If Only 144,000 Of The Jews Will Be Saved, Why Do Some Christians Act Like All Jews Are So Special?

they are called 144,000 WITNESSES. Many more than that will be saved during the tribulation and many more thousands before Jesus returns at the pretrib rapture, which could happen today!

False. They are called the 144,000 sealed before the earth is hurt you LIAR!...

Calling someone a liar on USMB is against the rules, Mr. Ofa Oao. Please read the rules on USMB. Personal attacks are not permitted either. Please stay on topic and compose yourself, Sir.

As I have already stated there were 350,000 Messianic Jews that have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah( in that number ) reported by Jewish Telegraph Agency on 4/14/1989 which means today there is likely over 1 million born again Jews who have believed on Jesus Christ as their Messiah. That is over one million born again Jews in this generation alone. I have no idea how many Jews believed during the days Jesus was upon the earth and after He went to the Cross and was resurrected on the 3rd day. I have no idea how many Jews have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah in each generation since then nor the number of Jews that were translated to heaven from their former abode ( Paradise ) after the resurrection but I know that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets are seated in heaven right now. I can only imagine the number must be very great. Certainly not 144,000 thousand. That is preposterous. About my response to your claims. It proves that you are mistaken about your interpretations of scripture, Sir. I must also clarify something else for you. I am not a liar. I do not lie and I don't keep company with liars. I am a Psalms 1 believer and do not keep company with liars. I fear the LORD and obey the LORD the best I can each day. With that, thank you for reading.

p.s. I told you the truth about the Jews - that Jesus said Salvation is of the Jews and even gave you the scripture to prove it. I gave you the Scriptures in Romans that explains why for a time the Jews have not recognized Jesus as their Messiah ( but will in the future know that Jesus is the Messiah ) and that it was so that God may have mercy upon all. It is important to defend the truth when it is under attack because the Scriptures of God must be defended. It is what Christians call, Defending the faith. I want to be clear I am not defending "myself" but that I am establishing the fact that I am speaking the truth to you and the Scriptures I provided have supported that truth which I have spoken to you. I need to make that clear to you and those reading.
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I am regularly amused by the things Muslims do because of their insecurity.


I am not a Muslim, Sir/Ma'am...you are responsible for any damage that occurs from you spreading that lie.

I beg your pardon!

I did no such thing.

Although, someone sure does sound sensitive about being called a Muslim.


What's wrong with Muslims?

Well, anyway...If you're not a Muslim, considering your anti-Semitic Jew hatred, are you with the KKK???
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You said in your Prostitution thread that you are not a member of any religion so why are you arguing about religion, Mr.Offal?

That's not my name, Sir/Ma'am. If you continue to call me that I will not reply to you.

No, I am NOT a member of any religion but religion does interest me. If Christians do blindly and RACISTLY support the Jews because they are Jews, I will speak against that if I feel like it!


We all know that Muslims are allowed to lie and misrepresent their own religious orientation when in the enemy's territory.

So, I will say this.

Anyone who would conceal their true belief system in order to foment dissension and animosity toward Jews amongst Atheists and Christians, is really fucking sneaky and underhanded.

Sounds like a Muslim tactic.
I beg your pardon!

I did no such thing.

Although, someone sure does sound sensitive about being called a Muslim.


What's wrong with Muslims?

Well, anyway...If you're not a Muslim, considering your anti-Semitic Jew hatred, are you with the KKK???

LOL...For the upteenth time, I do not hate Jews. What I am against is the blind, racist support of Jews because they are Jews that some Christians practice.

We all know that Muslims are allowed to lie and misrepresent their own religious orientation when in the enemy's territory...

You are LYING, Sir. This is what the Holy Qur'an says about lying: "And mix not up truth with falsehood, nor hide the truth while you know." Holy Qur'an 2:42

You don't know what you think you know, and no I do not have to hide ANYTHING from you. Who do you (FALSELY) believe that you are lol? If I was a Muslim, I'd tell you, fool.

...So, I will say this.

Anyone who would conceal their true belief system in order to foment dissension and animosity toward Jews amongst Atheists and Christians, is really fucking sneaky and underhanded.

Sounds like a Muslim tactic.

It really doesn't matter to me what I sound like to you. SOMEONE HAS LIED TO YOU TELLING YOU THAT YOU ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU REALLY ARE. Get a life, man.

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