If Obamacare Is So Bad, Then Why Must Republicans Lie About It So?

Liberals have become nothing but lapdogs for Obama and the Democrat party

No matter this law has HURT MORE PEOPLE than helped, do they give a shit about you? No, your elected Government employee like Reid calls you all, liars and then their sheep baaaaa's the same thing at you, their fellow countrymen and women

Do they care about you it's hurt? no it's all about propping up their Dear leader and party

they've become subjects and nothing more
Ms. Chicken Little, please post a link or two or three showing how Obamacare has hurt more than it's helped.

I'll be patiently waiting.


1. the worst damage done by ACA is debasing and denying the integrity of the Constitution, by discounting all such arguments as partisan, race based, or otherwise invalid. And reinforcing a very dangerous precedent that "consent of the taxpayers" does not matter in making laws, but can be overridden by party and media influence.

PROOF: on this forum you can find links to petitions with Constitutional principles against "no taxation without representation" "no involuntary servitude" "violation of states rights" "not following procedures by (a) not passing an amendment before expanding powers of federal govt (b) the President and Supreme Court directly altering legislation without going through Congress" and my own arguments that "political beliefs" are being discriminated against, nationalizing one and penalizing others.

This is all over the [excuse me] internet.

As for the consent issue, MarcATL you can argue that the results are the best in the world, but if the law was passed by illegitimate process, then it is still unlawful.
For example, my friend Juda is a godsend, who has helped many women and children rejected by society due to "rape conception" which she was also born of. The rape that conceived her was WRONG it was a CRIME. But she is good.

Her life and value as a person is NOT an excuse to justify the rape, which is still wrong.
So all the proof in the world that this program is working well still does not change the fact that is was passed and the mandates forced in violation of Constitutional laws.
Again, if you don't believe in that, it is still unlawful by violating equal protections of people who DO believe in those laws being violated. So on either level, it is unlawful.

2. It has divided the nation by party, pushing the partisan agenda and "political belief in health care as a right through govt" OVER the "political belief of free market health care choices" under the Constitution. It proves the Democrat Party leaders are discriminating politically because "prochoice" is only applied to "keeping govt out of health care decisions" when it applies to choosing abortion; but is NOT defended equally for those who want free choice of paying for health care, and keeping govt out of THOSE health care decisions. If the whole party is abused to push this "political religion" at the expense of others penalized, through federal govt where religions are not supposed to be established, much less mandated under penalty, that is no different from "conspiring to violate civil rights" of other of different beliefs.

ONLINE PROOF: look at all the messages on this board. This is a reflection of the division harming the nation. All based on competing between "right to health care" and "right to free choice" beliefs that are supposed to be respected equally under law, but they are not. By this law, one is being pushed as a national religion, while the other is being penalized with fines.

Marc even YOUR msg on here "assuming" that the opposition is "not founded in law" but is personal hatred for Obama is PROOF how divisive this "denial and exclusion of other people's RIGHTS TO THEIR BELIEFS" are; it is enforcing ideas in people's minds like yours that the Constitutional beliefs and arguments against ACA are UNFOUNDED INVALID and DO NOT COUNT as other beliefs would be under the Constitution.

So in addition to harming the integrity of the Constitution, it is disabling people from all parties to INCLUDE AND RESPECT religious viewpoints equally.

The division on both sides, in being denied and discredited by the other side,
is causing MUTUAL EXCLUSION which is unconstitutional to impose through govt policy.

It spreads fear and misconception and lack of faith that unified solutions can be
organized instead of this divisive mandate contested as unconstitutional.

At a time our economy and nation is struggling, this conflict prevents better use our resources to collaborate on unified solutions
instead of WASTING MILLIONS MORE DOLLARS fighting because of political and religious differences in beliefs about this federal approach to health care that could
have been done another way WITHOUT causing and inciting such division.

3. Thus, financially it has distracted the people and our limited resources from solutions that could have solved health care issues WITHOUT relying on the contested mandates that half the nation argue are unconstitutional. Even if you do not agree, at the very least because these constitutional beliefs are lawful beliefs and not criminal abuse, they ARE protected under the Constitution, and should not being penalized and discriminated against as unequal. This is true even if you DISAGREE with such religiously held beliefs; yet this is not how the law is being enforced and applied.

All it takes to correct this is to make it OPTIONAL so it isn't forced against people's beliefs. But it keeps getting pushed as MANDATORY, so the division is costing more resources on both sides that could have gone into mutual solutions, or even separate solutions by respective parties so NO money or energy is wasted this way.

Especially the Democrats who are forced to focus on this issue fulltime, and are being pressured to pay more money to defend ACA and the candidates campaigning for it,
CANNOT afford those resources to be spent that were needed elsewhere.

(the historic district that I was trying to save has suffered even MORE neglect because of the time, efforts and attention pulled away from it to focus on this battle that did not need to happen. We could have used that money that is spent lobbying because of opposition to ACA that wouldn't be there if conflicts were worked out instead of overridden)

I have been pushing to fund restitution back to taxpayers for abuses and waste of tax dollars on similar areas of religious differences, over the death penalty and over legalization. Money that could be saved by reforming other such areas could better be reinvested in converting or building facilities to provide low cost health care on a sustainable basis.

But instead of attention going toward these solutions, the attention and funds for campaigning for and against ACA are expended on blaming the problems on others.
We cannot afford this.

Because the opposition on Constitutional grounds has put Obama and Democrats on teh defensive, then instead of focusing on improvements and solutions, all attention is on "saving face" and defending ACA. So all the other solutions are pushed aside.

PROOF: look up the 130 million of tax payers money spent advertising ACA while leaving its flaws uncorrected generates more negative press and backlash to overcome.
Had both parties agreed on a solution, or if they agreed on reforms (which are not happening because the parties are too busy pushing to defend their own beliefs, again in violation of Constitutional ethics and equal protections), they would both be advertising it voluntarily by word of mouth through their parties to SAVE MONEY and have GREATER impact, instead of double the efforts to COUNTERACT each other because they don't agree and waste time and resources cancelling each other out.

It's been posted that Bush sent a plane full of bandages and tents after Putin invaded Georgia. Is that really what you want a link to?
He said "worse". Why was it "worse"? Because Bush was president at the time? 4 months to go in his presidency didn't give him much time to punish Vlad. Obama, however, had several years to punish him. He did nothing, and we'll see how much he does over the next 2 years for Crimea. I suspect it will be about as much as he did over the past 6.....Nothing.

Oh, Bush didn't have time. And look at what Bush and the Republicans handed Obama. Failing economy. Two unpaid for wars. Trillions in debt. A divided country. The list is endless. After what Bush the GOP did to this country, where would we be today if we had continued on that trajectory? It's Obama that didn't have time. Imagine, 4 months not being enough "time". So silly.
It's been posted that Bush sent a plane full of bandages and tents after Putin invaded Georgia. Is that really what you want a link to?
He said "worse". Why was it "worse"? Because Bush was president at the time? 4 months to go in his presidency didn't give him much time to punish Vlad. Obama, however, had several years to punish him. He did nothing, and we'll see how much he does over the next 2 years for Crimea. I suspect it will be about as much as he did over the past 6.....Nothing.

Oh, Bush didn't have time. And look at what Bush and the Republicans handed Obama. Failing economy. Two unpaid for wars. Trillions in debt. A divided country. The list is endless. After what Bush the GOP did to this country, where would we be today if we had continued on that trajectory? It's Obama that didn't have time. Imagine, 4 months not being enough "time". So silly.

Well, we see how much you know about history. It was under Blow Job Clinton that HUD sec. and now N.Y. governor (May those idiots in N.Y. be saved from more subversive incompetence!) Andy Cuomo FORCED banks to make loans to MINORITIES and LOW INCOME people, that under FORMER BANKING RULES could NOT QUALIFY for these loans. Now I know how he forced them, but YOU, as one of the subversives here who have little to no grey matter should look it up! The banks had little choice than to figure out how NOT to lose money that the fucking democraps shoved down their throats with THREATS! Too bad Bush didn't have the foresight to try to hold off the economic crash, and could have handed it off to the Manchurian muslim in the 4 months he had left in office. Damn, revisionist history ALWAYS from the FAGERALS! You need to borrow Biden's brain! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
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It's been posted that Bush sent a plane full of bandages and tents after Putin invaded Georgia. Is that really what you want a link to?
He said "worse". Why was it "worse"? Because Bush was president at the time? 4 months to go in his presidency didn't give him much time to punish Vlad. Obama, however, had several years to punish him. He did nothing, and we'll see how much he does over the next 2 years for Crimea. I suspect it will be about as much as he did over the past 6.....Nothing.

Oh, Bush didn't have time. And look at what Bush and the Republicans handed Obama. Failing economy. Two unpaid for wars. Trillions in debt. A divided country. The list is endless. After what Bush the GOP did to this country, where would we be today if we had continued on that trajectory? It's Obama that didn't have time. Imagine, 4 months not being enough "time". So silly.
Hmm, changing the subject from Putin to the debt? You mean the debt Bush added that Obama said was "unpatriotic", then doubled in half the time?
Bleed out white America.

Cut the throat at the throat.

The Black President has the knife. And he wields it deftly.

Oh be afraid, be very afraid. The big black man is taking your freedoms away. As a white asshole, you have every right to deny affordable health care to those unfortunate enough to have preexisting conditions, or those greedy scumsuckers who can't afford to fork out thousands per year out of their own pockets for private ins.

There was nothing inherently wrong with health care before Obama came along.

Under the ACA, many more millions will fork out yet more of their own money.

And henceforth you shall refer to me as MISTER white asshole, bub.

There was nothing wrong with the American health care system? :lol::lol::lol:

You're a delusional one, aren't you?

Henceforth you can go pound sand with that nonsense.
Oh be afraid, be very afraid. The big black man is taking your freedoms away. As a white asshole, you have every right to deny affordable health care to those unfortunate enough to have preexisting conditions, or those greedy scumsuckers who can't afford to fork out thousands per year out of their own pockets for private ins.

There was nothing inherently wrong with health care before Obama came along.

Under the ACA, many more millions will fork out yet more of their own money.

And henceforth you shall refer to me as MISTER white asshole, bub.

There was nothing wrong with the American health care system? :lol::lol::lol:

You're a delusional one, aren't you?

Henceforth you can go pound sand with that nonsense.

JEB cannot distinguish, it seems, between "nothing inherently wrong" and "nothing wrong."

Words have no inherent fixed meaning to some silly people.

There was nothing inherently wrong with health care before Obama came along.

Under the ACA, many more millions will fork out yet more of their own money.

And henceforth you shall refer to me as MISTER white asshole, bub.

There was nothing wrong with the American health care system? :lol::lol::lol:

You're a delusional one, aren't you?

Henceforth you can go pound sand with that nonsense.

JEB cannot distinguish, it seems, between "nothing inherently wrong" and "nothing wrong."

Words have no inherent fixed meaning to some silly people.


Fuck you douche bag aka liability aka Welcher. Inherently or not, preparation h's post is ridiculously retarded. Go pound another vodka, counselor
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There was nothing wrong with the American health care system? :lol::lol::lol:

You're a delusional one, aren't you?

Henceforth you can go pound sand with that nonsense.

JEB cannot distinguish, it seems, between "nothing inherently wrong" and "nothing wrong."

Words have no inherent fixed meaning to some silly people.


Fuck you douche bag aka liability aka Welcher. Inherently if not, preparation h's post is ridiculously retarded. Go pohbx another vodka, counselor

What the fuck did this douchebag just say? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Here's a FACT for you [MENTION=27995]Uncensored2008[/MENTION]

Thanks to Obamacare, the UNISURED in America has hit a Five-Year low!!

After Obamacare: Number of Uninsured Hits Five-Year Low - Businessweek
In U.S., Uninsured Rate Lowest Since 2008

That means that the Republican Politicians which planned on running on how Obamacare was a failure (read ALL of them) are now FUBAR!!


So are you saying that the 48 milllion that were uninsured have signed up?
Maybe 40 million?
Maybe 30 million?
C'mon 20 million?
Are we close to 10 million?

48 million Americans don't have insurance.That came from Obama...not me.
Another 5 million on top of that lose their coverage.
We are told 7 million signed up....

And, Thanks to Obamacare, the UNISURED in America has hit a Five-Year low!!

You guys aren't really trying to get people to buy this bullshit are you?

You don't believe it....You can't be that naive...

You Libs are supposed to be smarter then anyone else.
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Here's a FACT for you [MENTION=27995]Uncensored2008[/MENTION]

Thanks to Obamacare, the UNISURED in America has hit a Five-Year low!!

After Obamacare: Number of Uninsured Hits Five-Year Low - Businessweek
In U.S., Uninsured Rate Lowest Since 2008

That means that the Republican Politicians which planned on running on how Obamacare was a failure (read ALL of them) are now FUBAR!!


So are you saying that the 48 milllion that were uninsured have signed up?
Maybe 40 million?
Maybe 30 million?
C'mon 20 million?
Are we close to 10 million?

i dont get ur pt.
Rozman = no links mixed w/partisan conjecture

MarcATL = multiple links from multiple reputable sources

The Republican Plan = Don't believe your lying eyes.

Here's a FACT for you [MENTION=27995]Uncensored2008[/MENTION]

Thanks to Obamacare, the UNISURED in America has hit a Five-Year low!!

After Obamacare: Number of Uninsured Hits Five-Year Low - Businessweek
In U.S., Uninsured Rate Lowest Since 2008

That means that the Republican Politicians which planned on running on how Obamacare was a failure (read ALL of them) are now FUBAR!!


So are you saying that the 48 milllion that were uninsured have signed up?
Maybe 40 million?
Maybe 30 million?
C'mon 20 million?
Are we close to 10 million?

i dont get ur pt.

I guess it went over your head....
Maybe one of your friends can splain it to you!
[MENTION=20981]Rozman[/MENTION]...are you willing to bet your membership here on this board that Obamacare will be repealed?

I say it won't be and will end up being improved.

You say it will be repealed.

The loser has to leave this board for good and never show their face here again.

How about it?
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Democrats who are running for election the next time around defend their vote with the laughable claim that the current law isn't the one they voted for. The dirty little secret is that there wasn't a single freaking democrat who even read the law. They voted for it because they were ordered to vote for it or they were bribed or threatened. Nancy Pelosi engaged a brief standup routine when she said" you will find out what's in it after you vote for it".
[MENTION=27324]whitehall[/MENTION]...wanna get in on that bet?

If Obamacare get's repealed, I leave, if it doesn't you leave.

How about it?

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