If Obama grants millions amnesty with the swipe of his pen what will the recourse be?

Forget washington. The answer must come from the states. They need to say we will not honor unconstitutional laws. The constitution grants CONGRESS the authority to "establish a uniform rule of naturalization." Thus the president cannot give amnesty to any illegal immigrant and the states must say that.
Obama's incompetent enough to do anything. But the entire issue wouldn't be an issue if congress had the stones to do what the majority want, and the economy NEEDS, which is the reason govt exists btw, and licensed foreign workers and streamlined deportion of anyone without a license.
Obama's incompetent enough to do anything. But the entire issue wouldn't be an issue if congress had the stones to do what the majority want, and the economy NEEDS, which is the reason govt exists btw, and licensed foreign workers and streamlined deportion of anyone without a license.

the sad truth is that both parties think that doing the right thing will lose the hispanic vote. the only thing that matters to our congress is keeping their personal fortunes growing. WE NEED TERM LIMITS AND WE NEED THEM NOW.
His "purview" does not include changing laws without congressional approval. He does not have the authority to grant blanket amnesty.

If he does it he will have violated the constitution. Will congress do anything to him? probably not.

Granting amnesty to people who have broken laws his well within the powers of the President.

Pardons and amnesty are two very different things. He does not have the authority to override or ignore our immigration laws.

From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

amnesty - the act of an authority (as a government) by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals.

absolution, pardon, forgiveness, remission, remittal

I'm thinkin' you and a few others need to let all those dictionary folks know they have the definition of amnesty completely wrong.
If Obama grants swipes of his pen to millions of courses what will the recourse be?

If Oblama swipes grants of millions what will the recourse be?

If Obamalama illegally swiped pens what will the recourse be?

He has already said that he was constitutionally prohibited from doing that. The only recourse would be impeachment and trial. Next would be to refuse to fund all activities.

The states would be on their own. The people would be on their own. While the prospect of millions of illegals bedding down in the gutters is not attractive, it may have to come to that.
Granting amnesty to people who have broken laws his well within the powers of the President.

Pardons and amnesty are two very different things. He does not have the authority to override or ignore our immigration laws.

From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

amnesty - the act of an authority (as a government) by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals.

absolution, pardon, forgiveness, remission, remittal

I'm thinkin' you and a few others need to let all those dictionary folks know they have the definition of amnesty completely wrong.

in current legal parlance they are not the same thing. "amnesty" as it is used today would be an act of ignoring our immigration laws. "pardon" as it is used today is a presidental waiver of prosecution of an individual for a federal crime.

In addition, even if amnesty were granted, american citizenship should not be part of the deal. Voting rights should not be part of the deal, welfare and other american benefits should not be part of the deal.
If he does this, I'm up for just about anyhing to get rid of and punish this pos !

Obama Is Preparing To Make One Of The Boldest Moves Of His Presidency — And It Could Stretch The Scope Of Executive Power


By the end of the summer, President Barack Obama will make what some activists and legal experts say could be the "boldest move" of his presidency as he*prepares to move without Congress on immigration reform.*

The coming executive actions to change immigration policy could become the defining moment in a second term marred by congressional gridlock. A mid**fierce debate over the crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border*they also could set up a potential political firestorm just weeks before the crucial midterm elections. Perhaps most importantly, Obama's coming executive actions*could also test the limits of presidential power.*

"Depending on how far they go, yes," David Martin, a professor at the University of Virginia School of Law who specializes in immigration law, told Business Insider. *"It could be a significant challenge to the scope of presidential power."

The White House has provided few hints on what Obama will do on immigration as a review by the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security on his options is still ongoing.*The Washington Post has reported, based on readouts of meetings among White House officials, congressional Democrats, and activist groups, that Obama could effectively expand the Deferred Actions for Childhood Arrivals program. DACA, as it is known, has shielded hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children from deportation .*

According to the Washington Post report, the Obama administration is considering providing " temporary relief for law-abiding undocumented immigrants who are closely related to U.S. citizens or those who have lived in the country a certain number of years." The number of people who could fit under those descriptions might be as high as five million.

"We're asking the president to really go as broad as he can go," Cristina Jimenez, the cofounder and managing director of the group United We Dream, told Business Insider, adding: "He has a chance to make one of the boldest moves he possibly could. It depends on how he wants to be remembered."

United We Dream was one of a few groups that gave up rather early on the idea Congress would pass any sort of legislative reform to the nation's immigration policy. The group stopped lobbying Congress on the issue long before House Speaker John Boehner informed Obama in late June that the House*would not take up any immigration-related legislation this year.

Jimenez said United We Dream then *made Obama its "primary target," because he has the authority to enforce the law. As most proponents of immigration reform see it, Obama's options for executive actions fit into two categories, as laid out earlier this year by the*left-leaning Center for American Progress:

"Enforcement reforms" — in which, for example, the administration would choose to place a lower priority on undocumented immigrants who do not have a criminal history or who have extensive community ties."Affirmative relief" — involves identifying the low-priority individuals and creating a program for them to earn relief from deportation, such as in the case of the DACA program.

During a news conference last week, Obama painted a sharp contrast between himself and congressional Republicans*who voted to effectively end the DACA program the same day, saying he would have to "act alone" to solve the border crisis.

"The broader point is that if, in fact, House Republicans are concerned about me acting independently of Congress — despite the fact that I’ve taken fewer executive actions than my Republican predecessor or my Democratic predecessor before that, or the Republican predecessor before that — then the easiest way to solve it is passing legislation. Get things done," Obama said.

Some legal experts, as well as supporters of any potential executive action, think the administration is on solid legal ground to take the steps described in reports — despite the White House's repeated claims earlier this year that its hands were tied.*

Others, like Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the conservative-leaning Center for Immigration Studies, disagree. Krikorian argued that though much smaller versions of the DACA program have been pursued by presidents in the past, they were usually in emergency situations in which the president did not have time to wait for Congress.*

Krikorian said an expansion of the DACA program to as many as five million people could constitute a fundamental change in executive power — from a constitutional system with checks and balances to one that could run on "decree."

"He* doesn't give a rat's ass about the Constitution," Krikorian said of Obama.

Krikorian said Obama's executive actions could be a slippery slope for future presidents. One example he gave: A Republican President Chris Christie, for instance, could want to reform the corporate tax code. Facing opposition from Congress, he would decide that his administration would simply not prosecute corporations that don't pay more than 25% in taxes.

However, Ben Winograd, an attorney at the* Immigrant and Refugee Appellate Center, rejected Krikorian's analogy. Winograd told Business Insider the federal government always has the discretion to enforce the law as it wishes or sees capable — and does so already, to an extent, in deciding which types of violators of tax laws it wants to go after.


Dems will loose the next few elections... Pretty simple really.

Check your polling. Doesn't support your claim.

Actually, it does. Even Nate Silver......considered the polling God to Democrats.....says it looks like the Dems will lose the Senate in 2014. If Obama were able to actually pull off amnesty for illegal aliens, the Dems will lose the Presidency in 2016. Americans are a patient and tolerant bunch, up to a point. That is a line that if crossed, will have dire consequences.
Pardons and amnesty are two very different things. He does not have the authority to override or ignore our immigration laws.

From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

amnesty - the act of an authority (as a government) by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals.

absolution, pardon, forgiveness, remission, remittal

I'm thinkin' you and a few others need to let all those dictionary folks know they have the definition of amnesty completely wrong.

in current legal parlance they are not the same thing. "amnesty" as it is used today would be an act of ignoring our immigration laws. "pardon" as it is used today is a presidental waiver of prosecution of an individual for a federal crime.

In addition, even if amnesty were granted, american citizenship should not be part of the deal. Voting rights should not be part of the deal, welfare and other american benefits should not be part of the deal.

Yeah, this whole sorry situation could probably have been solved with a compromise that while deporting people who are working is not in our economic interest, there's also no requirement that they ever be allowed to vote if they entered the country illegally. Just give them a license to stay, and expedite the deportation of anyone who is arrested for any reason who doesn't have a license and isn't a citizen.

But God probably doesn't know what Obama will do. Obama hasn't told God what is right yet.
Pardons and amnesty are two very different things. He does not have the authority to override or ignore our immigration laws.

From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

amnesty - the act of an authority (as a government) by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals.

absolution, pardon, forgiveness, remission, remittal

I'm thinkin' you and a few others need to let all those dictionary folks know they have the definition of amnesty completely wrong.

in current legal parlance they are not the same thing. "amnesty" as it is used today would be an act of ignoring our immigration laws. "pardon" as it is used today is a presidental waiver of prosecution of an individual for a federal crime.

In addition, even if amnesty were granted, american citizenship should not be part of the deal. Voting rights should not be part of the deal, welfare and other american benefits should not be part of the deal.

If one parses it just so, you have a minor point, but not one which overrides, methinks.

From the online Free Dictionary (quicker than going through Cornell's LII) on amnesty:

"Because there is no specific legislative or constitutional mention of amnesty, its nature is somewhat ambiguous. Its legal justification is drawn from Article 2, Section 2, of the Constitution, which states, "The President … shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment." Because of their common basis, the difference between amnesty and pardon has been particularly vexing. In theory, an amnesty is granted before prosecution takes place, and a pardon after. However, even this basic distinction is blurry—President gerald r. ford, for example, granted a pardon to President richard m. nixon before Nixon was charged with any crime. Courts have allowed the two terms to be used interchangeably." (emphasis added)

I believe that should settle any question regarding the points of distinction between pardon and amnesty.
Apparently the purpose of this thread is to allow the OP and others on the right to exhibited their ignorance and stupidly.
If BHO issues executive orders within the purview of his office, there is no recourse.

His "purview" does not include changing laws without congressional approval. He does not have the authority to grant blanket amnesty.

If he does it he will have violated the constitution. Will congress do anything to him? probably not.

Granting amnesty to people who have broken laws his well within the powers of the President.

Only if he signs those pardon papers one at a time, you can't pardon 11 million at once especially when they don't even know their names.
Those of us who speak Spanish are fine with it.

I would like Congress get off its collective butt and pass a comprehensive reform border and immigration and business package
Those of us who speak Spanish are fine with it.

I would like Congress get off its collective butt and pass a comprehensive reform border and immigration and business package

What, specifically would you do with the 11-20 million who are currently in this country illegally? Why not seal the border first, so we can get a handle on the actual numbers?
If BHO issues executive orders within the purview of his office, there is no recourse.

His "purview" does not include changing laws without congressional approval. He does not have the authority to grant blanket amnesty.

If he does it he will have violated the constitution. Will congress do anything to him? probably not.

Granting amnesty to people who have broken laws his well within the powers of the President.

You may be correct. I am not sure...but my guess is his legal advisors know better than anyone else.

That being said.....we are talking about the President making a unilateral decision on a subject that, by no means, has a majority agreeing with what he wants to do...AND....it has been a topic of a very hearty debate for a while now...

His decision, if he goes with it, will be one where he is pardoning several million people for breaking a law..

And non one, in my opinion, will be able to prove that he did it for the good of Americans.

But the precedent he will be setting is concerning....again, because it is a hot topic and there is no majority in the direction he plans to go.....

Will you want a GOP President apply EO privileges to ban all gay marriages?
Those of us who speak Spanish are fine with it.

I would like Congress get off its collective butt and pass a comprehensive reform border and immigration and business package

The GOP agrees.

They simply want to first plug the hole in the boat before they put the boat back in the water.
Those of us who speak Spanish are fine with it.

I would like Congress get off its collective butt and pass a comprehensive reform border and immigration and business package

What, specifically would you do with the 11-20 million who are currently in this country illegally? Why not seal the border first, so we can get a handle on the actual numbers?

I know many of them.

The only thing that separates me and them from being American is I can get a US passport and they cant.

Sure, they broke the law. TO COME HERE. Its a compliment.

Heck....I drive 80 in a 65.

Fix the border THEN make them legal.

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