If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

No. 385: African Steel Making

"Today, ancient African ingenuity gives us steel. The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them."

Yeah... Like to believe this. Even tho it wouldn't be uniquely a 1st in the world by any means of making steel.

BUT -- if it's such a well known "fact" -- you'd expect there'd be a PILE of ancient artifacts to demonstrate this.

Quick search ---- all I could find is a 20th century Haya "trinket" bull.. So me the artifacts dude and I have no problem with this...

Haya Iron Bull, Haya People
Not my fault the white owned media doesnt trumpet things that Blacks did that were positive. Thats why Iresearch instead of depending on whites to tell me what my ancestors did.

WHOA.. 4 centuries of African archaeology and it's all RACIST? Why don't the national museums of all those Imperial robbers have SOME examples of the products from 2000 years ago? Not even in Tanzania?

I'm just a skeptical guy. Until I get the questions answered.

You aren't skeptical. You are ignorant. There is proof all over the place of African accomplishments. But you dismiss them unless its from someone white. Let an African or black archeologist promote such things and those like you automatically discount it as some black feel good story. That we have to be the ones revising something. The truth is whites have revised history to create this façade of white supremacy.
Yeah... Like to believe this. Even tho it wouldn't be uniquely a 1st in the world by any means of making steel.

BUT -- if it's such a well known "fact" -- you'd expect there'd be a PILE of ancient artifacts to demonstrate this.

Quick search ---- all I could find is a 20th century Haya "trinket" bull.. So me the artifacts dude and I have no problem with this...

Haya Iron Bull, Haya People

Not my fault the white owned media doesnt trumpet things that Blacks did that were positive. Thats why Iresearch instead of depending on whites to tell me what my ancestors did.

It just makes me sad to hear blacks haven't figured out how to find the artifacts and post a link on the internet ... :(


It makes me sad to know that whites are so dumb to think this.
The point is that Muslims and Europeans had been in contact for well over a century, prior to the subsaharan continent receiving much in the way of out side influence. So the premise that Negros "taught" the Europeans how to read and write is patently absurd. His entire claim is predicted on the fallacy that the north African haplogroup were Negros. They weren't.

I guess you really didn't get the part where I said it didn't make a difference to me who was first at anything millennia ago ... :dunno:

I know some of the history (albeit I am not historian).
But ... Even a basic knowledge of the global map would indicate that land based trade routes would have to go through Arab lands to possibly connect Europe to Africa.
If someone wants to argue that their ancestors made steel before the next swing dick down the road ... Well, I hate to say it, but I don't see the benefit in arguing about it.


When people start to argue genetics, race and IQ and who did what first - then you have to wonder what the hidden agenda is.
Both science, and history are worth getting correct. If its over your head, I'm sure there's a crocheting thread somewhere... When people have to argue what came first... Someone doesn't know history.

You are the king of citing fake history. There is no sub saharan continent. The Sahara is a desert and in fact the Sahara desert has not always been.

Sahara Went from Green to Desert in a Flash

How Earth´s Orbital Shift Shaped the Sahara - Astrobiology Magazine
I never stated "sub saharan continent"as a continent by itself. It was a region isolated by natural barriers... I am also aware of the environmental changes the Sahara has undergone, though I haven't broached the subject in this thread. Your reading comprehension is as bad as AssLips. That, or you're gunning to be his protege, by taking a position opposite of one I never had... Then claiming some deluded sense of victory... While not well taught; he has none the less taught you well... Lol!
Name even 1 thing europeans did before Africans taught them how to read and write?

- Gravettian fabrics, and ceramics at Dolni Vestonice.
- Gravettian ovens for cooking food.

- Vinca - Tordos script
- Vinca first ever metal smelting, and Copper Age.

- Cucenti-Trypillian villages earlier, and larger than Sumer.
- Cucenti-Trypillian salt mines.

- Pontic Steppe Kurgan Horse domestication.
- Sintashta Culture Chariots.

Then well railways, cars, trucks, motorcycles,, computers, space going rockets, radio , alternate current, cell phones, walkie talkies, remote controls, unmanned aerial vehicles, diesel power, nuclear power, and a whole bunch more.
All built or done before the white race existed by Africans that migrated to europe.

Railways, cars etc were only achieved after Blacks educated you not once but twice and all of them were done with the help of Blacks.
The million dollar question is still: why then are negroes lagging behind whites today in intellectual areas?
Who told you that? I'm 40 times your intellectual superior. If whites were so smart why am I that much smarter than you?
I'm talking about things like IQ tests, violent crime, etc.., moron. Negro-run countries are shitholes compared to European countries. How do you explain this?

Whites commit the most violent crimes. IQ tests are not accurate indicators if intelligence. Negro run countries are mostly dominated by puppets placed heir t protect European interests they did not release after colonization. You got your explanation now shut the hell up.
The point is that Muslims and Europeans had been in contact for well over a century, prior to the subsaharan continent receiving much in the way of out side influence. So the premise that Negros "taught" the Europeans how to read and write is patently absurd. His entire claim is predicted on the fallacy that the north African haplogroup were Negros. They weren't.

I guess you really didn't get the part where I said it didn't make a difference to me who was first at anything millennia ago ... :dunno:

I know some of the history (albeit I am not historian).
But ... Even a basic knowledge of the global map would indicate that land based trade routes would have to go through Arab lands to possibly connect Europe to Africa.
If someone wants to argue that their ancestors made steel before the next swing dick down the road ... Well, I hate to say it, but I don't see the benefit in arguing about it.


When people start to argue genetics, race and IQ and who did what first - then you have to wonder what the hidden agenda is.
Both science, and history are worth getting correct. If its over your head, I'm sure there's a crocheting thread somewhere... When people have to argue what came first... Someone doesn't know history.

You are the king of citing fake history. There is no sub saharan continent. The Sahara is a desert and in fact the Sahara desert has not always been.

Sahara Went from Green to Desert in a Flash

How Earth´s Orbital Shift Shaped the Sahara - Astrobiology Magazine
I never stated "sub saharan continent"as a continent by itself. It was a region isolated by natural barriers... I am also aware of the environmental changes the Sahara has undergone, though I haven't broached the subject in this thread. Your reading comprehension is as bad as AssLips. That, or you're gunning to be his protege, by taking a position opposite of one I never had... Then claiming some deluded sense of victory... While not well taught; he has none the less taught you well... Lol!

Vastator said:
The point is that Muslims and Europeans had been in contact for well over a century, prior to the subsaharan continent receiving much in the way of out side influence. So the premise that Negros "taught" the Europeans how to read and write is patently absurd. His entire claim is predicted on the fallacy that the north African haplogroup were Negros. They weren't.
The point is that Muslims and Europeans had been in contact for well over a century, prior to the subsaharan continent receiving much in the way of out side influence. So the premise that Negros "taught" the Europeans how to read and write is patently absurd. His entire claim is predicted on the fallacy that the north African haplogroup were Negros. They weren't.

I guess you really didn't get the part where I said it didn't make a difference to me who was first at anything millennia ago ... :dunno:

I know some of the history (albeit I am not historian).
But ... Even a basic knowledge of the global map would indicate that land based trade routes would have to go through Arab lands to possibly connect Europe to Africa.
If someone wants to argue that their ancestors made steel before the next swing dick down the road ... Well, I hate to say it, but I don't see the benefit in arguing about it.


When people start to argue genetics, race and IQ and who did what first - then you have to wonder what the hidden agenda is.
Both science, and history are worth getting correct. If its over your head, I'm sure there's a crocheting thread somewhere... When people have to argue what came first... Someone doesn't know history.

Yes it is important to get science and history correct but you don't do it.
I guess you really didn't get the part where I said it didn't make a difference to me who was first at anything millennia ago ... :dunno:

I know some of the history (albeit I am not historian).
But ... Even a basic knowledge of the global map would indicate that land based trade routes would have to go through Arab lands to possibly connect Europe to Africa.
If someone wants to argue that their ancestors made steel before the next swing dick down the road ... Well, I hate to say it, but I don't see the benefit in arguing about it.


When people start to argue genetics, race and IQ and who did what first - then you have to wonder what the hidden agenda is.
Both science, and history are worth getting correct. If its over your head, I'm sure there's a crocheting thread somewhere... When people have to argue what came first... Someone doesn't know history.

You are the king of citing fake history. There is no sub saharan continent. The Sahara is a desert and in fact the Sahara desert has not always been.

Sahara Went from Green to Desert in a Flash

How Earth´s Orbital Shift Shaped the Sahara - Astrobiology Magazine
I never stated "sub saharan continent"as a continent by itself. It was a region isolated by natural barriers... I am also aware of the environmental changes the Sahara has undergone, though I haven't broached the subject in this thread. Your reading comprehension is as bad as AssLips. That, or you're gunning to be his protege, by taking a position opposite of one I never had... Then claiming some deluded sense of victory... While not well taught; he has none the less taught you well... Lol!

Vastator said:
The point is that Muslims and Europeans had been in contact for well over a century, prior to the subsaharan continent receiving much in the way of out side influence. So the premise that Negros "taught" the Europeans how to read and write is patently absurd. His entire claim is predicted on the fallacy that the north African haplogroup were Negros. They weren't.
Again... It’s the comprehension thing you are failing at... perhaps a study of the writings of the esteemed Dr. Suess might bring you up to speed. Slowing down the whole class for one lacking student is counter productive to the group. I’m not big Gov. I don’t balk at one or two children being left behind.
When people start to argue genetics, race and IQ and who did what first - then you have to wonder what the hidden agenda is.
Both science, and history are worth getting correct. If its over your head, I'm sure there's a crocheting thread somewhere... When people have to argue what came first... Someone doesn't know history.

You are the king of citing fake history. There is no sub saharan continent. The Sahara is a desert and in fact the Sahara desert has not always been.

Sahara Went from Green to Desert in a Flash

How Earth´s Orbital Shift Shaped the Sahara - Astrobiology Magazine
I never stated "sub saharan continent"as a continent by itself. It was a region isolated by natural barriers... I am also aware of the environmental changes the Sahara has undergone, though I haven't broached the subject in this thread. Your reading comprehension is as bad as AssLips. That, or you're gunning to be his protege, by taking a position opposite of one I never had... Then claiming some deluded sense of victory... While not well taught; he has none the less taught you well... Lol!

Vastator said:
The point is that Muslims and Europeans had been in contact for well over a century, prior to the subsaharan continent receiving much in the way of out side influence. So the premise that Negros "taught" the Europeans how to read and write is patently absurd. His entire claim is predicted on the fallacy that the north African haplogroup were Negros. They weren't.
Again... It’s the comprehension thing you are failing at... perhaps a study of the writings of the esteemed Dr. Suess might bring you up to speed. Slowing down the whole class for one lacking student is counter productive to the group. I’m not big Gov. I don’t balk at one or two children being left behind.

No I'm not failing. There is no sub Saharan Africa. There is Africa and that's it. That's what YOU fail to comprehend. So you go read Dr. Seuss and it might bring you up to speed.
Both science, and history are worth getting correct. If its over your head, I'm sure there's a crocheting thread somewhere... When people have to argue what came first... Someone doesn't know history.

You are the king of citing fake history. There is no sub saharan continent. The Sahara is a desert and in fact the Sahara desert has not always been.

Sahara Went from Green to Desert in a Flash

How Earth´s Orbital Shift Shaped the Sahara - Astrobiology Magazine
I never stated "sub saharan continent"as a continent by itself. It was a region isolated by natural barriers... I am also aware of the environmental changes the Sahara has undergone, though I haven't broached the subject in this thread. Your reading comprehension is as bad as AssLips. That, or you're gunning to be his protege, by taking a position opposite of one I never had... Then claiming some deluded sense of victory... While not well taught; he has none the less taught you well... Lol!

Vastator said:
The point is that Muslims and Europeans had been in contact for well over a century, prior to the subsaharan continent receiving much in the way of out side influence. So the premise that Negros "taught" the Europeans how to read and write is patently absurd. His entire claim is predicted on the fallacy that the north African haplogroup were Negros. They weren't.
Again... It’s the comprehension thing you are failing at... perhaps a study of the writings of the esteemed Dr. Suess might bring you up to speed. Slowing down the whole class for one lacking student is counter productive to the group. I’m not big Gov. I don’t balk at one or two children being left behind.

No I'm not failing. There is no sub Saharan Africa. There is Africa and that's it. That's what YOU fail to comprehend. So you go read Dr. Seuss and it might bring you up to speed.
AssLips has much to teach you... That was weak. Very weak... The equivalent of "nuh-uh, you're a doody head"! Subsaharan Africa does indeed exist. Its where Negros come from. You have consistently proven to be be way out of your depth.
Concerned that I might have missed a rather world changing event... I had to go to Google earth to confirm that I was still correct. I was. Sub Saharan Africa still remains... Whew!!!
It makes me sad to know that whites are so dumb to think this.

Well ... It doesn't make me sad that you were unable to figure out what I actually thought ... :dunno:
Thanks for the pony ... Albeit the one trick show isn't really entertaining.

You certainly come up with interesting science...so...how does that work with freckles? Spotty reception? Electrical spazzing? Unpredictable and unreliable melanin bio-electronics? Creative?

A new dance routine and overnight YouTube stardom ... :thup:


I like it-------if I spend time in the sun-----I can RECAPTURE MY FRECKLE FACE CHILDHOOD electrical spazzle?
For those who are hung up on IQ tests - is it possible to have an IQ test that isn't culturally or educationally biased?

So, an IQ test founded by Whites somehow is culturally biased in favor of East Asians over Whites?

That is not what I said. Think it through....

I'll give you an example.

Is it a horse or a pony?

How can something that measures intelligence, not be educationally biased?
Like most illiterate people you assume education means intelligence. Education is education. Knowledge of something. Intelligence is the ability to learn. Damn youre stupid. :laugh:

Show me where I said that education, and intelligence are the exact same?

IQ is educationally biased, because one needs to be able to read, and write in order to take an IQ test.

I'm sure that went over your head, you're not very smart, and make up for it with obnoxiousness.
And the amazing FACT is...we all came out of Africa!

Yes...Europeans are Africans.

Let's Celebrate our Share Heritage! :)

Africans had enormous cranial capacities back then.

Look at Boskop man, perhaps the largest cranium group in existence in Hominids, now Africans have much smaller craniums.
Youre forgetting that your brothers the neaderthals had huge heads but were dumb as a doorknob since that cranial capacity was taken up by a brain that focused on visual acuity.

Is that why people with Myopia, or poor long distance vision have higher IQ's?

Well, we don't really know, but that guess would be as good as any.
Africa is making steel "today?" Wasn't steel made over a hundred years ago? Blacks are a little late, aren't they?
No the europeans were about 300 years too late.

So, what about the other 1,000 things Europeans did before Africans, but I guess because there's one thing Africans did before Europeans, you like to point, and laugh at inferior Whitey.
Name even 1 thing europeans did before Africans taught them how to read and write?

- Gravettian fabrics, and ceramics at Dolni Vestonice.
- Gravettian ovens for cooking food.

- Vinca - Tordos script
- Vinca first ever metal smelting, and Copper Age.

- Cucenti-Trypillian villages earlier, and larger than Sumer.
- Cucenti-Trypillian salt mines.

- Pontic Steppe Kurgan Horse domestication.
- Sintashta Culture Chariots.

Then well railways, cars, trucks, motorcycles,, computers, space going rockets, radio , alternate current, cell phones, walkie talkies, remote controls, unmanned aerial vehicles, diesel power, nuclear power, and a whole bunch more.
All built or done before the white race existed by Africans that migrated to europe.

Railways, cars etc were only achieved after Blacks educated you not once but twice and all of them were done with the help of Blacks.

Kostenki Man the 37,000 year old European, had DNA close to Europeans, rather than Africans.

Eurogenes Blog: Kostenki14: first genome of an Upper Paleolithic European
- Gravettian fabrics, and ceramics at Dolni Vestonice.
- Gravettian ovens for cooking food.

- Vinca - Tordos script
- Vinca first ever metal smelting, and Copper Age.

- Cucenti-Trypillian villages earlier, and larger than Sumer.
- Cucenti-Trypillian salt mines.

- Pontic Steppe Kurgan Horse domestication.
- Sintashta Culture Chariots.

Then well railways, cars, trucks, motorcycles,, computers, space going rockets, radio , alternate current, cell phones, walkie talkies, remote controls, unmanned aerial vehicles, diesel power, nuclear power, and a whole bunch more.
All built or done before the white race existed by Africans that migrated to europe.

Railways, cars etc were only achieved after Blacks educated you not once but twice and all of them were done with the help of Blacks.
The million dollar question is still: why then are negroes lagging behind whites today in intellectual areas?
Who told you that? I'm 40 times your intellectual superior. If whites were so smart why am I that much smarter than you?
I'm talking about things like IQ tests, violent crime, etc.., moron. Negro-run countries are shitholes compared to European countries. How do you explain this?

Whites commit the most violent crimes. IQ tests are not accurate indicators if intelligence. Negro run countries are mostly dominated by puppets placed heir t protect European interests they did not release after colonization. You got your explanation now shut the hell up.

What about Mugabe?
No. 385: African Steel Making

"Today, ancient African ingenuity gives us steel. The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them."

Yeah... Like to believe this. Even tho it wouldn't be uniquely a 1st in the world by any means of making steel.

BUT -- if it's such a well known "fact" -- you'd expect there'd be a PILE of ancient artifacts to demonstrate this.

Quick search ---- all I could find is a 20th century Haya "trinket" bull.. So me the artifacts dude and I have no problem with this...

Haya Iron Bull, Haya People
Not my fault the white owned media doesnt trumpet things that Blacks did that were positive. Thats why Iresearch instead of depending on whites to tell me what my ancestors did.

WHOA.. 4 centuries of African archaeology and it's all RACIST? Why don't the national museums of all those Imperial robbers have SOME examples of the products from 2000 years ago? Not even in Tanzania?

I'm just a skeptical guy. Until I get the questions answered.

You aren't skeptical. You are ignorant. There is proof all over the place of African accomplishments. But you dismiss them unless its from someone white. Let an African or black archeologist promote such things and those like you automatically discount it as some black feel good story. That we have to be the ones revising something. The truth is whites have revised history to create this façade of white supremacy.

Anatolia is where the origins of Steel come from.
I didn't know Anatolia was Africa?

Kaman-Kalehöyük - Wikipedia

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