If nothing else the hearings thus far have achieved something notable.

You are wrong twice. Of course, you're wrong almost every time you post, and you always have the same amount of evidence: none.

The authorities are in the tank of the Dim party. Conservatives have been removed from the FBI and the DOJ.
Haha, there's the rigged game again.

Yes, it's the entire world that is crazy, not your pathetic cult.

Back in post #384 the following was offered as fact:

The poster, Scruffy, is referring to Covid vaccines.
Covid vaccines that, per him, kill half the people that were inoculated with them.

Personally, I thought that was pretty damn dire. So was curious as to who developed such research, such findings. Accordingly, I queried the poster Scruffy as to his source.

He refused to provide a source.

So lemme ask the forum in general if they too had heard or read what poster Scruffy asserted. Have you?

I ask, because that is really newsworthy from many perspectives....human safety being foremost.
And I ask the forum....hoping for an answer as I would be very disappointed if we would have a contributor to these discussions who would make up such an alarming 'fact'......without doing the minimum of due diligence. That would be irresponsible and reckless.

Yes if anyone makes any statement of alledged fact, then I agree that they should be able to site the source or link to the source of the alledged fact. Got no problem with that, and hopefully Scruffy thinks the same as me.
In other words, it's a kangaroo court.

Where does the Constitution allow this kind of proceeding?
He's asserting that it's a factual hearing, but without adding in everything that led up to J6, then it's a political clown show in an attempt in their mind's to stop Trump from running in 2024.

They want candidates that won't challenge or go against the bull crap that is happening in America, and that means whether it's a Democrat or a Republican just as long as he or she goes along to get along. They'll vote for a Republican as long as it's a Mitt Romney type or anyone to that affect, because they know that they are weak as water, and will go along to get along. In the meantime every conservative Christian in this country is at risk by these people.

How America puts up with this kind of bull crap who knows ?
No you aren't. If Desantis got the nomination you would e calling him all kinds of foul names.
No, I would take him over Trump in heartbeat.

I know this nuance is hard for you cultists to understand. Cultism has made your brains mushy.

So again you made something up to justify your own pathetic, childish behavior. As you always do.
No, I would take him over Trump in heartbeat.

I know this nuance is hard for you cultists to understand. Cultism has made your brains mushy.

So again you made something up to justify your own pathetic, childish behavior. As you always do.
Sure you would. We'll see what you are saying when he's running for the office.

What "childish pathetic behavior?" Aside from posting mean tweets, you can't even tell us what's wrong with Trump..
I'm going to remind Trump cultists of that every time I see baseless assertions,
And I'm going to get in your face about your RIOTS every time you say the word "Trump".

We're going to put the focus on the lefties now. Front and center, in big bright lights.

Pretty soon, as we play this game of whack-a-mole, your head will start to hurt from the repeated bitch slapping.

Hey, it's up to you. Keep being a bitch, keep getting slapped.
Jan. 6 committee shifting focus to Trump’s role in the plan to replace electors

The Jan. 6 select committee will use its third week of public hearings to dive into the construction of slates of pro-Trump electors seeking to overturn Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election — and Donald Trump’s role in the plan.

Panel member Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said Sunday that the committee will “weave it all together,” transitioning from its hearing focused on the pressures facing then-Vice President Mike Pence to not certify the election results to “how a similar pressure campaign directed against state and local elections officials put their lives in danger.”

“We’ll show evidence of the president’s involvement in this scheme. We’ll also, again, show evidence about what his own lawyers came to think about this scheme,” Schiff said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “And we’ll show courageous state officials who stood up and said they wouldn’t go along with this plan to either call legislatures back into session or decertify the results for Joe Biden. The system held because a lot of state and local elections officials upheld their oath to the Constitution. A lot of them are Republicans as well as Democrats.”

Jan. 6 committee shifting focus to Trump’s role in the plan to replace electors

My understanding is Slimy Rudy played a big role in this scheme.
The Atlantic staff writer Adam Serwer has a must-read new piece, “Trump’s Plans for a Coup Are Now Public,” really examining the scope of former President Donald Trump’s multiple attempts to overthrow the results of the 2020 election.

Putting these pieces together becomes especially important in light of the newly revealed memo by Trump attorney John Eastman, who proposed that Vice President Mike Pence should have unilaterally refused to count Joe Biden’s Electoral College votes — or even have just declared Trump the winner — at the joint session of Congress on January 6. (Unfortunately, mainstream media outlets have given precious little coverage to the memo and the danger it illustrated to America’s constitutional system.)

What makes Trump’s coup attempt all the more egregious is that it was not conducted in secret. This was all done in the open at the time — with right-wing media serving as the platform to hash out these ideas and spread propaganda to subvert the election result. Then, after repeatedly pushing lies about the election, they employed the circular logic that the attempts to overturn the result were justified because Republican voters “feel like it was rigged.”

Without that right-wing information bubble, Trump’s coup could never have even been attempted. And the bad actors and right-wing propagandists who pushed lies to overturn the 2020 election are still out there, preparing for next time. With that content, let’s examine each of Serwer’s five listed points, and show the role that right-wing media played.

The most dangerous entity in American politics today remains right wing media. Without it, Trump would never have been more than a failed, adulterous, crank with crazy hair and orange make-up, living off his dad's largess.
The Atlantic staff writer Adam Serwer has a must-read new piece, “Trump’s Plans for a Coup Are Now Public,” really examining the scope of former President Donald Trump’s multiple attempts to overthrow the results of the 2020 election.

Putting these pieces together becomes especially important in light of the newly revealed memo by Trump attorney John Eastman, who proposed that Vice President Mike Pence should have unilaterally refused to count Joe Biden’s Electoral College votes — or even have just declared Trump the winner — at the joint session of Congress on January 6. (Unfortunately, mainstream media outlets have given precious little coverage to the memo and the danger it illustrated to America’s constitutional system.)

What makes Trump’s coup attempt all the more egregious is that it was not conducted in secret. This was all done in the open at the time — with right-wing media serving as the platform to hash out these ideas and spread propaganda to subvert the election result. Then, after repeatedly pushing lies about the election, they employed the circular logic that the attempts to overturn the result were justified because Republican voters “feel like it was rigged.”

Without that right-wing information bubble, Trump’s coup could never have even been attempted. And the bad actors and right-wing propagandists who pushed lies to overturn the 2020 election are still out there, preparing for next time. With that content, let’s examine each of Serwer’s five listed points, and show the role that right-wing media played.

The most dangerous entity in American politics today remains right wing media. Without it, Trump would never have been more than a failed, adulterous, crank with crazy hair and orange make-up, living off his dad's largess.
Yeah well the 2016 coup that lasted 4+ years is also public knowledge, and that is what led up to the suspicion surrounding the Democrat's and their tactics in which ultimately brought about the reaction on J6. Like I said let's get the trial of the century going, and get it all into sequence. Let the damned chips fall where they may.

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