If selling a gay couple a wedding cake means a "Christian" baker participated in the marriage...

These are small details I don't think the OP anticipated. Clearly the baker didn't want to work on something that violated his personal beliefs. What's implied by the gun shop owner analogy is he (gun shop owner) is okay with people murdering others with his guns. That's an absurd fallacious leap no right minded person would make.

The gun industry fights every last regulation, rule and law to make it harder for criminals and the insane to get guns. When there's a mass shooting, the NRA rushes out and threatens Congress if they even dare think about passing background checks.

wrong, you dumb ass.....the NRA has been fighting to make it harder for criminals to get guns while the democrats keep releasing violent gun criminals from jail....

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, they’ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the state’s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustine’s words of wisdom to mean, “Hate the gun, not the gunman.”

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison — on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The bill’s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.

and for all those anti-gunners who want to know where criminals get guns....well...this law lowers the prison time for those who give guns to criminals.....

Why is that?

Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a “non-violent” offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds
And there is where you would be dead wrong. The Homosexual Orientation was invented to piss squares off, and oftentimes its their old man is who they are looking to make angry first although all of society quickly follows.

No one really "likes" to take it up the ass, but they get satisfaction as it is shocking behavior to their acquaintances and strangers who are vested in Normalcy.

37% of straight couples engage in anal sex... probably more straight people doing Anal than gay couples.

Let's do the numbers, shall we. Let's say we have 200 Million sexually active adults in the US. 10% of them are gay. Or 20 million.

Since half the gays are lesbians, they aren't doing anal, so it's just the gay dudes. So about 10 million gay folks are doing anal.

MEANWHILE, 37% of the 180 million who are straight are doing anal. So that means- 66 million straight folks are coming in through the back door.
wrong, you dumb ass.....the NRA has been fighting to make it harder for criminals to get guns while the democrats keep releasing violent gun criminals from jail....

No, locking up people for petty crimes doesn't make us safer. We already have 2 million people in jail... that doesn't help the problem.

Mostly because if you are angry enough to shoot someone, you aren't thinking about the consequences.
No, moron......all they had to do was stop the democrats from forcing businesses to not serve Black Americans....jim crow laws, created by democrats, kept people from serving Blacks.....by law.....There were plenty of people willing to serve Blacks but people like you at the time said they couldn't...by law.....

Uh, guy the South was as shit-brained racist then as it is now. If it wasn't, then the PEOPLE would have voted to get rid of Jim Crow.

but then people like you can't stand freedom..so you went back and saw that you could use the law again, to attack different people...and that is what you are doing now....

No, we saw that it was just as right to protect the rights of gays as it is to protect the rights of blacks.

Moron, you don't know what you are talking about....Louisiana........the deepest of the deep south....

Baton Rouge Bus Boycott - Know Louisiana

The drivers claimed in official statements to be looking out for the rights of white riders, but public opinion in the press criticized the drivers and supported the city council’s actions. “This silly strike is sending Louisiana back to the days of King Cotton,” wrote one reader. “This is a progressive state and I hope the company fires all the drivers who don’t want to comply with the laws of the people.”
These are small details I don't think the OP anticipated. Clearly the baker didn't want to work on something that violated his personal beliefs. What's implied by the gun shop owner analogy is he (gun shop owner) is okay with people murdering others with his guns. That's an absurd fallacious leap no right minded person would make.

The gun industry fights every last regulation, rule and law to make it harder for criminals and the insane to get guns. When there's a mass shooting, the NRA rushes out and threatens Congress if they even dare think about passing background checks.

How does the Democrat Gun Control Plan disarm criminals and the insane?

In areas with heavy duty gun control, people are forced to visit Black Market gun dealers who work out of the trunks of their cars or in the back rooms of drinking establishments. Those gun dealers don't do background checks at all- will sell to kids, the insane, whomever.

The choice that we have isn't been guns or no guns. But between safe, legal guns and those sold to anyone with the money
And nobody of any orientation lives his or her life to piss off some jerk who probably is a total stranger, and who likely is sexually insecure.

And there is where you would be dead wrong. The Homosexual Orientation was invented to piss squares off, and oftentimes its their old man is who they are looking to make angry first although all of society quickly follows.

No one really "likes" to take it up the ass, but they get satisfaction as it is shocking behavior to their acquaintances and strangers who are vested in Normalcy.

Do you just sit around thinking about sexual fantasies all day long? Your fixation on anal sex is really quite entertaining. It doesn't float my boat personally, but both heterosexuals and homosexuals sometimes do it, and it is none of my business or your's. I bet even the orange whore in the White House has done it.
Moron, you don't know what you are talking about....Louisiana........the deepest of the deep south....

I'm not sure what your point here is.. One person wrote a letter that the boycott was silly?

Point was, Jim Crow didn't end because White Southerners decided it was bad. It ended because the courts told them to knock it the fuck off.
And when the National Democratic Party finally told these racists they weren't welcome, the GOP Took them with open arms.

When did that happen?

I don't remember national Democrats ever telling southern honkies they weren't welcome. Indeed, honky families like the Carters of Georgia and Clintons of Arkansas retained control of their states into the 1990's, long after the civil rights movement was part of history
How does the Democrat Gun Control Plan disarm criminals and the insane?

In areas with heavy duty gun control, people are forced to visit Black Market gun dealers who work out of the trunks of their cars or in the back rooms of drinking establishments. Those gun dealers don't do background checks at all- will sell to kids, the insane, whomever.

The choice that we have isn't been guns or no guns. But between safe, legal guns and those sold to anyone with the money

Again, every other industrialized nation limits or bans who can own guns... and they have nowhere near the murder rates we have.

Yes, you actually have to enforce the laws, otherwise they become like the prostitution laws.
And nobody of any orientation lives his or her life to piss off some jerk who probably is a total stranger, and who likely is sexually insecure.

And there is where you would be dead wrong. The Homosexual Orientation was invented to piss squares off, and oftentimes its their old man is who they are looking to make angry first although all of society quickly follows.

No one really "likes" to take it up the ass, but they get satisfaction as it is shocking behavior to their acquaintances and strangers who are vested in Normalcy.

I love that you think that people are gay just to shock and piss you off as if it was somehow about you. It isn’t.
Point was, Jim Crow didn't end because White Southerners decided it was bad. It ended because the courts told them to knock it the fuck off.

Racial segregation was a nationwide phenomenon, mostly in liberal areas from coast to coast and border to border. Even when I was a young man in Ohio, there were black bars that wouldn't serve me, and white bars that barred African American drinkers.

It wasn't "the south" at all.
No. Your logic circuits are misfiring.

Marriage is an act. A gun is an inert object.

Think about it and try again.

A cake is an inert object. Not an act.

So if a cake seller can claim they are participating in a wedding, a gun seller is participating in gun crime.

B'loney. Making a cake is a creative endeavor of a customized product requiring specific labor. The cake baker didn't refuse to sell a ready made cake to gays; he refused to do a custom wedding cake.

So, if you wish to make an analogy, find a gun seller who hand made a gun knowing that the buyer was planning to murder someone.
I'm not sure what your point here is.. One person wrote a letter that the boycott was silly?

Point was, Jim Crow didn't end because White Southerners decided it was bad. It ended because the courts told them to knock it the fuck off.

What does the behavior of ass sex addicts have to do with a noble race of people? You realize this stuff is going to pass in front of Justice Thomas. Might not want to irritate him with the disgusting comparison.
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I love that you think that people are gay just to shock and piss you off as if it was somehow about you. It isn’t.

It doesn't shock me, they are into the orientation to shock blue nosed type Normative Americans.

If everyone had my attitude, Homosexuals would have given this up decades ago- they would have had to find some other way to irritate me- maybe zoophilia.
No one is saying to refuse to sell to Homosexuals, just saying to refuse to participate and celebrate the brand new, absurd societal institution of Gay Marriage. If a homo wants to buy a cake and decorate it themselves, or wants a cake for a birthday or bar mitzvah, they can buy it. But not for a mockery of an institution that Christians see as sacred.

again, if Bakers consider Marriage sacred, they should refuse to make cakes unless the bride can prove she's a virgin on her wedding night.

Because that's what the bible calls for. If she isn't, they should stone that bitch.

Because it's in the fucking bible.

We could also refuse service to women who wear pants, women who wear jewelry, women who wear braids in their hair, men with bad eyesight, and a whole list of other people the bible condemns...

So you guys are being kind of selective in what bible rules you consider 'Sacred", aren't you?

Actually, the left is very selective about the Bible, as long as they can use their selections to discredit the Bible, Christianity, and religion in general.

Your knowledge of the Bible is painfully evident: The marriage of "virgins" is covered in Leviticus, and it relates only to priests...

Leviticus 21 - New International Version (NIV) | Biblica

Christianity is centered around the New Testament, as the old Mosaic testament is mainly Jewish law, and is only useful to the Christian because of the many prophesies of the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ.

By the time the New testament was written, women were allowed to remarry if they were widows or their husbands divorced them...

1 Corinthians 7:8-9 8Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. 9But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
No. Your logic circuits are misfiring.

Marriage is an act. A gun is an inert object.

Think about it and try again.

A cake is an inert object. Not an act.

So if a cake seller can claim they are participating in a wedding, a gun seller is participating in gun crime.

That's idiotic, and it shows how little you really know about firearms or firearms law. A firearms dealer requires a purchaser to fill out a BATFE Form 4473 which asks the purchaser if he or she is a felon, an illegal, a doper, has been adjudicated mentally deficient, and a whole bunch of other questions. Then the purchaser's name is submitted to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System where if there is a problem, the transfer is refused.

So if that firearms purchaser legally purchases the firearm and then commits a crime with it, what the hell makes you think that the seller "participated" in the crime? That's both childish and retarded.

So if you sell someone a car and they go run over someone purposely, did you "participate" in the hit and run?

How about if you sold someone a guitar, and they bashed in someone's head in with it? Does that make you liable?

Quit being stupid.
The gun industry fights every last regulation, rule and law to make it harder for criminals and the insane to get guns. When there's a mass shooting, the NRA rushes out and threatens Congress if they even dare think about passing background checks.
I'm not an NRA absolutist so you are crying to the wrong guy. But I do think they are an excellent bulwark against the clowns that want to do away with the 2nd Amendment.
People love their guns and distrust their government. What can I say? Look how far the astroturfed campaign of little David Hogg got.
There are plenty of Homosexual bakers out there- there really is no reason for people intent on Gay Marriage to insist that Christians bake a cake for them.

The only reason I see is that the Homos want to "stick it" in the eye of Normative Americans who are offended by this bastardization.

BTW, if I was a baker, I'd have no problem with baking a cake for this kind of silliness. I'd still think it was stupid, but I liked Jim Carey in drag as Vera De Milo back in the day.

That's like saying that there are plenty of black bakers out there, there's no reason why a white baker can't refuse to sell to blacks..

We went over this 50 years ago, this doesn't fly.
Great, force those black bakers to cater a KKK rally. Somehow, I doubt that would happen.
Yeah cause being gay means youre anti-christian like being in the kkk means your anti Black. Terrible logic. :rolleyes:
The New Testament is a collection of eyewitnesses to Jesus' words.

Except they were all written in different languages decades after Jesus was supposedly around, and contradict themselves on a lot of key points. Like what year Jesus was born.

Romans 1 and Jude 1 clearly forbid homosexuality and the promotion of homosexuality within any society.

Awesome. SO the fuck what. I'm sure I can find half a dozen biblical laws you are violating right now... including WORKING ON A SUNDAY.

Interesting that you equate Sunday with the Sabbath day, which is not Biblical.

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