If Republicans win the House, will they Impeach Biden for stealing the election?

Since Democrats Impeached Trump twice, Republicans will need to Impeach Biden twice regardless of a lack of charges

They impeached over a blow job, they will find some trivial offenses by Biden

They did? Who was ever impeached for a blow job?

If the commies didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.
Try reading the US Constitution, and perhaps then it will make sense.

Words are actions is my point. Too over your head?

For example if a president tried to withhold aid from a country in order to get them to open an investigation into your political rival is really nothing more than words, but those words are actions.
Words are actions is my point. Too over your head?

For example if a president tried to withhold aid from a country in order to get them to open an investigation into your political rival is really nothing more than words, but those words are actions.

So tell me, what article of impeachment would that fall under: Treason, high crimes or a misdemeanor? Secondly, there is zero evidence that ever happened. The Communists made up that lie to try and shut Zelensky up, that's all. Third, if they stick with the claim Trump did that, why didn't they impeach Dementia when he not only actually did do that, but laughed about it on video?
It will not matter. The Neo-GOP paved the way for perfect acquittal response from the Senate. The Neo-GOP will have either not proven their case or it was not an impeachable offense, no matter what.
If the House impeaches, the Senate won't convict, just a waste of taxpayer time and money, just like with Trump.
Since Democrats Impeached Trump twice, Republicans will need to Impeach Biden twice regardless of a lack of charges

They impeached over a blow job, they will find some trivial offenses by Biden
Clinton obstructed justice, and committed perjury, that is why he was suspended from practicing law in Arkansas and barred from appearing as an attorney before the Supreme Court.

When he was asked to answer the Lewinsky charges, he should not of lied, he should have told them it is not any of your business.
Biden's minions might have rigged the results of some elections but there is no evidence that Biden was involved. As a matter of fact Biden couldn't steal his way to the bathroom much less rig a national election. If he lasts another year or two or three Biden will have a lot more problems than worrying about impeachment.
You should know the answer to that question.

Look at all the dumb ass shit that has come out of Biden's mouth. And still nothing.

HJ hasn't heard of Freedom of Speech outlined in our US Constitution. Yes, freedom of speech does include lying. And I'd like anybody here to tell me the last President that hasn't lied. It's not about lying so much; they all lie about something, but what's important is what they lie about.

When Trump said we had the best economy in history, that didn't harm anybody. When DumBama sold us on Commie Care, millions of us lost our employer health insurance coverage. I'll take 10,000 Trump lies to one of DumBama's any day of the week. Even when Biden said you cannot spread Covid if you've been vaccinated.
Will Republicans put their money where their mouth is and Impeach Biden for stealing the election from the rightful winner Donald Trump?

They have been openly claiming the election was stolen, will they follow up with Impeachment proceedings to remove Biden and Harris for cheating in 2020?

I hope so ... the more time Congress spends impeaching the President is less time they have to take our civil rights ...
Will Republicans put their money where their mouth is and Impeach Biden for stealing the election from the rightful winner Donald Trump?

They have been openly claiming the election was stolen, will they follow up with Impeachment proceedings to remove Biden and Harris for cheating in 2020?

No, they'll impeach him for selling our country out to his partners Russia and China.

If Republicans win the House, will they Impeach Biden for stealing the election?​


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