inability to comprehend the fact that subsaharan Africans, or "Negros" are not only an entirely different haplogroup; they we're also entirely different, and distinct cultures separated by a very real barrier called the Sahara. Even that was only conquered by Arab slave traders, which is the entire genesis of the Negros entrance into the civilized world. Anything that came after that contact is owed to that external introduction.
You sound like an idiot as usual. First the Sahara was green. Secondly even if it was a desert Africans live in deserts right now. Thirdly the Nile flows all the way from Lake Victoria in central Africa to north Africa. You silly white boys are not smart enough nor prepared enough to debate this. You may as well give it up. :laugh:
Not my fault the white owned media doesnt trumpet things that Blacks did that were positive. Thats why Iresearch instead of depending on whites to tell me what my ancestors did.
Africa is making steel "today?" Wasn't steel made over a hundred years ago? Blacks are a little late, aren't they?
No the europeans were about 300 years too late.

So, what about the other 1,000 things Europeans did before Africans, but I guess because there's one thing Africans did before Europeans, you like to point, and laugh at inferior Whitey.
Name even 1 thing europeans did before Africans taught them how to read and write?

- Gravettian fabrics, and ceramics at Dolni Vestonice.
- Gravettian ovens for cooking food.

- Vinca - Tordos script
- Vinca first ever metal smelting, and Copper Age.

- Cucenti-Trypillian villages earlier, and larger than Sumer.
- Cucenti-Trypillian salt mines.

- Pontic Steppe Kurgan Horse domestication.
- Sintashta Culture Chariots.

Then well railways, cars, trucks, motorcycles,, computers, space going rockets, radio , alternate current, cell phones, walkie talkies, remote controls, unmanned aerial vehicles, diesel power, nuclear power, and a whole bunch more.
All built or done before the white race existed by Africans that migrated to europe.

Railways, cars etc were only achieved after Blacks educated you not once but twice and all of them were done with the help of Blacks.
And the amazing FACT is...we all came out of Africa!

Yes...Europeans are Africans.

Let's Celebrate our Share Heritage! :)

Africans had enormous cranial capacities back then.

Look at Boskop man, perhaps the largest cranium group in existence in Hominids, now Africans have much smaller craniums.
Youre forgetting that your brothers the neaderthals had huge heads but were dumb as a doorknob since that cranial capacity was taken up by a brain that focused on visual acuity.

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