If Republicans win the House, will they Impeach Biden for stealing the election?

So Biden should be impeached for heavily compromised laptop... The evidence on that laptop would not standup in court...

The laptop was not kept in a condition to prosecute (it was copied a lot and not properly) the timestamps have been compromised as well)

But as I said, get some real evidence that can stand up in Count and you won't see Hunter Biden hide behind endless court delays unlike Trump & Co....
Real evidence was provided by a partner. A valid witness. It was ignored by the likes of you as it did not meet the narrative
That makes you a tool. A sheep. You have no right to breathe the same air I do.
Go away.
Will Republicans put their money where their mouth is and Impeach Biden for stealing the election from the rightful winner Donald Trump?

They have been openly claiming the election was stolen, will they follow up with Impeachment proceedings to remove Biden and Harris for cheating in 2020?
When it comes to a charge list, Biden is an embarrassment of riches. They tend to keep those lists rather limited though. His actions on the border alone are sufficient but I see where you're going. You can play such games but the fact is Biden and his crime family are going to finally be investigated beginning in 2023. The January sixth "insurrection" should be reopened IF the Ds manage to close it with a "report" that blames Trump and various Republican members of government. The subpoenas should flow and the evidence of exactly who did what should be made available, especially concerning Pelosi, the FBI, CIA, NSA, and any other alphabet agencies that are found to be active in the run-up to the riot.

As for trying to impeach him for that particular crime, why bother? It would only help the Ds continue selling their BS concerning the election. FAR better to investigate in the states that were used to flip the election and plug up the holes that allowed the fraud. You people aren't going to do that again so the next ploy will be to scream "illegitimacy" and stir dissent.
Will Republicans put their money where their mouth is and Impeach Biden for stealing the election from the rightful winner Donald Trump?

They have been openly claiming the election was stolen, will they follow up with Impeachment proceedings to remove Biden and Harris for cheating in 2020?
They will impeach Biden for being a traitor. Importing as many illegals as possible and flying them throughout the country while COVID is still a problem is intentionally bringing harm to America.
The Dem controlled news media are already saying if Republicans take back the House and Senate it's because they cheated and the elections are illegitimate.
Please show proof of the Dems controlling the news media?

Saying that news media has questioned the Republican pursuit of voter purging and other voter suppression tactics...

Do you think the news shouldn't be allowed to investigate voter suppression in the US?
Will Republicans put their money where their mouth is and Impeach Biden for stealing the election from the rightful winner Donald Trump?

They have been openly claiming the election was stolen, will they follow up with Impeachment proceedings to remove Biden and Harris for cheating in 2020?
I sure hope so--------- Of course, they can go the easier route and remove Biden for mental issues while at the same time removing the HO for her drug issues---leaving a republican speaker of the house. Then institute a special prosecutor for fraud, bribes, treason and destroy both crime families.
Yes. That is exactly what should happen. Then clean up the invasion mess.
Since when has that EVER mattered?

It mattered before they created the phony Trump impeachment. Nixon broke the law. Clinton perjured himself to a grand jury not only violating the law, but his oath of office as well. Trump asked a leader of another country for a favor. They set the new precedent. Now you can impeach for anything even if it's not included in the articles of the Constitution.
Will Republicans put their money where their mouth is and Impeach Biden for stealing the election from the rightful winner Donald Trump?

They have been openly claiming the election was stolen, will they follow up with Impeachment proceedings to remove Biden and Harris for cheating in 2020?
Hahahaha good stuff.

The Republicans are not going to impeach Biden.

Trumpanzees: do yourselves a favor and avoid embarrassment and disappointment:

Drop this fantasy
Please show proof of the Dems controlling the news media?

Will Republicans put their money where their mouth is and Impeach Biden for stealing the election from the rightful winner Donald Trump?

They have been openly claiming the election was stolen, will they follow up with Impeachment proceedings to remove Biden and Harris for cheating in 2020?

Probably not that, but they will impeach him for something, this is the new politics. Why do these parties participate in the nonsense? I also expect them to challenge Biden's mental fitness.
a lot could happen between now and then....

Maybe if they switched directions. But it seems they are only doubling down. On Aprils fool day the fool signed an order to end Title 42 which would usher in millions more illegals. It starts on May 24th and our border patrol won't be able to keep up with the invaders which is what Dementia wants.
Probably not that, but they will impeach him for something, this is the new politics. Why do these parties participate in the nonsense? I also expect them to challenge Biden's mental fitness.
Nah, they won't. It's not the new norm. It was an abnormal presidency.
I wouldn't say zero chance. The second impeachment was the most bipartisan in history and at the time even Republicans were screaming at Trump.

BTW, if Biden did something impeachable (I don't believe he has) then the question of what anyone thinks in the senate should be of little concern in the House.

Impeachment was never about if you didn't like what somebody said, didn't like what they did. What impeachment is for is listed in the US Constitution. Yes, the Communists changed all that. But when Dementia does get impeached, I don't want to read one word from a leftist how bias or wrong it is. We didn't draw first blood.

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