If Republicans launch an investigation of Hunter Biden…..

No, you ignoring child molestation because the person who did it is in your party is unsafe for women.

She never said she was molested. You said that not her.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
She never said she was molested. You said that not her.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
She said she thinks she was molested but cannot be sure. Try the truth pervert.
Another Fawnboi dodge.

Can a minor consent to inappropriate showers with an adult? That's a yes or no question, Dumbass. I hope it isn't to hard for your pea brain. My money says it is and we won't get a yes or no out of you.

Asked and answered. Not my problem you don't like my answer.
heres a question for the class,,

is there any age that it should be illegal for any adult man to shower with an underage naked girl??
if so what age??
She claimed she was young at the time

You are claiming it was inappropriate……you set the age
It is your fantasy
Saying something unknown that could have happened is a lie? Exactly how retarded are you?
You claimed others were lying when they put her age as a teenager.

I guess double standards are all ya got.
Should Democrats retaliate by investigating Ivanka and Jared?

Hunter Biden is a private citizen, Ivanka and Jared were members of the Trump administration

Their actions are more subject to Congressional investigation
^^ it begins. The Left start defending the groomer known as Hunter Biden.

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