If selling a gay couple a wedding cake means a "Christian" baker participated in the marriage...

2) Forced compulsion at the point of a gun to perform labor against your will (i.e. slavery) for others

And so i can openly inform any religion, any gender, any race , to go pound sand if they want my services ,based on my religion Boe?

That's where this is going....

your serve...


Sounds fine to me. In a free society, people who turn down customers will lose out to their competition.

I'd rather preserve my Freedom To Be Left Alone than to be forced against my will into servitude for others. As I have no desire to force others to serve me against their wills, I am quite happy to give my commerce to willing vendors instead.

Don't you see that's just the tip of our civil rights iceberg Boe?

Look, i don't mean to be a hardazz over it, but you need to realize your in a minority opening advocating discrimination


If your definition of Civil Right consists of forcing others to do things against their wills, then I'll pass.

I'm advocating for Freedom, which includes Freedom of Association.
2) Forced compulsion at the point of a gun to perform labor against your will (i.e. slavery) for others

And so i can openly inform any religion, any gender, any race , to go pound sand if they want my services ,based on my religion Boe?

That's where this is going....

your serve...


Sounds fine to me. In a free society, people who turn down customers will lose out to their competition.

I'd rather preserve my Freedom To Be Left Alone than to be forced against my will into servitude for others. As I have no desire to force others to serve me against their wills, I am quite happy to give my commerce to willing vendors instead.

Don't you see that's just the tip of our civil rights iceberg Boe?

Look, i don't mean to be a hardazz over it, but you need to realize your in a minority opening advocating discrimination


Advocating the right to discriminate is not the same thing as advocating for discrimination. Unless you are a simpleton.

This is why I support the right of gays to marry even though I'm not gay. My principles demand it, the government doesn't have the right to tell consenting adults they can't marry.
2) Forced compulsion at the point of a gun to perform labor against your will (i.e. slavery) for others

And so i can openly inform any religion, any gender, any race , to go pound sand if they want my services ,based on my religion Boe?

That's where this is going....

your serve...


Sounds fine to me. In a free society, people who turn down customers will lose out to their competition.

I'd rather preserve my Freedom To Be Left Alone than to be forced against my will into servitude for others. As I have no desire to force others to serve me against their wills, I am quite happy to give my commerce to willing vendors instead.

Don't you see that's just the tip of our civil rights iceberg Boe?

Look, i don't mean to be a hardazz over it, but you need to realize your in a minority opening advocating discrimination


If your definition of Civil Right consists of forcing others to do things against their wills, then I'll pass.

I'm advocating for Freedom, which includes Freedom of Association.

I hope your postings can be traced back to see that you were against the ban on gay marriage.
2) Forced compulsion at the point of a gun to perform labor against your will (i.e. slavery) for others

And so i can openly inform any religion, any gender, any race , to go pound sand if they want my services ,based on my religion Boe?

That's where this is going....

your serve...


Sounds fine to me. In a free society, people who turn down customers will lose out to their competition.

I'd rather preserve my Freedom To Be Left Alone than to be forced against my will into servitude for others. As I have no desire to force others to serve me against their wills, I am quite happy to give my commerce to willing vendors instead.

Don't you see that's just the tip of our civil rights iceberg Boe?

Look, i don't mean to be a hardazz over it, but you need to realize your in a minority opening advocating discrimination


If your definition of Civil Right consists of forcing others to do things against their wills, then I'll pass.

I'm advocating for Freedom, which includes Freedom of Association.

I hope your postings can be traced back to see that you were against the ban on gay marriage.

SRSLY? What a crappy have you quit beating your wife type of post.
Not equality but rather full embracement of lifestyle so bake my cake or else
Cake crybabies
And so i can openly inform any religion, any gender, any race , to go pound sand if they want my services ,based on my religion Boe?

That's where this is going...

No JoeB, you’re trying to weave that stuff together & the Court is going to use a fine carding comb to separate those fibers.

Gender & race will protect individuals. Customs, behaviors, ideals & rituals will not be able to be forced on others to promote or participate in. In the final carding, the Court will separate the fibers of innate traits vs behaviors in the public accommodation lawsuits.

And that’s gonna be a day that will be a rude awakening for the deviant sex addiction cult.
And so i can openly inform any religion, any gender, any race , to go pound sand if they want my services ,based on my religion Boe?

That's where this is going....

your serve...


Sounds fine to me. In a free society, people who turn down customers will lose out to their competition.

I'd rather preserve my Freedom To Be Left Alone than to be forced against my will into servitude for others. As I have no desire to force others to serve me against their wills, I am quite happy to give my commerce to willing vendors instead.

Don't you see that's just the tip of our civil rights iceberg Boe?

Look, i don't mean to be a hardazz over it, but you need to realize your in a minority opening advocating discrimination


If your definition of Civil Right consists of forcing others to do things against their wills, then I'll pass.

I'm advocating for Freedom, which includes Freedom of Association.

I hope your postings can be traced back to see that you were against the ban on gay marriage.

SRSLY? What a crappy have you quit beating your wife type of post.

What? I was just saying I hope to see that you one of the people who truly value freedom rather than one who loves them some authoritarianism. Because there are quite a few on both sides who want THEIR freedoms but are quite happy to use the government to oppose people they don't like enjoying THEIR freedoms.. It's sad.
Sounds fine to me. In a free society, people who turn down customers will lose out to their competition.

I'd rather preserve my Freedom To Be Left Alone than to be forced against my will into servitude for others. As I have no desire to force others to serve me against their wills, I am quite happy to give my commerce to willing vendors instead.

Don't you see that's just the tip of our civil rights iceberg Boe?

Look, i don't mean to be a hardazz over it, but you need to realize your in a minority opening advocating discrimination


If your definition of Civil Right consists of forcing others to do things against their wills, then I'll pass.

I'm advocating for Freedom, which includes Freedom of Association.

I hope your postings can be traced back to see that you were against the ban on gay marriage.

SRSLY? What a crappy have you quit beating your wife type of post.

What? I was just saying I hope to see that you one of the people who truly value freedom rather than one who loves them some authoritarianism. Because there are quite a few on both sides who want THEIR freedoms but are quite happy to use the government to oppose people they don't like enjoying THEIR freedoms.. It's sad.

I don't recall ever advocating for authoritarian / anti-liberty policies, other than the occasional musings that people who drive 55 in the fast lane should be chemically castrated.
Don't you see that's just the tip of our civil rights iceberg Boe?

Look, i don't mean to be a hardazz over it, but you need to realize your in a minority opening advocating discrimination


If your definition of Civil Right consists of forcing others to do things against their wills, then I'll pass.

I'm advocating for Freedom, which includes Freedom of Association.

I hope your postings can be traced back to see that you were against the ban on gay marriage.

SRSLY? What a crappy have you quit beating your wife type of post.

What? I was just saying I hope to see that you one of the people who truly value freedom rather than one who loves them some authoritarianism. Because there are quite a few on both sides who want THEIR freedoms but are quite happy to use the government to oppose people they don't like enjoying THEIR freedoms.. It's sad.

I don't recall ever advocating for authoritarian / anti-liberty policies, other than the occasional musings that people who drive 55 in the fast lane should be chemically castrated.

And that is all I was asking. I'm not sure what the "have you quit beating your wife" comment was all about.
What? I was just saying I hope to see that you one of the people who truly value freedom rather than one who loves them some authoritarianism. Because there are quite a few on both sides who want THEIR freedoms but are quite happy to use the government to oppose people they don't like enjoying THEIR freedoms.. It's sad.
Rest assured that if Harris requires people of faith are disqualified for suspected impartiality, Ginsburg will instantly have to be impeached for a proven lack of impartiality.
If your definition of Civil Right consists of forcing others to do things against their wills, then I'll pass.

I'm advocating for Freedom, which includes Freedom of Association.

I hope your postings can be traced back to see that you were against the ban on gay marriage.

SRSLY? What a crappy have you quit beating your wife type of post.

What? I was just saying I hope to see that you one of the people who truly value freedom rather than one who loves them some authoritarianism. Because there are quite a few on both sides who want THEIR freedoms but are quite happy to use the government to oppose people they don't like enjoying THEIR freedoms.. It's sad.

I don't recall ever advocating for authoritarian / anti-liberty policies, other than the occasional musings that people who drive 55 in the fast lane should be chemically castrated.

And that is all I was asking. I'm not sure what the "have you quit beating your wife" comment was all about.

Your comment was rather accusatory. If you wish to trace my posting history to see if I've said what you are insinuating, then get to it. I'm not going to undergo an inquisition.
I hope your postings can be traced back to see that you were against the ban on gay marriage.

SRSLY? What a crappy have you quit beating your wife type of post.

What? I was just saying I hope to see that you one of the people who truly value freedom rather than one who loves them some authoritarianism. Because there are quite a few on both sides who want THEIR freedoms but are quite happy to use the government to oppose people they don't like enjoying THEIR freedoms.. It's sad.

I don't recall ever advocating for authoritarian / anti-liberty policies, other than the occasional musings that people who drive 55 in the fast lane should be chemically castrated.

And that is all I was asking. I'm not sure what the "have you quit beating your wife" comment was all about.

Your comment was rather accusatory. If you wish to trace my posting history to see if I've said what you are insinuating, then get to it. I'm not going to undergo an inquisition.

I beg your pardon? One question is hardly an inquisition.
SRSLY? What a crappy have you quit beating your wife type of post.

What? I was just saying I hope to see that you one of the people who truly value freedom rather than one who loves them some authoritarianism. Because there are quite a few on both sides who want THEIR freedoms but are quite happy to use the government to oppose people they don't like enjoying THEIR freedoms.. It's sad.

I don't recall ever advocating for authoritarian / anti-liberty policies, other than the occasional musings that people who drive 55 in the fast lane should be chemically castrated.

And that is all I was asking. I'm not sure what the "have you quit beating your wife" comment was all about.

Your comment was rather accusatory. If you wish to trace my posting history to see if I've said what you are insinuating, then get to it. I'm not going to undergo an inquisition.

I beg your pardon? One question is hardly an inquisition.

It's the nature of the comment:

"I hope your postings can be traced back to see that you were against the ban on gay marriage."
What, you think Dandy Donovan might be a sock puppet? :lmao:He certainly is stumping to make this topic about individual discrimination to pull a win for LGBT on the down low.

However, that's not how the Court will find. It will find the right to discriminate against others' ideals, behaviors and rituals. And the key will be the customer informing the merchant of the intent of use of the product.
What i'm reading here seems to orbit 'my freedom' , or individual freedom ,if you will.

Unless one is a hermit on a desert island, this metric is moot in any civilized society

This is because 'freedom' in any collective situation is a common denominator existing among all participants.

For example, deny one individual the freedom to {_______} , and the entire collective is summarily deprived by proxy.

Yes and the gays if sincere have the freedom to obtain their cakes at a variety of places and circumstances. Instead they shit fit over the one that chooses not to bake. Thus, they are not sincere but just trying to stir up a ruckus.
Right you don't care what the SC says because you know you will lose in the SC. Just like I said.

Doesn't matter if we do or not. We can still bring the homophobes to their knees (no pun intended) through litigation and new regulations.

But it's unlikely SCOTUS will open a can of worms of "You can ignore this law if the voices in your head says you can."
Your civil right to force one baker to bake for you
There is NO such civil right

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