If Obamacare Is So Bad, Then Why Must Republicans Lie About It So?

Why would we have a problem with being able to produce melanin? Its a blessing. I think you are completely confused. I said stop being a hater because you dont like that the POTUS is Black. Can't you read?

No, I think it's you who can't read. We don't dislike the POTUS because he's black, we dislike him because he's incompetent and he didn't do what he claimed he would do. I voted for him the first time because I was tired of voting for same old crap. I voted for him because I realized he would either be one of our best, or one of our worst POTUS's.

He has been one of the worst if not the worst in all of this country's history. He, and his AG Holder, have set race relations back decades. It's not because they are black. It's because they are progressives...and incompetent, and absolutely in Holders case because he is unethical.

Pretty sure its you and the other kid that cant read. I said nothing about forgiving myself for being black and blaming it on anyone. Can you quote that somewhere?

If the POTUS was incompetent why are things looking good coming out of the recession? Why does the international community have more respect towards us? Why are people that could not get health care now able to get it? Why are we not at war with someone? You clowns wouldnt know a good president if one fell in your lap. Worst president? Dont make me laugh. :lol:

The international community is LAUGHING at him you silly person. Instead of looking at your slanted source material I suggest looking at what the foreign press is writing.
Think long term you supposedly intelligent, successful people. You screw this one up and you will regret it. Any inconvenience you may experience now is going to be offset in the future. For once in your life you can do something for others and thats to provide healthcare for everyone in this country. You are on the wrong side of history in this one if you support destroying this just because you dont like a Black POTUS. It is utterly mind blowing you guys don't get it.

It has nothing to do with skin color, it has everything to do with being lied to.

Many can't keep the same doctor, many lost their plans, many full timers are going to part time to keep the employer from paying.

Employers are exempted this year, so the working class has to pay for their coverage and it is an added expense.

We may of needed health reform, but not this mess, from broken promises, to website issues to laws getting moved to accommodate whoever.

Thats not true. Before this even went down people where whining about it saying the quality of care would suffer and everyone would go out of business because of it. Now that the procedural and technical issues are occurring, Reps, cons or whatever you call yourselves are happy about it instead of trying to help make it better. You may not agree with the methods but as an American you need to get behind this. This will come back to bite you guys in the end. Mark my words.

Because in the early 90's we said Hillary care would not work, government involvement has ruined virtually all it touches. We knew this was going to be a fiasco and it is. I take no joy in this healthcare failing, it is costing me $6000 a year more, why in the fuck would I be happy? Why do I need to get behind a major failure? If you think it is so great, write all the Democrats running this fall to campaign on healthcare and see how much America likes losing their plans, paying more, not getting their doctors, please spare me the whole game. We knew it was a bad idea and we see that it is and apparently so do you and Democrats running for office this fall.

It was never said everyone would go out of business, it was said it would hurt business and the economy would slug along, which is happening.

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The goalpost has been moved from the ability of getting people signed up, to the number of signing people up, to the age of the people that signed up, now to who's paid that has signed up. Once those numbers come in, it will be moved to yet another position...on and on.

Don't you people get tired of the nonsense?

With that said, what are all the other claims that turned out to be false?

The goalpost was set by Obama, to make affordable healthcare available for the 48 million people that did not have access to healthcare. His Obamacare has failed. He has made it less affordable. The other goalpost have all failed, the age target was not met, the goal for the number of people to sign up failed and they moved the dates, and people are having trouble affording the premiums. Can't keep you old plan, can keep you old doctor, nothing is helping. My in-laws swore this was the answer and now...he is in the hospital, the insurance company is not wanting to pay, he is reaching limits, they are over $10,000 in expenses, which is beyond the max. Yeah, healthcare has changed, Obamacare has made it worse.

So, set the goalpost where you want, they have all failed.
Got a link for at least ONE of those bogus claims there Chuck?

Well Simpson, here are some links:

Not real affordable, Simpson.


Keep your doctors, Simpson.


Oh and Simpson, here is one about keeping your insurance, another lie.


So Simpson, these are all to easy and you could really look them up yourself, however you are either dishonest or lazy, the rest you can find.

Nite, Simpson.
Yup, I can.

I don't care what color any POTUS is and neither do most Conservatives, you need to get past your "everyone is racist" bullshit and move on.

How do you know what most conservatives have a problem with? Let me know when I say everyone is racist. You must be stupid thinking that. How do you think the POTUS was elected if not by white people voting for him as well? :cuckoo:

YOU are the dumb fuck who said this....

I said stop being a hater because you dont like that the POTUS is Black.

You really aren't up for this.....one most always TRY and remember what one says.

You are the biggest fool alive. What makes you think your sorry butt acts for all white people? So yes stop being a hater because your retarded ass doesn't like a Black POTUS.
No, I think it's you who can't read. We don't dislike the POTUS because he's black, we dislike him because he's incompetent and he didn't do what he claimed he would do. I voted for him the first time because I was tired of voting for same old crap. I voted for him because I realized he would either be one of our best, or one of our worst POTUS's.

He has been one of the worst if not the worst in all of this country's history. He, and his AG Holder, have set race relations back decades. It's not because they are black. It's because they are progressives...and incompetent, and absolutely in Holders case because he is unethical.

Pretty sure its you and the other kid that cant read. I said nothing about forgiving myself for being black and blaming it on anyone. Can you quote that somewhere?

If the POTUS was incompetent why are things looking good coming out of the recession? Why does the international community have more respect towards us? Why are people that could not get health care now able to get it? Why are we not at war with someone? You clowns wouldnt know a good president if one fell in your lap. Worst president? Dont make me laugh. :lol:

The international community is LAUGHING at him you silly person. Instead of looking at your slanted source material I suggest looking at what the foreign press is writing.

What retard counts on the press for their source of information when they have better sources like people in other countries?
Why have the Republicans and the far RW waged a full-on campaign of lies to bring down Obamacare?

At 1st they said that the no one would sign-up and that it would collapse on its own weight, then it was the youth wouldn't sign-up, then it was we don't know how many were previously insured that are now insured (as if that makes any bit of a damn difference), they've gone so far as to say outright that "Obama's cooking the books."

Here's a little factoid...9.5 PREVIOUSLY UNINSURED Americans are NOW insured thanks to Obamacare...

Obamacare has led to health coverage for millions more people - latimes.com
At Least 9.5 Million Uninsured Americans Have Gained Coverage Under Obamacare | ThinkProgress
9.5M U.S. Residents Newly Insured Under ACA, Analysis Finds - California Healthline

Lastly, what will the Republicans replace Obamacare with if they, by some miracle, manage to repeal Obamacare?

Fox News Host Demands To Know Why GOP Hasn't Offered An Alternative To Obamacare | ThinkProgress

They lie about most things that have to do with Obama.
No, I think it's you who can't read. We don't dislike the POTUS because he's black, we dislike him because he's incompetent and he didn't do what he claimed he would do. I voted for him the first time because I was tired of voting for same old crap. I voted for him because I realized he would either be one of our best, or one of our worst POTUS's.

He has been one of the worst if not the worst in all of this country's history. He, and his AG Holder, have set race relations back decades. It's not because they are black. It's because they are progressives...and incompetent, and absolutely in Holders case because he is unethical.

Pretty sure its you and the other kid that cant read. I said nothing about forgiving myself for being black and blaming it on anyone. Can you quote that somewhere?

If the POTUS was incompetent why are things looking good coming out of the recession? Why does the international community have more respect towards us? Why are people that could not get health care now able to get it? Why are we not at war with someone? You clowns wouldnt know a good president if one fell in your lap. Worst president? Dont make me laugh. :lol:

The international community is LAUGHING at him you silly person. Instead of looking at your slanted source material I suggest looking at what the foreign press is writing.

This is not true.
Even in liberal-land people are seeing what a flamming piece of shit the ACA is.

Roi said he would have to pay about $3,000 this year for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.

He said it’s just too expensive. “I’m just trying to stay healthy,” Roi said.

Roi would rather pay the penalty, which is $95 the first year or one percent of a person’s taxable income, whichever is greater. In his case, it comes out to $350 for 2014.

Some Bay Area Residents Refuse To Sign Up For Insurance, Will Pay Penalty « CBS San Francisco
Pretty sure its you and the other kid that cant read. I said nothing about forgiving myself for being black and blaming it on anyone. Can you quote that somewhere?

If the POTUS was incompetent why are things looking good coming out of the recession? Why does the international community have more respect towards us? Why are people that could not get health care now able to get it? Why are we not at war with someone? You clowns wouldnt know a good president if one fell in your lap. Worst president? Dont make me laugh. :lol:

The international community is LAUGHING at him you silly person. Instead of looking at your slanted source material I suggest looking at what the foreign press is writing.

This is not true.
That's why putin is going around grabbing countries, because he respects and fears obama?
So how are the Republicans going to take health insurance away from seven million plus people? I really want to see how they do that!
Ask yourself; If the ACA was so good why did they have to resort to so many unethical, and illegal tactics to get their measly self-imposed target of 7 million.

So how are the Republicans going to take health insurance away from seven million plus people? I really want to see how they do that!

They aren't.

Obama is, and he'll just blame the Republicans for it.

You must be really struggling to find something bad to say about Obama today. Have a cup of coffee.

Hey, at least now 7.1 million will discover how much Obamacare sucks, personally.
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Why was Kathlen Sebelius nowhere to be found?

A standing ovation greeted him after his speech. A White House aide said the crowd consisted of '"organizations and stakeholder groups who helped lead the enrollment and outreach efforts, as well as Hill lawmakers and staff from HHS, CMS and other agencies involved in implementing the ACA.'

Not among them: Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathlen Sebelius, the administration official most responsible for the Obamacare program's implementation. She also did not appear in the White House press briefing room earlier in the afternoon.

Read more: White House says 7 MILLION Obamacare enrollments, but study shows 858,000 | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Why was Kathlen Sebelius nowhere to be found?

A standing ovation greeted him after his speech. A White House aide said the crowd consisted of '"organizations and stakeholder groups who helped lead the enrollment and outreach efforts, as well as Hill lawmakers and staff from HHS, CMS and other agencies involved in implementing the ACA.'

Not among them: Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathlen Sebelius, the administration official most responsible for the Obamacare program's implementation. She also did not appear in the White House press briefing room earlier in the afternoon.

Read more: White House says 7 MILLION Obamacare enrollments, but study shows 858,000 | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

she was in the audience

obviously they did not have enough warm bodies

to fill the seats
Republicans are narrow minded, corporate profit motivated souls. Only their wealthy benefactors should profit from America's freedoms. Look for instance at Florida's budget that supports Charter schools. These schools are for profit and yet the republican run state gives tax payer moneys to them. An obvious tit for tat exchange. The ACA would control profits and add competition, republicans are definitely not for a competitive marketplace. Nothing new here, their talk is cheap, their benefactors rich, their morality missing.

OT comment. We just returned from Florida and some of the most rabid Obama haters in the world, I wonder how it is these Obamacare haters and Union haters have the nerve to say anything when most drive Japanese or German vehicles that provide profit to nations that already have Obamacare and strong Unions? Seems if you were truly American you'd have to buy American products and then you'd have the right to whine all the time.

Interesting site, check it out. The Bitchy Pundit


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Hey, he got that Nobel Prize for reading a teleprompter.

He got Bin Laden.

He got the UE3 numbers below 8% right before the election.

He's spent over a trillion dollars in corporate welfare on the stock-market since he was re-elected just so he could artificially jack up the DOW.

The law and the truth isn't a roadblock to this president. The only challenge is trying to predict how he was going scam the system this time.


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