If Obama grants millions amnesty with the swipe of his pen what will the recourse be?

And the far left wants abortion to be legal up to the point of crowning.

Who the fuck cares what the far wings want. Thats why they are called the FAR wings.

Im a conservative. I am all for granting them legal status.....AFTER we find a way to secure the border and make HUMANE immigration reforms so people don't feel the NEED to trek hundreds of miles across desert so they can hide in Texas alleys for weeks.

Nice of you to stay on immigration. Digress much? LOL

It's been proven over and over that so long as illegal aliens think they can better their lives by coming here and getting jobs, they'll get here.

If you want to "plug the hole" do IT.

Do you not read my posts?

It seems you don't.

I read them, without much success.

I realize you aren't a hater. However, the only way to seal the border is to license the workers. You can't build a fence. You can't dig a ditch. You can't call out enough guardsmen. And there's no way on earth to deport em all. We can't deport em as fast as they're coming in.

You said something about just wanting to fix the hole before comprehensive reform. Not gonna happen. No one can "fix it first."

We've been at this since the 1980s. And the only answer is to license the number we want who are already here, and make it extremely bad news to get caught hiring anyone who isn't licensed. And, have fast track deportation for any alien caught for any reason who doesn't have a license.

If we do that, we remove the benefit that an illegal alien gets by coming here.

But the RW screams like a bleeding pig everytime someone in either party proposes it.

Voting rights? To Pelosi and Boehner maybe its important. It really is immaterial, but if people want to deny the right to vote for anyone who didn't enter legally, fine by me.
Jarhead hires his help from the home depot parking lot because he's a cheap ass. And you wonder why wages in the construction industry are depressed. You make me sick
Why do you hate the free market?

Illegal market =/= free market

Oh, it absolutely is....a business owner should be free to employe whomever he or she wishes.

Not a business owner's duty to enforce immigration policy.

But it is a business owner's duty to pay at least minimum wage. Raise minimum wage, enforce it and problem solved. Then Americans will do jobs that they won't do now....like spend all day in 100 heat on a roof for crap wages.
The AMERICANS that call me for work would probably like to meet you in that alley in Texas.

YOU are the biggest part of the problem. Need a new roof? Hire a fucking American, jackass

I found when I hire an American to do it by calling an American roofer, he charges me $6,000 to do a job that costs $1500 in materials and he has 5 Mexicans doing it at 12 an hour.....or about $500 labor for the job....so a 300% markup for him to simply go to home depot and hire 5 guys.

So I buy the materials and hire 4 of the same Mexicans and pay them $15 an hour and I am on the roof with them.

Now, I don't know where you live....but here in NY?

You can not find a contractor who is reasonable price wise that does not use the Mexicans you find at Home Depot.

So who is the biggest problem?

The American business owners that hire Mexicans for cash and pay them crap and charge the customers top dollar.

You are the problem.

And 15 dollars an hour is not a reasonable wage for roofing. Running a business is not as cut and dry as you seem to think it is. The overhead and MASSIVE insurance requirements are a big part of any bid. I doubt you've even tried to find a company that hires American help. It's not hard, all you have to do is ask. Course that would blow your opportunity to save cash.

You and others like you are infact the core of the problem. The cancer

I've lost every ounce of respect I had for you as a poster.

I DO know what goes into running a business.

I hired a contractor for top dollar. He never finished the job......Won the lawsuit, but he went belly up....so it cost me money to not get my money back. Worked out well for me.

So I decided to learn to do these things myself.

And I have likely the nicest house on the block.

As for your respect.......no love lost here.

Have a great day.
Jarhead hires his help from the home depot parking lot because he's a cheap ass. And you wonder why wages in the construction industry are depressed. You make me sick


I hire them at the home depot because her eon Long Island, you cant find a contractor that does not hire the same exact people.

It is not being a cheap ass as you say. I pay them more than the contractor does.

You are being a cheap ass. You skirt a half dozen or more laws and codes. Do you provide them with hazmat details as required by law? Do you provide them with workcomp? Do you provide them with liability coverage? Do you provide them with the fees to get properly licensed? Do you provide them with the proper building codes & permits?

All factors in the cost of conducting business LEGALLY. You skip all of that & hire illegals because you're a cheap ass. You're also no better than those you claim to despise for their actions. If you're not a smart consumer that is your own fault so stop blaming it on everyone else.
Nice of you to stay on immigration. Digress much? LOL

It's been proven over and over that so long as illegal aliens think they can better their lives by coming here and getting jobs, they'll get here.

If you want to "plug the hole" do IT.

Do you not read my posts?

It seems you don't.

I read them, without much success.

I realize you aren't a hater. However, the only way to seal the border is to license the workers. You can't build a fence. You can't dig a ditch. You can't call out enough guardsmen. And there's no way on earth to deport em all. We can't deport em as fast as they're coming in.

You said something about just wanting to fix the hole before comprehensive reform. Not gonna happen. No one can "fix it first."

We've been at this since the 1980s. And the only answer is to license the number we want who are already here, and make it extremely bad news to get caught hiring anyone who isn't licensed. And, have fast track deportation for any alien caught for any reason who doesn't have a license.

If we do that, we remove the benefit that an illegal alien gets by coming here.

But the RW screams like a bleeding pig everytime someone in either party proposes it.

Voting rights? To Pelosi and Boehner maybe its important. It really is immaterial, but if people want to deny the right to vote for anyone who didn't enter legally, fine by me.

There is a lot in here (above) that I believe would work.

Still don't get why you claim to have read my post but also claimed it digressed from immigration. It didn't.

But whatever. You have a tendency to misread my posts. Heck, I found myself over and over again trying to get you to explain why you were saying things that I never said....til FINALLY you agreed and admitted you misread it.

Maybe I don't articulate myself properly on this board.

No biggie. Will work on it.
Millions!!!!!...millions!!!!...millions!!!!...millions!!!...millions!!!!...are coming!!!!!!!...wwaaaa!!!!!!!
Jarhead hires his help from the home depot parking lot because he's a cheap ass. And you wonder why wages in the construction industry are depressed. You make me sick


I hire them at the home depot because her eon Long Island, you cant find a contractor that does not hire the same exact people.

It is not being a cheap ass as you say. I pay them more than the contractor does.

You are being a cheap ass. You skirt a half dozen or more laws and codes. Do you provide them with hazmat details as required by law? Do you provide them with workcomp? Do you provide them with liability coverage? Do you provide them with the fees to get properly licensed? Do you provide them with the proper building codes & permits?

All factors in the cost of conducting business LEGALLY. You skip all of that & hire illegals because you're a cheap ass. You're also no better than those you claim to despise for their actions. If you're not a smart consumer that is your own fault so stop blaming it on everyone else.

I don't disagree with your points.

But as I said....out here where I live, none of the contractors do that.

No, I never did what you suggested...Never asked if their employees are American.

But you know something? I really appreciated the relationships I developed with those guys. Straight forward, down to earth, hard working and a lot of laughs.

I have no regrets.
I found when I hire an American to do it by calling an American roofer, he charges me $6,000 to do a job that costs $1500 in materials and he has 5 Mexicans doing it at 12 an hour.....or about $500 labor for the job....so a 300% markup for him to simply go to home depot and hire 5 guys.

So I buy the materials and hire 4 of the same Mexicans and pay them $15 an hour and I am on the roof with them.

Now, I don't know where you live....but here in NY?

You can not find a contractor who is reasonable price wise that does not use the Mexicans you find at Home Depot.

So who is the biggest problem?

The American business owners that hire Mexicans for cash and pay them crap and charge the customers top dollar.

You are the problem.

And 15 dollars an hour is not a reasonable wage for roofing. Running a business is not as cut and dry as you seem to think it is. The overhead and MASSIVE insurance requirements are a big part of any bid. I doubt you've even tried to find a company that hires American help. It's not hard, all you have to do is ask. Course that would blow your opportunity to save cash.

You and others like you are infact the core of the problem. The cancer

I've lost every ounce of respect I had for you as a poster.

I DO know what goes into running a business.

I hired a contractor for top dollar. He never finished the job......Won the lawsuit, but he went belly up....so it cost me money to not get my money back. Worked out well for me.

So I decided to learn to do these things myself.

And I have likely the nicest house on the block.

As for your respect.......no love lost here.

Have a great day.

So you got burned by one bad contractor and as a result your choice is to fuck over everyone else. And if you paid TOP DOLLAR for a sheister you clearly didn't do your homework. And your house should be nice cause you've only paid about 20 to 30% of the actual costs by illegally hiring.

I hire them at the home depot because her eon Long Island, you cant find a contractor that does not hire the same exact people.

It is not being a cheap ass as you say. I pay them more than the contractor does.

You are being a cheap ass. You skirt a half dozen or more laws and codes. Do you provide them with hazmat details as required by law? Do you provide them with workcomp? Do you provide them with liability coverage? Do you provide them with the fees to get properly licensed? Do you provide them with the proper building codes & permits?

All factors in the cost of conducting business LEGALLY. You skip all of that & hire illegals because you're a cheap ass. You're also no better than those you claim to despise for their actions. If you're not a smart consumer that is your own fault so stop blaming it on everyone else.

I don't disagree with your points.

But as I said....out here where I live, none of the contractors do that.

No, I never did what you suggested...Never asked if their employees are American.

But you know something? I really appreciated the relationships I developed with those guys. Straight forward, down to earth, hard working and a lot of laughs.

I have no regrets.

I have no doubts that they're nice guys. I work around them quite regularly on some jobsites.

Changes nothing as it pertains to the law
Dems will loose the next few elections... Pretty simple really.

actually with the recent polling of the countries opinion of republicans in the congress, and the dems in congress of doinmg as good job in congress....... and who would they vote for ... only 19% of the country would vote for a republican and 36% of the country would vote for a democrat ... so yes, its pretty simple who the country will vote for... and its not dems losing ... I was just curious how do you loosen a dem... tell them they wii lose???:lol::lol::lol:
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Do you not read my posts?

It seems you don't.

I read them, without much success.

I realize you aren't a hater. However, the only way to seal the border is to license the workers. You can't build a fence. You can't dig a ditch. You can't call out enough guardsmen. And there's no way on earth to deport em all. We can't deport em as fast as they're coming in.

You said something about just wanting to fix the hole before comprehensive reform. Not gonna happen. No one can "fix it first."

We've been at this since the 1980s. And the only answer is to license the number we want who are already here, and make it extremely bad news to get caught hiring anyone who isn't licensed. And, have fast track deportation for any alien caught for any reason who doesn't have a license.

If we do that, we remove the benefit that an illegal alien gets by coming here.

But the RW screams like a bleeding pig everytime someone in either party proposes it.

Voting rights? To Pelosi and Boehner maybe its important. It really is immaterial, but if people want to deny the right to vote for anyone who didn't enter legally, fine by me.

There is a lot in here (above) that I believe would work.

Still don't get why you claim to have read my post but also claimed it digressed from immigration. It didn't.

But whatever. You have a tendency to misread my posts. Heck, I found myself over and over again trying to get you to explain why you were saying things that I never said....til FINALLY you agreed and admitted you misread it.

Maybe I don't articulate myself properly on this board.

No biggie. Will work on it.

Well, what would your solution be? I've tried to plainly state that the only solution is some form of amnesty, or licensing people here who are going work benefiting the economy. And, I know you see them working too.

The problem is, the RW will always say "no we have to do X first before any licensing."

No we don't. Rather, it's just a dishonest digression, and the reality is they want everyone to get the hell out.
obama does not have constitutional authority to grant amnesty without congress. if he does so, he should be taken to scotus and given his behind.
Jarhead hires his help from the home depot parking lot because he's a cheap ass. And you wonder why wages in the construction industry are depressed. You make me sick

Know what that is? That's an example of the perfect market deciding.
If BHO issues executive orders within the purview of his office, there is no recourse.

His "purview" does not include changing laws without congressional approval. He does not have the authority to grant blanket amnesty.

If he does it he will have violated the constitution. Will congress do anything to him? probably not.

Obama will most likely do just that (grant blanket amnesty). And why wouldn't he? His Bro is the AG - he will do nothing. If Congress sues - that will take years - his "bro" will tie it up until his "buddy" leaves office and it will be the next guy's problem.

These fucking thugs know that they can do what they want and the law be damned. Remember - laws don't apply to this bunch and their actions have said as much. YOU, however, MUST obey.
Those of us who speak Spanish are fine with it.

I would like Congress get off its collective butt and pass a comprehensive reform border and immigration and business package

What specifically needs to be "reformed"? Other than not enforcing current law, what is wrong with the current law?
His "purview" does not include changing laws without congressional approval. He does not have the authority to grant blanket amnesty.

If he does it he will have violated the constitution. Will congress do anything to him? probably not.

Granting amnesty to people who have broken laws his well within the powers of the President.

You may be correct. I am not sure...but my guess is his legal advisors know better than anyone else.

That being said.....we are talking about the President making a unilateral decision on a subject that, by no means, has a majority agreeing with what he wants to do...AND....it has been a topic of a very hearty debate for a while now...

His decision, if he goes with it, will be one where he is pardoning several million people for breaking a law..

And non one, in my opinion, will be able to prove that he did it for the good of Americans.

But the precedent he will be setting is concerning....again, because it is a hot topic and there is no majority in the direction he plans to go.....

Will you want a GOP President apply EO privileges to ban all gay marriages?

It definitely won't be for the good of Americans. If he acts now, it is obvious he's doing so to try to energize the Latino vote right before the midterm election.
It's so phony, I would think even thick headed liberals could see what's going on here.
Both parties energize their voter bases, so stop that nonsense.

Seal the border, reform business-illegal employee sanctions, and began a normalization process for illegals here.

All in the same bill.
Dems will loose the next few elections... Pretty simple really.

actually with the recent polling of the countries opinion of republicans in the congress, and the dems in congress of doinmg as good job in congress....... and who would they vote for ... only 19% of the country would vote for a republican and 36% of the country would vote for a democrat ... so yes, its pretty simple who the country will vote for... and its not dems losing ... I was just curious how do you loosen a dem... tell them they wii lose???:lol::lol::lol:

Well then with only 19% that will vote Republican, you'll have a cakewalk winning the House back.
Which of course is NOT going to happen, which of course means you're full of shit.

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