If Obamacare Is So Bad, Then Why Must Republicans Lie About It So?

You must be really struggling to find something bad to say about Obama today. Have a cup of coffee.

Hey, at least now 7.1 million will discover how much Obamacare sucks, personally.

Is it not better than no health insurance at all. We are still waiting for the Republican alternative.

Been there. Done that.

Doesn't matter tho.

The Dems simply cut to shreds anything the GOP releases. After all, they're good at making fun of shit. Not so good at providing workable solutions.
You must be really struggling to find something bad to say about Obama today. Have a cup of coffee.

Hey, at least now 7.1 million will discover how much Obamacare sucks, personally.

Is it not better than no health insurance at all. We are still waiting for the Republican alternative.

The Republican alternatives have been set for on the GOP website.

Then there is this: http://www.semissourian.com/story/2066108.html

And this: http://www.gop.gov/indepth/pledge/healthcare

And then this: http://www.cbsnews.com/htdocs/pdf/GOPHealthPlan_061709.pdf

Also ask Harry Reid how many proposals the House has made that he has tabled.

So, please use Google and quit being uninformed, you are embarrassing yourself.
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Republicans are narrow minded, corporate profit motivated souls. Only their wealthy benefactors should profit from America's freedoms. Look for instance at Florida's budget that supports Charter schools. These schools are for profit and yet the republican run state gives tax payer moneys to them. An obvious tit for tat exchange. The ACA would control profits and add competition, republicans are definitely not for a competitive marketplace. Nothing new here, their talk is cheap, their benefactors rich, their morality missing.

OT comment. We just returned from Florida and some of the most rabid Obama haters in the world, I wonder how it is these Obamacare haters and Union haters have the nerve to say anything when most drive Japanese or German vehicles that provide profit to nations that already have Obamacare and strong Unions? Seems if you were truly American you'd have to buy American products and then you'd have the right to whine all the time.

Interesting site, check it out. The Bitchy Pundit



And when those countries open up businesses in USA (VW and Tennessee), the workers here make sure that they won't be plagued by unions, decent wages, and health insurance.
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How do you know what most conservatives have a problem with? Let me know when I say everyone is racist. You must be stupid thinking that. How do you think the POTUS was elected if not by white people voting for him as well? :cuckoo:

YOU are the dumb fuck who said this....

I said stop being a hater because you dont like that the POTUS is Black.

You really aren't up for this.....one most always TRY and remember what one says.

You are the biggest fool alive. What makes you think your sorry butt acts for all white people? So yes stop being a hater because your retarded ass doesn't like a Black POTUS.

You are projecting kid, you have a chip on shoulder because you are black.
Get over yourself, if you are too sensitive about being called out for your stupid racist bullshit go play with the other kids.

MOST white Conservatives don't give a shit what color he is, we detest his politics.

Get over your black self.
The international community is LAUGHING at him you silly person. Instead of looking at your slanted source material I suggest looking at what the foreign press is writing.

This is not true.
That's why putin is going around grabbing countries, because he respects and fears obama?
Putin did worse under the Bush Regime jackass. And George 'n' Co. kissed him betwixt his cheeks in response.
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Republican lies? You mean like Republicans claiming that 7 million people have signed up, when 6.5 million of those were evicted from existing plans BY Obama's Fascist Care?

That kind of lie?
Republican lies? You mean like Republicans claiming that 7 million people have signed up, when 6.5 million of those were evicted from existing plans BY Obama's Fascist Care?

That kind of lie?
Republican lies? You mean like Republicans claiming that 7 million people have signed up, when 6.5 million of those were evicted from existing plans BY Obama's Fascist Care?

That kind of lie?

David Finkle: New Study Confirms Water Is Wet

Why are you getting so angry?

Are you mad and frustrated at yourself for not having the FACTS to backup your bogus CLAIMS?

That would be the only VALID reason for your unbridled anger at this time.
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Why are you getting so mad?

Are you mad and frustrated at yourself for not having the FACTS to backup your bogus CLAIMS?

That would be the only VALID reason for your unbridled anger at this time.


Give the lying a break, you look like a fool.

{ Now, of course, it's hard to believe that the President would ever mislead the country about his signature initiative, but a report in the UK's Daily Telegraph (once again, doing the job the American press has apparently declined to do) suggests that the truth is quite different.

An undisclosed study by the well-respected RAND Corp (which has reportedly been seen only at The Los Angeles Times) reveals that only 23% of new ObamaCare "clients" had no insurance before enrolling. What's more, only 53% of that cohort has reportedly paid their first month's premium (i.e., formally entered the program) -- that's like putting an online store item in your "basket" but not paying for it.

If those figures are accurate, the President and his party have succeeded in disrupting the health care system -- with which 80% of Americans were satisfied -- for a grand total of 858,298 people. }

Is 858,000 the Real ObamaCare Number? - Carol Platt Liebau
Why are you getting so mad?

Are you mad and frustrated at yourself for not having the FACTS to backup your bogus CLAIMS?

That would be the only VALID reason for your unbridled anger at this time.


Give the lying a break, you look like a fool.

{ Now, of course, it's hard to believe that the President would ever mislead the country about his signature initiative, but a report in the UK's Daily Telegraph (once again, doing the job the American press has apparently declined to do) suggests that the truth is quite different.

An undisclosed study by the well-respected RAND Corp (which has reportedly been seen only at The Los Angeles Times) reveals that only 23% of new ObamaCare "clients" had no insurance before enrolling. What's more, only 53% of that cohort has reportedly paid their first month's premium (i.e., formally entered the program) -- that's like putting an online store item in your "basket" but not paying for it.

If those figures are accurate, the President and his party have succeeded in disrupting the health care system -- with which 80% of Americans were satisfied -- for a grand total of 858,298 people. }

Is 858,000 the Real ObamaCare Number? - Carol Platt Liebau
A. TownHall.com is RW blog, not a legitimate news source.


2. The article you linked to is an editorial one, not a new report.
Bleed out white America.

Cut the throat at the throat.

The Black President has the knife. And he wields it deftly.

Oh be afraid, be very afraid. The big black man is taking your freedoms away. As a white asshole, you have every right to deny affordable health care to those unfortunate enough to have preexisting conditions, or those greedy scumsuckers who can't afford to fork out thousands per year out of their own pockets for private ins.
Putin did worse under the Bush Regime jackass. And George 'n' Co. kissed him betwixt his cheeks in response.

It's been posted that Bush sent a plane full of bandages and tents after Putin invaded Georgia. Is that really what you want a link to?
He said "worse". Why was it "worse"? Because Bush was president at the time? 4 months to go in his presidency didn't give him much time to punish Vlad. Obama, however, had several years to punish him. He did nothing, and we'll see how much he does over the next 2 years for Crimea. I suspect it will be about as much as he did over the past 6.....Nothing.
Bleed out white America.

Cut the throat at the throat.

The Black President has the knife. And he wields it deftly.

Oh be afraid, be very afraid. The big black man is taking your freedoms away. As a white asshole, you have every right to deny affordable health care to those unfortunate enough to have preexisting conditions, or those greedy scumsuckers who can't afford to fork out thousands per year out of their own pockets for private ins.

There was nothing inherently wrong with health care before Obama came along.

Under the ACA, many more millions will fork out yet more of their own money.

And henceforth you shall refer to me as MISTER white asshole, bub.
How do you know what most conservatives have a problem with? Let me know when I say everyone is racist. You must be stupid thinking that. How do you think the POTUS was elected if not by white people voting for him as well? :cuckoo:

YOU are the dumb fuck who said this....

I said stop being a hater because you dont like that the POTUS is Black.

You really aren't up for this.....one most always TRY and remember what one says.

You are the biggest fool alive. What makes you think your sorry butt acts for all white people? So yes stop being a hater because your retarded ass doesn't like a Black POTUS.

Hey, at least now 7.1 million will discover how much Obamacare sucks, personally.

Is it not better than no health insurance at all. We are still waiting for the Republican alternative.

The Republican alternatives have been set for on the GOP website.

Then there is this: seMissourian.com: State News: GOP senator floats state Medicaid proposal (04/02/14)

And this: Repeal and Replace the Job-Destroying Health Care Law - A Pledge to America - GOP.gov

And then this: http://www.cbsnews.com/htdocs/pdf/GOPHealthPlan_061709.pdf

Also ask Harry Reid how many proposals the House has made that he has tabled.

So, please use Google and quit being uninformed, you are embarrassing yourself.

If they were a better alternative, you would not have to search Google to find them. I am not embarrassed because I am intelligent enough to realize this. Put more thought into your posts and less childish insults.

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