If Only Americans Had Sensible Gun Laws Like Other Nations!

Why would I believe any "race" is inferior to any other


when I know race is nothing but a social construct?

Do you believe any social constructs are inferior to others? Europeans build sky scrapers and London Bridge. American Indians never figured out the wheel.

It's the people who don't understand that simple fact that are prone to racism.

Then why are you racist?

Then why are the complaints about being replaced?

Wide open borders and foreign hoards flooding in. democrats want to turn America into the third world so they can rule as despots.

It's interracial mixing that's fueling demographic change, not illegal immigration. White people are choosing to mix with minorities. That's why white births are declining and mixed race children the largest growing demographic.

Bullshit. Ignorant and stupid.

Illegal immigration is the assault on America by the fascist democrats,

If you want to stop immigration then as the most influential super power in the region we should stop the policies that lead to destabilization, corruption and poverty in the South American and Caribbean countries these immigrants are coming from.

Ah, the fascist lie. We want to stop ILLEGAL immigration. Shut the border down.
Sure, they have.
How many have they "confiscated" so far?

Despite the blather of fools like Beta the fake Mexican and Quid Pro the fake President, literal confiscation isn't practical. Instead you Nazis just want to declare anyone with a gun to be a felon

So, those wars should have been over in 2 weeks.
Instead, it took 20 years?

20 years and we lost.

Think about going after a population on your home soil. You could not subdue us, even if you did as Xi's man threatened and used nukes against Americans.

That's what they're there for to stop insurrectionist communist.


The only collectivists are you pansy Nazis.

And insurrectionists?

THESE are insurrectionists, you fucking retard.


Notice they have GUNS, rather than American flags? I know, you're offended by American flags, but still...
You fucking illiterate asshole. I was responding to a post thinking that England may ban knives and forks due to an increase in murders with utensils like that. You’re just too stupid to understand humor or sarcasm. Now STFU you fat, ignorant, racist troll.
You and humor? Ok, that IS funny. :heehee: Beware of sporks!!!!!
Do you believe any social constructs are inferior to others? Europeans build sky scrapers and London Bridge. American Indians never figured out the wheel.
Wheels and bridges are physical constructs, not social ones but why should I expect someone trying to flex his intellectual superiority while calling Native Americans, American Indians (i.e. people who have immigrated to America from India) to know that?
Wheels and bridges are physical constructs, not social ones but why should I expect someone trying to flex his intellectual superiority while calling Native Americans, American Indians (i.e. people who have immigrated to America from India) to know that?

Such a clown.

Technological advancement is a critical aspect of the social construct of those societies.

American Indians invaded America from Siberia, and engaged in genocide of the Aboriginal people who were already here.
Despite the blather of fools like Beta the fake Mexican and Quid Pro the fake President, literal confiscation isn't practical.
So, it's always been a fake "confiscation"?
Gee, you nut jobs cower easily.

Instead you Nazis just want to declare anyone with a gun to be a felon

RWNJ's want to give convicted felons "gun rights".

March 9 2021
A Republican senator has proposed a bill to reinstate gun rights to nonviolent felons who have completed their sentences.

Sen. Keith Perry, R-Gainesville, filed SB 1932 at the start of the new legislative session on March 1. The bill would amend Florida statute 98.0751 to reinstate the civil and firearm rights of felons who have completed all parts of their sentence — time served, probation and legal financial fees — so long as they were not convicted of a violent crime.
20 years and we lost.
But Halliburton "won".
Think about going after a population on your home soil. You could not subdue us, even if you did as Xi's man threatened and used nukes against Americans.
Sure he did, nutjob.

The only collectivists are you pansy Nazis.

And insurrectionists?

THESE are insurrectionists, you fucking retard.

View attachment 653443

Notice they have GUNS, rather than American flags? I know, you're offended by American flags, but still...
So, it's always been a fake "confiscation"?
Gee, you nut jobs cower easily.


RWNJ's want to give convicted felons "gun rights".

March 9 2021
A Republican senator has proposed a bill to reinstate gun rights to nonviolent felons who have completed their sentences.

Sen. Keith Perry, R-Gainesville, filed SB 1932 at the start of the new legislative session on March 1. The bill would amend Florida statute 98.0751 to reinstate the civil and firearm rights of felons who have completed all parts of their sentence — time served, probation and legal financial fees — so long as they were not convicted of a violent crime.

But Halliburton "won".

Sure he did, nutjob.

Yo Retard;

Such a clown.

Technological advancement is a critical aspect of the social construct of those societies.

American Indians invaded America from Siberia, and engaged in genocide of the Aboriginal people who were already here.
What a fucking retarded nut job.

Even this idiot makes you look like a short bus gullible, moron.

Such a clown.

Technological advancement is a critical aspect of the social construct of those societies.
I don't think you quite understand what that sentence actually means. What it means is that the reasons why Europeans built permanent stone dwellings rather than ones that could be quickly torn down and moved have to do with cultural differences, not inherent biological ones.
American Indians invaded America from Siberia, and engaged in genocide of the Aboriginal people who were already here.
Native Americans are the descendants of the first homo sapiens who migrated to this continent across the bering land bridge. There were no Aboriginal people who were already here. We all belong to the same species.
You and humor? Ok, that IS funny. :heehee: Beware of sporks!!!!!
Poor stupid bitch. Jumped into a thread to do nothing but troll and throw insults and wound up making yourself look like the fool you are. Fuck off and stay under your bridge fatso.
What a fucking retarded nut job.

Even this idiot makes you look like a short bus gullible, moron.

What the fuck does this have to do with anything.

What a fucking retard you are...

Hey, but you've got Hezbollah Hannah on your side! Combined you two almost break double digits with your IQ... :thup:
I don't think you quite understand what that sentence actually means. What it means is that the reasons why Europeans built permanent stone dwellings rather than ones that could be quickly torn down and moved have to do with cultural differences, not inherent biological ones.

No one said it was biological.

Because you are a racist, you try and cast everything in race.

The reason Europeans built permanent dwellings is because they perfected agriculture and didn't have to live nomadic lives of hunter gatherers as the primitive cultures did.

Now WHY were these cultures so primitive? Usually because living was too easy. Humans are lazy by nature. If fruit is hanging from trees with monkeys around to dart for some meat, no need to develop farming.

In Europe, failure to learn to farm meant mass starvation.

Native Americans are the descendants of the first homo sapiens who migrated to this continent across the bering land bridge. There were no Aboriginal people who were already here. We all belong to the same species.

That of course is entirely false. The aboriginal people in America were actually black, though Australoid, not African.
What the fuck does this have to do with anything.
'American Indians invaded America from Siberia, and engaged in genocide of the Aboriginal people who were already here".

Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as previously thought, according to a newly sequenced genome.

The ancestors of Native American populations from the tip of Chile in the south to Canada in the north, migrated from Asia in at least three waves, according to a new international study published online in Nature this week that involved over 60 investigators in 11 countries in the Americas, plus four in Europe, and Russia.

In what they describe as the most comprehensive survey of genetic diversity in Native Americans so far, the researchers studied variation in Native American DNA sequences. They found that while most Native American populations descend primarily from one migration, there were two later ones that also made a significant genetic contribution.

What a fucking retard you are...
You're dumber than MTG is and just as nutty.
Hey, but you've got Hezbollah Hannah on your side! Combined you two almost break double digits with your IQ... :thup:
You have Trump on your side, the stable "genius".

Retard, Xi's man said it.

What a complete fucking retard you are.
How in the fuck did you come to that conclusion?

“If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons. The point is that there has always been the ability to limit — rationally limit the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own it.”

Here's what your dear leader said.

According to general Michael Haden, a foreign policy expert was trying to advise Trump and three times in a one-hour briefing, Trump asked, speaking of nuclear weapons, “If we have them why can’t we use them?”
'American Indians invaded America from Siberia, and engaged in genocide of the Aboriginal people who were already here".

Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as previously thought, according to a newly sequenced genome.

The ancestors of Native American populations from the tip of Chile in the south to Canada in the north, migrated from Asia in at least three waves, according to a new international study published online in Nature this week that involved over 60 investigators in 11 countries in the Americas, plus four in Europe, and Russia.

In what they describe as the most comprehensive survey of genetic diversity in Native Americans so far, the researchers studied variation in Native American DNA sequences. They found that while most Native American populations descend primarily from one migration, there were two later ones that also made a significant genetic contribution.

You're dumber than MTG is and just as nutty.

You have Trump on your side, the stable "genius".

I love when you morons post shit that has little relation to the subject and in no way refutes what I posted.

Did Asians invade?

Your source says "yes."

Hmmm, what was your point?

As for the aboriginal people in America..



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