If North Korea can make a Progressive Utopia, why can't we?

So you can't prove me wrong

Oh god, you are pulling out the old left excuse
for Stalin's murders- too funny

No you are right, Stalin was great guy
The new Walter Duranty, I see

What about the Holodomor Famine
that happened in 32-33
when did the war start?

Did you know Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had
a treaty to invade Poland together?
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you just described communist!!!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Is this the Democrat Party Platform or the Communist Party Platform?

"URGENT: No to cuts that hurt working people!
Tea Party Republicans are attempting to hold the country hostage by refusing to allow a routine adjustment in the nation's debt ceiling...

New Tax the rich flier
Download the new Save the nation! Tax the rich! PDF in both Spanish and English

Become a DREAMer
Sign on as a citizen co-sponsor to the DREAM Act."

Taxes are communist?

Straight up?

Yes or no.

The questions does need to be clarified

What kind of taxes?
they died because of communism!!!....and you defend the most oppressive forms of government on earth!!!...and I thought my opinion of SWALLOW"S could not get any worse!!!.... SWALLOW'S IS AN ENEMY OF AMERICA!!

Listen you whacked out fag boi.

No Sallow cum for you.

I ain't lettin you suck my dick asshole.

Why? Because I ain't no faggot.

Like you.
Is this the Democrat Party Platform or the Communist Party Platform?

"URGENT: No to cuts that hurt working people!
Tea Party Republicans are attempting to hold the country hostage by refusing to allow a routine adjustment in the nation's debt ceiling...

New Tax the rich flier
Download the new Save the nation! Tax the rich! PDF in both Spanish and English

Become a DREAMer
Sign on as a citizen co-sponsor to the DREAM Act."

Taxes are communist?

Straight up?

Yes or no.

The questions does need to be clarified

What kind of taxes?

No it doesn't.

Are Taxes commie or not?
Sweden is doing better than we are, if you want to talk about socialism working or not working.
So you can't prove me wrong

Oh god, you are pulling out the old left excuse
for Stalin's murders- too funny

No you are right, Stalin was great guy
The new Walter Duranty, I see

What about the Holodomor Famine
that happened in 32-33
when did the war start?

Did you know Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had
a treaty to invade Poland together?

Stalin wasn't a "great" guy. In fact he was a thug. The Communists were terrible at just about everything. In China they booted the "landlords" and put kids in charge of growing crops. It was the same with the Soviets. Additionally both regions are known for severe droughts and horrible weather. But then again..I suppose you attribute all of that to Communists too.

And yeah..the Nazis had a treaty with all those nations before attacking them..and were doing business with Captains of American Industry like Prescott Bush (Yeah..George W. Bush's Grandfather) who was busted for that one.
North Korea isn't progressive at all. It's quite conservative. They don't allow voting. And government is passed down from family to family.

They don't even call themselves "progressive".

It's the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

North Korea

And thanks to America..South Korea doesn't spend much on it's military. So that leaves it money for many socialist programs..like Socialized Medicine.

It is a full CPE - it depends on large gov't
It is a creature of the Left
thank goodness

No even in the video she thanks their leader
for having a socialist state, right at the end

They have voting- just like the Soviet Union
Granted only one party is on the ticket
Just think of it like Democrats and RINOs

Depend on large government? Bahahahahahahaha..

Government in North Korea provides shit for it's people. You are basically on your own. There is a small monied class and a large class with bupkis. You'd know this if you ever spend even the SLIGHTEST amount of time in the region. They are alot like Mexico. North Koreans are trying to sneak into every other Asian nation. One of the first things the Chinese did when they took over Hong Kong was to kick out the poor people. If you were Chinese..you had to move to more rural areas you could afford. If you were North Korean, you get sent back to North Korea. I was THERE when that was happening. The Chinese got rid of all the boat people in Aberdeen bay..and the North Koreans were protesting deportation.

Aside from that..you guys are literalists. And North Korea as a nation calls itself a Democratic Republic.


Maybe they have not gone socialist enough?
Since they have taken out all capitalism
what could be the problem now?

What could their gov't do to make it better?

They control all the resources in the country
how should they use them to get the best results
It is a full CPE - it depends on large gov't
It is a creature of the Left
thank goodness

No even in the video she thanks their leader
for having a socialist state, right at the end

They have voting- just like the Soviet Union
Granted only one party is on the ticket
Just think of it like Democrats and RINOs

Depend on large government? Bahahahahahahaha..

Government in North Korea provides shit for it's people. You are basically on your own. There is a small monied class and a large class with bupkis. You'd know this if you ever spend even the SLIGHTEST amount of time in the region. They are alot like Mexico. North Koreans are trying to sneak into every other Asian nation. One of the first things the Chinese did when they took over Hong Kong was to kick out the poor people. If you were Chinese..you had to move to more rural areas you could afford. If you were North Korean, you get sent back to North Korea. I was THERE when that was happening. The Chinese got rid of all the boat people in Aberdeen bay..and the North Koreans were protesting deportation.

Aside from that..you guys are literalists. And North Korea as a nation calls itself a Democratic Republic.


Maybe they have not gone socialist enough?
Since they have taken out all capitalism
what could be the problem now?

What could their gov't do to make it better?

They control all the resources in the country
how should they use them to get the best results

This might suprise you..but the North Koreans are starting to allow capitalism in small doses.
Depend on large government? Bahahahahahahaha..

Government in North Korea provides shit for it's people. You are basically on your own. There is a small monied class and a large class with bupkis. You'd know this if you ever spend even the SLIGHTEST amount of time in the region. They are alot like Mexico. North Koreans are trying to sneak into every other Asian nation. One of the first things the Chinese did when they took over Hong Kong was to kick out the poor people. If you were Chinese..you had to move to more rural areas you could afford. If you were North Korean, you get sent back to North Korea. I was THERE when that was happening. The Chinese got rid of all the boat people in Aberdeen bay..and the North Koreans were protesting deportation.

Aside from that..you guys are literalists. And North Korea as a nation calls itself a Democratic Republic.


Maybe they have not gone socialist enough?
Since they have taken out all capitalism
what could be the problem now?

What could their gov't do to make it better?

They control all the resources in the country
how should they use them to get the best results

This might suprise you..but the North Koreans are starting to allow capitalism in small doses.

No no no

Why would they do that?
The video clearly shows the success of socialism

The questions does need to be clarified

What kind of taxes?

No it doesn't.

Are Taxes commie or not?

Sure it does
progressive regressive taxes, sales tax etc

if that is the case
then very regressive taxes would be ok

You are confusing taxes with how a government is run.
All governments must have some form of income, in order to fund important issues like their military.
No taxes are not communistic.
How the government is run is different.
We should get rid of the 16th amendment in our constitution and have the states collect Taxes to send to the Feds like we used to have. Ever since the 16th amendment, it has caused corruption in our Federal government.
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Depend on large government? Bahahahahahahaha..

Government in North Korea provides shit for it's people. You are basically on your own. There is a small monied class and a large class with bupkis. You'd know this if you ever spend even the SLIGHTEST amount of time in the region. They are alot like Mexico. North Koreans are trying to sneak into every other Asian nation. One of the first things the Chinese did when they took over Hong Kong was to kick out the poor people. If you were Chinese..you had to move to more rural areas you could afford. If you were North Korean, you get sent back to North Korea. I was THERE when that was happening. The Chinese got rid of all the boat people in Aberdeen bay..and the North Koreans were protesting deportation.

Aside from that..you guys are literalists. And North Korea as a nation calls itself a Democratic Republic.


Maybe they have not gone socialist enough?
Since they have taken out all capitalism
what could be the problem now?

What could their gov't do to make it better?

They control all the resources in the country
how should they use them to get the best results

This might suprise you..but the North Koreans are starting to allow capitalism in small doses.
baaa haa haa now you are defending communism with capitalism!!!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The questions does need to be clarified

What kind of taxes?

No it doesn't.

Are Taxes commie or not?
thats like asking if eating is healthy!!!eating is good for you...over eating will kill you!!!over taxing will kill the economy!!!.....SO SPIT THE 5 POUNDS OF MEAT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!!!!AND DON'T SWALLOW....SWALLOW!!

Are you like a fag boi and a stalker?

I already said no to your offer to swallow my load.

That should be it.

Go gargle someone else's cum.

You homosexual you.
North Korea isn't progressive at all. It's quite conservative. They don't allow voting. And government is passed down from family to family.

They don't even call themselves "progressive".

It's the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

North Korea

And thanks to America..South Korea doesn't spend much on it's military. So that leaves it money for many socialist programs..like Socialized Medicine.
When I was spending time on LA Indymedia, about once a month a NoKo robot would post a "news" release from Best Korea, saying how wonderful everything was.

I, a conservative, asked the 'bot the best recipes for grass and shoes.

The lefties on IMC? Never a single word of criticism for the People's Republic.
Maybe they have not gone socialist enough?
Since they have taken out all capitalism
what could be the problem now?

What could their gov't do to make it better?

They control all the resources in the country
how should they use them to get the best results

This might suprise you..but the North Koreans are starting to allow capitalism in small doses.

No no no

Why would they do that?
The video clearly shows the success of socialism


Why do you think?

Il Jong wants sonny boy to take over.

That's not going to happen is everyone is pissed.
North Korea isn't progressive at all. It's quite conservative. They don't allow voting. And government is passed down from family to family.

They don't even call themselves "progressive".

It's the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

North Korea

And thanks to America..South Korea doesn't spend much on it's military. So that leaves it money for many socialist programs..like Socialized Medicine.
When I was spending time on LA Indymedia, about once a month a NoKo robot would post a "news" release from Best Korea, saying how wonderful everything was.

I, a conservative, asked the 'bot the best recipes for grass and shoes.

The lefties on IMC? Never a single word of criticism for the People's Republic.

If you were sitting in the state department and the question was asked, How do we deal with North Korea..and advisors started spewing nonsense..what exactly would you do?

First you straighten things out.

Then you get the facts right.

Then you map out a plan to deal with them.

North Korea is a mess. What would be best for us in that region? That North and South unite. That the new united country poses no "threat" to China. That we keep them quiet before that happens.

You start from there.
No it doesn't.

Are Taxes commie or not?
thats like asking if eating is healthy!!!eating is good for you...over eating will kill you!!!over taxing will kill the economy!!!.....SO SPIT THE 5 POUNDS OF MEAT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!!!!AND DON'T SWALLOW....SWALLOW!!

Are you like a fag boi and a stalker?

I already said no to your offer to swallow my load.

That should be it.

Go gargle someone else's cum.

You homosexual you.
now Swallow's don't be mad!!:eusa_angel:

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