If the DNC election was "rigged" - how was it "rigged"?

The fix was in from the beginning. Establishment want Billary.
easy to say - but then so is a lot of the bullshit you float.

how exactly was 'the fix' in?
did the dnc imagine up the 4 million more voters that cast their ballots for hillary than did for bernie?
Super Delegates that no one voted for. Billary machine had 600 delegates before one ballot was cast. Rigged for Billary.

You could give half of the supers to Sanders and he still loses.
Take away the supers.

And she still won the electoral count. Did you know that the count of electoral delegates was much closer between Clinton and Obama than Sanders and Obama? No, of course you didn't.

Let's not pretend you're advocating for Bernie because you wanted him President either, you just think he'd be easier to beat than Clinton. We're not stupid you know, that's why we support Hillary and not the Donald.
The fix was in from the beginning. Establishment want Billary.
easy to say - but then so is a lot of the bullshit you float.

how exactly was 'the fix' in?
did the dnc imagine up the 4 million more voters that cast their ballots for hillary than did for bernie?
Super Delegates that no one voted for. Billary machine had 600 delegates before one ballot was cast. Rigged for Billary.
lol. super delegates. that's your problem?

well if it'll make you feel better, she won the popular vote - that's more than your candidate can say.
The fix was in from the beginning. Establishment want Billary.
easy to say - but then so is a lot of the bullshit you float.

how exactly was 'the fix' in?
did the dnc imagine up the 4 million more voters that cast their ballots for hillary than did for bernie?
Super Delegates that no one voted for. Billary machine had 600 delegates before one ballot was cast. Rigged for Billary.

You could give half of the supers to Sanders and he still loses.
Take away the supers.

Why? Like I said you could give Sanders half of them and he still loses.Certainly a 50- 50 split is fair to you. Remove them he still loses as the delegates needed would shrink proportionally.
Please explain exactly how it was supposedly "rigged" - with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact. Just because the DNC may have "favored" Hillary over Bernie doesn't mean it was "rigged". The DNC "favored" Obama over Hillary in 2008. Bernie wasn't "cheated" out of anything. The DNC election process never changed from beginning to end. Even Bernie said publicly that Hillary won fair and square - which she did. So, stop with the "rigged" shit or explain to us with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact exactly how it was supposedly "rigged".

The personnel running the DNC are not allowed to have personal opinions.

Exactly! When will their personal diaries be hacked? I want to see them!

Some feel that the first amendment was just an afterthought. The word "first" should have offered them a clue that it is otherwise.
The fix was in from the beginning. Establishment want Billary.
easy to say - but then so is a lot of the bullshit you float.

how exactly was 'the fix' in?
did the dnc imagine up the 4 million more voters that cast their ballots for hillary than did for bernie?
Super Delegates that no one voted for. Billary machine had 600 delegates before one ballot was cast. Rigged for Billary.
lol. super delegates. that's your problem?

well if it'll make you feel better, she won the popular vote - that's more than your candidate can say.
My candidate will defeat Billary in November.
The fix was in from the beginning. Establishment want Billary.
easy to say - but then so is a lot of the bullshit you float.

how exactly was 'the fix' in?
did the dnc imagine up the 4 million more voters that cast their ballots for hillary than did for bernie?
Super Delegates that no one voted for. Billary machine had 600 delegates before one ballot was cast. Rigged for Billary.
lol. super delegates. that's your problem?

well if it'll make you feel better, she won the popular vote - that's more than your candidate can say.
My candidate will defeat Billary in November.

Have you placed a bet on that yet?
Billary machine had the race wrapped up before even one vote cast.
Billary machine had the race wrapped up before even one vote cast.

So what? Sounds like good politics to me.
Corrupt system. Just like "Crooked Hillary."
and yet you can't point to anything that is 'corrupt'
Super Delegates corrupt the process.
they never have. they have never gone against the will of the popular vote.

so find a new line, because that dog don't hunt.

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