If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

I guess you really didn't get the part where I said it didn't make a difference to me who was first at anything millennia ago ... :dunno:

I know some of the history (albeit I am not historian).
But ... Even a basic knowledge of the global map would indicate that land based trade routes would have to go through Arab lands to possibly connect Europe to Africa.
If someone wants to argue that their ancestors made steel before the next swing dick down the road ... Well, I hate to say it, but I don't see the benefit in arguing about it.


When people start to argue genetics, race and IQ and who did what first - then you have to wonder what the hidden agenda is.
Both science, and history are worth getting correct. If its over your head, I'm sure there's a crocheting thread somewhere... When people have to argue what came first... Someone doesn't know history.

You are the king of citing fake history. There is no sub saharan continent. The Sahara is a desert and in fact the Sahara desert has not always been.

Sahara Went from Green to Desert in a Flash

How Earth´s Orbital Shift Shaped the Sahara - Astrobiology Magazine

North Africa's first major, if not first ever Human group to settle there were Taforalt-Afalou a Cro Magnon type, not a Negroid type.

You keep presenting things as if the white people that made up these labels are relevant. I already told you they can talk until they are blue in the face and I will disregard their claims simply because they arent intelligent enough to establish any credibility. Africans know who they are and what they did. Time you accept that fact.

I guess you really didn't get the part where I said it didn't make a difference to me who was first at anything millennia ago ... :dunno:

I know some of the history (albeit I am not historian).
But ... Even a basic knowledge of the global map would indicate that land based trade routes would have to go through Arab lands to possibly connect Europe to Africa.
If someone wants to argue that their ancestors made steel before the next swing dick down the road ... Well, I hate to say it, but I don't see the benefit in arguing about it.


When people start to argue genetics, race and IQ and who did what first - then you have to wonder what the hidden agenda is.
Both science, and history are worth getting correct. If its over your head, I'm sure there's a crocheting thread somewhere... When people have to argue what came first... Someone doesn't know history.

You are the king of citing fake history. There is no sub saharan continent. The Sahara is a desert and in fact the Sahara desert has not always been.

Sahara Went from Green to Desert in a Flash

How Earth´s Orbital Shift Shaped the Sahara - Astrobiology Magazine

North Africa's first major, if not first ever Human group to settle there were Taforalt-Afalou a Cro Magnon type, not a Negroid type.

You keep presenting things as if the white people that made up these labels are relevant. I already told you they can talk until they are blue in the face and I will disregard their claims simply because they arent intelligent enough to establish any credibility. Africans know who they are and what they did. Time you accept that fact.
And the educated world will allow you to do that. What you do is of little impact, or consequence to the educated world. We continue to march ahead without you.
Last edited:
When people start to argue genetics, race and IQ and who did what first - then you have to wonder what the hidden agenda is.
Both science, and history are worth getting correct. If its over your head, I'm sure there's a crocheting thread somewhere... When people have to argue what came first... Someone doesn't know history.

You are the king of citing fake history. There is no sub saharan continent. The Sahara is a desert and in fact the Sahara desert has not always been.

Sahara Went from Green to Desert in a Flash

How Earth´s Orbital Shift Shaped the Sahara - Astrobiology Magazine

North Africa's first major, if not first ever Human group to settle there were Taforalt-Afalou a Cro Magnon type, not a Negroid type.

You keep presenting things as if the white people that made up these labels are relevant. I already told you they can talk until they are blue in the face and I will disregard their claims simply because they arent intelligent enough to establish any credibility. Africans know who they are and what they did. Time you accept that fact.

When people start to argue genetics, race and IQ and who did what first - then you have to wonder what the hidden agenda is.
Both science, and history are worth getting correct. If its over your head, I'm sure there's a crocheting thread somewhere... When people have to argue what came first... Someone doesn't know history.

You are the king of citing fake history. There is no sub saharan continent. The Sahara is a desert and in fact the Sahara desert has not always been.

Sahara Went from Green to Desert in a Flash

How Earth´s Orbital Shift Shaped the Sahara - Astrobiology Magazine

North Africa's first major, if not first ever Human group to settle there were Taforalt-Afalou a Cro Magnon type, not a Negroid type.

You keep presenting things as if the white people that made up these labels are relevant. I already told you they can talk until they are blue in the face and I will disregard their claims simply because they arent intelligent enough to establish any credibility. Africans know who they are and what they did. Time you accept that fact.
And the educated world will allow you to do that. What you do is of little impact, or consequence to the educated world. We continue to march ahead without you.
We? Youre not Black nor educated. You are a member of the moron tribe.
Yet they became extinct....not the progenerators of modern microcephalic man, European or African...

Maybe not... Boskop man may have very well became Bushman.... A very telling warning of Humanity's future... If true then Boskop man's cranial; capacity shrunk to Bushman by as much as a 1/4th.

It seems Human intelligence came about by accident, probably in light of genetic drift, and some strange disaster.

However, it seems likely that Human intelligence is probably generally a recessive trait.

The fact that the cranial capacities shrank so much in Africa, the highest genetic diversity region, is very telling.

Seems unrelated to IQ. Brain size and correlates with IQ

Another racist wetdream smashed by science. Environment is more influential.

The first article is decent, the second one is bad.

Most studies show that the majority of intelligence is genetic, not a major majority, but a majority none the less.

This is not to deny environmental impacts.

No, so sorry but if the dumb idiots at the New York Times are to think environmental poverty is the sole cause of IQ differences, they themselves must have some kind of IQ malfunction.

There's no reason why Chinese in China score a higher IQ than not just Blacks, but also Whites in the U.S.A... The fact is China's income are very poor in comparison to those in the U.S, including Black incomes which tower above Chinese in China.

Actually...most studies do NOT show that the majority of intelligence is genetic because they can not ethically seperate environmental factors from genetic factors in cases of people born with normal intelligence. Add to that - IQ tests are heavily biased by culture and educational achievement.

Just for consideration, consider this. Environment. A region can be decimated by famine - which hits children hardest and in young children stunts the brain. That's environment. Not genetics. Those children, if they survive and reproduce in a non-famine environment will have normal children.

In the case of China - what IQ tests are administered? By WHOM? Which Chinese get them?
You merely saying it, doesn't make it so. Links...

Links to what in particulor?
Blacks are very very mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming.

1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it's not due to cultural bias in the tests.

2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it's not due to racism.

3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.

4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
You are taking complex issues that are affected by many different things and trying to make it about race.
Maybe not... Boskop man may have very well became Bushman.... A very telling warning of Humanity's future... If true then Boskop man's cranial; capacity shrunk to Bushman by as much as a 1/4th.

It seems Human intelligence came about by accident, probably in light of genetic drift, and some strange disaster.

However, it seems likely that Human intelligence is probably generally a recessive trait.

The fact that the cranial capacities shrank so much in Africa, the highest genetic diversity region, is very telling.

Seems unrelated to IQ. Brain size and correlates with IQ

Another racist wetdream smashed by science. Environment is more influential.

The first article is decent, the second one is bad.

Most studies show that the majority of intelligence is genetic, not a major majority, but a majority none the less.

This is not to deny environmental impacts.

No, so sorry but if the dumb idiots at the New York Times are to think environmental poverty is the sole cause of IQ differences, they themselves must have some kind of IQ malfunction.

There's no reason why Chinese in China score a higher IQ than not just Blacks, but also Whites in the U.S.A... The fact is China's income are very poor in comparison to those in the U.S, including Black incomes which tower above Chinese in China.

Actually...most studies do NOT show that the majority of intelligence is genetic because they can not ethically seperate environmental factors from genetic factors in cases of people born with normal intelligence. Add to that - IQ tests are heavily biased by culture and educational achievement.

Just for consideration, consider this. Environment. A region can be decimated by famine - which hits children hardest and in young children stunts the brain. That's environment. Not genetics. Those children, if they survive and reproduce in a non-famine environment will have normal children.

In the case of China - what IQ tests are administered? By WHOM? Which Chinese get them?
You merely saying it, doesn't make it so. Links...

Links to what in particulor?
Peer reviewed papers that support the opinion you gave in the preceding post.
For those who are overly reliant on IQ tests to justify racist attitudes you may want to rethink it.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

We can all think of people that have poor reasoning and brilliant memories, or fantastic language skills but aren't so hot at reasoning, and so on. Now once and for all we can say there is not a single measure such as IQ which captures all the intelligence that you see in people."

The online test, which took about 30 minutes to complete, featured 12 cognitive tests of volunteers' memory, reasoning, attention and planning as well as recording details about their lifestyle and background.

Taking into account the full range of cognitive abilities tested, they found that people's varying success rates could only be explained by combining at least three types of intelligence, and not by any single measure such as IQ.

"When you look at cognitive ability you can't boil it down to fewer than three components – short-term memory, reasoning and a verbal component," Dr Highfield explained. "There isn't one component that explains all the variations we saw in all the tests."

Is An IQ Test An Accurate Way To Measure Intelligence Or Are Mental Abilities Something You Can’t Put A Number On?

The IQ test is an exam most of us are familiar with, regardless of whether we have taken it or not. The test was originally designed by the French psychologist Alfred Binet in the early 1900s. But in the new millennium, is the IQ test still an effective means of measuring general intelligence? According to the general consensus, the answer is "no."


No. 385: African Steel Making

"Today, ancient African ingenuity gives us steel. The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them."

Yeah... Like to believe this. Even tho it wouldn't be uniquely a 1st in the world by any means of making steel.

BUT -- if it's such a well known "fact" -- you'd expect there'd be a PILE of ancient artifacts to demonstrate this.

Quick search ---- all I could find is a 20th century Haya "trinket" bull.. So me the artifacts dude and I have no problem with this...

Haya Iron Bull, Haya People

Apparently there are artifacts to support this. I know you would like to think Africans were over there doing nothing for a million years while whites had all these great kingdoms and advancements but that is simply not the case.

Show me some Haya people relics from Tanzania from even 1000 years ago. . I can't find them. The original link that Asclepias posted had one book from the 1980s as a source.

You can find pictures of almost every relic on the web. Knock yourself out. "Apparently there are artifacts" just tweaks a half dozen questions from people who CARE to know about this. Do you CARE? Or are U just indiscriminately consuming internet stuff without curiousity?
Seems unrelated to IQ. Brain size and correlates with IQ

Another racist wetdream smashed by science. Environment is more influential.

The first article is decent, the second one is bad.

Most studies show that the majority of intelligence is genetic, not a major majority, but a majority none the less.

This is not to deny environmental impacts.

No, so sorry but if the dumb idiots at the New York Times are to think environmental poverty is the sole cause of IQ differences, they themselves must have some kind of IQ malfunction.

There's no reason why Chinese in China score a higher IQ than not just Blacks, but also Whites in the U.S.A... The fact is China's income are very poor in comparison to those in the U.S, including Black incomes which tower above Chinese in China.

Actually...most studies do NOT show that the majority of intelligence is genetic because they can not ethically seperate environmental factors from genetic factors in cases of people born with normal intelligence. Add to that - IQ tests are heavily biased by culture and educational achievement.

Just for consideration, consider this. Environment. A region can be decimated by famine - which hits children hardest and in young children stunts the brain. That's environment. Not genetics. Those children, if they survive and reproduce in a non-famine environment will have normal children.

In the case of China - what IQ tests are administered? By WHOM? Which Chinese get them?
You merely saying it, doesn't make it so. Links...

Links to what in particulor?
Peer reviewed papers that support the opinion you gave in the preceding post.

I already posted articles on the problems with IQ tests, so here are some relevent articles on non genetic factors affecting intelligence.


Effects of Malnutrition on Brain Development

Do the Effects of Early Severe Deprivation on Cognition Persist Into Early Adolescence? Findings From the English and Romanian Adoptees Study
For those who are overly reliant on IQ tests to justify racist attitudes you may want to rethink it.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

We can all think of people that have poor reasoning and brilliant memories, or fantastic language skills but aren't so hot at reasoning, and so on. Now once and for all we can say there is not a single measure such as IQ which captures all the intelligence that you see in people."

The online test, which took about 30 minutes to complete, featured 12 cognitive tests of volunteers' memory, reasoning, attention and planning as well as recording details about their lifestyle and background.

Taking into account the full range of cognitive abilities tested, they found that people's varying success rates could only be explained by combining at least three types of intelligence, and not by any single measure such as IQ.

"When you look at cognitive ability you can't boil it down to fewer than three components – short-term memory, reasoning and a verbal component," Dr Highfield explained. "There isn't one component that explains all the variations we saw in all the tests."

Is An IQ Test An Accurate Way To Measure Intelligence Or Are Mental Abilities Something You Can’t Put A Number On?

The IQ test is an exam most of us are familiar with, regardless of whether we have taken it or not. The test was originally designed by the French psychologist Alfred Binet in the early 1900s. But in the new millennium, is the IQ test still an effective means of measuring general intelligence? According to the general consensus, the answer is "no."


One doesn’t really have to rely on IQ tests... one only needs to look at the results globally. They speak for themselves. IQ tests are just one way, to explain the outcomes.
The first article is decent, the second one is bad.

Most studies show that the majority of intelligence is genetic, not a major majority, but a majority none the less.

This is not to deny environmental impacts.

No, so sorry but if the dumb idiots at the New York Times are to think environmental poverty is the sole cause of IQ differences, they themselves must have some kind of IQ malfunction.

There's no reason why Chinese in China score a higher IQ than not just Blacks, but also Whites in the U.S.A... The fact is China's income are very poor in comparison to those in the U.S, including Black incomes which tower above Chinese in China.

Actually...most studies do NOT show that the majority of intelligence is genetic because they can not ethically seperate environmental factors from genetic factors in cases of people born with normal intelligence. Add to that - IQ tests are heavily biased by culture and educational achievement.

Just for consideration, consider this. Environment. A region can be decimated by famine - which hits children hardest and in young children stunts the brain. That's environment. Not genetics. Those children, if they survive and reproduce in a non-famine environment will have normal children.

In the case of China - what IQ tests are administered? By WHOM? Which Chinese get them?
You merely saying it, doesn't make it so. Links...

Links to what in particulor?
Peer reviewed papers that support the opinion you gave in the preceding post.

I already posted articles on the problems with IQ tests, so here are some relevent articles on non genetic factors affecting intelligence.


Effects of Malnutrition on Brain Development

Do the Effects of Early Severe Deprivation on Cognition Persist Into Early Adolescence? Findings From the English and Romanian Adoptees Study
Sure early severe malnutrition can play a role in any creatures development. No such excuse exists for American negros.
I guess you really didn't get the part where I said it didn't make a difference to me who was first at anything millennia ago ... :dunno:

I know some of the history (albeit I am not historian).
But ... Even a basic knowledge of the global map would indicate that land based trade routes would have to go through Arab lands to possibly connect Europe to Africa.
If someone wants to argue that their ancestors made steel before the next swing dick down the road ... Well, I hate to say it, but I don't see the benefit in arguing about it.


When people start to argue genetics, race and IQ and who did what first - then you have to wonder what the hidden agenda is.
Both science, and history are worth getting correct. If its over your head, I'm sure there's a crocheting thread somewhere... When people have to argue what came first... Someone doesn't know history.

You are the king of citing fake history. There is no sub saharan continent. The Sahara is a desert and in fact the Sahara desert has not always been.

Sahara Went from Green to Desert in a Flash

How Earth´s Orbital Shift Shaped the Sahara - Astrobiology Magazine

North Africa's first major, if not first ever Human group to settle there were Taforalt-Afalou a Cro Magnon type, not a Negroid type.


You're a stormfront trooper, you aren't ever going to credit blacks for anything but inferiority.

I posted a diagram showing Taforalt - Afalou the first major group of North Africans were closest to Finns, ,much like Cro Magnon man was in Europe.

What does that have to do with crediting Blacks?

Oh sniff sniff the reality of things isn't giving you your way, therefor it's mean.
Last edited:
I never stated "sub saharan continent"as a continent by itself. It was a region isolated by natural barriers... I am also aware of the environmental changes the Sahara has undergone, though I haven't broached the subject in this thread. Your reading comprehension is as bad as AssLips. That, or you're gunning to be his protege, by taking a position opposite of one I never had... Then claiming some deluded sense of victory... While not well taught; he has none the less taught you well... Lol!

Vastator said:
The point is that Muslims and Europeans had been in contact for well over a century, prior to the subsaharan continent receiving much in the way of out side influence. So the premise that Negros "taught" the Europeans how to read and write is patently absurd. His entire claim is predicted on the fallacy that the north African haplogroup were Negros. They weren't.
Again... It’s the comprehension thing you are failing at... perhaps a study of the writings of the esteemed Dr. Suess might bring you up to speed. Slowing down the whole class for one lacking student is counter productive to the group. I’m not big Gov. I don’t balk at one or two children being left behind.

No I'm not failing. There is no sub Saharan Africa. There is Africa and that's it. That's what YOU fail to comprehend. So you go read Dr. Seuss and it might bring you up to speed.

Racially speaking, Sub-Saharan Africans are different, much like South-Asians (Indians) are different from East-Asians.

Actually Africa could be split into multiple races, it should be because it has the highest diversity.

There is no such thing as sub Saharan Africa. Africans well tell you that. And you won't like how they say it to you.

So sorry, but North Africans differ substantially in phenotype, and genotype from Sub-Saharan Africans.

Here's a genetic PCA plot proving Algerians, Morroccans, Mozabite Berbers, and Tunisians are genetically between Europeans, and the Maasai of Kenya, and Tanzania.
While Egyptians are similar to Saudi Arabians.

I guess you really didn't get the part where I said it didn't make a difference to me who was first at anything millennia ago ... :dunno:

I know some of the history (albeit I am not historian).
But ... Even a basic knowledge of the global map would indicate that land based trade routes would have to go through Arab lands to possibly connect Europe to Africa.
If someone wants to argue that their ancestors made steel before the next swing dick down the road ... Well, I hate to say it, but I don't see the benefit in arguing about it.


When people start to argue genetics, race and IQ and who did what first - then you have to wonder what the hidden agenda is.
Both science, and history are worth getting correct. If its over your head, I'm sure there's a crocheting thread somewhere... When people have to argue what came first... Someone doesn't know history.

You are the king of citing fake history. There is no sub saharan continent. The Sahara is a desert and in fact the Sahara desert has not always been.

Sahara Went from Green to Desert in a Flash

How Earth´s Orbital Shift Shaped the Sahara - Astrobiology Magazine

North Africa's first major, if not first ever Human group to settle there were Taforalt-Afalou a Cro Magnon type, not a Negroid type.

You keep presenting things as if the white people that made up these labels are relevant. I already told you they can talk until they are blue in the face and I will disregard their claims simply because they arent intelligent enough to establish any credibility. Africans know who they are and what they did. Time you accept that fact.

You've claimed Greeks aren't White, despite living in Europe.
So, why can't we say that the Moors weren't Black, despite living in Africa?

Truth is Greeks, and Moors are not all that far removed from one another, both are Mediterranean people.
In summation lets just cut to the quick. Whites had nothing to do with Black Africans developing the first amazing civilizations on the planet. Black people founded Egypt (Kmt), Sumer (Canaan), Nubia (Kush), and the Indus Valley civilization. Egypt especially was responsible for waking white people up from their semi cave people existence. They were the first authors and provided a number of things white copy to this day like practicing medicine. Blacks had the worlds first multi discipline genius in Imhotep. Blacks gave whites their alphabet. The Greeks called the Canaanites "Phoneticians" and thats where whites got their alphabet. Later Black Africans founded the great west African civilizations that attracted scholars from europe to come study. In short, whites should be thanking their lucky stars Blacks educated them not questioning if Blacks could succeed without whites. The idea is ludicrous from the moment of conception that Blacks would even need whites to exist. :laugh:

So sorry to inform you but Ancient Egyptians were Mediterranean's, they were genetically most similar to people from the Near-East.

Mummy DNA shows that the ancients don’t have much in common with modern Egyptians

The team then compared the ancient mummy DNA to the DNA of both ancient and modern people in the same region. It turns out that, on a genetic level, the ancient Egyptians aren’t so different from modern people living in the Near East. In fact, they have more in common with those in the Near East than today’s Egyptians. For example, the mummies didn’t have any DNA from sub-Saharan Africa, whereas about 20 percent of today’s Egyptians have sub-Saharan genes.
Actually...most studies do NOT show that the majority of intelligence is genetic because they can not ethically seperate environmental factors from genetic factors in cases of people born with normal intelligence. Add to that - IQ tests are heavily biased by culture and educational achievement.

Just for consideration, consider this. Environment. A region can be decimated by famine - which hits children hardest and in young children stunts the brain. That's environment. Not genetics. Those children, if they survive and reproduce in a non-famine environment will have normal children.

In the case of China - what IQ tests are administered? By WHOM? Which Chinese get them?
You merely saying it, doesn't make it so. Links...

Links to what in particulor?
Peer reviewed papers that support the opinion you gave in the preceding post.

I already posted articles on the problems with IQ tests, so here are some relevent articles on non genetic factors affecting intelligence.


Effects of Malnutrition on Brain Development

Do the Effects of Early Severe Deprivation on Cognition Persist Into Early Adolescence? Findings From the English and Romanian Adoptees Study
Sure early severe malnutrition can play a role in any creatures development. No such excuse exists for American negros.
I gave links to multiple types of deorivation as well as a ones on how iq tests fail to adequately measure intelligence.
For those who are overly reliant on IQ tests to justify racist attitudes you may want to rethink it.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

We can all think of people that have poor reasoning and brilliant memories, or fantastic language skills but aren't so hot at reasoning, and so on. Now once and for all we can say there is not a single measure such as IQ which captures all the intelligence that you see in people."

The online test, which took about 30 minutes to complete, featured 12 cognitive tests of volunteers' memory, reasoning, attention and planning as well as recording details about their lifestyle and background.

Taking into account the full range of cognitive abilities tested, they found that people's varying success rates could only be explained by combining at least three types of intelligence, and not by any single measure such as IQ.

"When you look at cognitive ability you can't boil it down to fewer than three components – short-term memory, reasoning and a verbal component," Dr Highfield explained. "There isn't one component that explains all the variations we saw in all the tests."

Is An IQ Test An Accurate Way To Measure Intelligence Or Are Mental Abilities Something You Can’t Put A Number On?

The IQ test is an exam most of us are familiar with, regardless of whether we have taken it or not. The test was originally designed by the French psychologist Alfred Binet in the early 1900s. But in the new millennium, is the IQ test still an effective means of measuring general intelligence? According to the general consensus, the answer is "no."



Those with Down Syndrome almost all score retarded IQ's, while the best, and brightest almost all score gifted IQ's.

How come?

These scientists are getting really desperate, and dumb.
The biases are unreal, no just because IQ isn't 100% accurate, doesn't mean that it has no accuracy.
Of course the IQ test is on the whole very accurate, if they weren't then we wouldn't see IQ's of retarded, and bright populations be on opposite ends on average.
You merely saying it, doesn't make it so. Links...

Links to what in particulor?
Peer reviewed papers that support the opinion you gave in the preceding post.

I already posted articles on the problems with IQ tests, so here are some relevent articles on non genetic factors affecting intelligence.


Effects of Malnutrition on Brain Development

Do the Effects of Early Severe Deprivation on Cognition Persist Into Early Adolescence? Findings From the English and Romanian Adoptees Study
Sure early severe malnutrition can play a role in any creatures development. No such excuse exists for American negros.
I gave links to multiple types of deorivation as well as a ones on how iq tests fail to adequately measure intelligence.

The propaganda is unreal, the IQ's of mental retardation group homes are on average in the 50's or 60's, if IQ didn't measure anything, then their IQ shouldn't be so much lower, thing is it is because it is measuring something overwhelmingly, and rather accurately.

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