If Obama Ordered A General Confiscation of Firearms, Would You Comply?

If Obama Ordered General Confiscation of Firearms, Would You Comply?

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I don't. That's why I think traitors should die miserable deaths.
and yet you wan't those that disagree with you killed. you seem to be the traitor in this scenario so i'll ask again - why do you hate america?
You think the government is the country? Wow what a pathetic little toad

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Did i say that, dumbass? Koshergrl wants those Americans she disagrees with dead because she considers them to be traitors. She obviously hates Americans and our political process - the two of which define what America is - hence she hates America
Yes you did say that dumbass. Are you shocked that reading comprehension is a real thing?

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Quote me then
Lol okay it is in this quote lol

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Consider in 2000 he would have been 12 years old he didn't have them before the ban. Quit being an obtuse dumbass.
Silly boy. If even a third of gun owners resisted, they would outnumber total military personnel available including reserves by 20-1, including a large percentage with military experience.

Now explain why you think local police departments, much less the military, would support such a dictatorial move by Obama when it is safe to say a minimum of two-thirds of each group support the Constitution, and while their own family members are on the firing line?
You have little understanding of modern military force or tactics.
Untrained, isolated gun owners without leadership or communications are just targets for the Obama squad. Got helicopters? tanks?
After a few dozen are killed, the rest of you will come begging saying how sorry you are

Sorry Idiot but most people who own guns are not plotting to fight the government

You really are delusional go take your meds

That's the reason the gun nuts ALWAYS claim they NEED so many guns.
The problem is you think ALL people who happen to own a firearm are gun nuts

Nope. only the ones who refuse reasonable restrictions, and of course the idiots that prance up and down the street trying to look like someone out of an old Rawhide rerun. I have had guns and hunted since I was a kid.

We already have reasonable restrictions
Are those the only traitors? Why do you think i want to disarm the public?
You should look up the word traitor if you don't know what it means....
I eant to know who you consider to be traitors. Obviously you include me - who else? Is it all democrats? All liberals? Everyone that disagrees with you? Please, if you want a group of people dead you should probably be able to tell us who they are specifically
Look it up. Then you'll know. First you said traitors were anyone who disagree, then you asked me to explain what a traitor is...which I did. At this point it's obvious that you are ignorant of the definition, or retarded. Look it up. When I say I want traitors dead, I mean I want traitors dead. If you don't know what a traitor is, look it up.
Obviously people can have differing definitions of traitors. For instance while you consider those that would pass amendments and gun contol laws aimed at disarming the populace traitors i would disagree with that assessment.

So can you explain yourself? How do you decide who is and who is not a traitor? Why are you too afraid to answer?
I already explained myself. And no, the definition of treason does not change from person to person. So you trot along and read the definition of treason, and traitor, and maybe your understanding will improve.
You think a political difference makes someone a traitor. I am not the one that needs to learn the definitions of treason and traitor.

Ill give you one more chance to prove you aren't a chicken shit coward - give us some examples of what you think these "traitors" of the united states believe or have done
You should look up the word traitor if you don't know what it means....
I eant to know who you consider to be traitors. Obviously you include me - who else? Is it all democrats? All liberals? Everyone that disagrees with you? Please, if you want a group of people dead you should probably be able to tell us who they are specifically
Look it up. Then you'll know. First you said traitors were anyone who disagree, then you asked me to explain what a traitor is...which I did. At this point it's obvious that you are ignorant of the definition, or retarded. Look it up. When I say I want traitors dead, I mean I want traitors dead. If you don't know what a traitor is, look it up.
Obviously people can have differing definitions of traitors. For instance while you consider those that would pass amendments and gun contol laws aimed at disarming the populace traitors i would disagree with that assessment.

So can you explain yourself? How do you decide who is and who is not a traitor? Why are you too afraid to answer?
I already explained myself. And no, the definition of treason does not change from person to person. So you trot along and read the definition of treason, and traitor, and maybe your understanding will improve.
You think a political difference makes someone a traitor. I am not the one that needs to learn the definitions of treason and traitor.

Ill give you one more chance to prove you aren't a chicken shit coward - give us some examples of what you think these "traitors" of the united states believe or have done
No, I don't think that. I think being a traitor makes a person a traitor. Again, you're lying. I've been perfectly clear.
Why would Obama order a general confiscation of guns?

Answer: He wouldn't. There will never be a gun confiscation.

Just another wingnut trying to start shit.
Why would Obama order a general confiscation of guns?

Answer: He wouldn't. There will never be a gun confiscation.

Just another wingnut trying to start shit.

If you read between the lines in last night speech....Obama will start confiscating guns shortly after Christmas

You have little understanding of modern military force or tactics.
Untrained, isolated gun owners without leadership or communications are just targets for the Obama squad. Got helicopters? tanks?
After a few dozen are killed, the rest of you will come begging saying how sorry you are

Sorry Idiot but most people who own guns are not plotting to fight the government

You really are delusional go take your meds

That's the reason the gun nuts ALWAYS claim they NEED so many guns.
The problem is you think ALL people who happen to own a firearm are gun nuts

Nope. only the ones who refuse reasonable restrictions, and of course the idiots that prance up and down the street trying to look like someone out of an old Rawhide rerun. I have had guns and hunted since I was a kid.

We already have reasonable restrictions

And many that are unreasonable but continue to exist due to lap dog judges.
I eant to know who you consider to be traitors. Obviously you include me - who else? Is it all democrats? All liberals? Everyone that disagrees with you? Please, if you want a group of people dead you should probably be able to tell us who they are specifically
Look it up. Then you'll know. First you said traitors were anyone who disagree, then you asked me to explain what a traitor is...which I did. At this point it's obvious that you are ignorant of the definition, or retarded. Look it up. When I say I want traitors dead, I mean I want traitors dead. If you don't know what a traitor is, look it up.
Obviously people can have differing definitions of traitors. For instance while you consider those that would pass amendments and gun contol laws aimed at disarming the populace traitors i would disagree with that assessment.

So can you explain yourself? How do you decide who is and who is not a traitor? Why are you too afraid to answer?
I already explained myself. And no, the definition of treason does not change from person to person. So you trot along and read the definition of treason, and traitor, and maybe your understanding will improve.
You think a political difference makes someone a traitor. I am not the one that needs to learn the definitions of treason and traitor.

Ill give you one more chance to prove you aren't a chicken shit coward - give us some examples of what you think these "traitors" of the united states believe or have done
No, I don't think that. I think being a traitor makes a person a traitor. Again, you're lying. I've been perfectly clear.
so explain what you mean by "traitor?"
or are you too chicken shit to tell us what you think?
Look it up. Then you'll know. First you said traitors were anyone who disagree, then you asked me to explain what a traitor is...which I did. At this point it's obvious that you are ignorant of the definition, or retarded. Look it up. When I say I want traitors dead, I mean I want traitors dead. If you don't know what a traitor is, look it up.
Obviously people can have differing definitions of traitors. For instance while you consider those that would pass amendments and gun contol laws aimed at disarming the populace traitors i would disagree with that assessment.

So can you explain yourself? How do you decide who is and who is not a traitor? Why are you too afraid to answer?
I already explained myself. And no, the definition of treason does not change from person to person. So you trot along and read the definition of treason, and traitor, and maybe your understanding will improve.
You think a political difference makes someone a traitor. I am not the one that needs to learn the definitions of treason and traitor.

Ill give you one more chance to prove you aren't a chicken shit coward - give us some examples of what you think these "traitors" of the united states believe or have done
No, I don't think that. I think being a traitor makes a person a traitor. Again, you're lying. I've been perfectly clear.
so explain what you mean by "traitor?"
or are you too chicken shit to tell us what you think?

As I said multiple times, a traitor is someone who commits treason.

ˈtrēzən/treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness;
sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
high treason, lèse-majesté;
"the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

the action of betraying someone or something.
  • plural noun: treasons
    "doubt is the ultimate treason against faith"
    synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness...
I just copied that from the boxed definition that came up when I googled treason.

You should try google for those words you don't understand. It's great.
Obviously people can have differing definitions of traitors. For instance while you consider those that would pass amendments and gun contol laws aimed at disarming the populace traitors i would disagree with that assessment.

So can you explain yourself? How do you decide who is and who is not a traitor? Why are you too afraid to answer?
I already explained myself. And no, the definition of treason does not change from person to person. So you trot along and read the definition of treason, and traitor, and maybe your understanding will improve.
You think a political difference makes someone a traitor. I am not the one that needs to learn the definitions of treason and traitor.

Ill give you one more chance to prove you aren't a chicken shit coward - give us some examples of what you think these "traitors" of the united states believe or have done
No, I don't think that. I think being a traitor makes a person a traitor. Again, you're lying. I've been perfectly clear.
so explain what you mean by "traitor?"
or are you too chicken shit to tell us what you think?

As I said multiple times, a traitor is someone who commits treason.

ˈtrēzən/treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness;
sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
high treason, lèse-majesté;
"the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

the action of betraying someone or something.
  • plural noun: treasons
    "doubt is the ultimate treason against faith"
    synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness...
I just copied that from the boxed definition that came up when I googled treason.

You should try google for those words you don't understand. It's great.

Can you name a single one of those examples that the right wing isn't guilty of concerning our president?
Obviously people can have differing definitions of traitors. For instance while you consider those that would pass amendments and gun contol laws aimed at disarming the populace traitors i would disagree with that assessment.

So can you explain yourself? How do you decide who is and who is not a traitor? Why are you too afraid to answer?
I already explained myself. And no, the definition of treason does not change from person to person. So you trot along and read the definition of treason, and traitor, and maybe your understanding will improve.
You think a political difference makes someone a traitor. I am not the one that needs to learn the definitions of treason and traitor.

Ill give you one more chance to prove you aren't a chicken shit coward - give us some examples of what you think these "traitors" of the united states believe or have done
No, I don't think that. I think being a traitor makes a person a traitor. Again, you're lying. I've been perfectly clear.
so explain what you mean by "traitor?"
or are you too chicken shit to tell us what you think?

As I said multiple times, a traitor is someone who commits treason.

ˈtrēzən/treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness;
sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
high treason, lèse-majesté;
"the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

the action of betraying someone or something.
  • plural noun: treasons
    "doubt is the ultimate treason against faith"
    synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness...
I just copied that from the boxed definition that came up when I googled treason.

You should try google for those words you don't understand. It's great.
and you believe that there are treasonous traitors among us, correct? well who are they? what do they do or believe that you think makes them in to traitors?

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