If not for playing the race card what was the logic for picking Kamala?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
She is essentially a pro law and order candidate because of her past. (Flies in the face of the defund movement the left is currently pushing)

She implied Biden was a racist during the debates. (Who hires people who attack them like this?)

She implied Biden was a sexual predator by saying she believed his accuser. (Would you hire someone who called you a rapist?)

She exited the primaries with a measly 2% support among voters.
(We hiring the worst of the bunch now?)

All these things beg the obvious question. Did Biden pick her SOLEY for the color of her skin?
She is essentially a pro law and order candidate because of her past. (Flies in the face of the defund movement the left is currently pushing)

She implied Biden was a racist during the debates. (Who hires people who attack them like this?)

She implied Biden was a sexual predator by saying she believed his accuser. (Would you hire someone who called you a rapist?)

She exited the primaries with a measly 2% support among voters.
(We hiring the worst of the bunch now?)

All these things beg the obvious question. Did Biden pick her SOLEY for the color of her skin?
going out on a limb here,,but could it be she gives good helmet???
She is essentially a pro law and order candidate because of her past. (Flies in the face of the defund movement the left is currently pushing)

She implied Biden was a racist during the debates. (Who hires people who attack them like this?)

She implied Biden was a sexual predator by saying she believed his accuser. (Would you hire someone who called you a rapist?)

She exited the primaries with a measly 2% support among voters.
(We hiring the worst of the bunch now?)

All these things beg the obvious question. Did Biden pick her SOLEY for the color of her skin?

She was the smart choice. A former prosecutor and centrist (like Biden). That pretty much removes the teeth of a lot of Republican talking points. And if you've paid attention for the last 24 hours, Trump and the Republicans haven't laid a glove on her yet. And she's already carving Trump up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey. If she had just a little more financial support and pushed some campaign staffers out that had no business running a campaign, I believe she could have been the nominee.

So she went after Biden during the primaries? She was running to be the nominee. Remember what George Bush Sr said about Reagan during the 1980 Presidential race? Memba "Voo Doo Economics"? (kinda prescient in hindsight, huh :)). Guess who ended up as VP? Now, to be fair, he was always going to pick a woman for his running mate and especially in light of what happened after George Floyd's death, it was going to be a woman of color.
She is essentially a pro law and order candidate because of her past. (Flies in the face of the defund movement the left is currently pushing)

She implied Biden was a racist during the debates. (Who hires people who attack them like this?)

She implied Biden was a sexual predator by saying she believed his accuser. (Would you hire someone who called you a rapist?)

She exited the primaries with a measly 2% support among voters.
(We hiring the worst of the bunch now?)

All these things beg the obvious question. Did Biden pick her SOLEY for the color of her skin?
She IS sort of easy on the eyes. She's an attractive woman.
Kamala was the best candidate to lose to Trump.

That's why she was chosen.

The Democrats would not choose a Cory Booker or a Beto.

Kamala is a hated top cop.

Screw her political career.

Let her sink with the one with dementia.

Booker is a man and Beto (besides being a man) would be too polarizing. Harris was the smart choice. Abrams didn't have the political bonafides and Elizabeth Warren and Susan Rice would again be too polarizing.
You have to admit, Republicans have been all over the map in the last 24 hours trying to find some narrative that they can make stick. So far, no dice. :)
She is essentially a pro law and order candidate because of her past. (Flies in the face of the defund movement the left is currently pushing)

She implied Biden was a racist during the debates. (Who hires people who attack them like this?)

She implied Biden was a sexual predator by saying she believed his accuser. (Would you hire someone who called you a rapist?)

She exited the primaries with a measly 2% support among voters.
(We hiring the worst of the bunch now?)

All these things beg the obvious question. Did Biden pick her SOLEY for the color of her skin?

She was the smart choice. A former prosecutor and centrist (like Biden). That pretty much removes the teeth of a lot of Republican talking points. And if you've paid attention for the last 24 hours, Trump and the Republicans haven't laid a glove on her yet. And she's already carving Trump up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey. If she had just a little more financial support and pushed some campaign staffers out that had no business running a campaign, I believe she could have been the nominee.

So she went after Biden during the primaries? She was running to be the nominee. Remember what George Bush Sr said about Reagan during the 1980 Presidential race? Memba "Voo Doo Economics"? (kinda prescient in hindsight, huh :)). Guess who ended up as VP? Now, to be fair, he was always going to pick a woman for his running mate and especially in light of what happened after George Floyd's death, it was going to be a woman of color.
Did you seriously just say that telling someone their economic ideas are voodoo is the same thing as a woman of color calling a white man a racist and a rapist?

Really dude?
She is essentially a pro law and order candidate because of her past. (Flies in the face of the defund movement the left is currently pushing)

She implied Biden was a racist during the debates. (Who hires people who attack them like this?)

She implied Biden was a sexual predator by saying she believed his accuser. (Would you hire someone who called you a rapist?)

She exited the primaries with a measly 2% support among voters.
(We hiring the worst of the bunch now?)

All these things beg the obvious question. Did Biden pick her SOLEY for the color of her skin?
That isn’t what”playing the race card” is. Now. Telling suburban white womenswear the blacks are stealing suburbia. Now that is the race card.
Crawl back into your bottle
She is essentially a pro law and order candidate because of her past. (Flies in the face of the defund movement the left is currently pushing)

She implied Biden was a racist during the debates. (Who hires people who attack them like this?)

She implied Biden was a sexual predator by saying she believed his accuser. (Would you hire someone who called you a rapist?)

She exited the primaries with a measly 2% support among voters.
(We hiring the worst of the bunch now?)

All these things beg the obvious question. Did Biden pick her SOLEY for the color of her skin?

She was the smart choice. A former prosecutor and centrist (like Biden). That pretty much removes the teeth of a lot of Republican talking points. And if you've paid attention for the last 24 hours, Trump and the Republicans haven't laid a glove on her yet. And she's already carving Trump up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey. If she had just a little more financial support and pushed some campaign staffers out that had no business running a campaign, I believe she could have been the nominee.

So she went after Biden during the primaries? She was running to be the nominee. Remember what George Bush Sr said about Reagan during the 1980 Presidential race? Memba "Voo Doo Economics"? (kinda prescient in hindsight, huh :)). Guess who ended up as VP? Now, to be fair, he was always going to pick a woman for his running mate and especially in light of what happened after George Floyd's death, it was going to be a woman of color.
Did you seriously just say that telling someone their economic ideas are voodoo is the same thing as a woman of color calling a white man a racist and a rapist?

Really dude?

Point of the comment is that party nominees will often pick a VP candidate that has criticized them. It's called counterbalance...really, dude. :)
She is essentially a pro law and order candidate because of her past. (Flies in the face of the defund movement the left is currently pushing)

She implied Biden was a racist during the debates. (Who hires people who attack them like this?)

She implied Biden was a sexual predator by saying she believed his accuser. (Would you hire someone who called you a rapist?)

She exited the primaries with a measly 2% support among voters.
(We hiring the worst of the bunch now?)

All these things beg the obvious question. Did Biden pick her SOLEY for the color of her skin?
That isn’t what”playing the race card” is. Now. Telling suburban white womenswear the blacks are stealing suburbia. Now that is the race card.
Crawl back into your bottle

Remember now, if you don't vote Biden YOU AINT BLACK!
She is essentially a pro law and order candidate because of her past. (Flies in the face of the defund movement the left is currently pushing)

She implied Biden was a racist during the debates. (Who hires people who attack them like this?)

She implied Biden was a sexual predator by saying she believed his accuser. (Would you hire someone who called you a rapist?)

She exited the primaries with a measly 2% support among voters.
(We hiring the worst of the bunch now?)

All these things beg the obvious question. Did Biden pick her SOLEY for the color of her skin?

She was the smart choice. A former prosecutor and centrist (like Biden). That pretty much removes the teeth of a lot of Republican talking points. And if you've paid attention for the last 24 hours, Trump and the Republicans haven't laid a glove on her yet. And she's already carving Trump up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey. If she had just a little more financial support and pushed some campaign staffers out that had no business running a campaign, I believe she could have been the nominee.

So she went after Biden during the primaries? She was running to be the nominee. Remember what George Bush Sr said about Reagan during the 1980 Presidential race? Memba "Voo Doo Economics"? (kinda prescient in hindsight, huh :)). Guess who ended up as VP? Now, to be fair, he was always going to pick a woman for his running mate and especially in light of what happened after George Floyd's death, it was going to be a woman of color.
Did you seriously just say that telling someone their economic ideas are voodoo is the same thing as a woman of color calling a white man a racist and a rapist?

Really dude?

Point of the comment is that party nominees will often pick a VP candidate that has criticized them. It's called counterbalance...really, dude. :)
Calling someone a rapist and racist is basically an accusation of terrible criminal activity and the worst kind of character.

That is not criticism lol
Maybe they view her as the best person for the job. It's possible.

From a political standpoint, I don't know how she's going to get over the Gabbard clip which will be played over and over. You can't produce one or two kind moments of compassion for optics for your campaign when people hear of how many she put in jail and apparently rejecting information for a man on death row.

That is definitely going to make the rounds in attack ads, it's so inhumane a response as an AG. She was so shocked to hear it come out in the debates that she didn't have a response (her handlers obviously weren't prepared for it).

It's a surprising choice to me but one the MSM Establishment and China First supporters clearly wanted.
She is essentially a pro law and order candidate because of her past. (Flies in the face of the defund movement the left is currently pushing)

She implied Biden was a racist during the debates. (Who hires people who attack them like this?)

She implied Biden was a sexual predator by saying she believed his accuser. (Would you hire someone who called you a rapist?)

She exited the primaries with a measly 2% support among voters.
(We hiring the worst of the bunch now?)

All these things beg the obvious question. Did Biden pick her SOLEY for the color of her skin?

She was the smart choice. A former prosecutor and centrist (like Biden). That pretty much removes the teeth of a lot of Republican talking points. And if you've paid attention for the last 24 hours, Trump and the Republicans haven't laid a glove on her yet. And she's already carving Trump up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey. If she had just a little more financial support and pushed some campaign staffers out that had no business running a campaign, I believe she could have been the nominee.

So she went after Biden during the primaries? She was running to be the nominee. Remember what George Bush Sr said about Reagan during the 1980 Presidential race? Memba "Voo Doo Economics"? (kinda prescient in hindsight, huh :)). Guess who ended up as VP? Now, to be fair, he was always going to pick a woman for his running mate and especially in light of what happened after George Floyd's death, it was going to be a woman of color.
Did you seriously just say that telling someone their economic ideas are voodoo is the same thing as a woman of color calling a white man a racist and a rapist?

Really dude?

Point of the comment is that party nominees will often pick a VP candidate that has criticized them. It's called counterbalance...really, dude. :)
Calling someone a rapist and racist is basically an accusation of terrible criminal activity and the worst kind of character.

That is not criticism lol

You love playing fast and loose with your "assumptions" don't you? Anything for the narrative. She implied no such thing as calling him racist. In fact, she went out of her way to say that he wasn't.

And as far as her believing his accusers?, well, politics makes for strange bedfellows. God fearing Christian Mike Pence agreed to be Trump's (the p-grabber) VP. Looks like it didn't offend his Christian sensibilities.

Face, it the right wing is going to have a tough time with this one. She's a smart, savvy politician who along with the nominee are already carving their opponents, and flustering the entire right wing media in the process.
This is gonna be a lot of fun. :)
From a political standpoint, I don't know how she's going to get over the Gabbard clip which will be played over and over.

Easy, Dems and the liberal news media will pretend it never happened. Sure Fox and right leaning news outlets will play it but those audiences have no intention of voting Dem. This is the brilliance of the rigged liberal news media. It really doesn't matter who said what, who did what, they just fabricate a narrative and run in 24/7 ignoring anything in the Dem candidate's past to the contrary.
She is essentially a pro law and order candidate because of her past. (Flies in the face of the defund movement the left is currently pushing)

She implied Biden was a racist during the debates. (Who hires people who attack them like this?)

She implied Biden was a sexual predator by saying she believed his accuser. (Would you hire someone who called you a rapist?)

She exited the primaries with a measly 2% support among voters.
(We hiring the worst of the bunch now?)

All these things beg the obvious question. Did Biden pick her SOLEY for the color of her skin?
Her supports say she was a prosecutor who fought for the victim.
Race never entered into the subject.

Perhaps this explains it:

She is essentially a pro law and order candidate because of her past. (Flies in the face of the defund movement the left is currently pushing)

She implied Biden was a racist during the debates. (Who hires people who attack them like this?)

She implied Biden was a sexual predator by saying she believed his accuser. (Would you hire someone who called you a rapist?)

She exited the primaries with a measly 2% support among voters.
(We hiring the worst of the bunch now?)

All these things beg the obvious question. Did Biden pick her SOLEY for the color of her skin?
She’s also a woman.

Why can’t you guys ever come up with someone who’s not a white man?

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