If selling a gay couple a wedding cake means a "Christian" baker participated in the marriage...

Yeah cause being gay means youre anti-christian like being in the kkk means your anti Black. Terrible logic. :rolleyes:

No "being gay" doesn't mean that someone is "anti Christian". The great homoamerican lawman, J. Edgar Hoover wasn't anti-Christian.

But these gay characters are anti-christian, as it is they who are stirring the shit by finding Christians to refuse them service so they can sue.

If this baker had said "sure" when first approached by these homos, they would have said "no thanks" and moved on. They really didn't want a cake, they wanted to ruin someone Christian.
Riddle me this, Joe. If I want to buy a pig to roast for Christmas, can I force an Islamonazi butcher to do it?

Obviously not, first because "Islamonazis" don't actually exist.

Secondly, because an Islamic Butcher wouldn't have pigs on his his premises.

Since a baker already has all the fixings to make a cake, he really doesn't have much of an excuse.

If a Jew went into a Muslim owed grocery store and wanted them to prepare things for a Passover feast, you would have a comparable situation.

Under the laws in place today, the Muslim would have to help prepare the Passover feast.
Discrimination encompases all race, religion and sexual proclivities

despite the biblically challenged trying desperatly to weasle their way 'round it

Discrimination encompases all race, religion and sexual proclivities

despite the biblically challenged trying desperatly to weasle their way 'round it

I think that Justice Thomas would disagree that ass sex addiction or any other of a number of deviant sex behavior addictions are on par with a noble race like his.

Good luck convincing him.
does selling a gun to a murderer mean a "Christian" gun store owner participated in the murder?
First the seller has to know that a murderer is who they are selling the gun to and only a complete and total idiot would share their gun using history with whoever is standing behind that counter.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If people aren't buying guns to start or further a murderer status, they are getting them for self defense or just getting them as collector's items. Why else would someone ask for a homosexual wedding cake?
Discrimination encompases all race, religion and sexual proclivities

despite the biblically challenged trying desperatly to weasle their way 'round it


Personally I could care less what someone's personal sexual proclivities are. But when someone marches through the streets showing pride because they take it in the ass, that's just too much information.

If someone is a homosexual, IMHO, they should share the information on a "need to know" basis. I guess they have to share it with their fellow butt sex aficionados , but I can't think of a reason why I would need to know that about someone
Discrimination encompases all race, religion and sexual proclivities

despite the biblically challenged trying desperatly to weasle their way 'round it

To be discriminatory, the baker would have to sell the cakes in question to others but not to gays.

When in fact, he doesn't carry those products and thus, doesn't sell them to anyone, regardless of protected status.
There are plenty of Homosexual bakers out there- there really is no reason for people intent on Gay Marriage to insist that Christians bake a cake for them.

The only reason I see is that the Homos want to "stick it" in the eye of Normative Americans who are offended by this bastardization.

BTW, if I was a baker, I'd have no problem with baking a cake for this kind of silliness. I'd still think it was stupid, but I liked Jim Carey in drag as Vera De Milo back in the day.

You assume that everyone has other options and that’s not always the case. I live in a tiny town. There isn’t a huge business district.
Yeah cause being gay means youre anti-christian like being in the kkk means your anti Black. Terrible logic. :rolleyes:

No "being gay" doesn't mean that someone is "anti Christian". The great homoamerican lawman, J. Edgar Hoover wasn't anti-Christian.

But these gay characters are anti-christian, as it is they who are stirring the shit by finding Christians to refuse them service so they can sue.

If this baker had said "sure" when first approached by these homos, they would have said "no thanks" and moved on. They really didn't want a cake, they wanted to ruin someone Christian.
Stop whining and making up conspiracy theories. The logic was fucked up. I called the poster on it. Deal with it.
does selling a gun to a murderer mean a "Christian" gun store owner participated in the murder?
With the case of the baker, the intent is known being for the gay wedding.

Unless the guy buying the gun informs the seller of his intent to commit murder, these are two totally different types of things.
Why else would someone ask for a homosexual wedding cake?
because they're homo's, and wish to celebrate it....

If someone is a homosexual, IMHO, they should share the information on a "need to know" basis. I guess they have to share it with their fellow butt sex aficionados , but I can't think of a reason why I would need to know that about someone
because you're a baker being asked to bake>>>

When in fact, he doesn't carry those products and thus, doesn't sell them to anyone, regardless of protected status
They're asking a baker for a cake, bakers carry cake & cake products
The logic was fucked up.
Bakers weigh in on Colorado gay wedding cake standoff -- by baking!


Gay wedding cake ruling reaffirms that businesses can't discriminate (Opinion) - CNN

The court did not rule that the Constitution grants the right to discriminate but maintained the longstanding principle that business owners cannot deny equal access to goods and services.

The case did, however, unearth a question decided half a century ago: Can business owners in America use their religious beliefs as a justification to discriminate?

and get a load of this jem>>>

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned discrimination in public accommodations based on race, color, religion or national origin. <snip> Several years later, in the 1968 Newman v. Piggie Park Enterprises decision, the Supreme Court upheld the law by rejecting a barbecue restaurant owner's claim that his religious beliefs justified discrimination against African-American customers.

'effin entrapment!
I believe these Christian bakers/photographers/florists will WIN their cases with the new Supreme Court seated now.
I believe these Christian bakers/photographers/florists will WIN their cases with the new Supreme Court seated now.

and you may well be right Sue , Trump has introduced two RWingers

but you see, their supreme constitutional interpretations won't send with one different faction , they'll eventually oust anyone different

Overruling and/or underminding cherished constitutional doctrines that generations of past justices, conservative as well as liberal, fought tooth nail for thrown under the bus by partisan ,cultural gestalt ,religous allegiance looms on our horizon

Let freedom reign!

I believe these Christian bakers/photographers/florists will WIN their cases with the new Supreme Court seated now.

and you may well be right Sue , Trump has introduced two RWingers

but you see, their supreme constitutional interpretations won't send with one different faction , they'll eventually oust anyone different

Overruling and/or underminding cherished constitutional doctrines that generations of past justices, conservative as well as liberal, fought tooth nail for thrown under the bus by partisan ,cultural gestalt ,religous allegiance looms on our horizon

Let freedom reign!


You have your religious faith, that's for sure.
You assume that everyone has other options and that’s not always the case. I live in a tiny town. There isn’t a huge business district.

There probably isn’t an S&M shop in your little town then either. So go to a distant town for all your deviant sex addiction needs, including cake. Don’t expect the decent folk in your town to be forced as a matter of law to accomodate your repugnant addictions.
I believe these Christian bakers/photographers/florists will WIN their cases with the new Supreme Court seated now.

and you may well be right Sue , Trump has introduced two RWingers

but you see, their supreme constitutional interpretations won't send with one different faction , they'll eventually oust anyone different

Unless they clearly define lgbt as a group of behaviors instead of innate. Once you grant privileges to deviant behaviors that the majority reject, you can’t pick & choose which behaviors those can be. The 14th is a knife that cuts both ways.

Look to the discussion delineating the difference between what one was born & what one has become to turn the tide. Behaviors in Homo sapiens is Pandora’s Box. The only recourse lgbt etc. has is to declare itself a religion ( that it factually is).

Which sex kinks get special exceptions & why? Who says? Why are polygamists & incest “love” etc. left out?
Which sex kinks get special exceptions & why? Who says? Why are polygamists & incest “love” etc. left out?

Good one Silhouette.....i would venture sexual procivilities cross the line when they harm others.

Of course that's the simple view, but can be expanded on.

Which sex kinks get special exceptions & why? Who says? Why are polygamists & incest “love” etc. left out?

Good one Silhouette.....i would venture sexual procivilities cross the line when they harm others.

Of course that's the simple view, but can be expanded on.


Your ignorant views harm others, but they make me laugh, so I keep you off my ignore list. For now.
B'loney. Making a cake is a creative endeavor of a customized product requiring specific labor. The cake baker didn't refuse to sell a ready made cake to gays; he refused to do a custom wedding cake.

So, if you wish to make an analogy, find a gun seller who hand made a gun knowing that the buyer was planning to murder someone.

Oh, please, this "Artistic" stuff is crap. You bake the cake, you put frosting on it, you stick the little figures up top. It's not fucking brain surgery.
Actually, the left is very selective about the Bible, as long as they can use their selections to discredit the Bible, Christianity, and religion in general.

Your knowledge of the Bible is painfully evident: The marriage of "virgins" is covered in Leviticus, and it relates only to priests...

Um... no. Let's look at the verse, shall we?

If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her ... and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid: Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate.... But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.-- Deuteronomy 22:13-22

Now, I want you to think about this. How many poor girls got stoned to death in bible times for not only losing their virginity, but just for their hymen breaking in other ways, as they often do. Man, this is kind of messed up... but this is the wise and holy book you clowns want us all to live by.

Christianity is centered around the New Testament, as the old Mosaic testament is mainly Jewish law, and is only useful to the Christian because of the many prophesies of the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ.

Which part? Because in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus clearly says the Mosaic laws shall stand for all time! Also, there are very few valid prophecies in the OT that predicted Jesus, just a lot of shoehorning to get Jesus to fit into prophecy.... our boy Matthew being the worst offender, actually making quotes up that weren't in there.

By the time the New testament was written, women were allowed to remarry if they were widows or their husbands divorced them...

Actually, that was allowed in the OT as well. I was talking about the barbaric practice of stoning women to death for not being virgins... while this was probably not still going on by the time of Jesus, (The "Go forth and sin no more" seems more like a thought excercise than an actual stoning.) probably the same thing can be said about homosexuality, which was largely accepted in the Greco-Roman world.

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