If selling a gay couple a wedding cake means a "Christian" baker participated in the marriage...

does selling a gun to a murderer mean a "Christian" gun store owner participated in the murder?

What a stupid OP that is easily destroyed.

If anyone, even a Christian, knowingly sells a gun to man , or a woman, who they know is going to use that gun to commit murder than not only have they went against their religion, they have also violated the law.

Then don't buy one or eat it.

I probably won't.

But if I decide I want one and you tell me you are going sell it to me, you don't get to say, "Oops, no, I don't like you!"
Correct. It’s not the person rejected by the moral baker. It’s the ceremony or ritual.

Your getting good at this! :popcorn:

But only if you’re gay. You still want the government to force people to business with each other. Funny how all these little standards you set never seem to apply to anyone but faggots.
Then don't buy one or eat it.

I probably won't.

But if I decide I want one and you tell me you are going sell it to me, you don't get to say, "Oops, no, I don't like you!"
Correct. It’s not the person rejected by the moral baker. It’s the ceremony or ritual.

Your getting good at this! :popcorn:

But only if you’re gay. You still want the government to force people to business with each other. Funny how all these little standards you set never seem to apply to anyone about faggots.

Both sides are doing that. Fucking stupid authoritarians.

"It's okay if people throw Trump supporters out heehee that's funny, but the government should FORCE Christians to serve gays"

I don't get it.
Then don't buy one or eat it.

I probably won't.

But if I decide I want one and you tell me you are going sell it to me, you don't get to say, "Oops, no, I don't like you!"
Correct. It’s not the person rejected by the moral baker. It’s the ceremony or ritual.

Your getting good at this! :popcorn:

But only if you’re gay. You still want the government to force people to business with each other. Funny how all these little standards you set never seem to apply to anyone about faggots.

Both sides are doing that. Fucking stupid authoritarians.

"It's okay if people throw Trump supporters out heehee that's funny, but the government should FORCE Christians to serve gays"

I don't get it.

Yes, you do get it. It's not about rational thought and values. It's about POWER. Hence, the standards are fluid based on what enables the exercise of POWER over others.
Yeah, this a hysterically flimsy premise.

You misspelled pathetic.

At least it was good exposing people that actually support individual liberty and property rights from those merely pay lip service.

I just don't get how we got a point in this country where we actually have people who believe that sometimes its a good thing to have the government FORCE people to work for people they rather not work for.....
Yeah, this a hysterically flimsy premise.

You misspelled pathetic.

At least it was good exposing people that actually support individual liberty and property rights from those merely pay lip service.

I just don't get how we got a point in this country where we actually have people who believe that sometimes its a good thing to have the government FORCE people to work for people they rather not work for.....
That's been standard Dem policy since its inception.
Yeah, this a hysterically flimsy premise.

You misspelled pathetic.

At least it was good exposing people that actually support individual liberty and property rights from those merely pay lip service.

I just don't get how we got a point in this country where we actually have people who believe that sometimes its a good thing to have the government FORCE people to work for people they rather not work for.....

People are generally fine with it if they one of the protected, but boy do they clutch their pearls if they feel targeted.
Yeah, this a hysterically flimsy premise.

You misspelled pathetic.

At least it was good exposing people that actually support individual liberty and property rights from those merely pay lip service.

I just don't get how we got a point in this country where we actually have people who believe that sometimes its a good thing to have the government FORCE people to work for people they rather not work for.....

America has long been under assault by Tribal-Biological Determinists around the world. Our system based on individual liberty is a threat to the global elites who feed off of their groups of slaves-serfs. Over the past century, Progressivism has infiltrated our education system, government bureaucracies, and media to the point where a large portion of our population has no appreciation for our freedom, and has been gaslighted into thinking Freedom is Slavery, War is Peace and Ignorance is Strength.
does selling a gun to a murderer mean a "Christian" gun store owner participated in the murder?

The baker knew who was wanting the cake and because of the baker's religious belief, wanted nothing to do with it.

Does this Christian gun store owner know whether or not the purchaser is going to commit a murder?
Take his business license away since he cannot follow business law...simple as that.
Yeah, this a hysterically flimsy premise.

You misspelled pathetic.

At least it was good exposing people that actually support individual liberty and property rights from those merely pay lip service.

I just don't get how we got a point in this country where we actually have people who believe that sometimes its a good thing to have the government FORCE people to work for people they rather not work for.....
That's been standard Dem policy since its inception.

Um plenty of Republicans support it as well.
Yeah, this a hysterically flimsy premise.

You misspelled pathetic.

At least it was good exposing people that actually support individual liberty and property rights from those merely pay lip service.

I just don't get how we got a point in this country where we actually have people who believe that sometimes its a good thing to have the government FORCE people to work for people they rather not work for.....

People are generally fine with it if they one of the protected, but boy do they clutch their pearls if they feel targeted.

It's a stupid law, forcing it solves nothing
does selling a gun to a murderer mean a "Christian" gun store owner participated in the murder?

The baker knew who was wanting the cake and because of the baker's religious belief, wanted nothing to do with it.

Does this Christian gun store owner know whether or not the purchaser is going to commit a murder?
Take his business license away since he cannot follow business law...simple as that.

Business law may not violate the COTUS, which in fact all alleged public accomodation laws do.
People are generally fine with it if they one of the protected, but boy do they clutch their pearls if they feel targeted.
Well see, then all is well. It's not the people being "targeted" by Christian bakers (the clients are actually targeting him for religious persecution). It's the ritual of celebrating butt sex "as married" that moral bakers object to across the nation....Christian, Orthodox Jew, Muslim...just regular people who find two men marrying morally repulsive offense to necessary mothers in marriage etc.

Not the person or people, the ritual they want to celebrate. This is so easy. If it's two men, a baker might feel so incensed at the idea of a contract excluding a mother from the household, or two women, a father excluded by contract for life from any kids involved...they can object on that basis as well. "I want no part of child bondage via contract". Bound away legally from either a mother or father for life...those types of moral objections.
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Then don't buy one or eat it.

I probably won't.

But if I decide I want one and you tell me you are going sell it to me, you don't get to say, "Oops, no, I don't like you!"
Correct. It’s not the person rejected by the moral baker. It’s the ceremony or ritual.

Your getting good at this! :popcorn:

You understand this ^^, yes?

Can a moral baker turn away a Hindu citing the First Commandment? Is that allowed or does this standard only apply to fags?

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