If obama wins in November look for a gun ban

Are you drunk? Your stupidity really by passes truth don't matter.

Never doubt, bigrebnc, that I will always use what you post to demonstrate every swinging dick and jane on this board you don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about. :lol:

I really can't believe the blog company hired you for this gig: you are amazing.
When you use what I post it proves you are clueless and incompetent idiot. When I post something I am the expert you're just a student I am only responsible for what I say, it is not my responsibility to make sure you are smart enough to understand it.
And that's why every piece of evidence you have posted has undermined your OPs. Makes you the laughing stock of the forum. :lol:
Never doubt, bigrebnc, that I will always use what you post to demonstrate every swinging dick and jane on this board you don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about. :lol:

I really can't believe the blog company hired you for this gig: you are amazing.
When you use what I post it proves you are clueless and incompetent idiot. When I post something I am the expert you're just a student I am only responsible for what I say, it is not my responsibility to make sure you are smart enough to understand it.
And that's why every piece of evidence you have posted has undermined your OPs. Makes you the laughing stock of the forum. :lol:

Jokey remember that's what you are. You're having a dream if you think you are smarter than me.

Every piece of evidence? shown me using what I have posted that proves me wrong and you right?
Milita Mutt remember that you are barely sentient and that you can't argue. You don't understand syntax and diction, the formulation of argument with evidence, and concluding points with emphasis. You are always wrong. Nothing wrong with that, if you understand it. If you keep deluding yourself, you keep looking stupid.

Go ahead and open your Hitler thread, post your evidence (begin with the video) and make sure you post the labor evidence, and I will make you look stupid again,.Mutt.
First of all, I don't think he's going to win. Secondly, nobody (not even Obama) is that stupid. They'll just have to continue chipping away at gun rights via regulations, as they have been doing all along. Anything else would kick off a full-scale civil war...and Obama and the Democrats all know it.
Do you really think obama cares he would get too issue a martial law and remain in power if he lost.

Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::lol:

The poor thing!!! He has really flipped. But that is so funny. :lol::lol::lol:
Milita Mutt remember that you are barely sentient and that you can't argue. You don't understand syntax and diction, the formulation of argument with evidence, and concluding points with emphasis. You are always wrong. Nothing wrong with that, if you understand it. If you keep deluding yourself, you keep looking stupid.

Go ahead and open your Hitler thread, post your evidence (begin with the video) and make sure you post the labor evidence, and I will make you look stupid again,.Mutt.

I hold my own in an argument you're just too stupid to accept the outcome. You've never beat me in any discussion we have had. Just like this one Everybody is laughing at you.

You don't understand syntax and diction, the formulation of argument with evidence, and concluding points with emphasis.
Hell you can't even come up with an original idea to start your own thread, and you're trying to tell me what I can and can't understand? Horse shit.

Once again hitler was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party he killed all his political equals that's why you think he wasn't a socialist. He did what any dictator has done eliminate his rivals for power.
You have seen the evidence the media has wanted you to see.
No one has seen the entire evidence and the witness statements in this case.
Where is there evidence a vulgar comment was made? Where is there ANY evidence of a confrontation?
Where is the evidence of a confrontation Joe? And if there is evidence it appears that it was MARTIN started the confrontation.
What actions "triggered" the confrontation? Following someone? That is legal under the law.
You are so lacking in any credibility Joe it is pitiful. I have an open mind on this case.
You are so biased and closed minded no one is entitled to a defense and no one is entitled to CROSS EXAMINE whatever evidence is presented by the prosecution.
NEWS FLASH TO DUMBASSES (Joe): The prosecution has presented NO EVIDENCE to date.

How could any informed citizen base a decision on the guilt or innocence of anyone BEFORE THE PROSECUTION HAS OFFERED ANY EVIDENCE?

What evidence do we have Joe that is not media driven?
"The media says he is guilty so he has to be guilty"

Ahhhhh, I see, it's all a media conspiracy... :cuckoo:

Hey, I'm all for giving Zimmerman a nice, public show-trial before we throw him in jail for the rest of his life. Because that's all trials are, really. A nice show to convice stupid people the system works.
Militia Mutt has melted down today. Very funny.

Jakes having a melt down he always has one when he can't answer a post. but posts a deflection
Milita Mutt remember that you are barely sentient and that you can't argue. You don't understand syntax and diction, the formulation of argument with evidence, and concluding points with emphasis. You are always wrong. Nothing wrong with that, if you understand it. If you keep deluding yourself, you keep looking stupid.

Go ahead and open your Hitler thread, post your evidence (begin with the video) and make sure you post the labor evidence, and I will make you look stupid again,.Mutt.

I hold my own in an argument you're just too stupid to accept the outcome. You've never beat me in any discussion we have had. Just like this one Everybody is laughing at you.

You don't understand syntax and diction, the formulation of argument with evidence, and concluding points with emphasis.
Hell you can't even come up with an original idea to start your own thread, and you're trying to tell me what I can and can't understand? Horse shit.

Once again hitler was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party he killed all his political equals that's why you think he wasn't a socialist. He did what any dictator has done eliminate his rivals for power.
When you use what I post it proves you are clueless and incompetent idiot. When I post something I am the expert you're just a student I am only responsible for what I say, it is not my responsibility to make sure you are smart enough to understand it.
And that's why every piece of evidence you have posted has undermined your OPs. Makes you the laughing stock of the forum. :lol:

Jokey remember that's what you are.

No, I'm pretty sure the title is yours. Nothing you have posted makes any sense why we would be looking at a gun ban if Obama is reelected.

I would take a gentleman's bet with you that if Obama is elected, not at any point during his four year presidency will guns be banned. We're talking about a federal law sort of thing here.
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And that's why every piece of evidence you have posted has undermined your OPs. Makes you the laughing stock of the forum. :lol:

Jokey remember that's what you are.

No, I'm pretty sure the title is yours. Nothing you have posted makes any sense why we would be looking at a gun ban if Obama is reelected.

I would take a gentleman's bet with you that if Obama is elected, not at any point during his four year presidency will guns be banned. We're talking about a federal law sort of thing here.

I'm so sure of obama's intent I'm not even going to ask what the wager is.
I'll take that bet.
Jokey remember that's what you are.

No, I'm pretty sure the title is yours. Nothing you have posted makes any sense why we would be looking at a gun ban if Obama is reelected.

I would take a gentleman's bet with you that if Obama is elected, not at any point during his four year presidency will guns be banned. We're talking about a federal law sort of thing here.

I'm so sure of obama's intent I'm not even going to ask what the wager is.
I'll take that bet.

No, I'm pretty sure the title is yours. Nothing you have posted makes any sense why we would be looking at a gun ban if Obama is reelected.

I would take a gentleman's bet with you that if Obama is elected, not at any point during his four year presidency will guns be banned. We're talking about a federal law sort of thing here.

I'm so sure of obama's intent I'm not even going to ask what the wager is.
I'll take that bet.


Chicken shit
When and if the shit hits the fan, and I am no conspiracy kook waiting and hoping for it to happen, the folks doing the pillaging, looting, mainimg and roaming will not be doing it because they are anti Obama, anti Bush or anti Grandma.
They will be doing it because THEY CAN and are allowed to.
The myth is that the police are there to PROTECT AND SERVE.
Only a fool believes that. Police do not protect. Police arrest AFTER the crime.
Freedom sure has it's warts but law abiding citizens, 90% of those that own weapons, do not cause gun CRIMES.
You have seen the evidence the media has wanted you to see.
No one has seen the entire evidence and the witness statements in this case.
Where is there evidence a vulgar comment was made? Where is there ANY evidence of a confrontation?
Where is the evidence of a confrontation Joe? And if there is evidence it appears that it was MARTIN started the confrontation.
What actions "triggered" the confrontation? Following someone? That is legal under the law.
You are so lacking in any credibility Joe it is pitiful. I have an open mind on this case.
You are so biased and closed minded no one is entitled to a defense and no one is entitled to CROSS EXAMINE whatever evidence is presented by the prosecution.
NEWS FLASH TO DUMBASSES (Joe): The prosecution has presented NO EVIDENCE to date.

How could any informed citizen base a decision on the guilt or innocence of anyone BEFORE THE PROSECUTION HAS OFFERED ANY EVIDENCE?

What evidence do we have Joe that is not media driven?
"The media says he is guilty so he has to be guilty"

Ahhhhh, I see, it's all a media conspiracy... :cuckoo:

Hey, I'm all for giving Zimmerman a nice, public show-trial before we throw him in jail for the rest of his life. Because that's all trials are, really. A nice show to convice stupid people the system works.

You are a product of American media for sure Joe.
Uneducated, ignorant and unwilling to learn.
"show trial" is what a good communist like you prefers.
I have seen over 1000 criminal trials and am preparing a half dozen as I post.
Amazing how stupid Americans can be to believe that a sitting jury would not spot your "show trial" for what it was immediately Joe. Unlike you, they are not that shallow and lazy.
The jury system is far from perfect but what system to you prefer Joe? Is it the one that you have consistently indicated here?
Guilty because the media says so. Got it.
When and if the shit hits the fan, and I am no conspiracy kook waiting and hoping for it to happen, the folks doing the pillaging, looting, mainimg and roaming will not be doing it because they are anti Obama, anti Bush or anti Grandma.
They will be doing it because THEY CAN and are allowed to.
The myth is that the police are there to PROTECT AND SERVE.
Only a fool believes that. Police do not protect. Police arrest AFTER the crime.

Freedom sure has it's warts but law abiding citizens, 90% of those that own weapons, do not cause gun CRIMES.

I can't rep you again.

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