If Ryan's plan for seniors is so great, why doesn't it apply to seniors?

It's not that Obama and Democrats love the poor, they don't....
....they just hate the rich
- Ann Coulter

Problem is so many of them don't mind using us to make themselves rich......
I read that Paul Ryan's austerity measures in his plan dont apply to anyone over 55 regarding benefits for seniors.

If they are saying their plan is so great for seniors, why doesn't it apply to our seniors?

That question answers itself.

Ryan and his stooges think that if they let seniors off the hook, that those seniors will say, hey,

I got mine, screw my kids and grandkids. What do I care?? I'll be dead by then!!!

...I happen to think Ryan is wrong. I happen to think seniors care about the future too, even if they won't be in it.
So a decade or so from now,

the guy who's 55 currently retires and gets the old Medicare for 30 years, maybe, if he's long lived.

the guy who is 54 currently gets a few thousand bucks in a coupon that he has to go find affordable insurance with.
I read that Paul Ryan's austerity measures in his plan dont apply to anyone over 55 regarding benefits for seniors.

If they are saying their plan is so great for seniors, why doesn't it apply to our seniors?

That question answers itself.

Ryan and his stooges think that if they let seniors off the hook, that those seniors will say, hey,

I got mine, screw my kids and grandkids. What do I care?? I'll be dead by then!!!

...I happen to think Ryan is wrong. I happen to think seniors care about the future too, even if they won't be in it.

I happen to think Seniors care about the future too and many of them realize that if nothing is done, there won't be anything for their kids and grand kids.
he's picking winners and losers. Based on their probable 2012 vote. Nice.

I have built my retirement around medicare also.

Picking winners and losers is deciding who gets a benefit according to their political affiliation........not their age.

And example of picking winners and losers is when Obama took over Gm (which he said he wouldn't do) and decided unilaterally to close down hundreds of dealerships according to their political leanings. He put thousands of people out of business and out of work.

Ryan is trying to save Medicare.

He's changing Medicare because if he doesn't it won't last 10 years.

If Obama keeps stealing from it.....it won't last 5.
Good points. Imagine Obama throwing American jobs under the bus and come back and hammer Mitt for Bain. Hypocrisy at it's highest....but the left won't think so.
No doubt about it. That's pretty rotten.
Why are costs for health care lower in Japan than they are here?

PRIMARILY because as 90% of physicians attest.. $600 billion in Defensive Medicine is NOT in Japan!

Due to FEAR of lawsuits physicians order duplicate tests, refer to specialists.. all because they don't want to have to do depositions, appear in court, have to go and defend themselves!
Then they have to pay lawyers,court costs.. ALL out of fear of lawsuits they do as they attest for every $4.00 in services $1.00 is for defensive medicine!

$600 billion is NOT in Japan's costs of health care!

Barely coherent. But I think you are blaming malpractice suits.


Learn to read dickweed. Defensive medicine to avoid being sued and the astronomical cost of malpractice insurance are the primary reasons US health care is so expensive as compared to Japan. Malpractice settlements add to the cost.
I read that Paul Ryan's austerity measures in his plan dont apply to anyone over 55 regarding benefits for seniors.

If they are saying their plan is so great for seniors, why doesn't it apply to our seniors?

That question answers itself.

Ryan and his stooges think that if they let seniors off the hook, that those seniors will say, hey,

I got mine, screw my kids and grandkids. What do I care?? I'll be dead by then!!!

...I happen to think Ryan is wrong. I happen to think seniors care about the future too, even if they won't be in it.

I happen to think Seniors care about the future too and many of them realize that if nothing is done, there won't be anything for their kids and grand kids.

Seniors are old enough to remember that Ronald Reagan saved Social Security without ending it.
PRIMARILY because as 90% of physicians attest.. $600 billion in Defensive Medicine is NOT in Japan!

Due to FEAR of lawsuits physicians order duplicate tests, refer to specialists.. all because they don't want to have to do depositions, appear in court, have to go and defend themselves!
Then they have to pay lawyers,court costs.. ALL out of fear of lawsuits they do as they attest for every $4.00 in services $1.00 is for defensive medicine!

$600 billion is NOT in Japan's costs of health care!

Barely coherent. But I think you are blaming malpractice suits.


Learn to read dickweed. Defensive medicine to avoid being sued and the astronomical cost of malpractice insurance are the primary reasons US health care is so expensive as compared to Japan. Malpractice settlements add to the cost.

that is ridiculous. You are a talking point tool.
I read that Paul Ryan's austerity measures in his plan dont apply to anyone over 55 regarding benefits for seniors.

If they are saying their plan is so great for seniors, why doesn't it apply to our seniors?

Maybe he figures we will have single payer by the time 55 year olds hit retirement age...

I hope we join the rest of the industrialized world by then.
I read that Paul Ryan's austerity measures in his plan dont apply to anyone over 55 regarding benefits for seniors.

If they are saying their plan is so great for seniors, why doesn't it apply to our seniors?
I don't know but your question makes me wonder If Obamacare is so great for the country how come the President and Congress don't use it.
It's not a plan for seniors, dipshit. It's a plan for avoiding national bankruptcy.

I read that Paul Ryan's austerity measures in his plan dont apply to anyone over 55 regarding benefits for seniors.

If they are saying their plan is so great for seniors, why doesn't it apply to our seniors?
I don't know but your question makes me wonder If Obamacare is so great for the country how come the President and Congress don't use it.

If you're talking about the new marketplaces Obamacare creates for folks don't get insurance through their jobs, members of Congress will use them.
I didn't do a 180. I took a side-step. My previous beliefs are still 90% intact. I do, however, observe with sadness how TP sponsored mayors and governors in the South are treating their cops and firemen with the same disdain they spew towards all "gubermint workers". And it lost my vote.

In an analogy, I offer a fat person losing weight. Sure, they need to cut some fat. But at a point it becomes unhealthy, even dangerous. The TP'ers down here, at least, have gotten to the unhealthy point....heading towards dangerous.

Police and fireman are way over compensated. Fireman can retire at age 50 on a full pension. if they live to 78, that means they'll collect a full pension for 28 years - longer than they worked. Anyone who doesn't think that is excessive is simply a moron, just like you.
I read that Paul Ryan's austerity measures in his plan dont apply to anyone over 55 regarding benefits for seniors.

If they are saying their plan is so great for seniors, why doesn't it apply to our seniors?

First, I Thought your problem was local police salaries?

Second, you do realize that you can give someone at 65 a 401k and it's not the same as someone who got one at 30?

Vouchers are a great thing, it gives you control, whether it is school vouchers, social security or medicare. You have control and you can pick what you want.

Alot of high medical costs are new technology/dugs, those are expensive because R&D aint cheap. Someone pays for that, and it happens to be rich people and they get the first dibbs.

Next lawsuits, we should have loser pays, there is no real argument against it.

Now the other major portion is vouchers. Would you buy a Coke for $5 or for $1? It's obvious, but with Medicare now, it's not their money and you dont see the cost, so doctors can charge the shit out of it and noone cares, now if you buy the service, price is a major factor, and voila costs go down

A good example is phone companies...with the old local monopolies phone service sucked and was costly (hmmm alot like...Medicare), yet once people could choose Verizon, ATT, Vonage, Majict Jack, GTE, MCI, ect, prices went dowwwwwn and service improved.
What part of "UNSUSTAINABLE" are some of you people having a tough time understanding?
Or do we just wait until Granny goes to the mailbox and nothing's there?... or until he doctor tells her he can't see her anymore because he doesn't take Medicare? :eusa_eh:

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