If Obamacare Is So Bad, Then Why Must Republicans Lie About It So?

Liberals have become nothing but lapdogs for Obama and the Democrat party

No matter this law has HURT MORE PEOPLE than helped, do they give a shit about you? No, your elected Government employee like Reid calls you all, liars and then their sheep baaaaa's the same thing at you, their fellow countrymen and women

Do they care about you it's hurt? no it's all about propping up their Dear leader and party

they've become subjects and nothing more
Ms. Chicken Little, please post a link or two or three showing how Obamacare has hurt more than it's helped.

I'll be patiently waiting.

In my sixty years I never though I'd live to see this day where people in this country would take government over their fellow country and women...

It's the saddest thing ever

I just feel bad for my children, grandchildren and my one grandchild

the transformation has been completed, and the selling out of our freedoms is a done deal
Dems up for election are running from this like it's the black plague.
So who convinced them obama care was a major fuck up?
obama care sucks and is nothing but a redistribution of wealth and a power grab.
Liberals have become nothing but lapdogs for Obama and the Democrat party

No matter this law has HURT MORE PEOPLE than helped, do they give a shit about you? No, your elected Government employee like Reid calls you all, liars and then their sheep baaaaa's the same thing at you, their fellow countrymen and women

Do they care about you it's hurt? no it's all about propping up their Dear leader and party

they've become subjects and nothing more
Ms. Chicken Little, please post a link or two or three showing how Obamacare has hurt more than it's helped.

I'll be patiently waiting.

The internet is FULL of it, and it's already been DONE HERE, MANY TIMES OVER, story after story after story.

If you want to PRETEND it's NOT been done, don't expect people here to jump just because you want to play some STUPID GAME.

Fuck off, ya racist moron.
Why have the Republicans and the far RW waged a full-on campaign of lies to bring down Obamacare?

At 1st they said that the no one would sign-up and that it would collapse on its own weight, then it was the youth wouldn't sign-up, then it was we don't know how many were previously insured that are now insured (as if that makes any bit of a damn difference), they've gone so far as to say outright that "Obama's cooking the books."

Here's a little factoid...9.5 PREVIOUSLY UNINSURED Americans are NOW insured thanks to Obamacare...

Man, I bet it would be interesting to see that .5 American.
Why have the Republicans and the far RW waged a full-on campaign of lies to bring down Obamacare?

At 1st they said that the no one would sign-up and that it would collapse on its own weight, then it was the youth wouldn't sign-up, then it was we don't know how many were previously insured that are now insured (as if that makes any bit of a damn difference), they've gone so far as to say outright that "Obama's cooking the books."

Here's a little factoid...9.5 PREVIOUSLY UNINSURED Americans are NOW insured thanks to Obamacare...

Obamacare has led to health coverage for millions more people - latimes.com
At Least 9.5 Million Uninsured Americans Have Gained Coverage Under Obamacare | ThinkProgress
9.5M U.S. Residents Newly Insured Under ACA, Analysis Finds - California Healthline

Lastly, what will the Republicans replace Obamacare with if they, by some miracle, manage to repeal Obamacare?

Fox News Host Demands To Know Why GOP Hasn't Offered An Alternative To Obamacare | ThinkProgress

Gee, could it be because the people are mandated to sign up?

What I don't understand about Obamacare is why it has to be so damn complicated. Why not just tax everybody some more and use the money to have a universal healthcare service for everyone. I know this will bankrupt a few people who have money in medical insurance companies but then from a moral footing if you have decided to invest your money in making a profit out of the suffering of your fellow man then who cares?
Remind us again... what exactly was so broken that we had to throw tens of millions of insured Americans into total chaos in order to satisfy a minority of uninsured.

You fuckers totally creep me out.

First I'd like to remind folks that I have been against Obamacare from the beginning. I hate government mandates forcing people to do something like get insurance or pay a penalty.
However to answer Mr. H's question in regards to what is broken, well we can start with the cost of healthcare in America compared to what the rest of the world is paying. These costs, hurt individuals, families and makes US businesses less competitive. Between 1999 and 2009, healthcare insurance premiums went up 131%, incomes increased 38%. This hurts working Americans and our consumer driven economy as the consumer class loses expendable income to drive our economy.
If Obamacare Is So Bad, Then Why Must Republicans Lie About It So?
Cons are still using the nazi propaganda strategy, because bullshitting the ignorant worked so well for Hitler.
If Obamacare Is So Bad, Then Why Must Republicans Lie About It So?
Cons are still using the nazi propaganda strategy, because bullshitting the ignorant worked so well for Hitler.

Funny you should say that......

Cramming government down the public's throat is the essence of fascism.

Pronunciation: \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
Date: 1921

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized government headed by a leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
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Why does Marky Mark have to lie about Obamacare.

He claims 9.5 but the administration claimed yesterday that they only signed up just over 7 million .
I didn't claim anything.

I provided LINKS.
In my sixty years I never though I'd live to see this day where people in this country would take government over their fellow country and women...

It's the saddest thing ever

I just feel bad for my children, grandchildren and my one grandchild

the transformation has been completed, and the selling out of our freedoms is a done deal
So...no LINKS huh?

That's what I thought.
Liberals have become nothing but lapdogs for Obama and the Democrat party

No matter this law has HURT MORE PEOPLE than helped, do they give a shit about you? No, your elected Government employee like Reid calls you all, liars and then their sheep baaaaa's the same thing at you, their fellow countrymen and women

Do they care about you it's hurt? no it's all about propping up their Dear leader and party

they've become subjects and nothing more
Ms. Chicken Little, please post a link or two or three showing how Obamacare has hurt more than it's helped.

I'll be patiently waiting.

The internet is FULL of it, and it's already been DONE HERE, MANY TIMES OVER, story after story after story.

If you want to PRETEND it's NOT been done, don't expect people here to jump just because you want to play some STUPID GAME.

Fuck off, ya racist moron.
"Story, after story," but yet YOU can't post ONE story?!?!

Give me a link you dumb palooka!

Why does Marky Mark have to lie about Obamacare.

He claims 9.5 but the administration claimed yesterday that they only signed up just over 7 million .
I didn't claim anything.

I provided LINKS.

You link has been disputed by the administration itself.

Kay Carney announced yesterday that they barely got over 7 million, so your link is either fabricated or you can't read.
Why have the Republicans and the far RW waged a full-on campaign of lies to bring down Obamacare?

At 1st they said that the no one would sign-up and that it would collapse on its own weight, then it was the youth wouldn't sign-up, then it was we don't know how many were previously insured that are now insured (as if that makes any bit of a damn difference), they've gone so far as to say outright that "Obama's cooking the books."

Here's a little factoid...9.5 PREVIOUSLY UNINSURED Americans are NOW insured thanks to Obamacare...

Obamacare has led to health coverage for millions more people - latimes.com
At Least 9.5 Million Uninsured Americans Have Gained Coverage Under Obamacare | ThinkProgress
9.5M U.S. Residents Newly Insured Under ACA, Analysis Finds - California Healthline

Lastly, what will the Republicans replace Obamacare with if they, by some miracle, manage to repeal Obamacare?

Fox News Host Demands To Know Why GOP Hasn't Offered An Alternative To Obamacare | ThinkProgress

You REALLY don't know the difference between a lie and a sincere belief which turns out to be unfounded?

How far did you get in school?

Why have the Republicans and the far RW waged a full-on campaign of lies to bring down Obamacare?

At 1st they said that the no one would sign-up and that it would collapse on its own weight, then it was the youth wouldn't sign-up, then it was we don't know how many were previously insured that are now insured (as if that makes any bit of a damn difference),

These aren't lies. They were, (if YOU are being truthful in relating them here) beliefs, predictions, prognostications based on what was known and believed true at the time.

When Arizona fans said their team was going to beat Wisconsin they weren't lying. They were just mistaken in their belief.

Jeezus, no wonder this country is going down the tubes.

No wonder so many of your fuzzy brains are unable to understand the whole WMD/invasion dynamic.

they've gone so far as to say outright that "Obama's cooking the books."

This remains to be seen or proven, afaik.

So it isn't a lie, either.

Lastly, what will the Republicans replace Obamacare with if they, by some miracle, manage to repeal Obamacare?

Everyone knows a replacement needs to be created and I'd bet there are teams of RIGHT thinking Americans currently working on something that will be waaaay better than ACA.

Something which will leave us free citizens, something we all can afford, something which won't penalize businesses and put people out of work. Something they won't have to trick Congress into passing.

The ONE thing you, inadvertently, got right is that the Right is VERY concerned about ACA becoming a burden we will never be able to free ourselves of.

And as a Black man I have a weakness for people who are enslaved through government edict.

The RW has my back on this.

Why not yours?
They were, and continue to LIE Mojo.

Nice attempt at spin though.
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Why does Marky Mark have to lie about Obamacare.

He claims 9.5 but the administration claimed yesterday that they only signed up just over 7 million .
I didn't claim anything.

I provided LINKS.

You link has been disputed by the administration itself.

Kay Carney announced yesterday that they barely got over 7 million, so your link is either fabricated or you can't read.
Provide a LINK please.
Why have the Republicans and the far RW waged a full-on campaign of lies to bring down Obamacare?

At 1st they said that the no one would sign-up and that it would collapse on its own weight, then it was the youth wouldn't sign-up, then it was we don't know how many were previously insured that are now insured (as if that makes any bit of a damn difference), they've gone so far as to say outright that "Obama's cooking the books."

Here's a little factoid...9.5 PREVIOUSLY UNINSURED Americans are NOW insured thanks to Obamacare...

Obamacare has led to health coverage for millions more people - latimes.com
At Least 9.5 Million Uninsured Americans Have Gained Coverage Under Obamacare | ThinkProgress
9.5M U.S. Residents Newly Insured Under ACA, Analysis Finds - California Healthline

Lastly, what will the Republicans replace Obamacare with if they, by some miracle, manage to repeal Obamacare?

Fox News Host Demands To Know Why GOP Hasn't Offered An Alternative To Obamacare | ThinkProgress

You REALLY don't know the difference between a lie and a sincere belief which turns out to be unfounded?

How far did you get in school?

These aren't lies. They were, (if YOU are being truthful in relating them here) beliefs, predictions, prognostications based on what was known and believed true at the time.

When Arizona fans said their team was going to beat Wisconsin they weren't lying. They were just mistaken in their belief.

Jeezus, no wonder this country is going down the tubes.

No wonder so many of your fuzzy brains are unable to understand the whole WMD/invasion dynamic.

This remains to be seen or proven, afaik.

So it isn't a lie, either.

Lastly, what will the Republicans replace Obamacare with if they, by some miracle, manage to repeal Obamacare?

Everyone knows a replacement needs to be created and I'd bet there are teams of RIGHT thinking Americans currently working on something that will be waaaay better than ACA.

Something which will leave us free citizens, something we all can afford, something which won't penalize businesses and put people out of work. Something they won't have to trick Congress into passing.

The ONE thing you, inadvertently, got right is that the Right is VERY concerned about ACA becoming a burden we will never be able to free ourselves of.

And as a Black man I have a weakness for people who are enslaved through government edict.

The RW has my back on this.

Why not yours?
They were, and continue to LIE Mojo.

Nice attempt at spin though.

You're living in your own little world marky

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