"if" Perry is behind the Cain story it begs one question

Mitt, lol... Mitt... They guy no one wants. Mitt is the new McCain, he truly feels it’s his turn to be President..

I agreed with everything you said except the above quote. I think he is the guy that is not everyone's first choice, but the Vast Majority of them will vote for him over Obama. Romney is the only one who has Lead Obama in the Polls. Romney is the Only one that can bring in enough Independents who voted for Obama last time, to Defeat Obama. Out of the ones running now that is.

While you have a point the problem is that Mitt is a liberal... He offers no cuts, he offers no plan to balance the budget and deficit... Mitt talks like a conservative but leads like a liberal.

I heard it put best like this. Mitt’s support is a mile wide and an inch deep… Mitt will have 1 fuck of a time beating Obama and it’s a “aaahhhh fuck it!” vote that he will win, so in the end we all lost.

Even if that is true. If I am Faced with 4 more years of Obama, or 4 Years of A liberal Republican. The Choice is easy. I will happily eat more own shorts and never post here again if Romney Wins and proceeds to spend faster than we have under Obama.
If Cain gets knocked out then the anyone-but-Romney crowd has to either rally behind Perry,

or give up and fall in behind Romney.
He has a very large war chest. How much damage will he do to our party in his efforts to become the nominee? If he knocks Cain out with a slander attack I believe Cains support would then goto Newt not him. Giving him yet again another person to knock off in order to face off with Romney. And Newt has plenty of baggage to latch onto.

If this leak did come from Perry he could be like the cat that shit in the sandbox ruining it for everyone else trying to build a sand castle.
Of course I'm not convinced its from him but if it is I'm wondering how much further he will push it.

I could see Perry doing it, he is rather vicious when it comes to campaigning and if one of his aides who used to work for Cain did this, it is despicable. There is a time line from when this guy left Cain to work for Perry and all this stuff started coming out. If that is the case and it is proven that Perry leaked this, then Perry will be done for good as everyone likes Herman Cain whether they think he is Presidential or not, he is very well liked and people will not take kindly to someone doing this to him.

Perry and Santorum have done more damage to their own candidcy's than any of their opponents because they go on the attack and it is not viewed well. Remember Reagans 11th commandment: " Thou shall speak no ill of another Republican." And a lot of us still believe in that philosophy.
I agreed with everything you said except the above quote. I think he is the guy that is not everyone's first choice, but the Vast Majority of them will vote for him over Obama. Romney is the only one who has Lead Obama in the Polls. Romney is the Only one that can bring in enough Independents who voted for Obama last time, to Defeat Obama. Out of the ones running now that is.

While you have a point the problem is that Mitt is a liberal... He offers no cuts, he offers no plan to balance the budget and deficit... Mitt talks like a conservative but leads like a liberal.

I heard it put best like this. Mitt’s support is a mile wide and an inch deep… Mitt will have 1 fuck of a time beating Obama and it’s a “aaahhhh fuck it!” vote that he will win, so in the end we all lost.

Even if that is true. If I am Faced with 4 more years of Obama, or 4 Years of A liberal Republican. The Choice is easy. I will happily eat more own shorts and never post here again if Romney Wins and proceeds to spend faster than we have under Obama.

You need to read about romney. The greatest sin Romney has committed is that he was governor of a very liberal state. You are confusing being governor of a liberal state and conservatism. Romney is a conservative, he took a state that was 3 billion dollars in debt and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus 4 short years later and did that with an 85% democrat legilature and did it without raising taxes. this is the same state that continually elects the likes of Barney Frank and John Kerry. That's an impressive CONSERVATIVE record.

The only thing that Romney's health care plan had in common with Obama's was the mandate. THAT'S IT. As a Republican we beleive in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, yet if you dare have the COURAGE TO ENFORCE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY then you are called a liberal or a rhino. You can't have it both ways, if you beleive in personal responsibility, you damn well better be courageous enough to enforce it with a mandate or it just ain't gonna get done.

Mitt Romney is a courageous conservative.
While you have a point the problem is that Mitt is a liberal... He offers no cuts, he offers no plan to balance the budget and deficit... Mitt talks like a conservative but leads like a liberal.

I heard it put best like this. Mitt’s support is a mile wide and an inch deep… Mitt will have 1 fuck of a time beating Obama and it’s a “aaahhhh fuck it!” vote that he will win, so in the end we all lost.

Even if that is true. If I am Faced with 4 more years of Obama, or 4 Years of A liberal Republican. The Choice is easy. I will happily eat more own shorts and never post here again if Romney Wins and proceeds to spend faster than we have under Obama.

You need to read about romney. The greatest sin Romney has committed is that he was governor of a very liberal state. You are confusing being governor of a liberal state and conservatism. Romney is a conservative, he took a state that was 3 billion dollars in debt and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus 4 short years later and did that with an 85% democrat legilature and did it without raising taxes. this is the same state that continually elects the likes of Barney Frank and John Kerry. That's an impressive CONSERVATIVE record.

The only thing that Romney's health care plan had in common with Obama's was the mandate. THAT'S IT. As a Republican we beleive in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, yet if you dare have the COURAGE TO ENFORCE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY then you are called a liberal or a rhino. You can't have it both ways, if you beleive in personal responsibility, you damn well better be courageous enough to enforce it with a mandate or it just ain't gonna get done.

Mitt Romney is a courageous conservative.

Your argument is very compelling......right up until you bring up Romneycare. A mandate, no matter how you frame it, is an infringement on personal freedom. The govt, no matter local or national, should never have the power to force an individual to purchase anything. Period.

And car insurance is not the same. You aren't forced to buy or own a car that REQUIRES a policy.

Other than that your argument is good.
The leak was fed to the Perry campaign by an old worker for Cain, Curt Anderson.

Think about it. Cain and Perry are fighting for the same thing: the anti-Romney vote. Perry's real threat is Cain. Romney would never attack Cain because he wants the anti-Romney vote to be split between Perry/Cain. He doesn't want one of them to become too powerful.

Perry is slime. Who cares about Cain's personal life? It is irrelevant.
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He has a very large war chest. How much damage will he do to our party in his efforts to become the nominee? If he knocks Cain out with a slander attack I believe Cains support would then goto Newt not him. Giving him yet again another person to knock off in order to face off with Romney. And Newt has plenty of baggage to latch onto.

If this leak did come from Perry he could be like the cat that shit in the sandbox ruining it for everyone else trying to build a sand castle.
Of course I'm not convinced its from him but if it is I'm wondering how much further he will push it.

Great question.

Now his man who is doing the polling for the Perry campaign is Chris Wilson. The plot thickens. This is the man who said he witnessed Cain sexually harrassing one of the complainants.

So there is a tie in. Last on Drudge was the Perry camp trying to blame Romney. Some one else reporting there is a link to Rahm.

It's only going to get wilder I fear. Cain is not going down without a fight and if he truly is innocent and this is a smear campaign and it sure smells like one, I don't blame him for not eating shit over it.
Even if that is true. If I am Faced with 4 more years of Obama, or 4 Years of A liberal Republican. The Choice is easy. I will happily eat more own shorts and never post here again if Romney Wins and proceeds to spend faster than we have under Obama.

You need to read about romney. The greatest sin Romney has committed is that he was governor of a very liberal state. You are confusing being governor of a liberal state and conservatism. Romney is a conservative, he took a state that was 3 billion dollars in debt and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus 4 short years later and did that with an 85% democrat legilature and did it without raising taxes. this is the same state that continually elects the likes of Barney Frank and John Kerry. That's an impressive CONSERVATIVE record.

The only thing that Romney's health care plan had in common with Obama's was the mandate. THAT'S IT. As a Republican we beleive in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, yet if you dare have the COURAGE TO ENFORCE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY then you are called a liberal or a rhino. You can't have it both ways, if you beleive in personal responsibility, you damn well better be courageous enough to enforce it with a mandate or it just ain't gonna get done.

Mitt Romney is a courageous conservative.

Your argument is very compelling......right up until you bring up Romneycare. A mandate, no matter how you frame it, is an infringement on personal freedom. The govt, no matter local or national, should never have the power to force an individual to purchase anything. Period.

And car insurance is not the same. You aren't forced to buy or own a car that REQUIRES a policy.

Other than that your argument is good.

Well then, did you know the our founders imposed mandates? John Hamilton or Hancock, I will find the link, for one forced you to purchase your own gun and ammunition, and forced you into service for the defense of the population??

There are several mandates our own founders imposed on the population, another mandate on sailing ships was that they were required to have medications on board to treat ill sailors and that it was at the captian's expense. It was a mandate. I forget who did that one, but he was a founder too.

They were huge on State's rights and the 10th amendment, they wanted limited federal power, but if they felt the need, the individual states had every right to mandate what they thought best for their states.
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He has a very large war chest. How much damage will he do to our party in his efforts to become the nominee? If he knocks Cain out with a slander attack I believe Cains support would then goto Newt not him. Giving him yet again another person to knock off in order to face off with Romney. And Newt has plenty of baggage to latch onto.

If this leak did come from Perry he could be like the cat that shit in the sandbox ruining it for everyone else trying to build a sand castle.
Of course I'm not convinced its from him but if it is I'm wondering how much further he will push it.

I doubt it came from Perry (or at least anyone authorized by Perry to unleash the attack). It begs the question of "why"? He has no organization (he being Cain), little money, and a half-baked scheme whose only redeeming value is that it is better than Perry's.

If Perry were playing this type of hardball, Romney would be the target.

Then again, I don't think Perry is exactly a member of MENSA either.
Even if that is true. If I am Faced with 4 more years of Obama, or 4 Years of A liberal Republican. The Choice is easy. I will happily eat more own shorts and never post here again if Romney Wins and proceeds to spend faster than we have under Obama.

You need to read about romney. The greatest sin Romney has committed is that he was governor of a very liberal state. You are confusing being governor of a liberal state and conservatism. Romney is a conservative, he took a state that was 3 billion dollars in debt and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus 4 short years later and did that with an 85% democrat legilature and did it without raising taxes. this is the same state that continually elects the likes of Barney Frank and John Kerry. That's an impressive CONSERVATIVE record.

The only thing that Romney's health care plan had in common with Obama's was the mandate. THAT'S IT. As a Republican we beleive in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, yet if you dare have the COURAGE TO ENFORCE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY then you are called a liberal or a rhino. You can't have it both ways, if you beleive in personal responsibility, you damn well better be courageous enough to enforce it with a mandate or it just ain't gonna get done.

Mitt Romney is a courageous conservative.

Your argument is very compelling......right up until you bring up Romneycare. A mandate, no matter how you frame it, is an infringement on personal freedom. The govt, no matter local or national, should never have the power to force an individual to purchase anything. Period.

And car insurance is not the same. You aren't forced to buy or own a car that REQUIRES a policy.

Other than that your argument is good.

Grandpa Murked U- I think you will find this article fascinating, you strike me as a constitutionalist, I think you will find some very interesting mandates in this article from our founders. They did enforce some. You will notice that whoever wrote this article is a well thought out constitutional expert himself. He explains Romney's health care plan to a tee, but then as you go through it he points out the founders and what they did and he sites articles of the constitution and the articles of confederation. It's a very long read but one I think that you will appreciate. It's truly educational because I had never known that our founders imposed mandates on the people until I read this.

Open Letter To RedState, Part I: Mandates and Health Care | RedState
The pollster working for Perry is pretty thin. Trust me, I'd like anything that taints Perry but in an election season, you're going to have a finite group of people to work for. I would put no great credence into the fact that it may have been launched by someone with ties to the Perry camp.
The pollster working for Perry is pretty thin. Trust me, I'd like anything that taints Perry but in an election season, you're going to have a finite group of people to work for. I would put no great credence into the fact that it may have been launched by someone with ties to the Perry camp.

I hope not, because it sure is a cheap shot to do to anyone. Perry is still bringing up Romney's hiring an illegal alien. Ridiculous, he had a lawn crew that did his yard, he did not go out to all the lawn crew's employees to check to see if they had a green card, he assumed they were all legal, as anyone would. When he found out he told the lawn company and they fired the guy, then this company hired a second illegal and Mitt fired the company. Yet, to hear Perry talk, and he is still bringing it up, makes me think the guy is desperate. This all had been vetted and thoroughly discussed the last time Romney ran. It's old news.
Perry has the most to gain if Cain is forced out of the race and Romney has the least.

Nobody, least of all Perry, expected Cain to mount such a successful campaign, with virtually no money and few party endorsements.

Romney is quite happy to sit back and watch the conservative wing of the Republicans/Tea Party split the vote - the last thing he wants is for Cain to drop out.

Even Cain thinks that the Perry Campaign is responsible - otherwise he wouldn't have made the accusation.
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"It is the Democrats" first we heard and now:
"The Perry campaign leaked the story"
Cain's campaign is a JOKE. Sad, good man with a fairly good message. But when you are a career skirt chaser, then deny it, it may just bite your own skirt.

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