If republicans can never give specific reasons to vote for their party...

What policies? You can't even name them you dumbass.
You just named two, moron. Higher min wage and extended unemployment insurance.
You can add:
Dodd Frank
Zero interest rates
Dodd Frank was a bipartisan mess you dumb shit. Even so it alone didn't cause the economic meltdown. Any idiot can tell you that. How did any of those others hurt the middle class and poor? You can't even explain it. Why do you even bother?
You are well and truly a moron. How could DF have caused the economic meltdown when it was passed after the meltdown? No one claimed it did. The claim instead is that it, along with other policies of the Democrats, has brought low growth and stagnating wages to the poor and middle class. A claim you are totally unable to refute.
You're a moron. All you have to do is give me examples of polices that have harmed the lower classes and provide an explanation as to WHY and HOW they did. You and I both know you are full of shut.
I just did.
Higher min wage shuts workers out of jobs that arent created because they wont be profitable.
Longer unemployment insurance keeps people unemployed with decaying job skills.
Dodd Frank added layers of cost and complexity to banking, resulting in higher fees for bank products.
Do you want me to go on?
Dude you're just making shit up about the minimum wage. There is no evidence what you are saying is true. Hell you can't even make the point coherently. Only you could come up with such a vague explanation.
You're an idiot. When unemployment benefits were extended it was in the middle of the economic crisis. 8 million people lost their jobs. Those jobs were GONE. They didn't exist anymore. That means millions were hopelessly unemployed. How are you so dumb to understand that? It was an emergency measure til more jobs were created.
...why do they vote for them?

I feel like the only reasons they give are:

1) "They aren't democrats!"

2) "They care about the constitution!"

3) "They preserve freedom!"

Is that really it?

I can give few reasons why not to:

1) They do nothing for the middle class and poor

2) They are the party of "No"

3) Supply side economics has proven to be a poor economic stimulator.

4) They counter the wishes of popular opinion in this country.
The first three are all you need to know.
They are the party of "No"
Well, see, there's a lie right there, when the fact of the matter is DEMOCRAPS have been the party of NO.

Just ask dingy harry about those THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TWO BILLS sitting on his desk that he says NO to voting on.
See this is the kind of responses I expected. Dodging the topic and blame it all on dems.
Dens fault, period.
You just named two, moron. Higher min wage and extended unemployment insurance.
You can add:
Dodd Frank
Zero interest rates
Dodd Frank was a bipartisan mess you dumb shit. Even so it alone didn't cause the economic meltdown. Any idiot can tell you that. How did any of those others hurt the middle class and poor? You can't even explain it. Why do you even bother?
You are well and truly a moron. How could DF have caused the economic meltdown when it was passed after the meltdown? No one claimed it did. The claim instead is that it, along with other policies of the Democrats, has brought low growth and stagnating wages to the poor and middle class. A claim you are totally unable to refute.
You're a moron. All you have to do is give me examples of polices that have harmed the lower classes and provide an explanation as to WHY and HOW they did. You and I both know you are full of shut.
I just did.
Higher min wage shuts workers out of jobs that arent created because they wont be profitable.
Longer unemployment insurance keeps people unemployed with decaying job skills.
Dodd Frank added layers of cost and complexity to banking, resulting in higher fees for bank products.
Do you want me to go on?
Dude you're just making shit up about the minimum wage. There is no evidence what you are saying is true. Hell you can't even make the point coherently. Only you could come up with such a vague explanation.
You're an idiot. When unemployment benefits were extended it was in the middle of the economic crisis. 8 million people lost their jobs. Those jobs were GONE. They didn't exist anymore. That means millions were hopelessly unemployed. How are you so dumb to understand that? It was an emergency measure til more jobs were created.
I have previously posted a graph of black teen unemployment against increases in the min wage and the correlation is pretty convincing. So yeah there's proof.
The recession was over in March 2009 and yet Democrats were pushing extensions I think for years after that. Unemployment insurance guarantees unemployment.
I can ask the exact same question and make the exact same claim against about Democrats.
Democrats don't care about the poor or middle class they simply want to use them and forget them as soon as an election is over.
They are they party of no when their in the minority.
Their let's tax the rich more does nothing for the economy.
They don't listen to the will of the people because they think they are so much smarter than everyone else. (See the Gruber comments on the stupid people and Obamacare)
Whether or not dems don't care about the poor and middle class does reflect their policies. They pushed for a minimum wage hike and extending unemployment benefts. Obama is responsible for the biggest tax cut since Reagan. Republicans on the other hand do not do jack shit.
Extending unemployment benefits does not help the poor it simply keeps them stuck right were they are if you double the minimum which many Democrats support businesses who cant afford that will cut jobs which would be the low skill jobs that are generally held by the poor.
Um no because it is still temporary. It helps them because they don't have money to spend otherwise. The boost in consumer spending also helps the economy.

If raised gradually over time the minimum wage will kill few jobs.

You finally got one right. Several states have passed bills that do raise the minimum wage over time and that is exactly the way it should be done. As the economy improves in each state, as it will with a Senate that returns to regular order and actually passes job bills, more states will do the same. The COL in NYC or LA is considerably higher than in 'small town' Mississippi.
...why do they vote for them?

I feel like the only reasons they give are:

1) "They aren't democrats!"

2) "They care about the constitution!"

3) "They preserve freedom!"

Is that really it?

I can give few reasons why not to:

1) They do nothing for the middle class and poor

2) They are the party of "No"

3) Supply side economics has proven to be a poor economic stimulator.

4) They counter the wishes of popular opinion in this country.

If you had payed attention this last Nov,you would have your questioned answered

Sweeping election wins from state to state ,from small towns to state legislatures,and Governorships.

What do you think that means?
It means Americans are fucking stupid. They have no idea what they have done. If you don't like your democratic candidate (I can understand why), you don't go full retard and vote in a republican. You just don't vote.

They know exactly what they have done.
They are against the New Health Care Law.
They wanted Harry Reid out of power.
They are against the Presidents Policies.
...why do they vote for them?

I feel like the only reasons they give are:

1) "They aren't democrats!"

2) "They care about the constitution!"

3) "They preserve freedom!"

Is that really it?

I can give few reasons why not to:

1) They do nothing for the middle class and poor

2) They are the party of "No"

3) Supply side economics has proven to be a poor economic stimulator.

4) They counter the wishes of popular opinion in this country.

If you had payed attention this last Nov,you would have your questioned answered

Sweeping election wins from state to state ,from small towns to state legislatures,and Governorships.

What do you think that means?
It means Americans are fucking stupid. They have no idea what they have done. If you don't like your democratic candidate (I can understand why), you don't go full retard and vote in a republican. You just don't vote.

They know exactly what they have done.
They are against the New Health Care Law.
They wanted Harry Reid out of power.
They are against the Presidents Policies.
And all those seemed to be the winning ticket last month. Just ask Mary Landrieu and Kay Hagan how supporting Obama's policies have worked out for them.
...why do they vote for them?

I feel like the only reasons they give are:

1) "They aren't democrats!"

2) "They care about the constitution!"

3) "They preserve freedom!"

Is that really it?

I can give few reasons why not to:

1) They do nothing for the middle class and poor

2) They are the party of "No"

3) Supply side economics has proven to be a poor economic stimulator.

4) They counter the wishes of popular opinion in this country.

If you had payed attention this last Nov,you would have your questioned answered

Sweeping election wins from state to state ,from small towns to state legislatures,and Governorships.

What do you think that means?
It means Americans are fucking stupid. They have no idea what they have done. If you don't like your democratic candidate (I can understand why), you don't go full retard and vote in a republican. You just don't vote.

They know exactly what they have done.
They are against the New Health Care Law.
They wanted Harry Reid out of power.
They are against the Presidents Policies.
And all those seemed to be the winning ticket last month. Just ask Mary Landrieu and Kay Hagan how supporting Obama's policies have worked out for them.

That was one of the many reasons but she also went dirty politics. People hate that.
They are the party of "No"
Well, see, there's a lie right there, when the fact of the matter is DEMOCRAPS have been the party of NO.

Just ask dingy harry about those THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TWO BILLS sitting on his desk that he says NO to voting on.
See this is the kind of responses I expected. Dodging the topic and blame it all on dems.
So, responding DIRECTLY to something YOU SAID is "dodging the topic," got it.

Idiot derp, slurp, bubble head.
Why vote republican?
Because the modern day democrap more resembles that of a third world shit hole dictator like N. Korea's retarded, Un.

Because the modern day democraps have RAMMED their agenda down the throats of the vast MAJORITY of Americans that were AGAINST it.

And I could go on, but if you need telling this, then you're really one stupid sons a bitch.
Derp derp derp. Is that the only answer you have? Not voting democrat?
My God... what a complete fucking moron...

They give plenty of reasons to vote for the. The problem is it's all a bunch of lies just like democrats. You just like the Donkey instead of the elephant, Billy.
...why do they vote for them?

I feel like the only reasons they give are:

1) "They aren't democrats!"

2) "They care about the constitution!"

3) "They preserve freedom!"

Is that really it?

I can give few reasons why not to:

1) They do nothing for the middle class and poor

2) They are the party of "No"

3) Supply side economics has proven to be a poor economic stimulator.

4) They counter the wishes of popular opinion in this country.

Sums things up nicely.
They give plenty of reasons to vote for the. The problem is it's all a bunch of lies just like democrats. You just like the Donkey instead of the elephant, Billy.
That's a JACKASS, not a donkey, and he likes it because he is one.
Yet another Billy Tripple Naught troll thread.
Hey, Billy. What reason is there to vote for Democrats? Free shit?
Silly, you only need to look at Blue States compared to Red States. No one goes to Red States to find "skilled workers". Everyone knows that.
...why do they vote for them?

I feel like the only reasons they give are:

1) "They aren't democrats!"

2) "They care about the constitution!"

3) "They preserve freedom!"

Is that really it?

I can give few reasons why not to:

1) They do nothing for the middle class and poor

2) They are the party of "No"

3) Supply side economics has proven to be a poor economic stimulator.

4) They counter the wishes of popular opinion in this country.

Sums things up nicely.
I can ask the exact same question and make the exact same claim against about Democrats.
Democrats don't care about the poor or middle class they simply want to use them and forget them as soon as an election is over.
They are they party of no when their in the minority.
Their let's tax the rich more does nothing for the economy.
They don't listen to the will of the people because they think they are so much smarter than everyone else. (See the Gruber comments on the stupid people and Obamacare)
So you couldn't answer the question. You have no reason for voting for the GOP.

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