If obama wins in November look for a gun ban

I am giving you the opportunity to show the link right here. If you don't, you can't, and you fail yet again.

Where is out Squawker and Stalker? He is slow on the mark for once.

You want the post you go find boy.

Then you fail. Again. As always.

As if the president was talking about gun bans to the Russian president. You are a tool, pure and simple.

No I didn't fail because you said so. Do you have any clue what it is you are talking about?
You failed, bigreb, because you can't show any link between "flexibility" and gun bans. You can't show anything that shows the two presidents were not talking about flexible schedules for golf. Your head is full of marshmellows.
You failed, bigreb, because you can't show any link between "flexibility" and gun bans. You can't show anything that shows the two presidents were not talking about flexible schedules for golf. Your head is full of marshmellows.

Show me where I said the "flexibility" was meant for guns?
I don't have to, you do though, and that is the point. You fail. Again. :lol: I will leave you with the last word, if you want.
You are a product of American media for sure Joe.
Uneducated, ignorant and unwilling to learn.
"show trial" is what a good communist like you prefers.
I have seen over 1000 criminal trials and am preparing a half dozen as I post.
Amazing how stupid Americans can be to believe that a sitting jury would not spot your "show trial" for what it was immediately Joe. Unlike you, they are not that shallow and lazy.
The jury system is far from perfect but what system to you prefer Joe? Is it the one that you have consistently indicated here?
Guilty because the media says so. Got it.

Only 2% of criminal cases are heard by juries. 58% are plea bargained and the rest are either dismissed or heard by a judge. The system doesn't have a lot of faith in juries, why should I?

You know well the prosecution doesn't go to trial unless they know they got their bad guy pretty much dead to rights.

So you might live in fear that thugs with guns might be limited by the Zimmerman conviction, but I don't care.
Put up or shut up.
OMG indeed.

We already have the bet, idiot. It's about waiting. In the mean time I'd be interested in you showing just how you know guns will be banned. The types like you were saying that before his first term... and nothing has happened.

obama knows this issue would kill any chance of a second term, he's a chess player and maybe he does not realize that.

He placing his agenda into place.
1. He has been supportive of gun control
2. he has said he is for gun control laws.
3. His attorney general has said he wants to reinstate the assault weapons ban
4. He told Mrs Brady that he had to work under the radar for gun control.
5. His comment to Medvedev even though he's was referring to missile defense this comment does apply to anything he may have on the burner. His comment was
“This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility,”
Read more at Obama Tells Russia He Will Have More Flexibility After Election
6. Fast and the furious was not a race team name obama dreamed up.
7. Like I said obama is a chess player maybe he does not realize it maybe he does. But I am sure of his intent he's given all the signs.

How can we expect Obama to get anything done when you conservatives were always saying that the second term or even the second half of a first term(in Palin's case) are Lame Duck terms.
We already have the bet, idiot. It's about waiting. In the mean time I'd be interested in you showing just how you know guns will be banned. The types like you were saying that before his first term... and nothing has happened.

obama knows this issue would kill any chance of a second term, he's a chess player and maybe he does not realize that.

He placing his agenda into place.
1. He has been supportive of gun control
2. he has said he is for gun control laws.
3. His attorney general has said he wants to reinstate the assault weapons ban
4. He told Mrs Brady that he had to work under the radar for gun control.
5. His comment to Medvedev even though he's was referring to missile defense this comment does apply to anything he may have on the burner. His comment was
“This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility,”
Read more at Obama Tells Russia He Will Have More Flexibility After Election
6. Fast and the furious was not a race team name obama dreamed up.
7. Like I said obama is a chess player maybe he does not realize it maybe he does. But I am sure of his intent he's given all the signs.

How can we expect Obama to get anything done when you conservatives were always saying that the second term or even the second half of a first term(in Palin's case) are Lame Duck terms.

Not to many want obama to complete his agenda.
obama knows this issue would kill any chance of a second term, he's a chess player and maybe he does not realize that.

He placing his agenda into place.
1. He has been supportive of gun control
2. he has said he is for gun control laws.
3. His attorney general has said he wants to reinstate the assault weapons ban
4. He told Mrs Brady that he had to work under the radar for gun control.
5. His comment to Medvedev even though he's was referring to missile defense this comment does apply to anything he may have on the burner. His comment was
“This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility,”
Read more at Obama Tells Russia He Will Have More Flexibility After Election
6. Fast and the furious was not a race team name obama dreamed up.
7. Like I said obama is a chess player maybe he does not realize it maybe he does. But I am sure of his intent he's given all the signs.

How can we expect Obama to get anything done when you conservatives were always saying that the second term or even the second half of a first term(in Palin's case) are Lame Duck terms.

Not to many want obama to complete his agenda.

It's not his agenda.
Not to many want obama to complete his agenda.

It's not his agenda.

Yes it is, no denial will change that.

You're absolutely right, when you're delusional no amount of denial or common sense or fact will change what you believe to be true.

I look forward to winning our bet. The sad part is four years is a long time and we may not even be on this forum by the end of Obama's term if he wins.
It's not his agenda.

Yes it is, no denial will change that.

You're absolutely right, when you're delusional no amount of denial or common sense or fact will change what you believe to be true.

I look forward to winning our bet. The sad part is four years is a long time and we may not even be on this forum by the end of Obama's term if he wins.

I said you were in denial. You will not have to wait four years if obama get's elected I am sure he will get the ball rolling pretty quick. I'd say late 2013 early 2014
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Yes it is, no denial will change that.

You're absolutely right, when you're delusional no amount of denial or common sense or fact will change what you believe to be true.

I look forward to winning our bet. The sad part is four years is a long time and we may not even be on this forum by the end of Obama's term if he wins.

I said you were in denial. You will not have to wait four years if obama get's elected I am sure he will get the ball rolling pretty quick. I'd say late 2013 early 2014

Really... that long into his second term? Come on, if you're so fucking sure, you'd expect him to roll out with his plans shortly after his inauguration. Drum up support and then go for the knockout blow.

But no... that won't happen. It'll just be more of the same. 16 years of the same shit.
You're absolutely right, when you're delusional no amount of denial or common sense or fact will change what you believe to be true.

I look forward to winning our bet. The sad part is four years is a long time and we may not even be on this forum by the end of Obama's term if he wins.

I said you were in denial. You will not have to wait four years if obama get's elected I am sure he will get the ball rolling pretty quick. I'd say late 2013 early 2014

Really... that long into his second term? Come on, if you're so fucking sure, you'd expect him to roll out with his plans shortly after his inauguration. Drum up support and then go for the knockout blow.

But no... that won't happen. It'll just be more of the same. 16 years of the same shit.

He's got the plans already but fast and the furious derailed him a little bit. He's got to create another emergency to get the ball rolling again.
Jokey remember that's what you are.

No, I'm pretty sure the title is yours. Nothing you have posted makes any sense why we would be looking at a gun ban if Obama is reelected.

I would take a gentleman's bet with you that if Obama is elected, not at any point during his four year presidency will guns be banned. We're talking about a federal law sort of thing here.

I'm so sure of obama's intent I'm not even going to ask what the wager is.
I'll take that bet.

And guess what??? I hope you are right. You don't need a damn gun. Nobody does. But I have seen nothing to indicate it's going to happen. But the sooner the better!!!
No, I'm pretty sure the title is yours. Nothing you have posted makes any sense why we would be looking at a gun ban if Obama is reelected.

I would take a gentleman's bet with you that if Obama is elected, not at any point during his four year presidency will guns be banned. We're talking about a federal law sort of thing here.

I'm so sure of obama's intent I'm not even going to ask what the wager is.
I'll take that bet.

And guess what??? I hope you are right. You don't need a damn gun. Nobody does. But I have seen nothing to indicate it's going to happen. But the sooner the better!!!

The police don't need guns either nor does the secret service.
You are a product of American media for sure Joe.
Uneducated, ignorant and unwilling to learn.
"show trial" is what a good communist like you prefers.
I have seen over 1000 criminal trials and am preparing a half dozen as I post.
Amazing how stupid Americans can be to believe that a sitting jury would not spot your "show trial" for what it was immediately Joe. Unlike you, they are not that shallow and lazy.
The jury system is far from perfect but what system to you prefer Joe? Is it the one that you have consistently indicated here?
Guilty because the media says so. Got it.

Only 2% of criminal cases are heard by juries. 58% are plea bargained and the rest are either dismissed or heard by a judge. The system doesn't have a lot of faith in juries, why should I?

You know well the prosecution doesn't go to trial unless they know they got their bad guy pretty much dead to rights.

So you might live in fear that thugs with guns might be limited by the Zimmerman conviction, but I don't care.

40% of all criminal cases are not dismissed or have a bench trial.
Not the real criminal cases as you are so ignorant of the very "statistics" you post you are clueless.
Joe, do you know that if you get a traffic ticket that is a CRIMINAL CASE? So if you pay your ticket off that is considered a "plea bargain" in the very statistics you post because the max could be one year or $1000 fine in any state now.
Same with if your dog takes a shit in a public park. Same with ALL ORDINANCE AND MAGISTRATE cases which are considered criminal court.
And 99% of ALL of those cases are handled by a judge WHERE THERE IS NO JURY.
Now you could demand a jury trial on traffic cases, dog shit in the park cases and if your horse got out or you do not have a valid tag on your car.
Then the the case is bound over to State courts to be tried as a misdemeanor before a jury if you want.
The majority of plea bargains are for the EXACT SAME SENTENCE that fits the crime but the time served is less. 10 to do 2 is an example and if the defendant blinks his eye wrong on probation he does the ENTIRE SENTENCE.
And guess what? What is the % of those plea bargains that end up in probation violations and the defendant ends up doing ALL THE TIME?
Fact is in felony cases about 15% are plea bargained for a lesser charge, 30% are plead to the exact same sentence as charged with some or most probated with strict probation, 30% go to jury trials, 10% or more are pleas to run concurrent with other cases and about 1-2% are bench trials. About 12%, 1 in 8, end up with not guilty verdicts. This is far down from the traditional 1 in 6 or 15%.
You have no clue Joe. Stick to your hammer.
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Yawn... guy... you can play with the numbers all day...

But the fact is, the Jury system became a joke a long time ago, which is why most people avoid jury duty.

And your Hero Zimmerman is going down.

So what are you going to say when they convict him? Are you going to say, "Wow, the Jury spoke! He must be guilty?" Or will you come here and whine about how the media crucified this nice man who was defending himself against evil Skittles?
Yawn... guy... you can play with the numbers all day...

But the fact is, the Jury system became a joke a long time ago, which is why most people avoid jury duty.

And your Hero Zimmerman is going down.

So what are you going to say when they convict him? Are you going to say, "Wow, the Jury spoke! He must be guilty?" Or will you come here and whine about how the media crucified this nice man who was defending himself against evil Skittles?

How could Zimmerman go down Joe?
You have clearly stated that the jury system is a joke.
So since you do not believe in the jury system Joe, the verdict will be a joke.
See how stupid your posts make you look Joe?

YOU are the one that have to have that out in the back of your pocket if a defendant that you have prejudged is found not guilty.
You have already defined the Zimmerman jury as "a joke".
Not me Clyde.
I stand behind the jury system. Unlike you, I do not make excuses and as a citizen value the jury system.
The lazy and anti Americans avoid jury duty. They do like you do, they do not vote so they are never called.
Your union buddies and yourself line them up and shoot them in the back with no jury.
The good commies that you are.

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