If Obamacare Is So Bad, Then Why Must Republicans Lie About It So?

Think long term you supposedly intelligent, successful people. You screw this one up and you will regret it. Any inconvenience you may experience now is going to be offset in the future. For once in your life you can do something for others and thats to provide healthcare for everyone in this country. You are on the wrong side of history in this one if you support destroying this just because you dont like a Black POTUS. It is utterly mind blowing you guys don't get it.
We don't need to lie. We just point out the facts you want to pretend don't exist.

But then that begs the question, if this is so good, why do you feel the need to pretend these facts don't exist?
Why have the Republicans and the far RW waged a full-on campaign of lies to bring down Obamacare?

At 1st they said that the no one would sign-up and that it would collapse on its own weight, then it was the youth wouldn't sign-up, then it was we don't know how many were previously insured that are now insured (as if that makes any bit of a damn difference), they've gone so far as to say outright that "Obama's cooking the books."

Here's a little factoid...9.5 PREVIOUSLY UNINSURED Americans are NOW insured thanks to Obamacare...

Obamacare has led to health coverage for millions more people - latimes.com
At Least 9.5 Million Uninsured Americans Have Gained Coverage Under Obamacare | ThinkProgress
9.5M U.S. Residents Newly Insured Under ACA, Analysis Finds - California Healthline

Lastly, what will the Republicans replace Obamacare with if they, by some miracle, manage to repeal Obamacare?

Fox News Host Demands To Know Why GOP Hasn't Offered An Alternative To Obamacare | ThinkProgress

Excellent questions no one on the right will be able to answer truthfully or factually.
At the link I posted above...... .

At a Houston community centre, there were immigrants from Ethiopia, Nepal, Eritrea, Somalia, Iraq, Iran and other conflict-torn areas, many of them trying anew after failing to complete applications previously. In addition to needing help with the actual enrollment, they needed to wait for interpreters. Many had taken a day off from work, hoping to meet the deadline.

The White House and other supporters of the law were hoping for an enrollment surge that would confound skeptics. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ms-7-million-sign-Obamacare-deadline-day.html

Well they got a surge, from immigrants. Whether they're legal or not it doesn't say......
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You link has been disputed by the administration itself.

Kay Carney announced yesterday that they barely got over 7 million, so your link is either fabricated or you can't read.
Provide a LINK please.

Cram this link where the Sun don't shine..... Government claims 7 million sign up for Obamacare on deadline day | Mail Online
You're. not. listening.

The links I posted said that thanks to Obamacare a total of 9.5 previously uninsured people are now insured.

Didn't say that 9.5 people SIGNED-UP for Obamacare.

Do you see the difference?

You know those kids up to 26 years old that can now have insurance thanks to Obamacare, that's included. Medicaid has also been expanded...that's included.

Besides, the link you posted shows what a SMASHING success is....

Beating expectations, President Barack Obama's health care overhaul was on track to sign up more than seven million Americans for health insurance on deadline day Monday, government officials said.

The seven million target, thought to be out of reach by most experts, was in sight on a day that saw surging consumer interest

Read more: Government claims 7 million sign up for Obamacare on deadline day | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Think McFly...

We don't need to lie. We just point out the facts you want to pretend don't exist.

But then that begs the question, if this is so good, why do you feel the need to pretend these facts don't exist?
What facts would those be sir?

I haven't seen any of those in this thread as of yet.

Please oblige.
You're. not. listening.

The links I posted said that thanks to Obamacare a total of 9.5 previously uninsured people are now insured.

Didn't say that 9.5 people SIGNED-UP for Obamacare.

Do you see the difference?

You know those kids up to 26 years old that can now have insurance thanks to Obamacare, that's included. Medicaid has also been expanded...that's included.

Besides, the link you posted shows what a SMASHING success is....

Beating expectations, President Barack Obama's health care overhaul was on track to sign up more than seven million Americans for health insurance on deadline day Monday, government officials said.

The seven million target, thought to be out of reach by most experts, was in sight on a day that saw surging consumer interest

Read more: Government claims 7 million sign up for Obamacare on deadline day | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Think McFly...


How do you figure?

Obamacare can't take credit for any who didn't sign up through the exchanges.

They can't or won't even tell us how many paid their first premiums.

They aren't telling us who was uninsured before either.

It's like this fuzzy math, they claim to have done more deportations by counting captures at the border as a deportation. Nobody counted them before. Or excluding long-term unemployed to get their targets. Or excluding California's unemployed right before the election. Even counting overtime as a new job created.

What's hard to believe is you still believe their claims after so many turned out to be false
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Why have the Republicans and the far RW waged a full-on campaign of lies to bring down Obamacare?

At 1st they said that the no one would sign-up and that it would collapse on its own weight, then it was the youth wouldn't sign-up, then it was we don't know how many were previously insured that are now insured (as if that makes any bit of a damn difference), they've gone so far as to say outright that "Obama's cooking the books."

Here's a little factoid...9.5 PREVIOUSLY UNINSURED Americans are NOW insured thanks to Obamacare...

Obamacare has led to health coverage for millions more people - latimes.com
At Least 9.5 Million Uninsured Americans Have Gained Coverage Under Obamacare | ThinkProgress
9.5M U.S. Residents Newly Insured Under ACA, Analysis Finds - California Healthline

Lastly, what will the Republicans replace Obamacare with if they, by some miracle, manage to repeal Obamacare?

Fox News Host Demands To Know Why GOP Hasn't Offered An Alternative To Obamacare | ThinkProgress

If Obamacare is so good, why lie about it so?
How do you figure?

Obamacare can't take credit for any who didn't sign up through the exchanges.

They can't or won't even tell us how many paid their first premiums.

They aren't telling us who was uninsured before either.

It's like this fuzzy math, they claim to have done more deportations by counting captures at the border as a deportation. Nobody counted them before. Or excluding long-term unemployed to get their targets. Or excluding California's unemployed right before the election. Even counting overtime as a new job created.

What's hard to believe is you still believe their claims after so many turned out to be false
The goalpost has been moved from the ability of getting people signed up, to the number of signing people up, to the age of the people that signed up, now to who's paid that has signed up. Once those numbers come in, it will be moved to yet another position...on and on.

Don't you people get tired of the nonsense?

With that said, what are all the other claims that turned out to be false?
Isn't it curious that 10 days ago it was 4.5 million, then Friday it was 6 million, then last night 7 million and now 9.5 million.....geeeezuz that shit is just a like rabbits.
I find it also curious that the Left so readily laps up whatever the Boi King says no matter HOW many times he has been caught lying.
We don't need to lie. We just point out the facts you want to pretend don't exist.

But then that begs the question, if this is so good, why do you feel the need to pretend these facts don't exist?
What facts would those be sir?

I haven't seen any of those in this thread as of yet.

Please oblige.

Oh by the way, you never answered my question as to how many times Christ died for sin...the answer is once....and that is your answer as to how many times one needs to be Baptized....I do however agree that babies have no business being Baptized.
Think long term you supposedly intelligent, successful people. You screw this one up and you will regret it. Any inconvenience you may experience now is going to be offset in the future. For once in your life you can do something for others and thats to provide healthcare for everyone in this country. You are on the wrong side of history in this one if you support destroying this just because you dont like a Black POTUS. It is utterly mind blowing you guys don't get it.

Yea, we conservatives have been pushing a mandated, state controlled health care system for the last several decades. Until Obama came along, then we changed our minds, just because he's black.

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How do you figure?

Obamacare can't take credit for any who didn't sign up through the exchanges.

They can't or won't even tell us how many paid their first premiums.

They aren't telling us who was uninsured before either.

It's like this fuzzy math, they claim to have done more deportations by counting captures at the border as a deportation. Nobody counted them before. Or excluding long-term unemployed to get their targets. Or excluding California's unemployed right before the election. Even counting overtime as a new job created.

What's hard to believe is you still believe their claims after so many turned out to be false
The goalpost has been moved from the ability of getting people signed up, to the number of signing people up, to the age of the people that signed up, now to who's paid that has signed up. Once those numbers come in, it will be moved to yet another position...on and on.

Don't you people get tired of the nonsense?

With that said, what are all the other claims that turned out to be false?

Are they going to bother counting how many people that signed up who can't afford the outrageous premiums and deductibles?

Don't hold your breath.
Sure they will. They are probably counting the ones who hit the 'I tried' button.
Think long term you supposedly intelligent, successful people. You screw this one up and you will regret it. Any inconvenience you may experience now is going to be offset in the future. For once in your life you can do something for others and thats to provide healthcare for everyone in this country. You are on the wrong side of history in this one if you support destroying this just because you dont like a Black POTUS. It is utterly mind blowing you guys don't get it.

It has nothing to do with skin color, it has everything to do with being lied to.

Many can't keep the same doctor, many lost their plans, many full timers are going to part time to keep the employer from paying.

Employers are exempted this year, so the working class has to pay for their coverage and it is an added expense.

We may of needed health reform, but not this mess, from broken promises, to website issues to laws getting moved to accommodate whoever.
How do you figure?

Obamacare can't take credit for any who didn't sign up through the exchanges.

They can't or won't even tell us how many paid their first premiums.

They aren't telling us who was uninsured before either.

It's like this fuzzy math, they claim to have done more deportations by counting captures at the border as a deportation. Nobody counted them before. Or excluding long-term unemployed to get their targets. Or excluding California's unemployed right before the election. Even counting overtime as a new job created.

What's hard to believe is you still believe their claims after so many turned out to be false
The goalpost has been moved from the ability of getting people signed up, to the number of signing people up, to the age of the people that signed up, now to who's paid that has signed up. Once those numbers come in, it will be moved to yet another position...on and on.

Don't you people get tired of the nonsense?

With that said, what are all the other claims that turned out to be false?

I took the state insurance exam in TN. You can't count it as a sale till you get the first premium. They say they don't know how many have paid. Maybe 80%.

Explain how it took almost 7 months to sign up 5 million, and only a week to sign up 2 million more.

From the figures they've given only slightly over 800,000 uninsured insurance through the exchange.
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How do you figure?

Obamacare can't take credit for any who didn't sign up through the exchanges.

They can't or won't even tell us how many paid their first premiums.

They aren't telling us who was uninsured before either.

It's like this fuzzy math, they claim to have done more deportations by counting captures at the border as a deportation. Nobody counted them before. Or excluding long-term unemployed to get their targets. Or excluding California's unemployed right before the election. Even counting overtime as a new job created.

What's hard to believe is you still believe their claims after so many turned out to be false
The goalpost has been moved from the ability of getting people signed up, to the number of signing people up, to the age of the people that signed up, now to who's paid that has signed up. Once those numbers come in, it will be moved to yet another position...on and on.

Don't you people get tired of the nonsense?

With that said, what are all the other claims that turned out to be false?

Some people cant take being proven wrong so the start doing stuff like moving the goal posts and criticizing spelling punctuation, anything to move the spotlight off how stupid they look. You can pretty much bet the synapses are misfiring when they start doing that.

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